
Past Actions Quotes

There are 181 quotes

"I don't deserve you; I regret many things from the past that I can't take back."
"Forgive yourself for what you have done in the past when you are operating out of survival mode."
"It ain't a love if you judge me for my past."
"You can't fix the problems of today by trying to fix what you didn't do in the past."
"I absolutely believe that people can change and grow since whatever old posts."
"Don't judge her according to her past. Judge her based on how she has dealt with it."
"The only thing that matters is now. Once you pay, that's in the past."
"Everyone's got a past. The important thing is you're trying to make up for it."
"We all regretted saying something or doing something in our past."
"You can see all of these are impossible because you cannot change the past—impossible past condition and their impossible result."
"Why did you treat your ex boo thing of nine years... the way that you treated her?"
"I truly am ashamed of a lot of the stuff that I did. I don't look forward to having to explain to my son one day that, you know, his dad was in prison and that I wasn't always the man he now knows."
"I don't understand this whole thing that you are defined by one tweet eight years ago or one event that is who the [expletive] you are."
"Hey everyone, I wanted to talk about my past and sensitive tweets."
"Ultimately, what we did in the past shouldn't be used to validate the continuing existence of that action."
"I was once a soldier... I killed him. What stories can do I guess is make things present."
"Watching over the past two nights was very difficult. Facing my past behaviors, some of which are embarrassing and that I regret."
"I bullied a kid when I was a senior in high school and it has haunted me."
"You can't go back to somebody's past and hold them accountable now, and that shouldn't affect their employment. I 100 disagree with that."
"When I think of the battles I fought, the thousands I've killed, the worlds I've burned, I weep for my past."
"Priors matter, people gotta stop acting like your past don't matter."
"A curse can be created from a sin committed in the past."
"He confessed to the murder of his stepmother Molly all those years ago."
"You can't undo what you did, you only control what you can."
"Apparently, I used to be a bit of a dodgy person and also, yes, there was some kidnapping back in the day."
"The number one predictor of future irresponsible or abusive behavior: past behavior."
"Is there something I can do now to atone for what I failed to do in the past?"
"You cheated on Gizelle, got somebody pregnant." - Highlighting past infidelities.
"Joining the military doesn't erase the harm he caused."
"None of us should be judged by the worst of what we were."
"The imperfecto is very important to give you a glance at that lasting action that happened in the past."
"They're embarrassed about certain things that they did from that place of fear."
"The lefties want to make sure that people who were formerly racist or homophobic face their consequences."
"You have the power to separate yourself from whatever it is you've done or whatever it is you've become."
"Sometimes the sins of the past come back to haunt you."
"That's like saying, I'm not listening to anything Malcolm X said because he used to be pimping hoes. That's a great example."
"I did what I did, can't cry about it now. Too late to cry."
"It haunts you, doesn't it, doctor? What you did to your family?"
"If I could go back and change things I would but I can't."
"We put that in motion years and years ago, like probably 10 years ago."
"I don't think that if you did a bad thing at some point in your life, you deserve to be nationally named and shamed years later."
"The future catches up with you, and so you reap the things that you had sowed in the past."
"None of it is undeserved. It's all what we did in the past."
"Anger does not change the fact that your father failed to act."
"Sam paid the debt, that's right, he's still a branded man."
"Someone wants to communicate but feels trapped by their past actions."
"I'm the one who killed that guy, remember? I think we could bring him back. Oh, stop."
"The best predictor of future behavior is past Behavior, so you gotta see what the guys actually doing."
"I felt scared, I didn't trust him. I knew he killed a man once, why not?"
"How can you claim you want this person to change when all you're doing is taking their past actions and attaching them to a completely unrelated criticism."
"If you've done something in the past that you aren't proud of or you do something currently that you just can't stop that you are ashamed of, good. Okay, good. You should feel bad about it."
"Everybody's a whole lot more than the worst thing they ever did."
"oh my gosh the [ __ ] you've done it before yeah"
"I stabbed the devil in the back and forced him back into the life that he had just left."
"I made a whole life for myself. Everything I do now is because of that [__] I did when I was young."
"You think you deserve to be cheated on because you were a shitty husband to another woman over 20 years ago? That's plain and simple."
"I know what you did last December."
"I really wondered if he had forgiven me for what I had done."
"It's been a long time since I stabbed anyone really meant it."
"You did what you needed to do with what you knew at the time."
"I could have went to jail for that [__]. I all of this [__] I could talk about this [__] 'cause this [__] is too old, everybody dead."
"How can you doubt that he will do what he's already done?"
"One thing I don't like is bullies. Don't get me wrong, I used to rob people, but I never used to bully people."
"... things that were done 30 years ago you know you cannot move forward if they keep going backward."
"People can find ways to forget, but they can't undo what they've done, and there's no escaping the past."
"We are more than the worst thing we've ever done."
"I'm not ashamed of what I was, what I did, what I had to do."
"I don't think amongst dudes a statute of limitation like should exist like why you always got to go back to 07 and 08 when it come to me."
"I did those things because I was in love with you."
"You think I didn't do stuff I wasn't proud of? I once shot my boss's dog."
"I hate him and I never want to talk to him again. Thanks and there's nothing I've done a lot of [ __ ] in my life and there's nothing I regret more than that at this moment."
"He literally just said in the past I played it badly and apologized because of pressure."
"What Antonio Brown is not in the league for now, until it was a problem that happened in the past, that came about, but there's no reason for it to happen again."
"Don't feel like you have to justify your actions of six years ago or whenever it was. Just talk and just be honest."
"I've done so much ill in this 10-year span."
"It's too late baby, I did it a long time ago in that Baptist Church."
"You were all on the run trying to get away from the things you've done."
"I think maybe there was a time where I grabbed that because I felt obligated to do as such with the way it was set up."
"...you can't change what you've done in the past but you can make changes today to improve your future and improve your current self."
"Whatever you did or did not do in the last 3 years, it's okay. It doesn't count."
"...and I had like at the time dude we had maybe like 100 lights in Texas like 20 lighthouses going off you know allegedly this is this is passive statue of limitations so I can't really get in trouble for that anymore but um allegedly you know..."
"Regretting things you've done in the past is a fool's errand. That's not healthy."
"I was very sorry for what I had done to her when we were younger."
"Forgiveness liberates us from the eternal consequence of the bad things we've done in the past."
"What we are now is an indication of what we practiced in the past."
"I'm very thankful about your action back then."
"Not a day goes by that I don't seriously regret all those things that I did."
"He apologizes to him for everything he had done up until now."
"The things that you do today are a reflection of what you did in the past."
"Some of us have done bad things in the past, and once in a while, we find something that makes us feel better about ourselves."
"The best predictor for future behavior is past behavior."
"I wish I could find them today and apologize."
"What we've done in our past is not the definition of who we are today."
"You can't go back and change what you did but you can apologize and take responsibility."
"I guess I can tell this story many years later because I can't get in trouble for it now."
"A lot of people weren't sorry for what they did to you in the past, but they're sorry now."
"You still need to be held accountable even if it's 20 years ago."
"I am sorry for kicking you years ago."
"I regret the things I did in my past, but I don't regret my past because that made me the person I am today."
"He's committed to understanding his past actions better to move on in a positive direction."
"I understand that my past actions have been hurtful."
"Past behavior predicts future behavior."
"I've learned not to regret stuff that I've done because you can't change it."
"Those things that you've done make you incredibly formidable."
"I believe that even though I've done some messed up things, I'm truthfully regretful and sorry for some of the things I've done in my past."
"We've all done one or two things we might regret."
"I can't change what I've done in my past, but I can change what I do now."
"It worries me when you have a good friendship for 20 years and then you find out that they did something unbelievably stupid when they were young."
"I forgive you for what you've done to me."
"The best indicator of future performance is past performance."
"It's done is done; you can't undo it."
"People do change; people are not the horrible choice they make as a teenager."
"The quality of life we are living at present has to do a lot with the quality of karmas we have done in our previous life."
"You are not defined by what you did, you are defined by who you are."
"We're not proud of certain things we've done in the past, but the most important thing is we learn from our mistakes."
"I don't regret anything I did to you... that's who I was in the past and that's how I treated you, but I also don't feel that way anymore."
"Have no regrets. Who cares what you did six months ago, it already happened."
"His love has nothing to do with where you've been; His love has nothing to do with what you've done."
"People who change are not the horrible choice they made as a teenager."
"I don't regret anything what I've done, playing basketball, nothing."
"We have made a list of the people we have hurt, and we are willing to straighten out the past."
"You can't bring people back that you hurt."
"Impressions of the past actions stored in our unconscious mind are a vehicle for the individual soul."
"He's pure. Anything that Frieza did in his past life isn't his fault."
"Some of us may have done bad things in the past, but we're here to help now."
"You can't judge someone's character just based on their past."
"Whatever happened, happened as it passed; whatever I did was probably the best I knew to do at the time."
"It's impossible for me to start over because everything that you've done in your life matters."
"Even though I am a philanthropist, I still cannot cover up my past beastly behavior."
"You are not what you are now, you are what you've done in the past."
"I did what I did, and I have no regrets."
"I felt so welcomed and so loved and it didn't matter what I had ever done."
"He's done what he's done in the past, but it doesn't mean that's what he's going to do in the future."
"We are not the same, that's why I can accept whatever you have done before."
"Your life is the way that it is right now, whether it's negative or positive, because of things that were done in the past."
"It took her about five years to realize what she had actually done."
"What's done is done; I can't turn the clock back."
"No regrets or whatever, and there's no point feeling bad about stuff that you've done in the past."
"This is the time of year of atonement, it's atoning for things that have taken place in the past and making a very deliberate effort to do that."
"I cannot erase anything that I did in the past, but I can commit to being a better person in the future."
"I'm changing, which means I don't give a f*** what I did in my past."
"Oh come on, I haven't hit anyone since second year, at least not anyone I didn't mean to hit," she laughed.
"Only the things I didn't do crackle after the blazing dies."
"Where you're at today is a reflection of what you were doing last year."
"What you have done in your past are different."
"Forgive our wrongs and the misdoings that we have done over the past."
"The wood has already been made into a boat. Do not regret."
"Everything you have done was the best thing to do at that time where you thought it was."
"I want to be accepted for what I am, not for something I did."
"I confess my non-virtuous actions that I have committed in the past."
"Somebody needs to take accountability for what they did in the past."
"They're missing you, they have regrets of something they said or did in the past."
"They're still in love with you, but they're worried about the way that they did things in the past."
"Your past good deeds, whatever you did in the past, your good karma is coming in right now."
"Everything that you have done in the past is about to come full circle for you."
"You're finally accepting the things that you have done in the past and taking responsibility."
"They're examining all the things that they've done in the past and now this person wants a renewal."
"That little thing that I did about 20 years ago had this butterfly effect and affected so much of my life now."