
Dating Preferences Quotes

There are 79 quotes

"Every young man out here is not looking for an OnlyFans model, IG model. They just want a regular young girl that they can build with and create a legacy."
"Women are always going to be more picky than men when it comes to dating due to the increased risk of violence and pregnancy."
"I feel like a lot of guys are still pretty superficial, and a lot of chicks are just like, 'I want a nice guy.'"
"Saying someone's dating preferences makes them a bad person is about as nonsense as someone being called a bad person because they like chocolate ice cream but not vanilla."
"That's why you don't date conservatives because you wouldn't want one parent to be accepting and one parent not to be."
"It's okay to not want to date someone it just is it is a tough thing when it is someone you care about."
"You don't want to date somebody who does what I do."
"I would choose to be straight just so I could date women, because they're better."
"I wouldn't mind dating someone overweight, but I would hope that they would be interested in losing weight for their own health."
"Men love dating older women. What lifetime is this?"
"The majority of singles already have identified somebody they already know and like from the real world who they've been interested in dating."
"He's got to be big, he's got to be strong, and he's got to be dumb and polite."
"Dating higher-earning men, dating famous men, dating men who accentuate a woman's journey for a certain lifestyle."
"Agreeing to disagree about topics like trans rights, abortion rights, vaccines, healthcare, police brutality, etc., just right off the gate is understandably not something most people want in dating."
"If you don't, the future is clear. The pool of men you desire, the high value men, they'll be scarce."
"Men do not want to date women that are like this. Men are much happier dating conservative women."
"We relegated, we lessen it to simply dating choices, preferences, entertainment. It's a far bigger conversation which is why it is so frustrating when Kenya Barris turns it and makes it so he turns into this."
"My goal is to be married so if you're not looking for marriage I'm not interested to reach out to you."
"A potential partner's education level is usually the first thing any woman specifies."
"Would you date a girl, be honest. Would you prefer a girl? What's your ideal height?"
"Almost half of women wouldn't have swiped right on their current partner."
"If your preference excludes an entire marginalized group including fat people it's not a preference it's bigotry."
"Not wanting to date someone that is unhealthy is not inherently ableist."
"The dangerous rise of men who won't date woke women? Oh, calm down, dude. Can't find a man? It's not dangerous; you just believe kooky things and nobody wants to be around you."
"By the time you're 30, you are not what the average guy is seeking, and you will have a harder time dating, period."
"So let's call this what it really is: feminists outraged that regular guys don't want to date somebody who holds fringe ideological beliefs."
"Would you guys date a guy who's three inches shorter than you?" "Yes."
"I really don't have a preference because you been found a good man and a short man, a chubby man, you know."
"Men are looking for women who are at the baseline self-aware."
"If the only reason you don't want to date someone boils down to the fact they're trans that's transphobia right there."
"Women do not date down or if they date down they will not marry down."
"Looks matter. Women want to be with an attractive guy. They want to be with a guy that looks good."
"You must have completed and graduated with a bachelor's degree or a higher at least one year ago. I just ghosted a man after finding out he graduated December with his master's degree."
"You are allowed to have preferences in dating."
"It's not about looks as much as it is about having a good attitude."
"When a man tells me he's looking for a real woman, I scurry away."
"You want someone that's not still trying to be 25 and play the same games that a younger person would be."
"People don't date people for an array of reasons. Being trans might be one of them, I guess, for some people. So we do not care."
"I'm sure for some people it is just like, 'Yeah, I don't want to date someone under this height.' But what if it's like a filter for like shitty insecure men?"
"Dating preferences: is love colorblind or a reflection of societal issues?"
"Both men and women want someone who is relatively thin."
"She wants a man with game, not a man with substance."
"Only date men who want to be married, that you are attracted to on the first date and on the second day that you would have sex with."
"I like to deal with women that make it a little bit of a challenge."
"When it comes to dating, my ideal partner would be between the ages of 38 and 44."
"The dangerous rise of men who won't date woke women."
"I only date Christian men because I think they can see things about my character and personality a little bit quicker."
"Women have a preference for dating taller men, that's exactly what the research demonstrates."
"Guys like challenges... they don't have to try."
"I think meeting people in person is superior to meeting on an app."
"Any man I date has to love dogs and animals. My dog named Charlie is my world."
"I suggest you need to swallow your pride and date older. A high-value 49-year-old man does not generally want a relationship with a 49-year-old woman. They can easily get women in their 30s. Sorry, it's just nature."
"I like girls that are funny, that don't take themselves too seriously."
"You can disagree with the idea that dating preferences can be influenced by societal norms, that's fine."
"Girls prefer to meet a guy in real life."
"Guys want to date tall beautiful women. We're not intimidated, and we would like to be with super wealthy, hard-working, accomplished, industrious women who go out there and make boatloads of cash."
"Not dating a trans person was transphobic... but today, present day, do I think not wanting to date me because I'm trans is transphobic? Still no, not necessarily. It depends on the context of the situation."
"I want to date someone that is accountable, someone that has done the work."
"I would date a crow because they're smart."
"At this point, Mads no longer wanted to be associated with Cameron, let alone date him."
"I'm not really into texting on dating apps, but I'd love to meet up and talk in person if you'd like."
"Anyway, I'm only going to date and marry someone who I like and who likes me."
"I don't want to scare you, but I'm not really interested in casual dating."