
Labor Market Quotes

There are 387 quotes

"America is realizing that they messed up by demonizing blue-collar work... now, they're paying really good money for trades."
"If you quit your job, it means you can get another job, and that means you think the labor market is very tight as an employee."
"Immigration brings young workers who help offset the large-scale retirement of baby boomers."
"Native workers' wages, on average, rise due to immigration."
"We bid farewell to the era of cheap laborers and welcome the era of cheap university students."
"For American workers, we need plentiful job opportunities, high wages, and low prices. It's been decades since workers have had all three at once."
"We know that the best thing we can do to support a strong labor market is to promote a long expansion, and that is only possible in an environment of price stability."
"Our intention is to bring inflation back down to 2% while still sustaining a strong labor market."
"Price stability is an essential goal...it's a precondition really for achieving the kind of labor market that we want."
"This substantial reduction is an important indicator of the health of the labor market and something that is obviously very good news for those people and also, I think, for the economy writ large."
"We're seeing a correlation with massive job openings and people not taking these jobs. I think it's phenomenal. Finally, the bargaining power is in the hands of the workers."
"I don't think we understand what this pandemic combined with automation is going to do to unskilled workers in this world."
"Without price stability, we will not achieve a sustained period of strong labor market conditions that benefit all."
"This labor shortage... doesn't look like it's going away anytime soon and that's absolutely certain to lead to a lot of investment in technology and labor replacement technology."
"For the purposes of individual workers, it's good. It means finally workers are getting paid more."
"The best thing we can do to support a strong labor market is to promote a long expansion, and that is only possible in an environment of price stability."
"A key national goal is a strong labor market, a benefit for all Americans."
"We can't risk undermining one of the successes of our current economy: For the first time in decades, workers are finally starting to get a little power in this economy."
"We believe that there's a path to restoring two percent inflation with less significant effects on the labor market than have typically been seen in downturns."
"It's gratifying to see the disinflationary process now getting underway, and we continue to get strong labor market days."
"Unemployment remains historically low at 3.6 percent."
"When you move past the surface on this issue, ignoring the sound bite spoon-fed to us in order to provide quick and easy answers to complex problems, several factors float to the surface providing us insight into what is causing a tectonic shift in worker priorities, desires, and job availability."
"When you have a sustained period of strong labor market conditions, lots of good things happen: you get real wage increases, and people are looking to find more people and getting them into the labor market."
"U.S. job openings rose in April, reversing a three-month job decline, indicating strong employer demand."
"There's going to be enough work to go around of a satisfying nature."
"You're compensated in society based on the demand for your particular type of work... It comes from how many people are capable of doing the work you're capable of doing and then how many people are demanding the type of work that you're capable of doing."
"The labor force is shrinking...there are 10 million unfilled jobs in the United States, 7 million of those job openings are for essential roles...and there are only 6 million people available to fill these open positions."
"It is essential that we bring inflation down to our two percent goal if we are to have a sustained period of strong labor market conditions that benefit all."
"Why doesn't Frito-Lay hire more workers? If they have trouble attracting more workers, that means they have to raise their wages. Lord knows they have the money."
"The lack of workers is creating a drag on the economy, slowing production, contributing to supply-side strains."
"An abundance of cheap labor is an offer many companies can't refuse."
"The current tight labor market is encouraging many workers with bargaining power to switch jobs and demand more pay."
"The best way that wages can be higher is if you have corporations competing over workers instead of having tons and tons of workers oversaturate the marketplace."
"In just the last 24 months, we have experienced quiet quitting, quiet hiring, work shortages, and labor shortages."
"In a little over a year, President Biden has brought the American labor market back to one of its strongest positions in history."
"Drugs were introduced, weaponized, and placed behind price barriers, creating new labor forces willing to work for wages."
"The labor market is extraordinarily strong, and it's a good thing that inflation has started to come down without weakening the labor market."
"The labor market is at maximum employment, but there's a shortage of workers, which feels more structural than cyclical."
"Young millennials and Gen Z were given a broken economy and no generational wealth."
"We never seem to have a shortage of truck drivers... Where do they go as millions of Americans return to driving and planning summer road trips?"
"The labor force is at a watershed moment in time."
"Companies are desperate for labor right now."
"It's a very difficult time to hire if you're an employer. You would have thought, well look at all these people who are unemployed, I mean that's a huge pool of people to choose from."
"This is not a bug, this is a feature. This is something that people on the left very much want: fewer people working."
"To get the kind of Labor Market we really want to get we really want to have a labor market that serves all Americans... you've got to have price stability."
"The best thing for everyone is for us to get back to price stability to support really a sustained period of strong labor market conditions."
"There's no shortage, there's no labor shortage, there's a shortage of living wage jobs."
"Trade and immigration are two sides of the same coin. All bad trade deals result in unfair competition of labor in lower cost countries against your labor."
"There'll be less need for workers...that will free us up to follow our passions."
"Less people actually want to work for them now, which... well, yeah, absolutely makes sense. Why would you?"
"Long Covid is altering the United States labor force, economy, and the lives of those affected for the foreseeable future."
"Wage pressures relative to where they were pre-COVID... are going to remain pretty sticky."
"When you inflate the currency in the middle of a worker shortage what you end up with is wage spirals which means price spirals which means economic stagnation."
"Unemployment prospects are still grim this year, he says 200 million people are in what he calls flexible employment."
"Luxembourg does this very well it has one of the world's best job markets a highly skilled Workforce and access to world-leading Industrial and financial infrastructure."
"The response... was at the right time... there's a shortage of workers and there's a shortage of a place to live..."
"We've created so many new jobs in areas that didn't exist 10 years ago."
"This is different, white-collar workers and blue-collar workers, both jobs are being replaced by AI."
"We have now got an immigration policy that is mainly focused on bringing people from outside of Europe into Britain who are often low skill, low wage, culturally distinctive."
"People are not going to accept these low-paying jobs if they have a higher paying alternative."
"Germany benefited greatly from bringing in migrant workers into the country specifically Turkish people."
"Unemployment is actually down, a lot of this stems from the fact that unemployment was so high during the pandemic."
"Under Obama, the black labor force participation rate hadn't been that low since they were keeping stats. Under Trump, black unemployment is at an all-time low."
"There's a shortage of workers, we can't get enough workers."
"The job future is not something conjured up out of anybody's imagination."
"China’s economy has matured, and its workforce is shrinking."
"The quit rate, the number of people quitting in the workforce, has been skyrocketing."
"Montana is open for business again, but I hear too many employers throughout our state who can't find workers." - Governor Greg Gianforte
"A higher supply of labor lowers wages in particular areas of the economy."
"One loser here is going to be an American programmer; there's going to be downward pressure on their wages."
"Only a labor shortage because they're not paying enough."
"What do you get when you have a pandemic and a skilled labor shortage? A robot boom."
"Conditions in the labor market have continued to improve, with demand for labor very strong."
"Wages are rising fast and they are growing twice as fast for low-income workers."
"Why are they so desperate in recruiting drivers the answer is there uber and lyft are struggling to recruit drivers right and riders yes they flooding back to the apps but not the drivers."
"The idea that an employer is supposed to tell the government why they're firing an employee - you want to gum up the labor market."
"The labor market resilience has stuck... unemployment rate remained below 4% for the past 2 years."
"As we get to this stage, looking forward, we think it will be significantly about getting the labor market supply and demand back in alignment."
"When there's high demand for workers but low supply for workers, then you know you got to pay the workers more."
"What should worry everyone is how few workers are coming back into the workforce."
"What we're seeing is that there's lots of job vacancies and not enough job seekers, and so it is very competitive out there."
"The number of unemployed Americans reentering the labor force rose by 43%."
"People are no longer struggling to find places to work; workplaces are struggling to find people."
"We founded U.S. tech workers three years ago to look at the great harm that's being caused by the outsourcing and offshoring of our skilled labor jobs."
"We've gone from 1st to 12th in the world in wages... most people are working harder for less money than they were making 10 years ago."
"The majority of jobs in North America for auto workers are in Mexico, they make a dollar a day two dollars and eighty five dollars a day."
"It's mathematically impossible for the market to not pay you what you are worth."
"I don't see the two goals as in conflict at all because without price stability, we will not be able to achieve the kind of strong labor market that we want for a sustained period."
"Migration and immigration: migrants contribute to the development of economies, but they can also push down pay rates."
"If the economy does become rapidly more productive just like it has in history, then as Deutsche Bank tells us, yes you are going to likely see 'dislocations in labor markets' okay."
"Letting workers in is the easy win; it solves a bunch of problems because we have a labor shortage and inflation."
"The labor market looks absolutely terrific, but yet look at the other side, ours worked in average weekly hours have plummeted down to nearly the pandemic lows."
"What is the labor market doing and what does it tell us about the state of the overall economy?"
"A year that started out with Bleak prospects...shaped up to be a boon for the average American worker."
"Europe has two gigantic problems: the pension crisis and the labor shortage."
"The fastest labor market recovery from any economic crisis in history."
"Americans are quitting jobs at record rates according to the labor department. This is going to have a lot of different implications for it."
"The demand for programmers outweighs the supply – throwing a remote work cherry on top has become almost essential for attracting and maintaining talent."
"The post-pandemic labor market may well be different."
"We got low unemployment rate... wages are on the upward move."
"After years of stagnation wages are rising fast and the lowest paid workers are making the biggest gains."
"So even though the official unemployment rate has come down uh somewhat if you look at say the number of jobs in the economy uh you know we're still very very short of what the total number of jobs were pre pandemic."
"Now for the first time you have the upper hand... companies are fighting for employees."
"When they were saying nobody wants to work, what they actually meant was nobody wants to work for the starvation wages that we were willing to pay them."
"Golden found a U-shaped curve of women's involvement in the workforce over time."
"There's always Solutions when there are shortages of workers."
"Real unemployment in this country is not what you read in the papers at five percent. It's really actually double that when you look at people who have given up looking for work or people working part-time."
"Wages are rising at the fastest pace in more than a decade."
"And for women, the lowest level of unemployment in 21 years."
"Trades are making a comeback. Trades are underrated."
"If you shut off that valve for cheap low-skilled migration labor, people will actually start having to do these jobs."
"We actually have such a shortage of Manpower woman power, people power that we don't have enough workers for the jobs that are open."
"Unemployment is so low Taco Bell is offering now a six-figure salary and they're putting out paid sick leave."
"When this happens en masse, we have a fluid labor market where workers are easily able to flow from one job to the next."
"I think it's absolutely inevitable and tons of test studies have been done over the last century. They've all been positive, they've all led to higher growth rates and more people working."
"Remember how I said that we need to think of labor as a commodity?" - "If we want to help those who are economically vulnerable right now, then one of the best things we can do is equip them with skills to make them competitive in the job market."
"We want fewer job openings... if we come in hot again it could be a red Catalyst for the market."
"Human labor will soon become obsolete because the machines already do things in a quicker, cooler, and more effective manner."
"I speak to people who work in supply chains in the U.S. and in China and guess what wages in China over the last 15 or 20 years they're up 500 percent or more for factored workers."
"I don't accept the defeatist view that the forces of automation and globalization mean we can't keep good paying union jobs here in America and create more of them."
"Corporations call this 'a labor shortage'; to me it looks like the free labor market at work at its best."
"The economy made tremendous progress in the labor market in 2021, and growth is at a multi-decade high."
"Thanks to the American Rescue Plan and I would also say the hard work and grit and innovation of Americans, the unemployment rate has dropped to just 3.9 percent which is really a remarkable and historic recovery from the beginning of the pandemic."
"The movie also hints that Stanley could actually be one of the Watchers in the MCU or possibly even the one above all, which is pretty funny."
"It'll help our economy wherever you go you hear about shortages of labor one of the main reasons is inadequate child care."
"The actual stat I was looking for is it's set to be the largest and fastest job creator in the entire country."
"It's hard to make the case in an era of low wages, high anxiety, precarious work, and extortionate rents that women are liberated just through entering the labor market."
"Those jobs are gone and those jobs are not coming back."
"To get to the kind of very strong labor market we want with high participation, it is going to take a long expansion. That quote there, full stop."
"We need to focus on immigration and get more people coming to the country. We need the smartest people in the world to keep wanting to work here."
"It comes as hiring slowed in August, likely due to the surge of the Delta variant."
"There is obviously a big labor shortage right now in the West. It's not just in America."
"11 million open jobs is an inconvenient truth to people who would tell us that opportunity is dead." - Mike Rowe
"We've got 11 million job openings right now so that's the thing that's going to have to give."
"Employers have a priority to ensure that immigrants of all skill levels are able to come to Canada for jobs where they struggle to find Canadians to fill them."
"If they manage to successfully get AI powered robots... this is going to change the entire labor market."
"What we've seen from the information today is that those political donations were spread between both the Democrats and the Republicans."
"The tighter the labor market is, the more we can actually tighten inflation without causing unemployment."
"Let's look at the results. Unemployment rate is at 3.4 percent, a 50-year low."
"Optimus addresses the $30 trillion Global labor market."
"What is it really that bad in a country like this that you have to be a laborer if there are like these much larger social safety nets?"
"I think the prospects for unemployment staying well below four for multiple years... is a very unlikely combination."
"The U.S labor market is facing a mass disability event and nobody is prepared for it."
"Low-scale service jobs like cleaning will be amongst the last to be automated."
"Labor demand relative to supply is at its highest level."
"...demographically that's actually inflationary because you're going to have fewer workers... that's going to be inflationary..."
"Over 9 million jobs were generated over the past three months."
"We're short of workers... the only way we're going to have a great future in America is if we welcome and embrace immigrants."
"Labor shortage: 'A human shock to the entire economy.'"
"It stems the flood of low-skilled immigrants into the US which means that low-skilled immigrants or low-skilled natives have a chance for their wages to go up."
"We believe there's more restriction coming. What's really driving it is a very strong labor market."
"The continued strength of the labor market suggests that underlying aggregate demand remains solid."
"The more skilled you are in something that there's a demand for, and there's not that many people who can do it, the price of what you're going to get paid will go up."
"This is about our economic security, it's about our national security, it's about good paying union jobs you can raise a family on."
"Labor shortages exist partly because demand has never been this high."
"Price stability is really the bedrock of the economy... we can't have a strong labor market without price stability."
"Higher wages, better benefits, more flexible schedules."
"Employers don't want to let go of employees because they're hard to find."
"It's about helping more people to work by helping ease the burden that parents bear, especially mothers."
"Our jobs market is so strong that businesses are recruiting the former prisoners off the sidelines in record numbers."
"Even if China abolishes the one-child policy, it would still be two decades before China would begin to benefit from an expansion of the labor pool in any significant manner."
"This is the reason why we haven't been given raises for 40 years... it creates a tremendous amount of problems when you can actually take your labor elsewhere."
"U.S. jobs increased more than expected in February."
"Spotify won't fail. Do you know how many laborers in the world use Spotify while they work? A ton of them."
"The immigrants may be willing to move and the employer might have been willing to offer higher wages."
"They've kind of made gains across the labor market at the top and the bottom and at the middle."
"There is a countrywide nursing shortage right now, just as there's a labor shortage in general."
"It's great for people who can use immigrant labor. Cheap immigrant labor is awful for the group that has to compete with them."
"Because as the economy is growing so rapidly, and it's so robust, for the first time in history, there are more vacant jobs than there are people to fill them."
"Labor competition raises more questions than answers."
"I'm upset that the companies offer these low wages, but when someone accepts those low wages, I understand because a job is a job and you gotta make money and you gotta provide for your family like I get it."
"Labor force participation rate includes retired people."
"Americans are leaving their jobs in droves, driving up compensation and inflation."
"I just wanted to mention from a really nerdy thing because you'll love this Adam if you overlay the jolts quit rate with the stock market that'd be one-to-one."
"Their heart wants a relationship but their ego wants their independence."
"Less Americans applied for unemployment benefits last week."
"If employers have what's called monopsony power then that can be defined... if the government comes in and sets a minimum wage, then the employer will in fact pay the higher minimum wage and no employees will be harmed."
"Non-farm payroll: the potential party ruiner."
"I think it's clear and I am confident that we are on a path to a very strong labor market."
"Unemployment rates drop for key demographics."
"You can structure the labor market in a way that really penalizes... women returning... within four or six weeks of having their birth."
"10 million job openings but 8.4 million unemployed. How's that for a crazy number?"
"Their priority over everything else is to make sure that we have a strong labor market."
"In a world where labor costs are increasing, labor participation is decreasing, there's a huge turnover, and the cost of implementing automation is going down."
"Without question, the labor market's in a good place."
"You should all like efficiency wages. That's what gets us paid more than the competition."
"The usual argument against complete free trade is that cheap labor from abroad will take jobs away from workers at home."
"What a fully employed labor market looks like."
"Nobody wants to work. Who's going to fill your position? No one."
"I am eyeing this hissing sound in the labor market. We are gradually losing momentum."
"The labor market has been transformed, polarized into one that contains many gloomy jobs at the bottom and a few glossy jobs at the top."
"It seems as if there has been a constant series of shocks to the economy both domestically and globally, and yet we can all see just how resilient the labor market has been as it has maintained its strength."
"The great resignation in 2022 saw more than 50 million workers quit their jobs."
"You really need to increase the supply of labor by producing a higher unemployment rate in order to change the supply-demand dynamics."
"People stopped building, so people that were laborers and carpenters they just totally left the industry."
"Employers all over to compete with one another for workers."
"In the free labor market everybody benefits."
"Immigration is a big part of the story of the labor market coming back into balance."
"The labor market is rewarding jobs with an intellectual dimension."
"Does it all come down to the fact that we're not having real weakness and enough weakness in the labor market and you need that in order to get inflation lower?"