
Financial Struggle Quotes

There are 471 quotes

"In today's economy, most people cannot survive on just one income."
"78% of people today are living paycheck to paycheck."
"Seventy-six percent of Americans live paycheck to paycheck."
"It's every day is a struggle trying to save, make sure there's food on the table, pay the rent."
"For many struggling to pay their student loans, the debt can feel overwhelming."
"The cost of living in America today is just not enough to cover the cost of healthcare, college, and purchasing a home."
"Many Americans living paycheck to paycheck are failing to meet some of their modest financial goals."
"It’s difficult to imagine today, what with…well, the entire contents of this list, but in the late 1990s, Lego found itself struggling financially."
"Seventy percent of Americans live paycheck to paycheck."
"I've seen so many friends fall down the slippery slope of the debt rabbit hole...and the next thing you know, they're so far in debt that they can't afford to do any of the things they were doing."
"Having a broken engine is a lot like having debt; it can be hard to fix, leave you feeling stuck, and honestly be a little embarrassing."
"Put yourself in this position: You've graduated from college, you have $32,000 with student loan debt, you are eventually able to land a job at $65,000 but over the next few years, the reality sets in — you'll never be able to afford a house."
"Consumers are getting slaughtered with maxed out credit cards and the highest interest rate in years on top of 20 months of negative real wages."
"When I see credit card spending picking up at the pace we have seen at the beginning of 2022 while the economy is slowing down, that's always been a consistent signal of people grasping for credit to make ends meet."
"I'm struggling with money, well yeah, there's a lot of struggling going on here, but they really are like, they have these honest intentions about just doing so much better in their life."
"Remember, every single day is a battle, and we fight for every single cent."
"Remember, every single day is in a battle, and we fight for every single cent."
"Most people are working harder for less money than they were making 10 years ago."
"Overall, 69 percent of respondents considered themselves house poor."
"We have zero dollars to our name, it's a true rags to riches start."
"Shout out to everybody in college that's broke."
"My biggest fear was not being broke because when you're at rock-bottom and you're on welfare you can still like afford food."
"How predatory is it to plug your MLM to your students and then try to get them to join so you can make money off us when we're already struggling to pay student loans?"
"Living paycheck to paycheck, you know? Just know you're not alone if you're going through it."
"I make $42,600 a year, and that’s supporting me and my three children, and I can’t make it anymore."
"I remember when we were so broke, like, if we weren't getting them hustling how we was, we was of getting evicted the next month."
"No one should have to worry about money, no one should have to struggle this hard in a world that promises prosperity."
"It's gonna take a minute in a drought when your pockets got mumps, that means nothing's going on in your life."
"I am broke as a joke... actually, it's silver."
"Those kids saw their parents hustle and pay off that for three years I mean mom went back to work dad's driving Uber the old man old lady did What it Took that's what the kids remember right they did what it took to win I love it."
"Affording a home has become a major challenge for most workers in the USA."
"They're jumping from platform to platform, searching for capital to keep their company afloat."
"I want to see a world where people don't have to die because they can't afford to go to a doctor or because they're sick and then couldn't afford to pay their bills and went bankrupt."
"I do very much remember being a broke musician."
"More than 62% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck."
"She had been saving every penny she could for months."
"People are struggling, taking on debt at record levels."
"She was just trying to like get by, pay her bills, and stay alive."
"If I pay rent I don't eat and if I pay for food I'm on the street."
"I'm never going to be able to financially recover from this."
"Five dollars is the difference between having a meal and having a roof over your head and not."
"I wasn't worth a plug nickel when I got to uh Baltimore."
"Nobody should have to face the spectre of bankruptcy as a consequence of doing what we were taught to do is the right way to do things."
"You're choosing between paying rent and putting food on the table."
"Sometimes student loan debt puts us in a crisis where the only option is to stay home, and sometimes there's no home to come back to."
"This is not the first time you cried, this is not the first time you were hurt, this is not the first time you didn't have enough money, this is not the first diagnosis."
"Jimmy was struggling financially when he purchased the Mega Millions ticket with the last dollar in his pocket."
"Families down here are close-knit, and neighbors work together. You'll often see smiles on the faces of people in this part of the country, no matter how empty their bank accounts are."
"It's perfectly okay to say, 'Right now I am massively in debt and I don't have much money, but...'"
"Some of you may feel drained financially or that you're not making the finances you want but you're working your ass off. Don't worry, there's a breakthrough coming."
"It wasn't easy providing for Ruby's education. I'm just a baker and my friend's Bakery."
"Listen, do me a favor, alright? Go to buyraycon.com/raygun to get 15% off your order. Links in the description so check it out, please. Uh, please please, I've been surviving on ramen and corn pops for the last 50 days, I'm not well, please help."
"For people, it's not the millionaires that suffer, it ends up being the family. You see it on your table, you see it on your kitchen table. The price of things hits American families the hardest."
"With all the money that I did not have, with all the debt... I was always a rich man."
"Anything you want in life, even though you might not have the money, you know, just push for it, God will make a way."
"Hagrid: How am I to pay for all this? I haven't any money. Well, there's your money, Harry."
"Millions tens of millions maybe hundreds of millions of people live paycheck to paycheck in this country."
"Too many Americans still find themselves having to choose between paying rent or paying medical bills, between buying food or buying prescriptions – and nobody should have to rely on a GoFundMe or a collection jar because they’ve fallen ill."
"Feeling the financial struggles? You are going to overcome that."
"58 of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck."
"Paying off debt is hard, it is the hardest thing I've ever had to do."
"When God provides, particularly when you're down to your last dime, it's because he wants to give you a divine encounter."
"We're running out of money will somebody please give us a handout and then it doesn't happen uh and here's some good examples a buzzfeed news shut down."
"Nobody should have to resort to literally begging for strangers to support the cost of their medical care."
"People on Social Security are really struggling... I can't live on 709 a month."
"Paying off debt is hard. It's emotionally draining, physically exhausting, but it's okay to feel frustrated, okay to cry."
"It's hard to pay off debt, it's hard to walk through that process."
"We started a business almost 8 years ago now, just trying to pay the bills."
"Just give it all you got but you just didn't at the end of the day you're just out of money and you made the best of the situation that was provided to you."
"Rising costs are affecting people in their daily lives."
"We didn't have much money, but we had a lot of love and a lot of support from our whole family."
"Fucking grind - fucking get there you got to fucking do what you need to do to pay the fucking bills and build what you can fucking build."
"It's a complete bag for the vast majority of people, that's impossible."
"This opportunity is big for me because my family back home, we've been struggling."
"You should not be ashamed that you didn't have enough. You should be angry that you live in a country where you could work full-time jobs and still not have enough."
"Literally three years ago my bank account was minus ten dollars."
"When you've lost your job, $1,200 is not going to rescue you from car payments and rent."
"I could never ever have survived in a more expensive City when I was doing these little freelance jobs I made eight hundred euros per month that was for everything and that was tough."
"61% of Americans are experiencing severe financial hardship due to high inflation."
"78% of Americans right now are actually living paycheck to paycheck."
"That's what mattered: all my vassals are disloyal at this point, I am 8,500 ducats in debt with bankruptcy looming in less than a year."
"It's a lot of work and in the beginning, it really doesn't pay much at all."
"People's incomes aren't rising at a pace they can keep up with."
"It's impossible to say we're exploiting our children for money when we have no money."
"I sold my car for like $1,200. I was broke in two weeks."
"Money was tight but knowing that we have one another's back was wonderful."
"Survivors! You could have been in a position where you were barely hanging on, living paycheck to paycheck."
"I'm absolutely completely flat broke at the moment."
"I'm living in a car, traveling to tournaments, making scraping money together to eat off the dollar menu."
"Savings down, rent up: the struggle to survive."
"We're still in the recession, clicking stage of the roller coaster."
"Success equals money, that wasn't happening for us right." - Barry Gibb
"If you're in thousands of dollars of student loan debt like I am then you probably don't have a lot of Susan eidolons but that's okay."
"Women tend to be happier when they are single, struggling financially, being alone, having no one there to talk to as you age."
"The War of 1812 almost bankrupted the US government and only ended from exhaustion."
"There's a lot to it, you know? You got to make ends meet... that's what you're seeing is somebody who's done that."
"Now, this once upon a time magnificent structure was the project of Fernando Saldana Galvan; however, during the same time, Fernando ended his life in the hotel's courtyard after being buried in debt."
"I've never had money in my entire life... It's been comfortable, it's been insane."
"I was making just enough to afford rent and bills but it wasn't like I just had it sitting in the bank, okay I'm ready, this is effortless."
"People are being forced to take on multiple jobs to pay the bills and even then they can't pay the bills without going into debt."
"Let's just take this and this... literally will not be able to afford... let's just go."
"It's hard to care much about your finances when you're so depressed and unable to work."
"This is not just a snap your finger and all of a sudden you're not living paycheck to paycheck."
"Most people don't have any money, most people are living paycheck to paycheck."
"No one's staying broke on purpose, you just need to let that part go."
"But then all of a sudden with the debt and everything, but then guys that were three, four years younger than me, it started farming in the mid-80s."
"Every day I'm learning something new, but I do not want to shame the mama who might only have twenty dollars for the week."
"That's just literally the beginning of the end when you get to a point where you don't have the income to keep your asset and your business going, that's what you do, you give up."
"We start with a deficit of bureaucracy, a lack of cash, and the potential to bring back Grand Colombia."
"Poor is the most expensive thing a person can be."
"Sometimes when I'm really broke throughout years in my life, I've come into a department store just to think. That's what is going on this season or look at those colors together, the inspiration, the juice is flowing."
"Being in debt can feel like you're in a sinking ship because all of your energy is going into not sinking."
"We were second year university, being like, 'No, we had literally no money, but we had this entire business plan.'"
"When I was in debt, it felt like you were drowning or suffocating constantly."
"I'm broke, everybody knew, especially in comparison to these gazillions."
"One in four people borrowed money to pay for food and energy bills."
"I can't live on 70 pounds a week. No one can live on somebody, trust me, I've been doing it and it's hard, it's hard."
"I'm just gonna go to court with all of my bills and school loans and stuff, and I'm gonna be like 'I just don't have enough money, so like let me go.'"
"When you don't have much money, every little bit helps."
"Two years ago I had 25 in my bank account."
"It feels like there's a lot of Americans right now where paycheck to paycheck is a reality and little things like a boot or an extra ticket can really just sway your month."
"We're living paycheck to paycheck right now, we're living worse than paycheck to paycheck, we're living so far beyond our means it's not even funny."
"So after I've paid my rent, what does that leave me for water, electric, gas, food? You just can't live on it, can you?"
"That's [__] at least you could take care of her financially okay [__] is hard you don't see the economy how much a gallon of milk and gas costs"
"I need to think about my family. I'm almost broke; we need a house."
"Try living on $600 a month from SSI"
"Me after getting the bill: I'm never gonna financially recover from this."
"Somebody's suffering financially. They could have left you out in the cold, Aquarius."
"How do people survive on an income of let's say thirty-five thousand dollars?"
"60% of our people today in the wealthiest country in the history of the world are living paycheck to paycheck."
"I feel like you weren't shaming him for not having money to eat, but more so for inviting himself to breakfast knowing full well he couldn't afford it."
"It's hard to get by back then, you know. Your husband's going to die three times in your life, you need money from somewhere."
"Ultimately, the problem we have in our economy is that nobody's getting paid enough money."
"I took money from that office so that we could keep our home."
"I've had cars repossessed, unfortunately. I know what it's like to be behind on your credit cards and have them taken from you."
"I promise, maybe, cut out. I can't. I can't afford it."
"People are putting themselves in a place where they have to decide between feeding their kids, putting gas in the car to get to work, and paying the rent."
"Being poor is expensive, man, it is."
"Despite his substantial earnings, Warren Sapp found himself ensnared in the throes of financial turmoil, culminating in a devastating bankruptcy filing in 2012."
"Yeah, I remember. I saved up like five... okay, even then, bro, yeah, I didn't save up much, yeah, like five or like 10k in my bank, and that's like the most I ever had."
"...until my son turns 18 I ain't making another [__] legitimate dime on."
"There's not a whole lot of difference between somebody making six figures and somebody down at the bottom end of a pay scale when both of them lose their money and they don't have any savings."
"I did it with like terrible credit and having a zero Savings in my account."
"Terry had been arrested with the bills piling up and no money coming in."
"I've always struggled financially... it's really easy, like you said, to not think about it and not address the issue and the necessity of planning for the future."
"I'm just looking to make a dollar, it's hard work, you know how hard it is?"
"The constant struggle for these necessary funds can sometimes wear us down to the point of desperation."
"Yesterday I was broke and wondering if I should ever be Spider-Man again."
"They mad because they're doing it for free and can't get nobody to pay one bill."
"This is giving I'm not broke I'm broket Vibes."
"When I got here, you were paddling your way slowly but surely to about four hundred thousand dollars worth of debt."
"I've lost my house, put my daughter's birth on a Nordstrom credit card, we were on food stamps for a period of time."
"When you decide to do YouTube or social media content, most of the time you're doing work for free because you enjoy it and making $0 for a long time before any money hits your bank account."
"Just six months prior I had less than a hundred dollars in my bank account and I was literally living off of food stamps."
"If you're one of those people who's tired of struggling paying your bills in the house, then you're in the right place."
"Money maybe doesn't buy happiness, but being broke doesn't buy anything."
"One time I was in the Jersey Shore and one of us had to go home to get more money. Like, we're just tapped out. It's Thursday and the weekend was coming, nobody had [ __ ] money."
"Peter’s financial struggles aren't as prominent as in the Sam Raimi trilogy but he’s still very much a working class superhero."
"Chris begs his father for money: 'I need six thousand dollars or I'm dead.'"
"I used to be very broke, like very broke."
"You know you're broke when students that went through it they broke me kicked me out mama and set me down with $25 like I was going to college for the weekend."
"I'm not flat broke. I had a Ferrari but I had no income to cover it."
"...something about that that lack of money that they had back in the 90s to bring this to life and they had to get creative..."
"I do understand the reality of being painfully broke."
"He managed to scrape up enough cash to get one parcel right below our cabin."
"You've worked all your life, you've not got that... You've not got savings. You've had three kids and none of this was funded. This was all just expected."
"Move out really [__] waiting for this regentrification to happen. Get the [__] about that [__]! If you get any kind of money, leave!"
"If we are not making more money, that's unfortunate because the bills are going up and the bills are due every single day. So we gotta fight for it. If there's a will, there is a way."
"I am struggling with money to tell you the truth."
"I was living for like two years, like three years, in a way that I was so broke."
"I miserably failed... I just ran out of money and had to go get a job."
"It's just titled a 23 year old with more debt than anyone should ever have."
"My parents never really did anything for it because like we were poor."
"I'm doing it because I just got divorced and I'm broke."
"I was cute but I was broke. That's how I know you."
"If you don't have money to pay the bills, it takes courage to walk to the mailbox to take those bills out knowing that you don't have money to pay for it."
"Guys that don't have money have trouble finding women."
"I hated being broke, I never had no damn excuse, that's the truth."
"I was so broke man I remember we used to go to this place it was like a a Mexican restaurant and for a125 they'd give you beans and rice and then if you added an extra dollar they' throw in some chicken or some meat so we were steady at that place."
"Before she gets another paycheck, she's broke."
"It is really, really difficult to cover your expenses working a minimum wage job while also having enough time left to study."
"Martin lives in Berlin where money can buy a lavish lifestyle, but he's one of the seven million people in Britain denied bank loans or credit — skint."
"I couldn’t afford rent and I didn’t want to go into a lifetime of debt to go to college."
"...it's a horrible situation, nobody wants to say to their kids, 'Guys, look, we have to go to a food bank. I can't afford to be in a nicer house. I need you guys to give me some babysitting help while I go and get a second job to support us financially.'"
"In the last 10 years I would have made money two years so basically I've been out of business."
"It's like videos this is definitely not sponsored by the way yeah no [__] you know it should be if you're hurting for the money that badly"
"You're always gonna rest in this friction of saying I don't have enough money for a house and I'm never gonna be able to save."
"I was literally on the verge of having to put the house up for sale cuz we had gotten private schools nice house big cars and were living paycheck the paycheck."
"We filed for bankruptcy when we had 30 million dollars in debt."
"All I wanted to do was bless somebody. I mean, we were having a convention in New York, and I wanted to go to the convention but I didn't have enough money to go, you know, like I wanted to."
"The thing that hurts everybody and particularly people in the lower income brackets is inflation."
"I don't want to go backwards because I've been in that position where you have no money and you're just like, 'Well, I got to make this choice, I got to make that choice.'"
"It's just crazy to me how at 17, 18 years old when you don't know anything in life and you don't even know what you want to be yet you're suddenly thrown into these major student debts that you're going to have to pay off for the rest of your life."
"It made me really sad for a lot of my fellow Americans that they were stuck in this cycle of just constantly living paycheck to paycheck trying to pay all of this off."
"I never thought I would say that because when I was struggling I couldn't fathom spending two thousand dollars on rent."
"Things seemed very hopeless when I made my post. I was very scared and I did not want my son to not have access to the best opportunities because we could not afford to push him to the top."
"What's with that? When I finished renovating the house and I was tapped out for money all the nice things of owning a house I couldn't afford."
"One of the most frustrating things is when you as the owner are working your brains out, you're not making any money...and they're asking for a raise."
"We never compromised ourselves. We were like, 'We're doing what we want to do. We don't care since we're not making any money anyway.'"
"The hustle is harder when you don't have paper."