
Legal Accountability Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"I don't think there should ever be a president that's above the law."
"The people who should be going to jail and getting fined and shut down for stock market manipulation are the damn bastards who caused all this crap to happen."
"He [the president] is amenable to the laws for his conduct and cannot at his discretion sport away the vested rights of others."
"A federal appeals court has ruled Donald Trump does not have broad immunity from prosecution for the actions he took while he was president."
"Eliminating immunity for gun manufacturers who knowingly put weapons of war on the streets."
"It is a disservice to the public for representatives of a campaign, especially the campaign of any incumbent president, to make and repeat the claim that there's proof of massive voter fraud, only to abandon any claim of fraud in the courtroom."
"The presumed powerful are not untouchable. Donald J. Trump is not above the law."
"This president believes he is above the law, beyond accountability."
"An historic week for Judicial Watch accountability in the rule of law."
"Accountability is coming for all those who may have committed crimes."
"Nobody, not the lawyers, not the national security, nobody has absolute immunity, Professor."
"Judicial Watch is doing more than ever to hold the government accountable to the law."
"In a civilized society, we hold people accountable for crimes."
"This must happen because the president is guilty of insurrection. He is no longer the president; he's a private citizen."
"Personally I believe that Trump is guilty as hell"
"The president is subject to the law like everyone else."
"That isn't going to happen, so we can at least know that we have someone charged and there is some accountability for her death."
"The framers intended impeached officials to face criminal liability according to the law."
"60% think he has something to do with January 6. 60% think he should be indicted for this document."
"The ultimate goal of our office is to hold any criminal wrongdoing accountable."
"Jones has already been found liable for defamation after using his platform to spread the false and offensive conspiracy theory that the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School was a hoax."
"Legal filings like those at issue here should be sanctioned under Rule 11 both to penalize this conduct and deter similar conduct by these lawyers and others."
"Ultimately come to the conclusion no matter how you analyze it that these Trump Maga extremists are criminals and need to be held accountable."
"Deliver the goods. It's up to Merrick Garland to hold accountable everybody no matter if you're the president of the United States or not."
"We're not scared of you, and as the next Attorney General of his home state, I will be shining a bright light into every dark corner of his real estate dealings and every dealing, demanding truthfulness at every turn."
"Do you expect to one day see Donald Trump in jail? I do believe that he will ultimately be responsible for his behavior and his actions."
"Any knowingly untrue statement submitted by or on behalf of a prosecutor should be held to constitute misconduct."
"We stand with Ukraine in standing for the rule of law."
"I don't see why she's not in handcuffs right now."
"The seriousness is will the January 6 defendant be held accountable."
"Nobody is above the law. Not the President of the United States and not the Attorney General."
"This should be criminally investigated and they should actually be looking at you know what the consequences should be if something like this is is pure negligence."
"As the verdict of this case makes clear, the department will work tirelessly to hold accountable those responsible for crimes related to the attack on our democracy on January 6, 2021."
"I wanted to see them lose their tax exam status so they lose their religious protection in the courts so that they can actually be held accountable for their crimes against children and the elderly in a court of law."
"Former presidents are not immune from being accountable by either one [criminal justice system or civil litigation]." - Mitch McConnell
"It would send the message that a sitting United States President is not above the law."
"If you respect the rule of law, you respect our institutions, you respect the Judiciary, the guy's now a convicted felon."
"Running for president is not a ticket to criminal impunity." - Jessica Denson
"Nobody can pick and choose when the law applies to them."
"The lack of liability is damaging our kids exponentially."
"No one is above the law, not even the United States President, impeachment is our constitutional duty."
"Germany cannot but be aware that the munitions... it is supplying are being used by Israel in these attacks."
"Certainly I would like to see her being held criminally accountable for what she did."
"Integrity matters, like the willingness to... and don't tell me that a plea of guilt is not a plea of guilt."
"I think almost every judge wants to hear some remorse or some accountability or culpability."
"I agree with this bill. If Amazon is hosting all these resellers on their site, they should be liable for what they're selling."
"It's supposed to be much more straightforward if you have a president who was doing crimes all the time."
"Clearly they feel that way. I mean obviously Judge Thomas and these others feel like they're above the law."
"This conclusion is inescapable precisely because the appearance by dent of a subpoena is a legal construct, not political and per the Constitution, no one is above the law end quote."
"A sitting president does not have immunity to charges—once he's left office, he can indeed be charged if he broke the law."
"If you commit crimes, you're not going to be given a pass just because you were the former president."
"Judicial accountability for Donald Trump criminal accountability for Donald Trump is the greatest gift the greatest act of love that this man has ever seen."
"You might be on the right, you might be on the left, but we should all agree when someone breaks the law, we should all hold them accountable."
"These people should be ashamed of themselves and they should be in jail for what they're doing."
"A nation of laws must hold the rich and powerful accountable even when they hold high office." - Adam Schiff
"Car dealers who do bad things can be forced to pay for them in court."
"Absolutely, you lie before Congress, you will be held to account."
"Former presidents are not immune from being accountable."
"TikToker's conduct is precisely that which punitive damages were designed to address."
"The justice department will continue to do everything in our power to hold accountable those criminally responsible."
"He doesn't have immunity for acts that are not official acts of the presidency and interfering in the election was not an official act."
"I ain't trying to listen to nobody who ignored a subpoena and now you want to demand somebody show the hell up."
"People must be held liable for their offenses."
"You are profit in off of stolen copyrighted works and we will hold you fully accountable."
"There has to be accountability to everybody involved in this."
"The rule of law says that if you commit something wrong, you'll be charged and tried in a court of law."
"Oh, I don't think we prosecute executives often enough. If you really want to get deterrence, you need to have individuals understanding that they can't deflect responsibility onto the organization."
"An express trust is inherently accountable to courts of equity, deriving subject matter jurisdiction from the trust instrument."
"We'll look at this issue and we'll see if we need to change the laws here in Florida to reflect the accountability that we should expect."