
Domestic Abuse Quotes

There are 157 quotes

"Everything in Elisa's body is telling her to scream the truth, 'No, everything is not okay. They're beating me; they keep threatening me. I don't know when they're going to let me go.'"
"According to women against abuse.org, many often have to make several attempts to finally leave an abusive relationship."
"Domestic abuse is a blight in this world, but it's also common."
"Domestic abuse is particularly horrible not just because what's done to you is traumatic but also that it's done to you by the very people that are meant to love and care for you."
"Do you know any actresses whose careers have gotten better after making accusations of domestic abuse against an actor in Hollywood?"
"The cycle of abuse looks like: it starts with tension building, then acute violence, reconciliation, and then calm."
"Domestic abuse, violence, emotional violence, emotional abuse does not discriminate. It can happen to anybody."
"All domestic abuse is bad, and nobody should be hitting anybody in a relationship."
"I never ever agree with a man raising his hands to a woman."
"Imagine being in Amber's shoes on February 10, 2016, videotaping him when he's sober and sweet, you've never loved anything more. But when he mixes drugs and drinks, he turns into this man, like a wild animal. That is abuse."
"Imagine being married to someone and walking on eggshells so thick that you don't know if you set them off if that's what's going to happen. That's abuse and it's disgusting."
"I'm finally ready to tell my story, speaking up on behalf of myself and for the benefit of other women who face violence and abuse in their relationships."
"It's going to make it harder for victims of domestic abuse to come forward."
"Those women don't want their abuser in jail; they want their abuser to stop abusing them."
"Betty was actually a battered wife... pushed Over the Edge by years of psychological and physical abuse."
"Any form of physical or psychological or mental or verbal abuse can be enough to say that that is domestic abuse... she was telling the truth."
"Most of my leftist friends have said this is not a left-right issue, this is a domestic abuse issue."
"Two years ago, I became a public figure representing domestic abuse, and I felt the full force of our culture's wrath for women who speak out."
"Women are actually more often domestic abusers than men."
"Women more often commit domestic abuse and relationships against men, that's a fact."
"Men, you need to come forward if you're being physically abused, more men need to do that."
"The police are often in the front line when it comes to tackling domestic abuse."
"You're not alone, so you can get out and be safe."
"Your daughters may also believe it's okay for a man to abuse them because they saw you, their role model, being abused and you stayed in that relationship."
"For as devout and good willed as Matthew is, his marriage is not as happy and loving as it appears to be. Suspicions abound that Matthew physically, mentally, and emotionally abuses her throughout their marriage."
"You can't hit your husband, you can't kill your husband, you just need to get out of the relationship."
"Listen, look into her record, she's a domestic abuse violence victim."
"No one should be forced to stay with their abuser because they don't have the resources to leave."
"Renee and Doug had their fair share of fights as well, an investigation report said that Renee had expressed to Doug how he had kicked her during their New Year's Eve honeymoon."
"Faria Khan had woven a tale about her violent, abusive husband."
"Men can also be victims of abuse, and in this case, sadly, victims of murder."
"Women and children should not have to answer for an abusive man's very worst acts."
"Johnny Depp speaking about how he was abused... spawned a lot of men coming forward to talk about their own experiences of domestic abuse."
"If you know that you have a friend, a co-worker, or a family member being abused... do your best to sneak a phone to the victim."
"If a woman is seen with black eyes, broken bones, and missing teeth, we know there's physical abuse. But if a man is seen with a broken heart, a crushed spirit, and a sense of hopelessness, we sometimes say he's lazy or shiftless or triflin."
"Too many times women who are at risk want to go back to their abuser... they end up getting killed."
"She wanted to take her son and leave... to escape the confines of their rural life and her abusive husband."
"I actually have had this conversation with another woman and it's the idea that just because a man may be physically stronger than us does not mean they cannot be abused."
"I can't imagine being in a lockdown situation with your abuser. It's unimaginable."
"The reality of domestic abuse by females—it can and does happen."
"Not even the solitude of her own home is safe; he is an all-consuming, all-encompassing dark cloud that makes every aspect of her life miserable."
"I was just telling her hey like you need to get help you know if your father's being abusive to you like you need to get out cuz I'm that guy like I find things at the bottom of my heart."
"I truly feel in my heart if she was arrested she would have called her parents, they would have intervened and once she was away from her abuser she would have came clean with the abuse and gotten help." - Angela
"Financial abuse occurs in 98% of abusive relationships."
"The Shining is about an abusive husband and father and the wider cultural and historical context that both serves as the predecessor to him and as an influence on him."
"Schwartz is a battered wife... Sandoval's the battering husband."
"I knew he had hurt her before, but I never thought in a million years he would do this."
"It takes seven times to leave an abusive partner."
"Physical aggression by a man towards his partner is abuse, even if it only happens once."
"I have been a passionate advocate and campaigner for all survivors of domestic abuse."
"Survivors of domestic abuse are and will always be Refuge's priority."
"Most men know they are wrong. 99% of men know that when it gets to that, they're done."
"I believe Amber was abused by Johnny Depp. I believe Johnny Depp was abused by her too."
"If you are somebody or you know somebody who's in a relationship where they're being abused... there are resources that you can call."
"A three-year-old doesn't know better when she misses her father. A three-year-old doesn't know better when she would rather be with her father than with a violent angry woman that hurts her."
"He did abuse his wife and had the last two years in jail..."
"Domestic violence against pregnant women is a public health concern."
"Jaden grew up in a family home where his father was physically and emotionally abusive."
"Men are victims just as much as women when it comes to domestic abuse."
"After all he did assault her before, and then he continued to show a pattern of behavior rash behavior and physical abusive behavior towards her as well as just harassment towards her."
"It's possible that you could be in a situation and being controlled by a man so much that you would not know where your child is and not act earlier."
"Amber Heard has been exposed as a domestic abuser by Johnny Depp."
"Don't help the abuser by being frustrated with her; continue to reach out."
"Shelby's family says there is one major message they want her story to be able to get across, 'If you're in an abusive situation, get out.'"
"Anna claimed that Stefan was a controlling and abusive man."
"You don't put your hands on a woman and guess who believes in that... Dana freaking white."
"Mixing in love and companionship with somebody who is beating you on any given day is not a healthy dynamic to remain in."
"I will continue to campaign around domestic abuse."
"I left my abuser many times, I found when I made a plan and stuck to it, I made it out."
"The murder is doubly tragic because it came at the moment Gail Katz Bierenbaum was trying to break away from her abusive marriage."
"If you're in abuse, do not stay. Do not think, 'I'm now in my 50s, I've been married for 20-something years.' Oh my goodness, what would who thinks about the world?"
"Our writer-director treats us like adults. This entire prologue is an outstanding way to open a film centered around domestic abuse and gaslighting."
"It's nice to have someone that is on the same wave and gets it but is also real and can keep it honest with you."
"I enjoyed this a lot more than The Force Awakens. They took a lot of risks and they actually went down that dark path of people dying a lot."
"I need to start by saying something which I did on a previous occasion: this is an important video raising awareness about male victims of domestic abuse."
"This case is a perfect example of why and how abuse victims stay for so long."
"If you're the victim of domestic abuse, please reach out to someone for help."
"He's a good husband when he helps with the dishes and helps with the children and he's a bad husband when he beats me."
"We didn't see any signs. Even now, three and a half years later, something will come up and we'll go, 'Do you think that's why?' If you don't know, you perceive a victim of domestic abuse to be a shrinking violet. Key wasn't a shrinking violet."
"Domestic abusers are increasingly clever about making their victim look like the predominant aggressor and getting custody of the children."
"He ended up breaking down her door, okay? And he gets in the house and ends up stabbing her to death just because she wanted to go to bed, this poor woman."
"She wanted to leave and I don't know what the culture is really like for them but she says that she cannot leave because he always threatened that he would kill her if she left the marriage."
"15 men statistically, one of them would say 'yes, I have been absolutely abused by a past or current partner.'"
"Mary Winkler appeared to have had what appeared to everyone a marriage made in heaven, but behind closed doors, it was a living hell."
"In families where domestic abuse occurs, the rate of child abuse or neglect is four to fifteen times higher than in families without domestic abuse."
"The exposure to the tension, noise, and worry of domestic abuse and coercive control hurts children's brains in a very similar way as being hurt directly themselves."
"Spouse abuse is a serious thing, Drake presented it too poorly for it to be a fact, a subject like that should have had its own track."
"I'm finally ready to tell my story. She's speaking up on behalf of herself and for the benefit of other women who face violence and abuse in their relationships."
"What did you get out of stripping the clothes off your wife and beating her like she's your daughter"
"Unfortunately, in this era, a woman displaying emotions as a consequence of being controlled and, let's face it, being a victim of domestic abuse, would have been pathologized as a diagnosis like hysteria."
"Every domestic abuse relationship starts with financial abuse."
"Honestly just a big metaphor for domestic abuse the way it affects not only the person that is in the relationship with the abuser but how it affects children in that sort of setting as well."
"The same police officer also reported that Amber Heard had a big bruise around her eye and a cut on her lip."
"Women should be able to leave abusive marriages, men should be able to leave abusive marriages."
"You're gonna beat on your woman like she did some sin that deserves for her to be whooped up."
"I saw the true you and you know he was putting his hands on me while I was pregnant there was just he cared more about drugs and it just and I believed I went to the program he went to jail while I was pregnant it wasn't meant to be."
"Batterers adopt the role of a hurt sensitive man who does not understand how things got so bad and just wants to work it all out for the good of the children."
"If you ever love, come back to me. I'll take you back. This is a woman that claims to have run out of her house in the middle of the night because she was assaulted by her long-term boyfriend."
"She saw bruises and their once happy demeanor was replaced by anxiety."
"Abuse is abuse no matter who you're with, and it ain't got nothing to do with the color."
"If you're in a relationship and someone is attacking you physically abusing you, you need to begin to formulate a safe Exit Plan and get out as quickly as you can safely do so."
"Her death forced Greek society to discuss the issues surrounding hidden domestic abuse."
"If you or someone you know is involved in an abusive relationship, you can speak to somebody today for help."
"If they can see a pattern of lying from the abusive behavior, they're more likely to find in the favor of the party that they see is telling the truth."
"If you're in an abusive relationship, you need to seek help, there is help that you can get, don't be afraid."
"Two years ago, I became the face of domestic abuse."
"It's a glimmer of hope that other victims of domestic abuse might experience a different fate."
"Raise awareness and train Salon professionals to recognize the warning signs of domestic abuse and safely refer clients to relevant organizations that can help them."
"Domestic abuse is an epidemic, so I want to keep women and children as safe as possible."
"It's a platform for bringing to light mental illness and all these things, right, so what if this is like a way to bring to mind that there is domestic abuse happening in the world."
"There's a rising number of migrants who suffer domestic abuse in silence because they don't know who to talk to."
"A lot of them feel trapped, powerless, and afraid to seek help."
"If you're going through domestic abuse, speak out; tell somebody."
"The vast majority of abuse occurs in private homes and the most common perpetrator is a family member."
"It's not normal to be abused by your wife. It's not normal to abuse your husband."
"People in abusive relationships don't need to resort to murder; there's always another way."
"The bill will cement a statutory definition of domestic abuse that extends beyond violence to include emotional, psychological, and economic abuse."
"Why does he do that? It is by Lundy Bancroft. This book is so profound because you will learn why."
"Domestic violence is a problem, it is a problem in terms of violence in the relationship can harm people, it can damage people."
"One in three victims of domestic abuse in Britain is male."
"If you are in a relationship where a man puts his hands on you, leave."
"If your man is putting hands on you, that is when you know you need to get out of that relationship ASAP."