
Social Accountability Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"Should people be canceled for things they did a decade ago that they obviously don't mean to do today?"
"The only people that are nervous about cancel culture are the people that it could directly affect. The average everyday person isn't getting canceled."
"You're free to be a jackass but people are free to call you a jackass."
"All progress is good. We have to be able to like a thing while still holding it to accountability."
"I feel absolutely disgusted and ashamed at myself for ever defending her."
"We need to know why. Why this was allowed. And don't confuse this for cancel culture. This is children that we're talking about."
"People should know about this and those responsible should be held accountable."
"That's some [__] right here brother, he's confessing on that he felt that he was complicit in his wake bro."
"We have to hold accountability for our community."
"You're acting like a basement dwelling 4chan conspiracy theorist Nazi in public. Yeah, you should be fired. That's not being canceled, that's being held accountable. That's what's up."
"Comedy has been a form of accountability as old as the Roman Empire."
"It's not canceled culture. It's consequence culture."
"We are coming back tomorrow to get into it again, and we need to see you right back here so that together with your help we can shine that big, beautiful Spotlight of accountability down upon our system with the hope of finding Justice."
"The more we hold people accountable in the public forum, the more it curves behavior."
"If people can call each other out on those things, then that's useful."
"How do we survive as a society if no one is accountable for their actions?"
"Black people need to hold other black people accountable."
"We need to start approaching this as if these men are only going to get support or even an honorable mention from us if they have a clean track record of supporting us."
"What does Becky do when Becky is being called out for her BS?"
"Why wouldn't the executive order establish appropriate punishments for hateful rhetoric against anyone of any group?"
"If they come out here and say I apologize for having this party then what they're saying is that well I'm wrong I'm admitting that what we're doing is racist."
"I think it's really important that we distinguish the difference between horrible canceling and holding people accountable."
"When you say something homophobic, you're gonna get called out for it now."
"If they cancel me, they cancel y'all, so protect me."
"This is not cancel culture, it's consequence culture."
"Our generation will be marked by its ability to hold others accountable."
"That's so crazy, like people actually get mad at me, you know? I'm generally against like cancel culture but like we have to acknowledge in this conversation that sometimes people deserve to be canceled."
"19 children were murdered so they, their names deserve to be remembered and accountability, we need accountability."
"Accountability is real big and that accountability happens by hitting people in their pocketbooks."
"I feel like if there's a time and place for cancel culture it's probably for a sexual assaulter."
"That prayer says 'it is done.' That is the prayer. There is no extra words, there's no other asking and begging and pleading and wishing and hoping."
"What's going on there is unacceptable and people are going to hold you accountable."
"All of your previous virtue signaling counts for nothing. You can never be forgiven."
"Accountability is almost instant, isn't it? In the past, the most ridiculous offensive statements could be made and there was no accountability."
"And holding black women accountable for continuing a narrative that does set us back is not wrong nor is it bashful."
"It's not about cancel culture. It's about holding you accountable."
"The lefties want to make sure that people who were formerly racist or homophobic face their consequences."
"White women have to be held accountable... for not holding those people around them to standard."
"We must be willing to stand up and call out one of our own who says or does something about us."
"We have the power to use our stories to hold these systems accountable and push for change."
"Once you get called out, you're done, rightfully so."
"So-called cancel culture is really no more than holding people accountable for the views they are intentionally putting out into the public sphere."
"That's not being canceled, that's being held accountable."
"When you hold yourself accountable to your friend, to your family, to someone that is important to you, you're more likely to succeed."
"Sometimes cancel culture is good... it can make it so we hold people accountable for things, but it's also toxic."