
Historical Interest Quotes

There are 281 quotes

"These games meant so much to me; they are the reason I got into history."
"Welcome back, everybody, to another reaction video. I'm really excited the weather's starting to get better here in Ohio, and very soon, I'm going to be making some plans for historic site videos. That really is what my passion is."
"The Medieval era is as fascinating as it is complex: a time when burgeoning trade coexisted with bloody conflicts, and deadly plague coexisted with brilliant literary works."
"Like much of the story of Nazi Germany, Himmler has become the source of fascination for historians."
"Hopefully you've learned something new today about Colt copy revolvers because you know what it's actually a really cool field."
"Knowing that the structure used to exist as a mundane parking lot snack location is weirdly fascinating."
"The genius Nikola Tesla was fascinated by the Great Pyramid and its potential to produce Limitless energy."
"Oddly enough and in spite of weak arguments to support the ancient astronaut theory, the prospect of a past contact with aliens has led generations of readers to become interested in ancient civilizations."
"Woodrow Wilson, a fascinating character to me."
"You have to accept reality... I'm not a historian who just likes to read the stories of History."
"Don't chastise black people for asking about their ancient history."
"What sparked your love for history strategy gaming?"
"I really would like to delve into the actual history of this event a little more because it's very, very fascinating."
"Sometimes what almost happens in history is really as interesting as what did happen, or maybe what didn't."
"Regardless of whatever the truth may be, the building still attracts tourists interested in its chilling story."
"The idea of flight has fascinated mankind for centuries."
"A real public appetite to get some sense of what life was like for our soldiers."
"Despite the horrific events at Chernobyl and Pripyat in 1986, numerous tourists visit the region every year."
"Aside from the goofy sound effects and chintzy plastic, this is a product with a fantastic story, a surprising historical connection, and there are people still tinkering with it today."
"His story, a blend of power, downfall, and an insatiable thirst for control, continues to fascinate, horrify, and intrigue."
"Such a great story and it's so and it's such a new story yet from centuries ago."
"Straffan's case has intrigued criminologists, historians, and authors."
"What makes the story of the Booth brothers even more interesting is."
"If you can manage to turn that spark on, if you can appetize someone for the love of history..."
"The Craze absolutely loved gangsters, especially one by the name of Billy Hill."
"Whenever they made the pyramids, that's where I'd want to be."
"With such a terrible history, it is not surprising that the former Weston State Hospital has become a hot spot of paranormal activity."
"Which of these incredible archaeological discoveries is your favorite?"
"Do you have a favorite Aztec ruler that being aimed at yourself Shawn and I think you've noted that you do yeah so I I really like this guy called aqua Zoet who's the second to last Aztec ruler first of all call he's his actual name."
"They're this endlessly fascinating organization. They have been for hundreds of years. And they still speak to us."
"Even nowadays it's very interesting to see people learn more about Ukraine and unfolding the history."
"I've absolutely loved digging deeper into the history of wargaming and cartography in general."
"I actually recently had a higher level of that I started having fomo of people from the past that I'll never get into like I'll never have a conversation with like historians people change like the way."
"I started this channel because I love history."
"The Romans love the games, whether they were rich or poor, and the proof that they loved them so much, they were passionate about them and that it was more than just a spectacle."
"The 1590s were also notable for James's growing fascination with witchcraft."
"Everybody loves history until we start talking about it."
"The important things that you're learning in class aren't necessarily like what Mesopotamia was or like how many US representatives there are; it is a sense of like, 'Oh, history is interesting.'"
"That was crazy to see that stuff again. The La Bianca house has been sold again. I don't know who bought it, but I hope they keep it there."
"Through its popularity, Hamilton created a resurgent interest in the musical format and American history."
"I love seeing stuff that's been saved and archived."
"We're not asking games to be better than books we're not asking games to be better than college classes if a game can get someone invested in a time period and interested in going to learn more the game has succeeded."
"The moon has always fascinated us. Civilizations have looked upon it for thousands of years wondering what it could be and what power it might hold."
"If there ever was a spooky town, it's Salem, Massachusetts."
"Presidential history is something that has always been quite fascinating to me."
"Fascinating piece of history here that is rarely thought about."
"The puritan worldview is very fascinating and I really love kind of immersing myself in that world."
"The 18th century French public loved it just as much."
"The Red Baron's triplane was torn apart by souvenir hunters, as none of his planes are believed to exist intact today."
"I'm always thinking, 'Ah, if I could go back in time, I would go back to around the 1950s and I would want to just go to an asylum just to see how it actually was.'"
"The mysteries uncovered by the Holmes renovations surely opened up a world of questions."
"Someone asking for his autograph in 1881, I think that's about as cool as it gets."
"That's kind of like why we filmed these places or why we even wanted to do this one because it has some crazy history that we had a show."
"Great again I thought this was a great decision to do the Punic Wars people love Rome there's a lot to learn."
"When a New York couple was told their 100-year-old plus home was built by a notorious bootlegger, they passed it off as small town legend."
"And of course, for anybody who wants the hard view of the Vikings or just has a gothic taste in history, this is almost irresistible."
"It's like you've kind of found a treasure trove of scrolls from ancient history."
"Draw back the shrouded veils of history and bring to life the rise of Carthage."
"If any of you love history, you will love it. It goes all the way back."
"Given the lengthy history of the cemetery and the haunting stories attached to it, it certainly does make you wonder if this old graveyard really is haunted."
"All these thousands of years later, people still travel to the tomb every year just to experience it."
"It isn't just interesting history or interesting archaeology it is the personal search for that which frees the soul."
"Near the border of Iran and Turkey, there's been a big find in archaeology that's got people all over the world talking and wondering."
"It's a fascinating piece of history that gets buried in the history of Afghanistan that is well worth covering."
"The most interesting part of this draft was the consideration of the graves."
"Is history really as boring as it seemed in school? Oh, nay, nay, it is not."
"These spectral sightings and stories contribute to the hotel's allure, drawing both thrill seekers and the curious eager to experience a brush with the otherworldly."
"I love seeing things like this that give people a reason to take an interest in history."
"The reason I read history, I like books like this, it's giving me insight, it's zooming out, it's the 10,000-foot view."
"I like the whole history repeat stuff. I love everything about it."
"Viserys was very committed to his Valyrian histories. He loves them, and spends a lot of time thinking about them, and reading them, and studying them, and trying to pass them on."
"The game offers replayability, especially for historical fans."
"This place, if you love history, is going to be a real treat for y'all."
"The setting and time period of this was so cool and that was probably my favorite part of the books themselves."
"Now and then an owner of an old 1960s Cold War era bomb shelter will contact me and ask me to assist them in fixing the bunker up and selling it."
"Fascinated by Egypt, its mysteries, history, culture, weapons, soldiers."
"A leather shoe was recently found in a German bog that's not the most interesting headline but it gets better when you learned that the shoe was lost in that bog for 2 000 years."
"They were reputed to have a great love for Greek women and an even greater love for Greek wine."
"It's much easier to get into than our historical games but if you're really interested in history then maybe not because this is another type of game this is really about obviously freaking space here."
"Fascinating, old, terrible but like, oh fascinating, you know?"
"It's like you're so close to being like this is a really interesting piece of history that we need to learn more about."
"The precise layout of the three pyramids at Giza illustrate the Egyptian obsession with geometry."
"Quain Stott is a history obsessed, drag racing legend."
"The question of whether life exists beyond Earth has fascinated humans for centuries."
"Ultimately, you know that's going out to fight it."
"Iran really is a very interesting nation in the topic of World War II."
"More than a century after it struck an iceberg and sank beneath the waves, the royal mail ship Titanic continues to capture the popular imagination."
"If you enjoyed this video, let me know if you want me to talk more about Roman soldiers and Roman life."
"She wants me to there's a ruined grand building that she wants us to check out divine quest."
"Let it rest there so it may come as no surprise that after death Luther soon gravitated to places fueled by a love of arguing."
"You know what, I probably have nothing really better to do on a Saturday afternoon if all I have to look forward to is ranking empires of the world."
"He was interested in what can be done by mechanical means."
"Let's take a look at the 15 most valuable abandoned vehicles ever."
"I'm trying to really go back in history and understand more of the history of this land."
"Ship burials are always really, really fascinating."
"If you're giving me any period of history, probably Jesus."
"Exploring this old Victorian home, uncovering the remnants of Henry's life, frozen in time."
"The people who worked here during the war would be very interested in what we're doing with it now."
"Throughout her career, Dietrich had an unending string of affairs."
"There started to be these Flying Saucer crashes there was this fascination with the human race apparently from extraterrestrials it's really beginning around the time of World War II in the 1940s."
"I think cabins would be a great place to look."
"If you've had a place since 1896, you're just gonna draw me in for the history alone."
"Exploring London's museum mecca, a historian's paradise."
"Throughout history people have been fascinated by Royals and especially Royal Mysteries."
"The Korean War, if you were interested in the history of this era."
"Are you a fan of historical dramas? Because you're about to find yourself in one."
"Anything related to the Holy Grail in King Arthur legends instantly has me interested."
"Nara Dreamland is most known for its abandoned state between 2006 and 2016."
"Cades Cove: Where wildlife thrives and history comes to life."
"What makes a king is actually very interesting."
"Ancient Egypt is a fascinating place with a rich and fascinating history."
"The Iceman: 5,300 years old and still cooler than your average mummy."
"Is history really as boring as it seemed in school? Oh, nay, nay. Let me tell you."
"How cool is that to see this stage or where it would have been?"
"These are the ones on Wisconsin, these are the port side guns in case you're interested..."
"Plymouth Rock isn't all that there is to Plymouth Massachusetts... the stories from that early settlement are fascinating."
"The incredible ruins of Machu Picchu predated the Inca."
"It's more of a novelty thing to check out, something interesting to experience in a historical sense."
"These guys are awesome, I would like to know a little bit more about their lineage and their history."
"For those who are interested in history, there's a lot of stuff you can discover in there."
"The tradition of election cake kind of faded away."
"Before the 18th century, Byzantine history was actually very popular in Europe."
"I love the fact that this game is supported by history and I love a game with a great story."
"I think this sounds amazing, especially delving into Oppenheimer and the Manhattan Project."
"Don't you want to know what happened between the '90s and 2003?"
"Any history that gets people interested in it is good history."
"Old houses are full of history…some of it terrifying."
"That's a real model train, it's a museum in Gilbert."
"Complex people in history are the most fascinating ones."
"Ancient Egypt: one of the most fascinating civilizations on earth."
"The tulip, the tulip, the tulip was just new and unique to Europe they'd never seen anything like it."
"Cryptocurrency investors are pooling millions of dollars worth of digital tokens in an effort to buy a rare first printing of the U.S Constitution."
"I consider doing exploring history more often... that is the month of weird historical topics."
"The extraordinary Victorian period of British history has always excited mixed emotions."
"I want some more Alexander, I want to focus on the Middle East, and all that business over there."
"I'm very excited given the history I've learned."
"But if there was one thing that caught the entire world's attention, it was the past civilization of ancient Egypt."
"The idea of ancient civilizations... captivated my attention to my heart."
"Any chance to look at Walt Disney's life is exciting."
"The Cold War is absolutely fascinating in terms of lore. There's so much rich storytelling to be taken from that world." - "The Cold War is absolutely fascinating in terms of lore. There's so much rich storytelling to be taken from that world."
"If you could return to one period in American history..."
"If they're ancient and interesting, you can rest assured that they'll end up in one of our videos."
"It's an awesome combination of nature and history, and honestly, it's just a lot of family fun."
"I want to sit in that theater with maybe William Shakespeare and watch that very first performance."
"I don't know how many of you all have visited the LBJ library in Austin, but those phone calls between Senator Russell and President Johnson are fascinating."
"We have been recommending Magellan to all of our friends and loved ones, and we think that it is a great present for people in your life who enjoy history."
"It's free and a lot of fun for the whole family... a must-visit to enjoy a glimpse of the history."
"So we have...up to the present day, still the Ninth Legion being a story, as a tale and narrative which is captured not only academic but also popular interests."
"Whoever thought 40 years later people would still be interested in this? It's astounding to me, really."
"Let me know what you guys think about this and what you think of the canary girls and their little story."
"...I really need to learn about all these queens and kings they're such a pivotal part of the history of not just England but the UK in general."
"I love World War one I mean I stand and we stand yeah."
"You know, archeology is intrinsically fascinating. It often fills in details about the life of ancient times."
"I think it's really cool to take a look at a gun that is the last-ditch British rifle. We don't normally think of the British having a last-ditch Lee Enfield, but this is pretty much as close as it gets to it."
"I'm fascinated by Cleopatra's time period."
"It really kept me gripped and it made me want to read more about this time period too, so yeah, I highly recommend it, really enjoyed it."
"Excitement isn't required to be interesting in a historic sense."
"Probably the most famous room here at the Bell Inn is room 29."
"I am obsessed with the historical figure Rasputin, who has been cruelly misrepresented in a popular song."
"We love diving into some of the history that is out there, especially World War II."
"I'm a big Prussia guy, Under Pressure"
"The ossuary doesn't, to me, it's not of interest for that reason. It's of interest because of what it might be. It might be the bone box that holds James's earthly remains. Well, that's worth talking about."
"Genuinely, it's so fascinating and I think that you will fall back in love with history if you grab this."
"Bakit's gaze was drawn to the walls of the chamber where inscriptions and hieroglyphics detailed the king's accomplishments."
"I go all over the place I do like Byzantine Empire right now I'm leav I'm reading something about the Lucitania okay World War I like that's like the only type of books I read these days."
"My ideal, gosh I'm trying to think, I love medieval pieces and period pieces so anything like that I think would be so much fun."
"It's cool, it's a cool thing to be a part of. I'm a big history guy, I really like history."
"In the 250 years or so that the Fatimid Khilafa existed, it proved itself to be a fascinating state that is well worth studying by students of the past."
"I first became interested in history as a 10-year-old kid."
"Karem, like all Frenchmen of the time, was fascinated by Egypt; he sought to transform the art of cooking into a monumental art."
"I love all things medieval and chateau."
"I've always been drawn to the secrets of the past, the whisper of ancient civilizations."
"His photos would be of great interest to people since they really did capture what life was like on board the Titanic."
"Collectors, historians, enthusiasts, people love this sword and for a pretty good reason."
"I love the history of the FDNY, I was just so intrigued by it."
"I have always had a lot of interest in World War II aviation since my dad was a B-29 pilot and my uncle was a B-17 navigator."
"It sparked the imagination and piqued the interest of an up-and-coming generation of historians."
"The reason there's so many books on Lincoln is because he's so companionable."
"I love stuff that's like rooted in real history."
"If you enjoy the history of these organizations and these people, you'll like the book."
"It's always really interesting for me to learn about history, especially what Japan's done from a completely different perspective."
"The Shah did a lot of good things, that's why today when you're in Iran there's a whole revival of interest in the Pahlavi family."
"I had a great time drinking champagne and spending the night with other people who are passionate about 18th century fashion costumes."
"I also have an interest in that group of kings and the place they came from and their own kingdom in their own territory."
"I don't want to know about Germany from a hundred years ago."
"They were an incredibly fascinating civilization."
"Everybody likes Theodore Roosevelt."
"We're hyenas first, and then we love history."
"We eagerly anticipate learning more about the Lord Jesus, His history, His background."
"Whatever it is, the most important part is just digging up the cryptid lore because it can inspire interest in local history."
"I fell in love with the history and it kept me."
"The interest in canals is still as strong as ever."
"He's becoming a subject of enormous interest and mainly of course through his magic and his connection to angels."
"I love this one, Mary Hawley 1808."
"I read something another book recently about the fall of Rome. It was really interesting."
"I've got to be honest today, I want the proper history of this."
"Medieval hoods are very interesting medieval garments because they're a very iconic part of the medieval wardrobe."
"Her fascination with Thomas Jefferson and her love of books began at an early age."
"If you're eager to see more of our historical documentaries, please like, share, and subscribe."
"When the Romans went to Egypt to receive their civilization, something lit up inside of me."