
Historical Representation Quotes

There are 100 quotes

"There's a reason that these games really took off so much with the medieval renaissance crowds because they did such a good job of showing these worlds as cultures in flux."
"Historical accuracy of such a representation is absolutely legitimate as long as it comes from a place of historical curiosity."
"It's important to differentiate between those who do it from a place of racism and those who do it from a place of loving historical accuracy."
"When such a significant and horrific thing like slavery is portrayed as it is in this film, it's impossible to not notice it and to call it out."
"A good example of a film that raised the bar, I thought, was Saving Private Ryan."
"LA Noire is one of the most poignant demonstrations of an era in U.S. history that people know of but don't really think about anymore."
"The game does a better job at representing medieval weapons, armor, and environment than any other game out there."
"It's beautiful, these films allow us to time travel. It doesn't just give you history, it gives you the future."
"On the one hand, a lot of the dialogue that's in this movie is almost verbatim from the trial transcripts of things that actually happened."
"All of them attempt to represent the historically misrepresented."
"The campaign and story holds no reservations, and has the balls to depict World War II in the most brutally, honest way it can."
"An American Tail is unique among children's media for its willingness to depict the crowding, squalor, exploitation and abuse that immigrants faced."
"They really capture World War I and the chaos here, oh my God, they really capture it."
"Van Dyck has elevated him with a subtle manipulation of the brush into an almost christ-like figure."
"This game gave me a more intimate understanding of what a frontline soldier in the trenches felt like more so than any film or any novel had ever done before or since."
"We don't want it to be glamorous, but at the same time, we don't want to turn World War II into something that looks like a glorified camping trip."
"This film spans decades... it's a real expression of humanity towards one another."
"I wanted to step into the 19th century and I wanted to make a film that represented as closely as possible the times and the mood of the nation."
"Movies and entertainment is the only place y'all want to recognize slavery."
"Popeye was less often seen fighting off Bluto for the affections of Olive." - Instead, he was seen using his spinach-fueled powers to fight off the Axis enemies during World War II.
"The Five Bloods: a daring, devastating document of the black experience."
"Delivering a World War two experience that no one's ever seen before."
"Part of what made Django such a memorable film is that they were willing to explore all the horrible aspects of slavery."
"Highlighting different Avatars at certain periods of time."
"And this is what Romano British Trevor and his wife might have looked like."
"Snake Eater is a version of the era rarely if ever portrayed in a game before."
"If every NBA team had to one day create their own Mount Rushmore, how would they look?"
"The joust represented here is quite advanced, matching the late medieval combat technology."
"Mussolini of Montreal: an unsettling mural in the heart of the city."
"So much of who Mary Magdalene is has been misrepresented."
"This is our history too. We are here, and we can play these roles."
"Slavery bad. Not supporting, but I was saying it's hilarious that at that point in time it's so historically inaccurate you're creating roles for black actors."
"When there's a feature that was built later they kind of showed it as being a little under construction."
"Y'all won't put an African king on the dollar but you'll put an African slave on the 20."
"I'm not going for 100% historical accuracy here... I never am. We're going for 'Vaguely Historic.' Because I myself am.... Vaguely Historic."
"1917 is a master class in another style of filmmaking."
"Malcolm in the Middle was basically this perfect distillation of American attitudes of that era and its changing perspective on what a modern family was like."
"The founding mothers don't get nearly as much sure Everage in history as the founding fathers yes but it's clear from the show how important you were Eliza was today to the life of Alexander Hamilton."
"Miss Marvel is able to use an MCU sized budget to put a genuinely painful partition story in front of millions of viewers."
"It's like making a civil war game where instead of giving General Grant a civil war black powder pistol you give him a 1911."
"Anne Frank's story has been depicted in movies and on stage, which one hopes not only do her life justice, but would also make her proud."
"An inspiration cited by the devs was The Guns of Navarone, a movie about a unit of commandos in WWII sent to destroy artillery so that the British Navy could rescue trapped soldiers from the Germans."
"The epennine Colossus... half man half mountain and was created by renowned Italian in the late 1500s as a representation of Italy's rugged appenite mountains."
"It represents something about history and about technology and about international relations."
"Louis XIV firmly believed that Versailles and his beautiful gardens were a perfect representation of his power, wealth, and strength."
"At least he's wearing armor, and considering what Hollywood has given us..."
"Couple that with eight superbly flexible sandboxes and the most imaginative interactive representation of the second world war in at least a decade and you've got yourself one of the most entertaining games of the year."
"The saga tests... with the idea in mind to show how Christianity brought peace to the country..."
"Let us represent in our own true history and things that we actually were a part of and things that we actually did do instead of just trying to appease us."
"It actually humanized the Soviet Union far more than anything I've recently seen in like World War II media."
"The tallest statue in the ancient world, completely naked save for maybe a cape or some drapery over one arm."
"The game’s representation of the United States in 1899 is fascinating."
"Rather than tear down statues, why not propose new heroes?"
"Our goal as filmmakers is just to present the history as we came across it."
"Ghost of Tsushima is a pretty impressive historical simulator."
"It's all about fun for me, I don't care about cross-era inaccuracies."
"For all the sins that Call of Duty Vanguard has committed, they can be forgiven for adding a real veteran, a true hero from the World War II era, into the game."
"So we've got history with a little bit of the movie version and it creates a great scene."
"Now when Spielberg got his hands on the script, it seems he was more interested in making a film that celebrated and honored those who fought and died on the battlefields of World War II."
"It's kind of sad that the ones that do come out and the one that's made by Steven Spielberg focuses on horses instead of the humans."
"Games depicting history with as much accuracy as possible is important."
"Philippa was an example of what was expected of a medieval queen, a paragon of her peers."
"If you look at his empire shown in the back, it's just slices of land."
"This could have been a phenomenal way to represent history... I would frame it."
"For all of the historic inaccuracies, the movie inspires a love and understanding."
"Part of it was history, but the other part is personal. The men who shot this material wanted the world to see this moment in history as they saw it. Not a moment of terror, but one of strength when good men did great things."
"We were always looking to make the best Civil War movie ever made, and I think we achieved that."
"Women are often very overlooked in history."
"It's an honor for me to tell that story."
"The idea that he represented France in a way that the Sun King had represented France, towering over France."
"Hollywood has created a mythic picture of what life was like in the 1880s."
"With excellent engineering, great surface finish, and ease of construction... you can create a very fine representation of this historic P51 Mustang."
"I feel good. The song wasn't perfect, you can't fit 300 or 400 years of history into a three to four minute song."
"So there we have it, at last, my friends, the ethics 135th scale Austin k2y or Katie ambulance as it appeared in the film Ice Cold in Alex."
"It's so culturally relevant, and I'm just liking what I'm seeing for that time period that they look like they're trying to represent."
"The concept of Emperor was way more complex in reality than it is possible to portray in a game."
"By making the age of Henry the eighth so damn tangible, Holbein forced it into our thoughts forever."
"The Duelists is very good at showing the nature of duels, specifically with swords in that period."
"I just wanted to make sure that we were representing MacArthur properly and just wanted to just like it was or better."
"They're a little smaller scale than the Turkish figures but, that being aside, they are a lovely representative of that period of the first world war."
"It allowed them to be able to really craft a pretty accurate representation of what that plant would have been in seed form at that time."
"The creators of the game made a concerted effort to be as accurate as possible in the way they depicted the world of ancient Egypt."
"It looks more like an actual historical epic."
"Judges is thousands of years old and it shows an independent woman sitting on Israel's highest seat."
"Inside, the actual life takes place on a scale of 1:87 anno 1970 in northern Germany."
"I actually prefer The Pianist as far as a holocaust movie goes... I think it's a much more rewatchable film."
"It's like watching how the West really actually was."