
Cultural Perception Quotes

There are 292 quotes

"It reflects the version of Greece that the Greeks thought they inhabited and that's really, really cool."
"Americans are some of the most accepting, wonderful, kind, empathetic individuals on the planet."
"Singleness is not as strange as culture makes it out to be."
"Americans live under the illusion that they're incredibly different from other people."
"Sexism in language is an offensive reminder of the way the culture sees women."
"Hopi time...they have no general notion or intuition of time as a smooth-flowing continuum in which everything in the universe proceeds at an equal rate."
"I felt so weird coming back because if you bring up like Poland or whatever to anybody in the U.S. they're gonna think like okay Poland must be some random Eastern European shit x satellite country whatever but it's like damn if they can do that like why why don't we have any real public transit anywhere."
"There's been generations of people that recognize how powerful the medium is and the need for us to counter the conspiracy to make us look like dumbasses."
"We are, in other words, a culture with no faith in Big Pharma, and yet also with unquestioned faith in Big Pharma."
"Psychologists asked Japanese and American subjects to analyze an underwater scene... The American test subjects would say something like, 'I saw three big fish to the right.' The Japanese participants would start with context."
"Muslims generally are the most kind-hearted, caring, loving. They see any child suffering, they feel the pain."
"It's like what does an Asian woman look like? What is her body like? She's thinner, she's more petite, she's flatter."
"Democracy is not your gift alone to the world."
"Islam being so logical as a system for life."
"In the minds of Western cinema-goers, people in the Far East lived exotic lives."
"I think the Republican brand in like popular culture has been so damaged."
"We live in an age where the Scots make fun of us, and it's justified."
"The Simpsons made everyone stop to adjust their TV sets, but the picture within was never broken."
"Cancel culture used to be positive, now it's toxic."
"Islam is a blessing and not a threat to society."
"Barbie is a multifaceted woman and she doesn't need to just wear pink."
"Being a patriot is not a dirty word anymore."
"So they're actually pretty cool and not French not French at all no will beat your ass it's actually pretty masculine women actually really like it."
"The idea that the media is like this is a Christian film... apparently for Rolling Stone and a lot of these companies, that creeps them out."
"It was almost as if they'd all gained a newfound respect for Western Jesus and his mission..."
"Paris is a dream in the sense that it's everything you could wish for."
"The simp has become such a recognizable figure because he represents the uncertainty about the line between romantic selflessness and healthy self-respect."
"Most Islamic people have their heads screwed on properly."
"Poke fun if you like, at this lake monster, draw caricatures of it if doing so will afford any amusement, but remember at the same time that it has ceased to be a thing of the imagination."
"Cultural nuances and the perception of vaccine hesitancy in India versus the West."
"Australia is viewed by much of the rest of us as this kind of wild place."
"It is absurd, ignorant, and displaying a lack of critical thinking skills to for some reason say fantasy and science fiction do not have any literary merit."
"Europe is not a place, Europe is an idea, Europe is a fantasy."
"Pakistan is not at all what you expect it to be."
"Conservatives want to believe Harry Styles in a dress is some complicated attack on masculinity rather than the much simpler truth that it's just hot."
"Sunforest presents us with a Medieval Revival that challenges that perception."
"2020 feels like the sequel to a disaster movie."
"People are more interested in relating to the monster's pain than in hunting down and killing him."
"For those of you who observe from the outside looking in, there is this... American swagger."
"A land of prosperity the Chinese call the Gold Mountain, America."
"It's almost funny that Pink Floyd is thought of as just about the darkest band imaginable."
"In other words, there might not be white narratives because there are just narratives."
"People be like, 'oh, it's such a bad thing to look at other people'... but actually, it's not."
"Corn is seen generally as being the most powerful."
"Russia's cultural contribution to the world: insane videos of their soldiers being killed and dying."
"Let's stop acting like fast food is just like demon cuz it ain't."
"Vikings take what they want and have little use for paying silver when they can pay the iron prize."
"Tattoos have been around for thousands of years. They're not a trend."
"The West may find it has to work harder to sell its vision of freedom after China has made its model seem so attractive."
"Asians might be the closest related to aliens."
"Oh snap, do you think like Indian actors like this are aware of how fun and perhaps goofy their pieces are?"
"Comedy exists around the world. Its sense of humor is human and not national."
"Everybody outside the United States envies these great, well, what do you call a civilizational gold?"
"This East Asian guy from Singapore just looking a lot more intelligent than the Republican Senator."
"White rappers are usually labeled as corny when they enter the music industry."
"The more samurai would smile, the bigger his smile got, the closer you are to death."
"Even in the '90s, socialism was something negative in the USA, and now suddenly people are okay with it."
"Russians are probably a lot nicer than Western media might make it out to be."
"Different people based on when they're born experience that media in different ways."
"Black people who have not experienced unfair policing think more like Spike Lee, while black people who have experienced unfair policing think more like characters in Spike Lee films."
"Virginity is a thing, but that thing is a social construct."
"I nearly fell out of my skin because they were so polar opposite from the garbage that was being portrayed to us here in the USA."
"As chaotic as orcs can appear to humanity, there is often, as we might say, method to the madness."
"I feel like zombies are just like with us now."
"It's weird because the first Mulan movie did the same thing and it wasn't popular in China, so you'd think that they wouldn't make that mistake again."
"Western civilization is advanced, really and very much advance I think I have to add."
"Most Americans are actually pretty reasonable."
"First conceptual category... who are Africans to other people."
"Is post grunge truly terrible or is it maybe better than the taste makers and gatekeepers would care to admit?"
"Punk's success in spite of everything changed the perception of who could and couldn't be a star."
"Because of the nature of these weapons and the harm they cause there is a perception even within pop culture that one of the most common video game weapons is in our reality a war crime."
"There is this idea of the cool villain with a British accent." - Rafaela
"Americans believe they're number one more than any other country."
"Nostalgia isn't automatically bad if its indulgence is meaningful and earned."
"But I really like the F-150 and the Ford F-150 in the United States, of course, is regarded as a half-ton pickup, which is small. There's nothing small about it, folks."
"Do I imagine that bacon tastes good? I imagine so, people love it."
"Russian people are not evil, they are insanely friendly."
"The Vikings developed a reputation as ruthless warriors."
"We don't celebrate getting older in this country, but some tribes do."
"Shambhala is perhaps a much more harmonious and exotic description than we often get of heaven."
"To be perfectly honest, the facial hair style known as the toothbrush mustache is actually a decent way to wear some upper lip hair."
"Sports nerds are in the same category as geeks."
"Altars are actually a great thing... they're nothing like the Hollywood movie myths."
"Nowhere is affection for his Britannic Majesty stronger than in the fabled lands of India."
"It's almost as if the people of Mexico kind of laugh at the face of destruction."
"I wonder what it's like to live in a country where a bunch of tourists go there to like discover themselves."
"Istanbul felt more modern than Athens or even Madrid."
"It is not bigotry to be certain we are right, but it is bigotry to be unable to imagine how we might possibly have gone wrong."
"That's what this is, a Barbie doll for guys."
"I worry because when I encounter the way Koreans are perceived in the world by non-Koreans and diasporic Koreans, I find that the Koreans don't get to tell their full story."
"The Misfits is a wonderful opportunity to reflect on her legacy and a good reminder that it's not as flat and one-dimensional as pop culture often presents."
"We're not your typical English family because a lot of people think that English people are cold, we're not."
"Is Christianity the white man's religion? It's evident."
"If I'm Celine Dion and I sold 100 million albums I get revered if I'm [__] Little Baby and I sold 100 million albums they look at him like a rapper."
"British food isn't exactly the first thing people go to when they think of world-class cuisine, but forget what you've heard about it."
"When someone says veganism is a religion, I think they're driving a tendency towards this kind of thing."
"Russia is an old and contradictory country: beautiful but scarred, eloquent and clumsy, cunning and simple."
"America loves a convert, even if the person doesn't actually get born again."
"Success of the State of Israel and the success of Jewish people throughout the English-speaking world in particular makes it difficult to maintain this imagined pyramid in your mind."
"There are people in Australia who are not dying to come to United States."
"Satan may well be a person, a god, an angel, an ET who's been maligned in a sense. Yeah, Justice for Satan."
"Everyone watched 'The Greatest Showman' and was like, man PT Barnum sure was sweet."
"The swastika symbol has a bad reputation today because of who and what it became associated with during the 20th century."
"People are super nice in Canada, man. I don't know how they did it."
"Y'all really act like you're still in the 16th century. It's 2021."
"One stereotype about Americans is that they are extremely positive."
"Our name in the around the world outside of the United States is the planet."
"John of the Priests: Irish Catholic priests called him a demon of death."
"You really can't piss uh the Hindu religion off they're very peaceful very kind they're very like they're one of those people who like to like listen you out first and then like you know tell you what the [__] is up."
"For good and for bad, they will still live on in our imaginations."
"Whenever I think of European, I think of it, even though I haven't been."
"For ages, I've always been described as Indian or brown. I identify as brown because I am brown."
"Yes Japan, the Asian country famous for cars, electronics, and of course some of the most batshit crazy entertainment ever conceived by man."
"People have forgotten that [America] is a brilliant country."
"It doesn't feel like a black film or about this, it feels like an American film."
"The public began to see the republic as a whole for being too cruel to the Jedi."
"Think like an American and never be rude or nervous in any situation."
"At the very least we should be elevating the way women are perceived in society."
"Video games are viewed as a lesser art form... but I think the line is blurring."
"I think that that Americans kind of romanticize military service because of that time in World War II."
"Most Americans have this sense of overt patriotism."
"I am sick of the disrespect of Chinese American food."
"Brazil is a dream and it's a fantasy and it's a comedy, but I mean to me it's also it's rather a chilling reality."
"There's a war on masculinity out there but I think it's a large large misconception."
"This study changes the perception of who a Viking actually was."
"We've made divorce seem so easy, like it's just a thing to do, no big deal."
"The only difference between savage and sophisticated is the proper seasoning."
"But either way there was always a certain charm about swords, you know all the way up into the modern age."
"They believed home consoles such as the Famicom were nothing more than kids' toys."
"Rappers just seemed so much more badass than any of these rock bands."
"Even though some people think the nastiness sells more, sometimes the message to themselves is nobody's interested. Come to find out, there are a lot of people who are actually interested."
"Australia is pretty laid back for good reference, you know."
"Regular bodies... 70 something percent of women preferred regular dad bod."
"Everywhere else in the world, people are so normal and beautiful."
"Whereas if you brought it roll up somewhere on a Harley you never have to explain to anybody why you bought the Harley-Davidson over the Indian"
"A nation that emanates great mystery through its warm and accepting."
"There was this aura and mystique about D&D at the time."
"Halloween is an evil celebration, folks, there's no way around that."
"The US is pretty utopic... they love books, reading, and science."
"What does it mean to be American? Try it, get a blank stare in response."
"Islam does not oppress women, it's the total opposite."
"Americans look like we're insane to the rest of the world, I promise you."
"There are other elements of this conversation too of people who've been judged for not being black enough."
"There's this uncomfortable feeling you have here that people are always wondering, 'What are you doing in Japan?'"
"Americans really are super friendly, no matter where you go."
"Balance out the propaganda: China isn't all neon lights."
"The West is in decline, but it's more of a perceived sense than a real one."
"There was a time where being described as edgy wasn't this ironic jab but instead a sincere compliment for going against the grain and doing something outlandishly different from the norm."
"Not all traditions stem from people being dumb though."
"Black moms are the nicest meanest people I know. I don't know how they pull this off but they do"
"I wish people would look at games a little bit more like they look at other entertainment."
"Culture tends to be invisible we don't notice it because it's there all the time kind of like the air we breathe."
"Future Generations will look back on our generation with moral horror at what we have done."
"For the egyptian the depth experience which governed his world form was so emphatically directional that he comprehended space more or less as a continuous process of actualization."
"I think Jesus was made white in Western culture because nobody wants a middle-eastern man hanging up in their living room."
"Somalia: more than just a land of struggle, but a testament to resilience and hope."
"It's really classy, this typifies what the Chinese think is classy and elegant."
"It's so funny how this works, right? The countries with the shittiest political relations with the US, like Iran for example or Syria, are the countries that have the most hospitable, welcoming, and open people."
"Prince Philip's death is also difficult, villagers believed him to be a god and he maintained a relationship with them for decades."
"Gangsters like these monikers, they quite like the glamor of having a great nickname." - Narrator
"The unintended circumstance of this is it will make people more homophobic."
"Europe don't consider him to be a prophet of God, they even said Prophet saw Islam was this X Y and Z but later on as time went they eventually started peeling off the onions."
"I felt ashamed, so when I would tell people I'm Ukrainian, they would think that's really cool and they would think like that's so exotic and cool."
"What a strange upside-down world it feels like right now."
"Colombians are probably tired of being associated with that negative stereotype of the country but when you're there do more see more and stay longer if you can me encanta Colombia"
"French people really rude?... Yes, they're rude from a North American perspective."
"Ghosts stories did exist in the medieval period, but not only some of these may appear a little bizarre and not really match with our expectations."
"The perception of a people is wrapped up in the visual representation of their flag."
"The devil's number one holiday is Halloween."
"You've been quite clear about what you want. You deserve the whole cake."
"The United States honestly is one of the least racist places that I've seen."
"People in Canada don't have a sense of humor, they take themselves too seriously."
"Respectability in hip-hop isn't the same as respectability on Fox News."
"During World War II Japanese kamikaze pilots were revered as Heroes by their country and deemed an enormous Threat by the United States military."
"They hate us and they hate they're not living America good looking Swedes."
"I feel as a white man...the Hall of Fame is not a real thing."
"In Central Asia, people see a lone motorcyclist like something amazing, it's something new and exciting."
"Palestine was never just a desert but a rich, diverse region with fertile land."
"People like to think of art in a hierarchy, with high art at the top, and low art such as TV shows, video games, and comic books at the bottom."
"Things enjoyed by young girls tend to get trashed on a little bit too much."
"I grew up wanting to be black, I did because they had better hair and they were cooler and we just knew it, you know so I wanted to be black and I always, always have prayed, prayed, prayed that Jesus is black because we don't know."
"It was a very scary time... it was probably the worst of the islamophobia and I've had lots and lots of positive experiences with Americans as a Muslim in the United States so I would say that was truly an exception and not the general situation."
But apart from these political and economic bonds, what did the Venetians think of the people they dubbed "Greeks" at a period when much of the Western world regarded these citizens of Eastern Rome with distrust and contempt?
"DreamWorks did a fantastic job, so much so that the Chinese government itself went, 'Why didn't we make this? How did some American studio make a better movie about China than China?'"
"The coffee here is so nice. Everyone who comes here thinks Australia has the absolute best coffee in the world."
"Women go overseas to find fun bad boys and stuff like this because they know there are no social repercussions."
"I think it's because when British actors come here, we wouldn't have the cultured British speech they feel, I think, inferior very quickly."
"I think if this video is going to the general public outside of America, people probably think fast food Burgers, greasy and that's it."
"I was always flashing forward to the headline in my mind, you know, American Western woman counting knots in a rug store."
"71% of people say that British manners are worse than they've ever been."
"It became acceptable culturally to think about black men's lives in this small manner."
"I grew up in the 80s, Arnold Schwarzenegger movies were everything. America was great, your hometown of Russia was bad, and it was awesome."
"Drake was running around here saying 30 is the new 20."
"When Americans find out that a celebrity is from the United Kingdom or they have a British accent like Christian Bale Batman when I heard that I was like what what is going on you know that because that's like a whole accent change that's a huge undertaking."
"That one feels like an American version of a Japanese sports car, this one feels like a raw Japanese sports car."
"most of the americans in brazil are tourists... they just act as if they own the world and they look down on us"
"It's amazing even at Heavy Metal they went, because you know, America."
"They love Americans, they love white people, it's just like God, they're friendly, they're accepting."
"I felt like a complete Outsider... I moved to Nashville and I thought everybody there is going to sound like me... but the truth is, I was way too country for Country."
"I saw them see her as Chinese and I was like, oh boy."