
Financial Responsibility Quotes

There are 811 quotes

"Me and my boyfriend go 50/50; we are a team. We have mutual goals. People need to live within their means."
"I owe money now. So any money I make is going into this until we pay it off."
"Prepare for the stress that you're going to experience through manhood, and one of the biggest causes of stress is going to be financial."
"It's either going to be paid off in a productivity-increasing way or is that not going to be paid off and somebody's always going to pay."
"If you have someone who relies on your financial support... you need life insurance."
"When you take out a loan, you pay off your debt. I know this is totally crazy."
"The reason that you save for retirement is to cover the expenses for your future self. So if you have to begin using retirement assets now, you're essentially borrowing from your future self."
"Figuring out how much you need to retire and figuring out the best way to get there is going to be something that you have to take the responsibility for."
"We don't go to Mexico for a friend's birthday when we're in bad debt."
"We've screwed up. It's our duty in the next 20 years for that statistic that 78% of athletes or entertainers go broke after three, that has to come down."
"Those who have money have to be financial generals, putting money behind the people that are doing something."
"It represents a lifetime's worth of savings. That is, you must avoid the kind of error that would put this family out of business."
"Money isn't our idea, money is God's idea, and He calls us to be good stewards of it."
"If you're investing a lot of time into something that's not making any money, and you've got like a family that relies on you, then the calculus for you is going to be a lot different."
"You can't keep writing checks if you have no balance in your account."
"The moment that you take on the responsibility for whatever's happened to you financially...that's what gets the power back in your hands to actually do something about your situation and make those changes."
"Paying off loans doesn't go into effect until after you graduate."
"If you leave more to them than you leave in them, they will run through what you left to them."
"My goal one day would be to pay back all the money."
"The problem is not credit cards. The problem and the solution is you."
"I'm not going into debt for fashion anymore."
"Knowing how I'm gonna pay for it...fashion is meant to be something fun and joyful; keep it that way by not going into debt for it."
"Don't steal from your future to clean up your present."
"Please don't start having kids if you know going into it that you won't be able to provide for them financially. That's just not a good idea."
"I'm paying all the rent, I'm paying all the bills, I'm paying everything... because I don't want anyone to feel that anxiety which I felt growing up."
"You shouldn't borrow money if you know you can't pay it back, and you shouldn't loan somebody money if you know they can't pay you back."
"If you had access to 80% of your money and you took a 20% haircut, you'd have enough money for payroll, but it would let capitalism do its job and prove that the government is not just an infinite bailout machine."
"If you are a responsible human being, you do need to get life insurance."
"Owning a home is part of the American dream, and it's nice to be able to say that you're a homeowner. But it's even nicer to own a home that you can afford."
"We've got $34 trillion of debt and governments on both sides that want to spend. How about we come up with some revenue ideas?"
"Credit cards are not free money. If you're gonna get a credit card, be responsible."
"When you have debt, that's money that is not your money. You always owe someone else money, and worst of all, you're almost always paying interest on that."
"Child support is for the child, not a failed relationship. It's not adult support."
"It's very easy to be generous with other people's money."
"I owe it to them to give them the best life possible, and that does not include leaving them any debt."
"I promise not to spin your dead mama's fortune on anything frivolous."
"Don't invest more than you can afford to lose."
"Deion Sanders had one of my favorite Hall of Fame speeches of all time... 'I tackled every bill my mama had given me.'"
"Every time the truck broke down he had to pay for the repair bill or pay for the diesel fuel."
"Remember if you're making money on Doge that you need to declare all that stuff as capital gains, oh yeah, for tax purposes, well if you sell it, if you sell it right."
"Rent is due on April 1st and it's going to continue to be due every 30 days until you do something different."
"I appreciated working at Kmart cuz it really put me into perspective of what it's like to earn my money."
"No one should think that the Fed has the ability to shield the financial markets or the economy from the consequences of moving too slow."
"Be responsible, take care of your financials."
"I am a firm believer of voting with your money."
"The last thing you want to do is give dangerous idiots money."
"No one comes up to you with a gun and says, 'Hey bro, I need you to get into ten thousand dollars of debt right now.'"
"And anytime you can tip within your budget make sure you're tipping. If you can't afford to tip, man or woman, just don't go to that establishment."
"Intentionality just means that you know we're not going to go from Friday night to Sunday night and spend everything we made in the previous five days."
"Your dream at the expense of other people's money without even the bare minimum effort of transparency is not something I'm going to advocate."
"Please do your due diligence before buying any investment."
"Pay the thousand, I will pay the thousand, yeah, this time I'm not going to be darkening it back."
"Imagine being the breadwinner of your family... and your adult daughter tells you, 'You lost the money on your own actions.'"
"The impact of bailouts: subsidizing failure with taxpayer dollars."
"You have to take responsibility for your own financial decisions. If you like the stock, awesome. If I make you laugh, I did my job."
"Be responsible and be careful with your money."
"What will those 85 percent of the people say when they have to foot the bill?"
"The burden of this bailout is going to fall on them."
"Fundamentals don't change, just the uniform. I can tell you love it. Okay, I don't have to love it, I have to pay my student loans."
"Lynne said she is not paying for anything that was not approved by the court."
"Fail to deliver means you either didn't have the money or you didn't have the goods."
"Only the strongest will survive this bear market. The ones who were responsible."
"My pets are my family, and I'm the type of believer that you should, if you can't financially take care of an animal to give them their best life, you shouldn't have an animal."
"Starting to give your kid money for which they can decide whether or not to be responsible with is kind of an important lesson at a certain point, right?"
"He hasn't paid me child support in six months since I left."
"Having good finances is important, but few understand just how destructive being fiscally irresponsible can actually be."
"Judge Alden thought I should be sending that money to Betsy."
"If QT can be likened to waking up the day after the party, quantitative easing was a party, the sober morning may be rough but it also makes you want to be more fiscally sound as you tally up the crazy spinning from the night before."
"The real truth is streamers should be paying the developers and publishers of the games they stream. They should be buying a license like any real business."
"The single most important thing to me in the stock market for anyone is to know what you own."
"You gotta stop living this Instagram flex life... What you gotta do right now is live below your means and pay yourself first."
"Remember, you are your own bank, and it's your responsibility to keep your funds protected."
"God one can hope I mean one can hope these Banks get responsible and it becomes a closet tightening which would be great news."
"Your wife surprised you with this policy and she wanted you to pay the house off... honor your wife and pay it off."
"We want to pay our portion. It's not asking for too much."
"Your money is not just your money; it is your family's money."
"I would never do anything to make a person lose money on this channel, I promise you that."
"At the heart of my message today is this: it does not take a $10,000 board game and it doesn't take cutting kids off financially to make a difference."
"The worst thing you could do is take this gift of promotion and spend it swindling your money away."
"Your tax return is what this system uses to approve you for things like loans... So why are you not paying attention to what your tax return means?"
"Who pays for the first date... it just sets a nice little tone."
"You're being asked to step up to the plate when it comes to your investments."
"Why are The Rock and Oprah asking me to send money to Maui? Ain't y'all a millionaire and a billionaire? Rent is due tomorrow, y'all got [__] up."
"The general rule is that, if you can trust yourself with a credit card, you should be using it."
"This is not a financial advice; always do your own homework and take 100 percent responsibility for your own personal finances."
"Life insurance, if you have people depending on you, whether it's a spouse, a partner, or children, this is a non-negotiable."
"Wouldn't she want to take my billion dollars then? Wouldn't she want to take the million dollar? It's not my money, always a blog for the Foundation which is a 501c3. I don't have a million dollars but it's there and it's available."
"It's as if we wrote a check, but we're using it as if it's a debit card. And that we are not charging more than we can immediately pay off."
"You only go out so like if but if you have like a family and kids and responsibilities and you're like aw I just made a little bit of money let me go buy a $100,000 car you're kind of an [ __ ]."
"Consider the following: A person could be sexually faithful to you but utterly irresponsible when it comes to money."
"Go get your [ __ ] money, stop playing games."
"Who picked up the tab? You would have plenty of questions."
"They write a check, don't they? That's cashable at any time up to and including the value of their own lives. And if we don't respect that, then who are we as a society?"
"If we want equality we have to be okay with paying."
"If you pay more on bills, then effectively you're paying for his motorcycle."
"A man should have the ability to financially disentangle himself from the child's future. He should be able to waive his responsibilities the same way a woman can."
"The borrowing has gone crazy now... It's like you spending way ahead of what you're in, even if your income is going up, you're spending so fast that your debts are going up much faster."
"Your job now on the financial side of things is not just to be a consumer, but to be a producer."
"I'm supposed to use this money smartly to invest and help people. It's what your father said to do in his will, something you never do."
"It's very easy to get intoxicated with the amount of money that's coming in and to lose your focus."
"Fees spent trying to defend the reputation of the departing conservator do not benefit the conservatee, Britney, and must not be charged or collected from the conservatee's assets."
"Stop giving people your money that don't know your name. What are you doing? It's fine to donate fifty dollars, five dollars, three bucks."
"There is nobody else at the end of the day, we are going to pay for this."
"Inability to provide for your woman is a huge deal."
"Being financially responsible for yourself is higher than looks for me."
"It's just to the point it's bizarre but the metropolitan police are not covering it it is their own private security protection so as long as they're paying for it i don't really care."
"What are we doing if we're taking this debt into there? If we're taking payday advances now it's time to grow up."
"Obviously, don't chase losses. Don't gamble with money you can't afford to lose."
"We understand the importance of how the assets entrusted to us connect to their real lives."
"When men say 'I don't want to pay for it,' and 'I'll give up all rights,' that's also offensive."
"You have to do this responsibly and that means managing risk, not managing the potential to make the most and use the most leverage."
"Glazers out until they clear that debt and run this club properly."
"Having a good payment history is one of the most important things you could have on your credit card."
"Erica is going to be left holding all of the bags."
"Make your family proud of you where they don't have to pass the hat around to bury you."
"Having a kid should be an accomplishment once you've secured yourself financially."
"How do you spend your money is as important as how you vote."
"The lack of commitment to honor the financial obligations soon turned into ongoing pressure."
"He wanted me to lessen his burden of paying my bills."
"Hold on, hold on. I get it, I get the funds and the funds you've got a higher level of fiduciary duty."
"If you manage money for a company called 'You Incorporated' the way you manage money for you now, would you fire you?"
"I really want to see results for the money that I'm giving away, impact, you know?"
"Be wise in who you watch, who you support, where you give your money."
"It's not like we can't afford it, just because we can doesn't mean we should."
"Please, please, please take care of yourself first. Feed your family, pay your bills, keep the roof over your head."
"He supported the child and continues to do so."
"We were compromising the future for our children, our grandchildren, everybody who came, with our national debt."
"If you don't take a hold of what's going on right now with finances, with the economy, with the monetary system, you're doing your children, your future generations a goddamn detriment."
"The bottom line is we cannot afford to default... we will pay our debts and then we have the budget process and the appropriation process..."
"It really feels good to have repaid the US taxpayer."
"That statement is as much about fiduciary responsibility within a framework of SEC guidelines as it is what's best for business."
"I judge me by me because if I get something that I can't afford while they're resting comfortably, I'm up at night worrying about how I'm going to pay for it."
"You cannot be irresponsible with money forever and avoid the consequences of that irresponsibility."
"If you are going to entrust people with the responsibility to choose how they spend their money then there needs to be a level of education."
"You're always going to be on time, you're going to pay your debt, you're always going to be hundred percent."
"You can't be asking for money over and over again when you have the power and you are unwilling to actually use that power to help people."
"The attack on this building on January 6 was the worst attack on this capital since 1814. It was an attack on our constitution."
"The people who can't pay their bills are going to have some regrets."
"The market is euphoric, everyone's making life-changing money, but we need to all be responsible."
"The money that I make is not mine, it belongs to my family."
"They're buying players when they owe players money... like your mate owing you money and then you see him playing red or black at the casino."
"If you're desiring a luxury watch and you can make it happen for yourself responsibly... I always think that's the better route."
"I don't need nothing from nobody. I pay, that's the beauty of it."
"The time for nannies is gone; you should be smart enough to deal with your own assets."
"This year has been a garbage fire for reasons that we all know and understand too well."
"It's always a lot of, 'Man, that 10 grand could have helped my parents or like I could have given it to a friend.'"
"Enough is enough. You will not spend another dime. You will not put us in hawk."
"Your future, your kids' future, it's more important than getting your nails did."
"Never blindly follow someone, especially on social media. It's your hard-earned money at risk."
"The debt has to be paid, whether it's through taxation, inflation, or hyperinflation."
"Financial responsibility is important to me and I hope you start making it important to you as well."
"Over 60% of fathers who have children outside of marriage earn enough to support the family."
"It's hard for just one man to fund the entire family."
"If your bridesmaids are spending thousands of dollars for you to get married, that's a problem."
"She has to understand the value of money and pay her dues by getting a job to pay back the debt that she had no idea about."
"Dating is a privilege that you have to earn. If you don't have the money to do it, you need to make more money and stop being a [__] bum."
"I think it's irresponsible for custodians of these great clubs to basically take money off the table for shareholders or for profitability or both and not reinvest every penny in maximizing the value of the assets."
"Women, you know, in a dating market, have to leave themselves in the space."
"As a woman, sustaining yourself as an adult is again, you know, making sure your finances are right, you know, making sure your credit is okay, but you cannot expect that to give you a direct result with men."
"Never don't pay late, don't overspend on your credit cards."
"If you can't afford it, don't you dare buy it."
"People gotta be careful when you're playing with people money, playing with people names."
"Being fiscally responsible when bringing life into the world ain't a bad idea."
"To me, alpha male is about responsibility, good credit score, and having savings."
"The wealth Georgetown and the people who benefited are not paying from their will that passing that on to the students, that's real slick."
"If you can't write a check for it, you probably shouldn't own it."
"How do you make millions of dollars and can't pay off your debts? It's irresponsibility."
"Parents owe it to their children to leave a sizable nest egg."
"Parents caring for their kids financially is not something that needs to be made up for."
"We need to cut spending and start living off of money instead of just credit."
"Financial issues all your life because she can't get herself together, that's the real issue here. Run while you can."
"The dumbest thing in the world: to take money from people who have been responsible to give to people who over-leveraged their debt."
"The goal is to pay it off, not to not pay it off."
"Treat the company's money like it's your own. If they're doing it as a regular employee, how do you think they're gonna handle that as an executive?"
"Being responsible, saving, and making money and really focusing on being really good at the thing that you're doing."
"It's still a lot of money, but it's better than gambling your life away."
"Your own salary, your own income is your National budget... consider who are they empowering with their little budget."
"Remember, you're responsible for your financial decisions."
"It's okay to sometimes take moments and think about your health and your sanity, because that's, in the end, the most important thing."
"Be responsible with your finances, even in small steps."
"Would you rather be the young [ __ ] to blow it or would you rather have somebody there to walk you through it?"
"Let's dive into my computer now and start off by talking about why you have to file a tax return."
"Just because you can qualify for a million dollar home doesn't mean that you can afford it and it doesn't mean that you should buy it."
"Be very responsible about it. I'm not sitting here telling you to bet money you don't have."
"There's nothing manly about secretly going into debt." - Dave Ramsey
"I'm running a half a billion dollar business here and I'm gonna protect the majority."
"Now I take it way more serious so I journal every single trade I make."
"I feel like a lot of people look at YouTubers or like young influencers and think 'Oh they're so stupid, they just blow all their money' when in reality I've actually been really smart with my money."
"You have to be responsible for your own finances no matter what."
"Anything that I made on my own I put into my savings Which taught me really good lessons about the value of money and how to save for my future."
"Don't complain about things that you don't control if you don't fund them."
"If you in at least in your household make the stock market participation rate equal to the voter participation rate..."
"You have just waived your right to complain about how much it's costing you." - Cassandra Daniels
"Credit cards can be a really amazing way to build your credit and get rewarded for the spending that you already do provided that you use them responsibly."
"If you can't use a credit card responsibly and pay it off on time then you should really think twice before applying for a credit card."
"Millions lost. Money and people's faces must be saved."
"You should always, always, always do your own due diligence."
"Straighten it out, pay off your debts and anything on your credit - the smartest thing you can do in life."
"We were the only ones who basically got stuck with the tab from this forty person bar fight, it was amazing."
"You won't even donate to the church, won't give the dude on the street a dollar to catch the bus, but you are willing to go and take care of another man's kids."