
New Possibilities Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"The whole point of it is by saying yes to things, he opened up his entire world to all of this new possibility."
"A change for the better is coming, and opening up to new possibilities."
"A Time Crystal...hints at unlocking a world of new possibilities in our understanding [and] control of complex systems."
"We need something we've never tried, and to pull it off, we will have to recapture the sense of possibility."
"It's not just about dropping costs... it's about enabling new things."
"Now you've made culture an investment, this was not possible."
"It's just the opportunities that are now available, isn't it? I mean, it's just completely changed in a very, very short period of time."
"Standing on that stage next to you was like waking up in a new world, a place where with hard work anything was possible."
"Love will make you feel this way sometimes, but open yourself up to new possibilities."
"The conclusion by the end of this season is not at all an ending; it's just opening up a whole nother [ __ ] world of possibility."
"It changed everything... everything just opened up."
"The digital world is not an enemy. It is the new possibility that God gave to us to cover the globe with a message of salvation."
"The farther we've come technologically, the more things have opened up."
"It's okay to let it go, and that opens a whole new set of possibilities down the road."
"It's so important to talk about these things because once you open the mind up to the possibilities of it, then we're going to bring it in to stay."
"2022 can be an absolutely incredible year full of infinite possibilities and opportunities."
"Life after debt is a totally different ballgame."
"We have the power to build something we've never seen before."
"You now have a whatever you thought was possible before, this blows the door off of it."
"This opportunity comes to me... It is going to be life-changing."
"It doesn't feel as impossible as before. Thank you."
"Getting a legendary that opens up a new build possibility is more exciting than getting a damage increase on skills."
"There's nothing more romantic than talking about how sometimes you get flushed down to the lake through the pipes, huh?"
"That creative channel stays open where we might be able to see a new possibility."
"It takes care of me, brightens up my days and nights, and opens up new possibilities."
"I feel like a lot of limits have been lifted, you know?"
"We are moving into the future, realizing that there is a way out and damn, you're excited."
"Open your mind to new possibilities that you wouldn't have considered had you not had this moment of pause."
"This sudden change of the wheel of fortune brings about so much happiness and potential."
"During moments of cataclysmic change, the previously unthinkable suddenly becomes reality."
"It's always fun when brand new hardware launches to kick off a new generation with all kinds of possibilities and someday Halo Infinite."
"The first part of June is just going to give you magical possibilities and abilities."
"We need new leadership. I think it's more likely that we can make change with new leadership than rather trying to teach an old dog new tricks."
"We can't change the past, Alice, but we can do the future."
"We have to believe it's possible to create a new reality."
"It feels like I don't know, I don't want to speak too soon but I feel kind of open this year, I feel kind of fresh and some possibility."
"Our hearts know a more beautiful world is possible."
"Ultimately, that is where we then burst through to new solutions, new ways of living our lives, new ways of understanding what's possible on this planet."
"Introducing Galaxy Z Fold 2 5G, reimagine the possibilities of the smartphone experience."
"We are more committed to a familiar discomfort than we are to an unfamiliar new possibility."
"Yellow World opens the way to use cases that so far have been impossible."
"Allowing my creativity to really go to its full extent, you know, I can really explore new avenues."
"This opens up a whole new world for us tumbler makers."
"Every time you get ten times faster, it opens up whole new vistas of things you can do that you couldn't do before."
"You can do the things you love in ways never before possible."
"Suddenly you do this kind of energetic work allowing this busy mind, busy thoughts take a vacation, then the new option arising, new freedom arising."
"A whole new world, that's where we'll be."
"We're gonna be able to do so much stuff that we never would ever be able to afford ever. It's crazy, I'm laughing because I'm so freaking excited."
"As one door closes, another one is opening."
"To some people, it's just another truck, but to me, it's like opening a new door."
"These paradoxes have the power to change our lives in profound ways, opening us up to new possibilities and reshaping the very fabric of our existence."
"Look for hearts, so you experience that a whole new world is possible."
"Hilbert's hotel... an infinite number of new rooms."
"It opened up the floodgates on a whole new universe."
"It's time to look at other possibilities, it's time to break free."
"This is an opportunity, it's going to create change, this could change everything."
"The universe is guiding you, telling you to let this person go to move. There's so much more out there for you, so many better possibilities."
"That positive spirit will fuel you to get from where you are in the darkness of your negativity to the light of brand new possibilities."