
Time Relevance Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"This isn't going to be forever and I love that quote, 'If it's not going to matter in five years, don't spend more than five minutes thinking about it.'"
"Everyone should care because that measurement tells you something about the future, not only about the past."
"The truth is that like if a game came out 15 years ago and you're playing it right now it's a new game to you."
"Maybe something that was okay the first three years after 9/11 isn't okay 10 years down the road."
"Enjoy the couple of days of 2017, or if you're watching this in the future, hey."
"Wow, it is absolutely time to talk about 'The Matrix Resurrections.'"
"The time has come, whether we like it or not, it's here now."
"If the indictment is justified then it's justified it was justified a year ago it's justified now and it's justified a year from now."
"The very fact you are here indicates it's the time."
"Follow what truly makes you happy, it's owed to you at this point in time."
"The argument is also less valid as time goes on because... it becomes harder and harder to hold that same argument."
"The why matters a lot to the fed because the how long matters a lot."
"This is an excellent thriller even if it just feels maybe a little bit dated now."
"We ain't gonna have to wait long because as I said we've got a great it was a great time to change."
"The decisions you make now are the most important you will have made in the previous years."
"The idea of fascism and national socialism is more and more appealing as time goes on."
"Nearly two decades since this story found its way into the world, its message still resounds..."
"I think this is the existential issue of our time."
"Business reality shifts constantly, and what might have been true in 2020 is no longer true in 2024."
"I think we have to take a stance. What's the level of time that passes? Can people be reformed?"
"Hope everyone's having a great weekend or great week depending on when you watch this."
"This is day five to this is day six because today is day five because I need to get this information out to you ASAP."
"I couldn't have made it the way I've made it now out of time that wasn't now."
"Is this company innovating for the future or are they innovating for the past?"
"Timing is part of the story but perspective and having a little bit broader perspective can make a big difference."
"The time is now and that's the only time that's relevant to me."
"Most of what we worry about won't matter a year from now."
"Hello, is it recording? So, this isn't time-sensitive, no?"
"It's slow but eventually you will succeed. It's just a matter of time."
"April was a successful month, April is this month, this is the last one, it's April 30 and this was my most successful month."
"This is the time to be putting prophecies together."
"Let's hope this list ages like milk."
"So guys, I am recording this video in 2022. I did my trek in 2021, so the cost of accommodation, food, and the other expenses may slightly change in coming years, so you have to keep searching on internet for the latest updates."
"It's 2024, I don't know why I have to say this to people."
"If you're watching this before Christmas, I say Merry Christmas; if you're watching this after Christmas, well then I say Happy New Year."
"Have a good night, guys, or a good day, whatever time it is when this is released, and yeah, we'll see you soon."
"Have a great evening, the day, afternoon, morning, wherever it is when you're watching this, and peace and love."
"Is it gonna matter in five years? Is it gonna matter in six months?"
"If it doesn't matter in five years, why are you worrying about it?"
"I hope everybody has a great Thanksgiving because by the time this goes up Thanksgiving will be over."
"I hope you guys have a great rest of your day or a great rest of your night, whatever time of the day you're watching this."
"It's very much at the time, but that doesn't mean to say that isn't entertaining."
"I hope you have a lovely day and night or whatever time it is for you."
"It is the Imam who interprets in accordance with his time, and that is his absolute prerogative, his right, his duty."