
Gender Inequality Quotes

There are 110 quotes

"If men could get pregnant, you could walk to a pharmacy and get an abortion with a flu shot at the same time, same day."
"When women in the workforce have children, research shows they experience a pay cut."
"It's clear that the gender pay gap does exist."
"Gender inequality is consistently associated with a lack of female representation at the top."
"Who has it easier in society, men or women? Definitely men because they get paid more and they also don't have to deal with sexual harassment in the streets."
"Inequality: Women are paid 23% less than men for the exact same work."
"The desire to expand my family, however, wouldn't be a career-ending move if I were a man. Believe me, I never wanted to have to choose between tennis and a family. I don't think it's fair. If I were a guy, I wouldn't be writing this because I'd be out there playing and winning while my wife was doing the physical labor of expanding our family."
"State-enforced male guardianship laws...require women to have a male guardian's permission to marry, work, travel, or even refuse to have sex with them without a legitimate reason."
"Sexism is suggesting that women are of less importance than men."
"The only group profiting are very high status men."
"This is a story that has a double standard throughout history men practically had license to cheat and women were punished for everything if she seduced him if she was the lover and if you know there is no homewrecker in the masculine."
"I'm so sick of running as fast as I can wondering if I'd get there quicker if I was a man."
"What is patriarchy? Patriarchy is a social system in which men are granted greater privileges than people of other genders."
"Women are judged and valued on their appearance much more than men are."
"Teaching ignorance to the ignorant that we are your property that you own us women, emboldens future assault."
"Women have been historically discriminated against and seen as less than compared to men."
"One child may be offered limitless possibilities and given the resources she needs to propel her into a PhD at an ivy league, while another child may be told she doesn’t need to learn algebra because she’s a girl."
"We have a glass ceiling for women that is so low, it's actually more like the lid to a see-through coffin."
"If women are showing more interest and are playing and are fans but are not getting into the top leagues... then I don't know what to tell you."
"As unfair as it is men gain Advantage as they age and women lose it and nothing nothing they do will solve it"
"I think they're going to walk back next week."
"The more money a man accumulates and the older he gets the more doors open. The older a woman gets and the more money she accumulates the more doors close."
"Women are judged differently than men in literally everything on the planet."
"In the Early Days, Walt Disney Didn’t Allow Women to Do Full Animating Work for the Company."
"The women are teaching us... there is an inequality that has horrific personal consequences..."
"The one thing where there is pay inequality is what I call the motherhood pay gap."
"The men in this world do not understand consequence because they are always given pillows for a gentle landing."
"Men have little to no control over their parental destiny."
"Women are still making like 70 cents to the dollar in this country, and like we've fucking failed."
"There is a clear link between violence towards women and attitudes of disrespect and gender inequality."
"Women are so picky that it's unfair to men, producing gender inequality on dating apps."
"If you use reason to argue back you're participating in a system that was created by white men in order to exclude women and racial minorities from being able to argue on their own terms."
"Women in this family are not seen as important or privileged as men."
"The Taliban treats women as if we were not even people."
"The family courts bias towards women: granting custody to mothers in over 90% of cases."
"Women get the short end of the stick; we get the short end and men win when they get a woman."
"Women experience more stress due to deep and growing inequality."
"I always love it when these men think that their money gives them ultimate and unquestionable power over women."
"Most women cannot afford either materially or psychologically to recognize that whatever burnt offerings of obedience they bring to beg protection will not appease the angry little Gods around them."
"Olivia is being held to a higher standard and being judged more just because she's a woman in a heavily male-dominated industry."
"If you kill a woman because she's a woman, under federal law it's a hate crime."
"I want my word to be a woman's word is only worth 50 of a man's in court she can't sing in public alone she can't travel without permission of her husband."
"Women have to do twice as much work as men to receive half of the credit."
"The fart is actually a metaphor for how women still aren't being paid the same as men for doing the same job."
"Women are not allowed to be angry."
"WWE didn't Embrace women's wrestling because they wanted to... they were forced to embrace women's wrestling... WWE didn't do it because Vince didn't push women's wrestling that hard at all."
"It's like, well, you're not earning as much as men, you don't work as many hours as men, you don't have as many elite positions as men - look at you, you're inferior."
"People really don't give a [ __ ] about women."
"Women have dominated 'heal' jobs, representing 67% of healthcare workers. Studies found that the average pay for women is about 24% lower than men."
"Forces us to confront the reality of systemic gender inequality."
"In Malaysia, you have indigenous people. You have 70 percent out of the poor are women. You have so much more people who are lagging behind."
"A looser sexual ethic tends to favor men and powerful, wealthy men, leading to exploitation."
"I've seen plane doors fly off, bridges collapsing... In the last 150 years of Nobel prizes, you know how many were won by all-woman teams? Zero."
"Gender inequalities lay at the root of many of the processes that create and sustain gender inequality in the adult world."
"The patriarchy is a society that oppressed women and favored men. It has historically been like that."
"As a man especially a white man, you need to be shaken hard about what's the gender inequality."
"You have no idea how hard it is for a woman to be a professional lawyer. You have to work twice as hard as the men."
"Life is sexist, it's just that women like to call things sexist that don't benefit them, but they have no problem with the sexism that benefits them."
"Just because they oppress women and don't allow women to participate in typical leadership roles and then they'll give you a crumb and be like, 'Hey, women can sit there and do nothing now. Good job, you guys.'"
"Women are being told, 'You can't be a mother, you can't do this.'"
"For young women, the problem in navigating this in relationships is still the gender inequality."
"There's still a pervasive double standard we need to puzzle out why women have made more strides in the public arena than in the private arena."
"Yeah, but female lawyer of the year, oh man, I wish that wasn't so much of a joke, but it's just like, why?"
"There is a hatred of women. Men can just mess up, the double standards, all that stuff is too real. A woman does one little thing, it will mess up her whole family name."
"How sad of a situation when society works in such a way, singling out the woman."
"Patriarchy plays out through what is projected on women and what is withheld from women. Some things projected onto women: the notion that women cannot be trusted, marital elitism, and limited theological interest."
"The system which harms men has and will always be patriarchy."
"There was no retreat whatsoever from the idea that women are subsidiary in conversation, and that this is an injustice."
"It shows the patriarchy, the sexism in the chess world."
"It's like being a man but more, but oh my gosh, so much less power."
"It's like if you were born a girl, that's it. It's over for you. Just because you don't matter."
"Poverty is sexist because women are an economic no-brainer."
"In general, we get paid less than men."
"Pink tax is what pop culture calls the tendency for products and services marketed specifically towards women to be more expensive than those marketed towards men."
"The pink tax has already cost the average 30-something-year-old woman over the span of her lifetime more than 40 thousand dollars."
"The message that it sends is so sexist."
"There's this perceived notion that gender inequality was sort of a thing of the past... but when you start to look even just a little bit deeper beneath the surface, you start to realize that we've got quite a long way to go."
"The motherhood penalty is the pay differential between mothers and other types of employees."
"Obviously, in this world of Westeros, being a woman, there are no certainties."
"Come and get triggered with me as we realize that girls in history were treated absolutely horrifically."
"Being born woman almost always gives you certain disadvantages relative to men."
"We live in a patriarchal society which uses power to oppress and keep women inferior."
"We still live in a patriarchal society, and even in 2021, being born as a man is literally giving you an advantage head start in life."
"Women are the most underemployed asset of our economies."
"Only 10% of top management positions are held by women in the pharmaceutical industry."
"The difference between men and women with the same position and the same experience is still almost 10% in France."
"Startups led by women have raised less than 7% of total equity funds."
"One in three computer engineers was a woman 30 years ago; they are less than 15% now."
"Half the people in the world, all the female half, are slaves already."
"The things they're not even taking into account are only proving my point even more so because it all stems from patriarchal sexism and gender inequality."
"It's so cruel to live in times when women are denied everything."
"For thousands of years, Chinese parents deliberately did not educate their girls."
"Women were denied the traditional means of artistic education that men were able to enjoy."
"There are certainly differences in American society and globally in which men are systemically advantaged over women."
"The tragedy of Lady Macbeth is that she is denied rights in a patriarchal society."
"I think society has come to view hygiene products related to women differently than hygiene products related to men because rampant misogyny still exists."
"This gap is particularly wide in certain fields like engineering, physics, and math."
"Our system is broken for all women, but Black women bear the brunt of those inequities."