
Parental Guidance Quotes

There are 280 quotes

"I love to see a woman that's about her business, doing her own thing. That's a turn-on for me."
"We can prevent things like this happening in the future as long as there's awareness and parents of today know what happened."
"Many of the executives at the social media tech companies don't let their own kids use social media."
"You set the tone for your children; you become the inner voice."
"Kindness, compassion, and what I call radical love... are the three most important things they could teach their kids."
"How can I be proud of something I created as being the first African-American woman to create a show on Bravo, star in it, and executive produce it, how can I be proud of it and tell my children to watch when they're accusing me of drugs?"
"We have to prepare our children to realize this is not the World Wide Web; it's the wild wild web."
"I'm not trying to make them paranoid or make them think the world is a scary place, but they need to be situationally aware."
"The online predator issue ends when parents and children are on the same page working together, knowing that these dangers exist."
"Educate them. The internet as a whole parents you need to understand, the internet and YouTube is a free, expressive place and it works both ways."
"His kids' grades improved as he would guide them into a relaxed level of mind called the alpha level."
"Good parental guidance, quality education, equal opportunity."
"Parents have been given the sacred responsibility to support, encourage, and train up their children." - Kirk Cameron
"Voss quickly grabbed her, unsure how to explain his concern to his child, then he thought of a method picking up a stone from the ground and tossing it forward a simple test that made the ambush within the valley all too apparent."
"Put your own air mask on before you try and secure the air mask of your child."
"Safety is paramount, holding your hand is non-negotiable."
"When Joe Buck says it's so bad we're not going to show it to you, that's like your parents being like no you're not allowed to watch this movie."
"Thank you for being amazing, thank you for being valuable, protect your kids, okay?"
"Teach my kids confidence to go out into the world."
"It's up to the community, the family, the parents to try to push their son in the right direction."
"Despite a PG-13 rating giving audiences the okay to bring their kids in with them..."
"If you encourage him to think and question and learn, and you introduce him to the idea that there are multiple religions, you've done him a service."
"Parents, please keep an eye out... notice red flags."
"With getting [ __ ] comes responsibility, y'all need to teach our sons this."
"Great parenting is letting you fail on your own without resentment."
"I think it's very accurate. You have to be careful as a parent what kind of step parent you bring into your child's life."
"There's only two kind of kids you raise kids who will ask for help when they need it or kids who won't."
"When it comes to our children, we try our hardest to teach them how to look for signs, to be aware of evil people, and to choose their friends wisely."
"What kids actually truly need is guidance. I think they need purpose and meaning given to them by their parents and by their community."
"We cannot tell our children don't ask; they're worried, they're concerned, they're asking questions."
"It's going to be hard because your parents don't know, you don't have an industry looking out for you."
"There's nothing wrong with letting your kid watch that stuff they want within reason, I guess. No cannibal holocaust for the children, please."
"What kind of [__] to train up a child is that?"
"We need to start showing your sons how to conduct themselves as men."
"She was too young to remember that particular incident, but very recently, a woman tried to get her into her car to help her find her lost puppy, and the first thing she did was come tell me."
"Ragnarok's combat feels so good not just because it's been polished so much; you can see your involuntarily grinning face in it."
"Kratos gives Atreus room to figure himself out, to make his own decisions, and crucially, his own mistakes."
"Engage your children help them if it is allowed and permissible and if it is if it can happen and you've tried your best to guide them then let it happen perhaps it might be the best way."
"Never in front of your children. Never admonish, scold, shout, or show that you have some dispute."
"If you're worried about your children listening to music that promotes sex, drugs, and violence, then introduce them to Gifted and Lit."
"Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom was one of the movies that led to the creation of the PG-13 rating."
"Explicit lyrics that a nine-year-old should not be listening to, but you know that's their parents. Who am I to tell somebody how to raise?"
"Nipsey Hussle said, 'Experience is the biggest teacher.' You know? It's pros and cons to social media, just, you just gotta let your kid know what the pros is and what the cons is."
"Parents, I know this is a family show but if you have children you may want to have them leave the room for this portion of the program."
"Anyone who tells kids 'don't tell your parents' is the bad guy."
"What is the one thing that would fix all of the problems... it's because our parents didn't know what to do."
"That's the talk of Satan, not the talk of a good father named Abba."
"No loving nurturing parent keeps their children from growth."
"There's so much more to money than just dollars and cents."
"We need to talk to our kids about abortion, keeping the conversation age-appropriate."
"Kids can't really decide for themselves. You don't let a kid drink alcohol or smoke drugs."
"You have to pull your children out of [Public Schools]... we cannot seed control of these schools to the woke."
"Harry comforts his son Albus in the epilogue by reminding him that if it means so much to you, you can just tell the hat, 'Not Slytherin.'"
"Every ninja needs a good teacher, and for me, that's my mom and dad."
"Teach your kids how to visualize their goals and break it off a little piece at a time."
"I would encourage my child who is the parent of my grandchildren to get their children vaccinated."
"You know, if you love you and you love somebody as a parent, you got to push those kids." - Master P
"What promises am I making and can I deliver on them?"
"It's hard to ask people who have already made the decision what they're gonna say for children."
"No, I don't believe in participation trophies. All my kids are going to work."
"It isn't censorship or Banning a movie to say I don't know that this eight-year-old is ready for a PG-13 or an R-rated movie."
"I think it just... simply means that if God calls it a sin you have to echo that because you're not God."
"There's something very wrong about this, the fact that he cannot wait or tell his son to wait until he's 18 years old."
"Children need leadership; they're growing up, the world is a very confusing place, they're going through all these developmental changes, they need adults to lead the way."
"We need fathers and mothers who articulate that to their sons."
"It takes a village to raise a child, but it is the parent's responsibility to set the parameters."
"An Internet hoax and its terrible consequences, the parents of a teenage girl who took her own life in a St. Louis suburb are now going public with her story as a cautionary tale for other parents."
"Introduce our children to the sacredness of sex."
"Teaching our kids the things we feel like we didn't learn."
"They've actually expanded guidance in Siri and Spotlight to help children and parents stay safe."
"I want to make sure my young ones don't make mistakes and stuff like that. I just want to be a good example."
"This delves into the question of if parents should hide their past and mistakes from their children out of protection."
"Raising kids with technology should come with careful consideration and safeguards."
"It's important for parents for anyone really to understand if I now do know better that you take action."
"But overall, doctors and parents alike are weighing the options and saying, you know, that the symptoms of myocarditis are not great."
"There must be order in relationships, or chaos will ensue."
"Parenting is not a role you assume, it's the relationship you create."
"Saving money, it's very, very simple. Saving money. But Dad, you're supposed to take a portion of your paycheck and put it into a savings account. I think it's that you may one day. You may one day."
"The pandemic has already caused widespread hardship. By acting now, parents can minimize its impact on the vision and ocular health of generations to come."
"What are the three main things that you hope that they get out of life and how are you gonna instill those three principles into them?"
"Telling your 16-year-old not to smoke weed is like telling your 12-year-old not to drive the car."
"Let this be a lesson, kid. Make good life choices."
"When your son wants to wear a dress because he's curious... you gently guide him and say no son, dresses are for girls."
"You listen to the child, if the child is crying and doesn't want to go to a way to school then that is something you need to take into account."
"You're saying hey, and subconsciously you're teaching them how to be."
"I like to raise my daughters knowing that they can be whoever they want."
"Raise your children up in the way they should go."
"One of the things that Dad and I have done well is we have screwed up."
"The fundamental moral obligation of a parent is to encourage your children to be great Partners in play."
"That's a good Pathway to walk down, that pathway of play."
"Adults make mistakes, even terrible mistakes. That's a huge life lesson for a kid to learn at any age."
"You are no help to your daughter when you are telling yourself Fantastical stories about what's going on in your daughter's life that aren't true."
"My entire life, my dad has pushed me and encouraged me to get an education, and my mom has taught me how to use it."
"Kids might be dumb, but they will grow. Sometimes you just have to step back and let them get frustrated with themselves. It makes them want to grow faster, and you can be there to make sure they grow right."
"Don't ever say anything negative about black people around my daughters."
"When given the freedom to eat in response to their own hunger and fullness cues, children are better able to eat the amount of food that they need and grow in a way that is right for them."
"He's not going to protect her from the world, he's going to prepare her for it."
"It's time for you to start praying, fasting, and preparing for what the Holy Spirit has for you and your children."
"Democracy is the worst system of government except for all the other ones."
"Strangers come to parks like this and they look for the kid that's not with the parents, not looking right at them."
"They're not telling parents you're increasing your child's risk of dying of cancer... I mean, that's not a pause, that's a permanent life sentence." - Megan Kelly
"What I want my boys to get out of this particular camp is that they should serve others."
"How do you tell your child that the love of his life is no more?"
"Children should be able to make up their minds about this world... they shouldn't obviously have to ask me."
"The only thing we have control over is the messages we give to children."
"Parents, take a listen before you let your kids hear it."
"Teach your children what it looks like to actually govern over these things."
"Kids need guidance. They don't need you to tell them that every single thing that they feel or think is accurate because it's not."
"Make sure you have a paper trail of everything and make sure that your kids are progressing academically."
"Affirming your queer kid is the key to their happiness."
"It's a hard lesson, you know? You do something wrong, and your parents have to... It's like hard love."
"I don't enjoy having to punish you. I do it because I love you."
"If you're not gonna follow through with something then don't say it."
"It's important to let your children know who they are, and to protect them from the influences of witchcraft."
"It's deeper than a wake-up call. It's more of like, 'Hey, here's the opportunity for you to do what you said you were going to do, what you're supposed to be doing, what we need you to do.' And this is your parents talking."
"You have to teach your children how to essentially respect the internet just like you would teach them how to respect a firearm or a sharp blade."
"I don't want my girls dressing provocatively."
"Your kids are learning from those people and they have the power to positively influence or negatively influence them."
"Most teens are intimidated by cops; this kid and his dad probably had many conversations about what you say and what you don't say to cops."
"I remember my father saying to me, 'you know, I really don't care Ted what you do as long as you find something you enjoy and you do it to the best of your ability.'"
"Just treating children with love, warmth, and kindness but clear boundaries and rules leads to the most healthy, productive, and engaged children."
"I don't care how rich I am, if my kid got a brand new phone and he went to school the next day and broke it to try to impress people and say how rich he was, yo, that sucks dude."
"When does discipline become abusive? Because right now, Shawna doesn't seem to know the difference."
"Parenting with fear isn't parenting at all. It's tolerating a child's presence until they're old enough to mind themselves."
"What we want is to make sure that... the information given to parents is correct about what is scientifically proven to be safe and effective."
"My mom dropped us off in the room where they were showing the movie but before she did she stood in front of the screen and said very loudly 'Don't start having sex or anything.'"
"Allah is so merciful, we as parents should allow our children to disagree with us."
"Mum has been very open, she's been very receptive to learning and for me, that's important because Angela is left to hold the fort with the family and know that she can certainly be that backbone for when Mike's not around."
"We want our kids to have that foundation; they'll have their own paths, but we build the base."
"We don't say to her, 'You can't eat those foods.' We say, 'Have a great time at the birthday party and make the right choice for you.'"
"Maybe teach your kids about racism so they don't be racist."
"Occupy your children with books, conversation, and Internet resources."
"You do not have to expose your kids to these things."
"I want to make sure they're hearing the right things... based on what I'm trying to teach them in life."
"I wanted to give parents a story that they can tell their children: free speech matters."
"Maybe it's up to us to fortify what we think they should be learning."
"Get your kids the hell out of public schools."
"That's how every parent should act with their kids."
"Teach my child something useful and don't lie to them. That's what after school Satan is all about."
"Well now the camera, I don't forget at all. You don't, you see, trust me. If, if I do a watch along with you guys, any, any parents watching with children, put them in the next room because it won't be safe for children, trust me."
"Sometimes these conversations are crucial in order to keep your child safe."
"The moral about being careful what your child watches and the adult's subsequent refusal of responsibility is actually more relevant than ever today."
"When I turned 21, dad suggested I buy a house with my 100K."
"I learned my work ethic from my dad, but I learned so much more from my mom."
"We should always look to father and mother and carefully listen to their teachings, let us keep our hearts towards God and towards the kingdom of heaven, and guard our hearts towards the truth until the end."
"You were perfect just the way you are. This is mommy's issue to deal with, not yours."
"Think about what it was like when you were a kid and your parents were so annoying because they didn't care about your excuses they knew what you needed to do and they pushed you to do it."
"Part of me is annoyed at Papa for not explaining this to Kirsten when he was telling her how dangerous bears are like you couldn't have given her a couple tips for the best thing to do if she does encounter one."
"True fear that takes over your body when you can't find your parents as a little kid."
"My parents were my guidance all the time, even now my parents are my guidance."
"Parents ruining the lives of their children and their adult children instead of having the wisdom to say, 'You know what, I don't really know what I'm talking about on this, so let's do some research.'"
"...you won't have to call him every minute, 'Are you in church today? Please go to church.' Wherever you are, go to your child, travels to America, your child travels to South Africa, please be in church. You won't have to do that because you show them the way it's done..."
"...my own parents really we're a huge feature in all of this. They really introduced me to history."
"If you ever happen to find something on the ground that looks like a piece of candy, you must never put it in your mouth unless your parents or a doctor gave it to you."
"Sometimes God disciplines the son that he loves."
"Be careful what you say, children will listen."
"Empathy and goodness embodied by parental figures."
"The basic assumption that the parents who serve as mediators between God and their offspring will correctly perceive the Lord's will on the matter of whom their son or daughter should marry just does not hold water."
"I had parents that talked to me like 'Hey, sex is, you know, it will feel good when you have sex.'"
"Here's what Daddy believes, and here's why, and here's how this has worked for me."
"You need the blessings of your parents, you need the blessings of God, and you need spirituality or whatever the forces and angels that have to look after you."
"She decided to go about it the way her father would"
"If I know that something is inevitable, then I know how to deal with it. I fortunately had parents who have said, 'This is what you do.'"
"My mama always been on our ass like making sure [__] ain't slacking or none of that."
"I really want to take the Challenger for a drive, and my dad said no. So, I mean it's easier to say sorry later on and ask for permission one of those type of things."
"Laser focused. I like that. Good advice from her mom and dad."
"You better keep your nose out that bull, listen to your parents."
"You know every time your parent sends you out the door as a young child, you're basically told by your parents to trust these people."
"Do not expect your kid to run up and hug you, and actually, you can kind of be happy if they don't because it could be a good sign."
"PG stands for Parental Guidance so you can be there with your children and have these conversations and things like that instead of just I'm the authority on everything."
"The average ADHD child is 30% behind their age. So here's what I want parents to do: Lower your expectations to the child's executive age."
"We should not censor media in any way other than parental advisories that parents choose to bestow upon their children."
"Part of our job is to educate parents about what really matters for the child."
"You don't want kids who are painfully shy and can't say hello."
"Don't let the numbers zero through three make your baby sad."
"Whatever y'all dreams is bro, stay positive bro, it works, grind, you know, listen to your parents, that's my main thing, don't let nobody steer y'all off like that man, I ain't never heard ain't nobody came and said that, listen to your parents."
"Remember how our parents said that God would always be watching out for you?"
"Living on the edge of a forest brings uncertainty about unseen watchers among trees. A video shared on social media captures a moment of intrigue, a kid prompts another to summon their parents."
"Stop listening to theories, listen to your daughter."
"The big message for parents is to be into everything that their children are doing, know what your children are doing, especially when they're on a cell phone, a tablet, or on a computer, or on a gaming console."
"We have problems in our community that we need to solve. Don't you think that by listening to our parents and different things that we can change some of those things?"
"Why should you caution him now more than formerly?" his wife would ask. "Because Martin is 15 years old now," replied her husband, "almost a man, and he should know some of a man's responsibilities."
"Children obey your parents for this is right."
"Here's how you can make your kid a multi-millionaire before they even retire with very minimum effort from themselves and from yourself."
"Ask not what your children can do for you, ask what you can do for your children."
"I think it's so important that I guard her creating her identity without any outside noise."
"You're teaching your son good values of standing up for and in support of others."
"You have to create an environment where a child can come forward and say, 'Hey Mom, hey Dad, I don't feel so good about this'."
"I'm sure my parents are watching over me. I want to live strongly, watching over my beloved daughter's growth."
"Even if your parents tell you to commit disbelief... still accompany them with kindness and treat them with love and respect."
"You're helping mold this person, you are the parents' go-to as they help mold this person."
"Parents always have a plan for their kids; it's up to them on how it's gonna go."
"Parents need to be privy to what their kids are consuming; you need to be aware of the dangers out there."
"I don't think we would be where we are today without our parents alongside us."
"My son, keep thy father's commandment, and forsake not the law of thy mother."
"They're starting to become more independent, so talking about stranger danger."
"Provide parents more information about the content of children's shows and movies."
"If your child is being bullied, take it seriously and address it."
"Eddie learns then not to give into or listen to the gossip around her son."
"My son, keep your father's command and do not forsake the law of your mother."