
Personal Plea Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"This is America. We earned that right. You're right. I don't know why we had to call it New York. We could have just called it something new. But no, we had to be lazy. Gosh-darn America. Come on, you're better than that."
"I have my kids at home. Please help me, please. I can't take it, please."
"I'm like, please, I'm begging you. I just want to play Breath of the Wild. It has my save file on it too."
"You have asked me to tell the government to knock it off."
"Guess what? No! What are you doing, Stanley? Please, I'm asking you not to take this away from me."
"Please, for God's sake, if you can, stay free."
"Fongling come with me to America there's nothing left for you China."
"Please move on" - a plea for closure in a public forum.
"I need my son and my children in my life so I can't let you give them up."
"Please Lord, let me return to go back to be a mama to my baby, please."
"Holy Spirit, you can take anything and everything else. Just don't take from me the sense of your presence. I can't do without that."
"I just remember crying out to the Lord one night and basically said, 'God, if you are real, I need all of you or nothing.'"
"Can we ban Skull of Gul'dan just for my mental well-being?"
"It's not fair, and I need help, I need empathy."
"Resilience and patience yield the ultimate result, so please don't crush me."
"I beg you for your own sake, please just embrace the concept."
"I prayed that you give me a little more time so that I could be a good example to my sons so that I can have one more chance at you know at life you know."
"I'm willing to do anything. You can punish me in whatever way you want to. Just don't leave me."
"I just want you and your family to be safe, so please get the vaccine." - Amber
"You don't want your homes to be shelled with artillery, you don't want your friends and loved ones to die, it's a pretty simple and powerful message."
"If the law would just leave me alone, I'll be okay."
"Sometimes you just have to get real with God and say, 'Father in Heaven, grant me a fresh filling of You.'"
"Marcial cannot be allowed to go, I don't want him to go, he cannot be allowed to go."
"I'm calling on the name of Jesus, I'm asking Jesus Christ to come into my life."
"I love you, Robert, we can't lose our country."
"I don't have anybody else. If it ain't you, it ain't no one and this whole [ __ ] stops."
"Athena didn't walk away or disappear on her own. I will not give up or stop until I have Athena back." - Maitland Presley Gandy
"Please just don't go to Disney please I'm begging you."
"I just need help. All I'm asking for is a chance."
"I need your help, I need your guidance, I need your leadership, I need your Divine governance over my life."
"Save yourself, Phil. I don't want you to get hurt."
"Please come back home, it's so bad without you."
"It's gotta be a good one, just make it really good, Matt, please, just do it."
"I'm trying my best. Please, just give me the credit that I deserve."
"I said, 'Lord, if you don't heal me, my life is over.' And I said, 'If this is your will, I'll find a way to endure it, but I can't believe we've come this far to stop like this.'"
"Just give me my brother back, and you'll never have to see me again."
"Give me Lord, give me all your love, 'cause I want you."
"I'm not asking the Lord of Light for help, I'm asking you."
"I've just been waking up every day and saying, Lord, I just don't want to go numb. I just want to stay alive, I want to stay awake."
"I want things nice, Ed. Can't you understand that? I want things nice."
"Lord, even me, even me, O Lord, standing in the need of prayer."
"Really look for Nadia and Julia, go find them, find them."
"I don't want anyone to die, I cannot lose any more people."
"If you love me, you can do this; I want to be with my babies."
"I needed compassion. I needed to be loved."
"Don't let me down, that's me singing about Yoko."
"Save me from stammering, confusion, and error."
"Please don't change because I love you."
"Lord, save us from gloomy saints."
"I'm begging you, I know you don't like me all that much, but this will be temporary."
"Please don't let Hope die until I can see her one more time."
"All I want from you is for you to get better and for you to come home to me."
"Could you just trust me for once?"