
Fan Fiction Quotes

There are 184 quotes

"Moscow now has lost one of its most vital airlinks to the outside world for air cargo."
"A lot of the scoring content was based around one fan fiction by the name of Cupcakes. The seemingly innocent-sounding story featured one of the ponies by the name of Pinkie Pie brutally murdering her friend Rainbow Dash and turning her into cupcakes."
"The prevalence of women and non-binary writers in the fanfiction space, especially when so many of the most popular pairings of characters are two men is something that's been speculated on at great length."
"There's fan fiction that's painstakingly constructed and managed with a fine-toothed comb."
"Dante's Inferno is basically Bible fan fiction and it's critically acclaimed."
"Writing fanfic is a good way to gain experience in how to format writing, how to write dialogue, how to do character development."
"Fan fiction is a communal activity; its creation is an act of love."
"Fan fiction's reputation as an unserious form has in this very way made possible the deep dives and often moving explorations of human sexuality and romantic love that permeate the genre."
"For many, it was an introduction to sex and sexuality, it was a way to wind down after a long day, a way to build lifelong connections, start a hobby, and explore your interests."
"This, relatively speaking, extended hiatus created a massive uptick in demand for Potter fanfiction."
"Was it time for her to finally settle down and live a quiet life? Focus on producing quality fanfic and pull away from all the drama? HA HA HA HA HA... No."
"Between July 11 and October 24th, the fanfic gained a lot of traction in the Voltron fandom."
"I don't think I need to [write an omega verse novel]; someone already wrote an omega verse X-Files fanfic."
"Listen, if you're a regular fanfic creator, I think there's a few things in that realm that are pretty universally well-liked. You've got your standard tropes of fluff, angst, hurt comfort, smut, found family, slice of life, canon divergent AUs."
"They're kind of like the primary colors of fanfiction. Like, if you mix and match or blend some of them together, then you can come up with all sorts of combinations."
"Confessions in the rain. It's cliché, but God damn it if it doesn't make me just sing internally."
"I think as a fanfic reader, as you grow older, you learn to appreciate one-shots a bit more."
"I'm just a sucker for a good mystery, and I have read a handful of incredibly written case fics where I literally dropped my phone in surprise."
"The immense popularity of alternate universe fanfic demonstrates that pretty handily; if we already like the cast, we're gonna like seeing them play out a familiar plot."
"I've always said that conspiracy theories are just fan fiction for reality."
"Sometimes there's professional writing that reads like fan fiction and it's not always a bad thing."
"Season eight of Game of Thrones is fan fiction."
"That's how Garrick and Bashir reunited for 'Little Achievements,' a fan-written story that takes place 20 years after the events of DS9."
"The Force Unleashed 2 felt like fan fiction."
"In our rewrite of season 7, we see the two smartest men in Westeros former friends and quasi allies going head-to-head in trying to manipulate the most dangerous woman in Westeros."
"I think it's funny that people write their fics with Boo and stuff. I think that's fun."
"El James erotic romance novel may have started out as Twilight fan fiction."
"Never make fun of fan fiction, no purer form of expression."
"Royalty AU... very very good whether they're both royals one of them is royal one of them's not if it's a knight in a royal if it's historical if it's modern there's so many good variations of royalty."
"Hurt comfort is an easy S tier... it just pulls out my guts I don't know what it is but it makes me want to curl up in a ball and cry on the floor."
"Unhappy ending... as horribly angsty as it sounds unhappy endings just hit different they punch you in the nuts in the best possible way."
"Unrequited love... makes me so sad and so freaking frustrated but I can never stop reading them."
"Mutual pining... god it's just something pulls at your heart when they're both like oh they'll never love me."
"Ian Jr's whole arc currently is... he's now on a mission to go find Infinite."
"There are probably fanfictions with more depth and interesting concepts, and at least I'd be able to find audiobooks or adaptations of those."
"sometimes I want bashing of a sunshine character in Canon cuz it makes for an interesting new story."
"Being good at writing doesn't have to be your goal, you only have to take fanfic as seriously as you want to. It's fine to just write fun self-indulgent bull if that's what you want to write."
"This is like bad Star Wars fan fiction. Mando goes to a planet and he meets a man who has Boba Fett's armor and then with the Tuscan Raiders they kill a dragon."
"Fan fiction is a vital part of fandom, much like the shipping that I talked about previously. It just helps build and foster community."
"There is actually a story called The Subspace Emissary World Conquest sitting at over 4 million words. Guys, this is the single longest work of fiction in human history."
"Fan fiction is really important to how internet communities operate online. It allows us this window into what kind of conversations are important to a fandom."
"You can make your own Spider-Man story if you wanted to."
"Are Harry and Draco truly the perfect match made in whatever obscure afterlife this is supposed to be?"
"Captain America and the White Wolf. There you go, I'd be in."
"A parallel universe or a spin-off: a completely original take on Miraculous."
"Fan fiction is as legitimate a medium as poetry or novels or short stories."
"I want to read fan fiction. It gives me false hope."
"I really have tried to keep this would if as grounded in the reality of the series as possible but I have to learn you now that the parts following this will be incredibly creative just like this one was."
"Give me a Luke Skywalker and Lor San Tekka going around the galaxy trying to collect Jedi artifacts and getting into some adventures and troubles out there."
"I love a good trope in that fandom. Every time it is the Bucky has a nightmare and he gets comforted. So good!"
"Theory crafting is like writing fan fiction, just you know with more evidence and less aggressive cuddling."
"Harry Potter and the gay descendants, fight me Rowling, you coward!"
"The longest work of fiction ever written is a Loudhouse self-insert fanfiction with 16,777,215 words."
"Sakuatsu is still going strong with more fix and fan content being created for it every day."
"The power of fan fiction: turning stories into movies and merchandise."
"Fanfiction is almost always going to be subject to the copyright holder... they have the right to create or authorize any work based off their original story."
"If you are one of those people who has an alternative universe fic that you really love... looking at cases like this are important because courts are looking at what's the proportion of the original Source material to what was added..."
"James is often headcanon as Desi, and he is shipped with either Lily or Regulus"
"Well, I wrote a fanfiction about it, so you can go read it."
"But the Modern Age of the crossover began due to two things: fanfiction and the public domain."
"Fanfiction is amazing. You can have this source material that is in its own canon bubble, and then you have all these creative people outside of it."
"The best place to read fanfiction, that is a very subjective opinion, but it's true nonetheless, is Archive of Our Own."
"It's a mess that sometimes feels like a fan fiction."
"My Little Dashie is an angsty fanfic about a guy who finds a filly Rainbow Dash in a box."
"Anthropology: the fanfic where a background pony named Lyra becomes a human."
"This is gonna be one of those OP Naruto stories."
"Grifting Stars AU is where Stan falls through the portal instead of Ford, leading to wholesome moments of cooperation and adventure."
"There's only one punishment suitable for the makers of such blatant Fang-pandering bad Twilight fanfiction."
"Strap yourselves in because we are going to explore an AU in which Naruto was never the Nine Tails Jinchuriki."
"Professional writing that reads like fan fiction, and it's not always a bad thing."
"Sexy times with Wangxian, or the fic formerly known as sexy times with Wangxian after all the title changes, was officially deleted off of ao3 on May 31st, 2021, for as of now, unknown reasons."
"Fan fiction builds Community, it's written by fans for other fans and it could really mean the world to people."
"I think reacting to fanfiction has caused people to write more."
"I really like this fic a lot," the narrator concludes, expressing appreciation for the dynamic between Isuku and Hawks.
"There's nothing better than fan fiction, especially when narrated by a cast."
"Enemies to lovers, it's a true fanfic trope."
"The fanfic writes itself, really."
"Crack fic is serious, nah that's what I [ __ ] with, crack treated is serious."
"The Chosen was never intended to be a replacement for the Bible or a visual Bible. The Chosen is historic fanfiction. It's not a church, it's not a Ministry, it's historic fanfiction, it's a television show, it's a multi series television show."
"It's like a Ben 10 fanfic that would be kind of dark actually."
"Wildest thing about this book is it started as a Social Network fanfic."
"There’s a pretty credible theory that Red White and Royal Blue is adapted from an Andrew Garfield Jesse Eisenberg fanfiction that Casey wrote in the Obama era, which could account for some of the vibes you picked up on throughout the book."
"Some people have thoughts on the ethics of Real Person Fanfiction specifically, like, the idea that writing wildly fictionalized, often sexually explicit works about real people without their consent is kind of questionable."
"All the amount of fanfiction and art and all this stuff that people do about it because these characters have inspired them."
"It's actually kind of nice that the CMCs went in there and, you know, tidied things up. I hope they didn't get a hold of my secret stash of cupcake recipes or fanfictions."
"Fanfiction does all the World building for you. You get to use it like a rough draft for the most part."
"Fanfiction was my life for like a good two years. It had a very big impact on how I viewed boys at that time, and honestly, in the end, it kept me away from boys because my expectations became so high. So I would just like to thank fanfiction for that."
"It's super woke fan fiction being passed off as authentic Star Wars."
"We should write a book together, a Minecraft fanfiction."
"What if the Super Mario Brothers movie had a sequel? This is fan scription."
"This reads as Full Metal Alchemist fanfiction in the best ways possible."
"The Boba Fett movie I want to see: about some scavenger on Tatooine that salvages Fett's armor out of the Sarlacc, puts it on, and is then drawn into an adventure because everyone thinks he is Boba Fett."
"Can we, uh, today everyone, I asked you guys on my Instagram what's your favorite fanfic tropes were and y'all answered, guess what the top answer was? Enemies to lovers, obviously you unoriginal pieces of [ __ ] kidding."
"It was with some friends from UCLA, one speculated friend actually having the name credited on early versions of the webpage, that Lee officially launched fanfiction.net on October 15th of 1998."
"With the rise in popularity, fanfiction.net began to see an accumulation in fan fiction from a variety of fan bases."
"There are definitely pros and cons to that too. I'm a very obsessive person, so writing within the constraints of fan fiction, the constraints of characters that have already been created, it's kind of reassuring."
"Archive of Our Own is absolutely Elite okay."
"You want it to be that combination of fanfiction but also bring something fresh and different."
"Let me just throw out there one of them right now. I guarantee out there somewhere there is a fanfic where Yugi wishes the Dark Magician Girl were real."
"Don't ever let anyone tell you that your fan fiction can't come true."
"Fan fiction is the way I see it, a labor of love."
"...the study of fan fiction has only recently started to be taken seriously within academic spaces, even though it is a growing field."
"...fan fiction provides a transformative look at previously established universes that isn't found anywhere else."
"...fan fiction should be no different."
"Cinderella 3: A Twist in Time feels like fan fiction...and I mean this in the best way possible."
"...good characterization is given great prestige within the fanfic community, to the point where a work that is full of grammar mistakes or a poorly developed plot might still be redeemed in the eyes of the public if the characters are well written."
"...we need to recognize the validity of fan fiction as a literary genre worthy of serious academic study."
"Thumbelina fanfic, that's a very fond memory I have from it."
"Slash communities are huge generators for communal passion."
"There's definitely a universe out there where instead of a YouTuber, I'm writing your name fanfiction about One Direction or something."
"It's a bit like watching a fanfic of something that you really liked."
"The premise is kind of like if you had a slasher movie where a deranged Doctor Who fan starts kidnapping actors and forcing them into dark and morbid Fan recreations of past stories before killing them in violence and horrible ways."
"It was his vision of probably one of the coolest fanfictions that you could think of."
"Fanfiction and fandom can set your creativity on fire."
"There are fanfic authors that write circles around published authors and are so prolific they'll blow your mind."
"Fanfiction can be better than the source material."
"I'm reading fan fiction about my own high school self."
"Hello guys, I am back with the new 'What if' one y'all been waiting for: What if Asta was Itachi's reincarnation."
"Fan fiction, its origins, and impact on internet culture and even literature as a whole."
"I think writing can be really fun and coming up with ideas like this can be really fun; this is basically fan fiction."
"They're called Doujins, which are like fanfiction but comics of your favorite anime."
"This has been River of Dreams, a Pride and Prejudice variation, dreaming of Darcy," the narrator concluded.
"I wrote fanfiction and posted online; my stories weren't that great, but I made friends because I posted them."
"It's wild, I love it. This is some of my favorite kind of stuff, this sort of fan fiction, you know, bootlegs, whatever you want to call it."
"Fan fiction is like soup for the soul; it's just the moment, you know."
"It's your favorite characters in different scenarios, different worlds, different lives."
"I mean if you like fan fiction and you like tropes and stuff, I think you'll enjoy this."
"It's cute and I like it, and it's stupid, but I don't know, I didn't expect to enjoy this, but I'm actually thoroughly enjoying it."
"I wrote a 9000 word fanfic called Godfeels which explored those ideas through conversations with some of my favorite characters."
"Fanfic is just as legitimate an art form as any other."
"I really like this fic a lot. I'm a big fan of crack fics, and I think this is just a really good one."
"Harry Potter and the methods of rationality."
"I've read fanfiction and deleted season 8 from my mind and I've read people who wrote really good versions of it and I'm like, that's what actually happened."
"Fanfiction is just another way to express one's interest in a particular piece of entertainment."
"Fanfiction isn't a competition, it's a collaboration."
"The Hunt for Gollum is basically the time period between The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings."
"This played out much better than my fan fiction."
"I'm not in it for the subscribers, baby; I'm in it for the fiction, the fan fiction."
"If you want your fanfiction to work better with audiences, set it aside, then come back and revise it."
"This is the story of the Universe 7 Saiyans visiting Planet Zidala, a story where it encompasses the narrative of what drives the Saiyans."
"Fan fiction is always going to exist; you can always get a good comparison to know what is good quality."
"This singular fanfic is about as long as the first four Harry Potter books plus just over half of Order the Phoenix."
"Let's just get into part one for this new rendition of what if Naruto was a titan shifter."
"Why don't we get her and her friends to start doing a fan fiction? That's them writing, they've got to get organized, they've got to make it interesting, that's English."
"Imagine a fan fiction film matchup where the Ghostbusters go to Crystal Lake."
"Carry on by Rainbow Rowell... this book is your Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter romantic fantasies come to life."
"Wow, what a story. Can definitely see why it's one of the most well-known fan fictions."
"This is part 0 of what if Deku went to Hogwarts. Do hope you enjoyed, please make sure to like, comment, and subscribe."
"It's an alternative fan fiction based on the works of Suzanne Collins."
"The story felt more or less like it could work as an extension of the MLP world we know."
"Fanfiction is the best escape from reality."
"I am back, my fellow Weebians, to give you 'What if Deku has a split personality?'"
"I always pitch this as like a basically a 'you' fanfic of Zendaya and Zac Efron's character."
"I've read some fan fiction that is better than published books."