
Dark Themes Quotes

There are 329 quotes

"Moscow now has lost one of its most vital airlinks to the outside world for air cargo."
"Pet Scop is a story about the pursuit of love, companionship, with some dark twists and a lot of regret."
"Mad God will defy any rating; it's intended to be a preposterous, dark, apocalyptic, blasphemous descent into the bowels of the unconscious."
"I thought it was fun to watch despite how dark the series got. I just liked it from start to finish."
"Mephala is the demon of murder, sex, and secrets. All of these themes contain subtle aspects and violent ones."
"It was a series which asked tough questions and tackled dark subject matter, yet despite that darkness, it was ultimately a hopeful show."
"A true psychology, a psychology beyond good and evil, unmoved from adherence to morality, would present to us something very alien, something dark even."
"Dark days are here, Batman. The prophecy has come true."
"Petscop 4: A grim story about a dog, mysteries surrounding Marvin deepen."
"The execution of his perfect suicide is just... Beautiful."
"The plot is a lot darker than you would expect."
"A lesson in vengeance... Dark academia vibes."
"I really want to emphasize that this book is dark."
"I wonder how somebody comes up with all of that sitting in the bedroom. I know he was channeling some dark stuff."
"One of the more mysterious and terrifying books of magic out there."
"If you want an open world that is absolutely teeming with unsettling darkness just off the beaten track, then Red Dead Redemption 2 is the one for you."
"TLC's 'Waterfalls' is yet another song to add to the list of pleasant sounding ditties with extremely dark backstories."
"Secrets and hidden lore reveal a darker story."
"Dark grim bleak content is actually right up my alley."
"For such dark lyrics, the song is an absolute bop."
"No character is safe and it clues us into the fact that The Wire is going to go to some dark places in the process of exploring its themes."
"We're just so excited to see where, you know, our stories and travels take us on this dark journey that we're all on together."
"This is honestly one of the darkest endings and character arcs we've ever seen."
"5Ds may be known as a darker series within the grander Yu-Gi-Oh franchise but in actuality, it's brimming with hope."
"The Silent Hill franchise: A journey through darkness and ambiguity."
"Despite how cute and cuddly and kid-friendly Pokemon looks on the outside, it's a pretty well-known fact at this point that the series can get really dark. And by really dark, I mean really dark."
"Known as the Hypnosis Pokemon, Hypno was a psychic type introduced in the first generation. Its Pokedex entry reads, 'It carries a pendulum-like device. There was once an incident in which it took away a child it hypnotized.'"
"How dark can the world of Overwatch go? Challenges that these characters are going to have to overcome in Overwatch 2 are things that they haven't ever dealt with before or dealt with on this scale."
"I love the cyberpunk genre, the dark film noir settings, the ideas of transhumanism and modding your body with technology."
"Extras are pathway to many abilities some consider to be a natural dark side."
"This series is excellent for so many different reasons. For one, the writing style is excellent. It creates the dark ambiance that you would want in this story."
"And the history of the Seanchan is one that I want. It would be vile, I’m sure, and a very dark read, probably darker than anything else in the series. But it would be fascinating."
"It's deliciously dark and something that just honestly intrigues me to no end every time I turn the page."
"It masterfully deals with adult situations and dark themes, it's right up there with Bojack Horseman and Rick and Morty."
"For those of you not familiar with this ad campaign, here's a little taste of how they portray Satan."
"It's called 'The S.C.P.S Midnight Jacket', and the description says 'Dead Foundations Tell No Tales'."
"There’ll be high drama, cheating, lies, revenge – dark, turbulent, bloody doings."
"I'm loving the pacing of Sunlin Ascends—it's whimsical but dark."
"Between these customizations and the Night Warrior story arc, I think we are bound for a far darker Night Elf characterization in Shadowlands."
"Old Boy is a pretty twisted movie... it's a pretty twisted movie."
"We are in a massive cycle of manipulation and propaganda that is leading the world down a very dark path."
"Unleash yourself in a world of tales that will haunt your dreams."
"For a book that is so bittersweet as this, filled with so many dark and somber moments, the legacy of Jack Kirby lives and breathes throughout Mr. Miracle."
"The story is dark and it's intriguing... I think that's a pretty strong point of the game."
"Black Mirror is a flavor... it’s like a box of chocolates in terms of variety, but they’re all dark chocolates."
"It is a series that showcases what Hope can do to the minds of people, and how they deal with trying to escape some of the universe's darkest places."
"A book for someone who loved Mexican Gothic and dark cottagecore... Uprooted by Naomi Novik."
"It was so twisted and dark, I couldn't put it down."
"The deeper we go, the darker and more messed up these stories are gonna get."
"The only real bad guys of Omen of the Stars are the cats who live in the dark forest."
"Dark Shadow gives Tokoyami command over a sentient shadow that lives within him."
"Mephala, the demon of murder, sex, and secrets, contains subtle and violent aspects."
"In this place, there is no Sun, and nightmares do come true."
"Hunter serves as a dark foil to Luz and a worst-case scenario version of Amity at the same time."
"They rebooted the franchise, giving it a more violent and darker tone."
"This game spans so many years and so many characters and has so many dark themes."
"Ambient noises: from crying babies to domestic fights, the dark side of Bully's sound design."
"This is gonna be a weird dark indie movie which is the kind of indie movie I like."
"The ascending over with plague does not remain in the abyss horrors long dead begins spilling through portals and into the astral plane, plaguing dozens of sights throughout the multiverse."
"The ending of the season is very dark and almost like The Empire Strikes Back."
"This is an amazing thriller that goes into some dark territory."
"I like horror because of the unique stories that are told through such dark events and paranormal scenarios."
"Uncomfortably dark: Xenogears delves deep into themes such as trauma, transhumanism, and various sexual atrocities."
"The darker and more mysterious aspects of life are fascinating and worthy of exploration."
"In a world filled with fear, where many people are looking for an escape from an absolutely terrible existence, so Slaanesh can be a super nice diversion from it all."
"The College of Whispers bard holds dark secrets and intentions to infiltrate, subvert, and manipulate."
"When people tell you to stay away from the darkness, that's what you need to run towards."
"I'm definitely on track to finish tonight. It has magic, it's dark and intense, but also just like gray characters. Really liking this book so far."
"This album is like floating in an abyss filled with drug use, violence, and toxicity."
"there's more secrets to be found in the dark forest"
"The Sandman-Raven feud... family members... covering dark themes like substance abuse and grooming."
"It's one of the darkest and most thematically rich films."
"We are more than just creatures of Darkness, we are the embodiment of Untamed power, cunning, and resilience."
"They meet at the train tracks, they have to take a shot of heroin when they spot a train, and then one overdoses and the train runs them over."
"London as a city has got such a deep dark and gruesome history."
"So many people were dying that they would just stack up dead bodies against the walls ready for the dead carts to come around."
"The story is so dark and twisted... I just found myself enjoying it."
"There's always the promise of that, although knowing this game, it'll probably just be more bodies."
"Basically a story about two Hooters waitresses strippers… involving prostitution, guns, and justice."
"Original ending of Conker's Bad Fur Day was extremely dark."
"The Days of Future Past allowed Marvel Comics to make a turn towards a grittier and darker portrayal of characters."
"I'm sure it'll be dark and have its moments, I mean it's at the end of the day it's about, you know, kids who got axed off, it's gonna be dark."
"Sometimes helping us explore difficult concepts or better understand our own darker sides."
"It seems likely that the fun times were made to lure children so that William could study Remnant a special substance created by the combining of souls or memories with metal due to powerful emotions such as those created by the death of a child."
"Beyond the Beef: A beautiful Fallout New Vegas quest about the white glove Society's cannibalism."
"Spawn was mature storytelling at its finest, cast out of society, taking refuge amidst the garbage like spawn himself."
"I've worn this darkened armor for so long now there's no motive light left in me, not even in my heart."
"I feel like this is definitely shaping up to be better than last season but damn man, some dark ass [ __ ]."
"You go from murder [ __ ] to torture [ __ ]. Oh well, and so that's where they did all that fun stuff."
"And the dark themes of her songs tap into not only the emotions of her young fans, but also the universal angst of living in the 21st century."
"I love the concept of this, it sounds dark and suspenseful."
"It's like Groundhog Day but it's about suicide."
"Bloodbending is revered as the darkest and deadliest among all the bending arts."
"It's a dark but moving story about war and its effect on everybody."
"Fear was never about a happy ending. It was about an unethical, terrible experiment that caused suffering upon hundreds."
"Hellmouth places where the dark forces can thrust pasture cracks in the earth clawing their way into our reality."
"Mr. Pickles later uses their remains to build new and horrifying creations."
"The abyss corrupts and destroys, molding and changing as it is needed."
"The game is alluding to the horrors of child abuse and the possibility of people in power knowing."
"I've got a reputation to uphold, and my goddamn reputation is that I narrate dark stories in my setting!"
"What I value the most in art is how it can visually represent how we feel in the darkest of times."
"So yeah, like I said, it's some dark stuff a lot of the time but that is why a lot of people love her."
"Sonic SatAM was the best Sonic cartoon. It was its own thing, surprisingly dark."
"Welcome to the breakdown where we breakdown all the messed up shit!"
"Oh tails what have you what have you been doing in this dark place bro?"
"11B X 1371: a cryptic video with hidden messages, torture imagery, and ominous warnings."
"Considering Ichabod disappears... it seems like this slice of Americana should be a pretty dark spooky tale."
"Superman is the light Batman is definitely the dark and no story shows how dark and twisted the Batman universe can be more than The Killing Joke."
"A story so haunting and messed up, but on top of that, a true story."
"DMC 5 delivers on all of the gameplay while having like the feeling of DMC 1 like that dark like horror kind of vibe."
"By the time Alan is through this gauntlet of rock and roll in combat, he's fully re-equipped to handle the dark place."
"Igaro's name is also an anagram for 'gory,' which accurately describes his family history and relates to his physical appearance."
"The bad guys actually have a good point in this game even though they're all murdering slavers their system of order works very well even though everyone's fucking miserable and gets crucified all the time."
"Super Unknown lyrically would be seen as some of Cornell's darkest lyrics."
"Return to Batman's origins: dark, mysterious, inflicting fear."
"Is it dark visually or dark like spiritually?"
"Some of the coolest, darkest, and most interesting stories."
"Inside Number Nine focuses on scathing social commentary about the worst of humanity."
"The night is dark and full of Terrors. Biden 2024."
"Steve Barron wanted to capture a darker style for the film, inspired by Tim Burton's Batman."
"Pretty Girls is in another universe! It deals with all of that and more! It is just a deep examination into the true wickedness of humanity."
"Roy gathers the bodies in an abandoned Factory."
"The outer gods are tied to the concept of death, rot, chaos, and absence of order."
"It's fascinating to see Nintendo embracing a wide spectrum of humor and even delving into darker themes."
"The darkest moments affected me the most, with tragic yet triumphant endings."
"The disciple is a sadistic Slayer and she doesn't try to hide that fact."
"Hollow Knight is known for its dark world, intricate lore, and difficult combat."
"Takashi displays a supreme ability to conjure something sinister which is an all-day difficult thing to pull off properly."
"The Zoldik family: a legacy of darkness, manipulation, and unparalleled strength in the world of assassins."
"Love, Death & Robots is literally Black Mirror animated. How could you not love that?"
"Heavily inspired by the works of HP Lovecraft."
"I like that Marvel's going into a darker direction, I hope they continue with that."
"Photo negative Mickey isn't an entertainer who was driven mad when it was trapped inside of its own costume. It is a living suit that believes itself to be human."
"Every little flaw, every blemish, every sign of corruption and trauma brought about by Disney is manifested in the Abandoned by Disney universe as an inverted Mickey Mouse costume."
"Beast Machines is easily the darkest Transformer show in existence."
"Center of the Records, just as dark if not even more so than its predecessor."
"Loaded with tragic moments and disturbing imagery."
"Morbidly fascinating, twisted, and terrible."
"Shivayama, which is mystic dark type. I'm assuming this is based on the god of destruction, Shiva from Hindu mythology. Yeah, it is. Okay, and it's also based on the evil eye, which is crazy."
"1988's Tender Prey... one of the most brilliant bleak depressingly poetic songs I've ever heard."
"This might be my favorite, it's dark, just like sludgy."
"I think a lot of the hallucinations, a lot of the dark stuff that's gone on on zetsubou no shima is all to do with the spiders really."
"I found a hidden room full of shackles and chains downstairs, looks like some kind of torture chamber."
"Jesus Christ for such a comedic adaptation they really know when to pull out the big guns for the darker moments of the story and it's brilliant they did."
"It's a pretty extensive kit but something that I think that it'll least get you to thinking about certain items that you want to care with you."
"They wanted to go deeper and darker. They wanted something psychological."
"Let me just say it's gonna be dark... they're gonna go through some troubles."
"This book had so many twists and turns and a larger very dark and mysterious plot at play."
"We will have a new damage type and new subclass branches for that element, called Stasis, where players will be able to wield the darkness itself."
"Wow, that was good, that was really good. It was dark, it was grotesque, but at the same time, it was really interesting."
"In Illusion of Gaia, the tone of the game was much darker, covering topics like slave trades and cannibalism."
"The perfect kind of over-the-top action while maintaining the grim dark vibes."
"Thundercats isn't afraid to go dark with its stories."
"Dark times, if nothing else, can make for some great stories."
"I really loved the first one so much, the writing was absolutely imaginative and just this tower itself is absolutely diabolical, it's dark, it's twisted and honestly just so, so creative."
"This one has gotten me more hyped than anything else and it proves that Chapter 3 of Poppy Playtime is going to some really dark places."
"The one thing I could really make out of the tattoo is that it looks like there's a dead skull."
"We're all connected to Sora. And if the darkness gets ya, I promise I'll bail you out. Dark rescues, my middle name."
"Another dark chapter concluded in our book of Dark History."
"Thank you, friends and fiends, for joining me for this twisted fairy tale!"
"I had finally achieved victory in one respect: murdering the Royal Guard and giving myself plausible deniability."
"Batman takes up the dagger, he slits his wrist, he pours the blood into the goblet, and then proceeds to drink it."
"All was betrayal, all was massacre, apocalyptic, vicious, sadistic, impossible but so terribly real."
"The series provides significant lore updates for Vault-Tec, revealing their origin stories and dark experiments."
"All of these guys, they're all similar to Batman in some way... extreme, perverted version of him."
"Show me the Arcane power of the dark knight."
"Dark stuff: you're a killer in Pokémon Red and Blue."
"If my only experience with the character of Batman is this guy then this dark mystery is actually kind of compelling."
"Revenge of the Sith captures the magic and darkness of the Star Wars saga."
"I love dark humor... the humor has got to come from the pain." - Gail Simone
"Science fiction is a dark and twisted daydream that plays out like a nightmare and it is their magnum opus."
"This series is honestly so much darker than I remember, it also has such interesting discussions as it relates to science and religion."
"If you're looking for something to read that you want to have a good time, it's kind of dark, it is very bloody."
"It's much darker, grittier, I think the Daredevil Netflix series is."
"It's been scary to read these Batman titles like they've actually brought like fright yeah they've been really dark super dark I've really enjoyed it."
"Wickedness is spreading, a malevolence that's seeping into every corner."
"It's everything The Witcher is all about: twists and turns you don't expect, dark narratives, and stories that refuse to just be sunshine and rainbows."
"Buckle up because this story is a wild and dark ride."
"No character is going to be the best character and they're probably going to die horribly and go insane."
"It's very macabre, it's got a great art style to it."
"There is some thematically thoughtful deep dark stuff going on in this game."
"Seeing how despicable Ozai was to his own son took the story to a very dark place."
"Urahara's darker desires will start to surface."
"I just really love 'The Boys' - dark social commentaries and superheroes blended perfectly."
"Underneath it all, there's a catharsis that isn't about indulging these dark ideas, it's about confronting them."
"The actual mythology of Hercules is shockingly darker."
"Tokyo Ghoul: absolutely love the story, bringing back a lot of nostalgia."
"The world of The Witcher is one of the darkest and most dystopian worlds you'll see in fantasy."
"The Dark Knight questions the value of the Savior itself."
"It's just so beautifully written, very whimsical, very atmospheric, but very dark."
"The fact that that made sense to us from a tonal perspective shows that the sky's the limit or the reaches of hell are the limit to be more accurate when it comes to things like Mephisto and Moon Knight and Blade and the Midnight Suns."
"There's always been this dark edge to him as well."
"Somebody wants to become a sacrifice they're going to be in the coffin now and this is somebody that was doing coffin spells."
"Majora's Mask: A lonely Skull Kid allowed a great evil to invade the land."
"It's definitely a book that can do that... it is very, very dark."
"It's not dying in the war with my dad... it's that it'll turn me into a very dark and evil person."
"I just made what's a glimpse into my twisted reality."
"It combines interesting characters with a surprisingly deep and dark story."
"The dark aspects are given more weight in kudelka; they are played straight for the sake of painting a picture of the characters and the world."
"Why the segregation? Why ostracize the 86? Again, I think that's because it's darker than that, it's more selective breeding."