
Child Safety Quotes

There are 871 quotes

"It appears that Russian air defense was caught lacking, and the Ukrainians pulled off the most successful attack within the Moscow area seen to this date."
"I didn't do those videos because they're Aboriginal. The reason I don't like the fact that Rio Tinto left a uranium mine in the top end abandoned and have no intention of treating it, it's because I don't like the idea of little kids, regardless of their race, playing in uranium contaminated mud puddles."
"With the help of feedback from dermatologists, it seems both parents and kids are more informed on what skincare is child-safe."
"YouTube reacts swiftly by deactivating the comment sections of thousands of child-oriented channels."
"We should never place the preference of an adult over the safety and innocence of a child."
"It is the greatest moral failure that we have politicians...in the pocket of the gun lobby that are doing their bidding and watching our children die every single day."
"Meta makes a hundred billion dollar a year profit. It's time to invest less of it in sanitizing opinions and more on keeping children safe."
"Parents, it's your charge and your responsibility to guard your children, your sons, and your daughters, from any harm."
"Elsa Gate refers to a large-scale controversy where YouTube channels and videos targeted towards children... started incorporating disturbing content."
"Tonight we're talking about a miracle. Just before we went on the air tonight, the amber alert for Charlotte Cena was canceled. New York State Police reporting Charlotte has been found safe. Charlotte has been found in good health. This is unreal."
"My goodness. Could you imagine the roller coaster of emotions for everyone involved beginning with this little girl. Who is now safe tonight."
"We are overjoyed at the news that Charlotte Cena has been located safely this evening. Thank you to the New York State Police, New York Park police, and all who worked so tirelessly to find Charlotte. Because of their efforts, Charlotte will be able to return home safe."
"Safety first: I have some kids who bolt, and if they bolt in front of a car, they usually don't get a second chance."
"One of the most important things that we can give our children is privacy on the internet."
"As a mother of four, I have been shaken by the disturbing images. The safety of children must be held with the highest regard."
"None of these children had to die to protect others; others should have protected them so they didn't have to die."
"We always put Tiana first, her safety, her protection, the love for her, all that will come first."
"The whole point of having this in the first place was to ensure that industry people who work regularly with children would be subjected to background checks."
"The number one weapon you have against child predation is mandatory sex ed for everyone."
"In 1990 about 62 percent of missing children were found alive and well whereas in 2011, 97 percent of children were successfully recovered."
"To save the life of our children's friends, you see, it is how it is."
"We have too much money and lobbyists fighting over here on the right saying don't touch our guns, and babies are dying, people are dying, kids are dying."
"In order to save the kids, you'd have to do something radical."
"It is unacceptable that companies with millions of users, many of them children, should be so ill-equipped to discuss the potential impacts of their products."
"A story that brings hope, a story that gives people the inspiration to do something about it, to donate to causes, to get involved themselves, to be more careful with their own children, to educate themselves on what to look for to identify trafficking."
"At what point do our children matter more than a gun?"
"You're gonna film a kid in the one place in their world that should be a sanctuary, it should be a safe haven, when they're sleeping soundly in their room, and put that online for people to see? Creepy people who are gonna use this for nefarious reasons?"
"Elon Musk said in a tweet about child porn on Twitter: 'It is a crime that they refused to take action on child exploitation for years.'"
"Elon Musk made it a top priority immediately when Ella Irwin, who now runs trust and safety, joined Twitter earlier this year. Almost no one was working on child safety before then."
"Elon Musk went after Twitter for this. He was very public about it."
"It is a crime that they refused to take action on child exploitation for years."
"Predators... used to have to worry about the Predator if the kid's out in the neighborhood. Now, the Predator can come right into your house."
"We have heard horrific stories and cases of young children and teenagers being kidnapped and ripped away from their own home by a stranger. In some of these cases, these resilient children and young adults are able to somehow survive and manage to escape down the road."
"It's absolutely disgusting that the parents were kept in the dark."
"A battery lodged in the esophagus can burn a child from the inside in just two hours."
"Protecting the public and especially children from online privacy invasions and dark patterns is a top priority for the commission and those enforcement actions make clear to businesses that the FTC is cracking down on these unlawful practices."
"I think Chad realizes how important it is that he keeps training his dog because he's got to think of his little girl first best of luck."
"We really felt like it was our opportunity to use that privilege to make the world a safer place for those kids."
"Every 40 seconds in the United States, one child goes missing."
"It stays with them their whole lives... little boys and little girls being horribly violently assaulted."
"School-age children should have the same protection as the older age groups."
"If you're going to send our kids off... there's a moral requirement to make sure they're safe."
"How much longer must our children endure active shooter drills?"
"No child should have to have this happen to them at this school."
"Bottom line here: Republicans are gonna have to say that it's more important to protect the children in this country than to antagonize the NRA. Are they prepared to do that?"
"Please keep your children safe, teach them a secret code or a password, the buddy system works, don't let them go into public restrooms or facilities you know by themselves today there's more fuel than ever for these guys."
"If you would like to help them and help their efforts to save other children from human trafficking, you can donate at their website."
"Guns are now the leading cause of death for children and young adults in these United States."
"Start with the vulnerable first, and the vulnerable are not men who like cross-dressing. The vulnerable are children."
"Rape and child abuse have become virtually decriminalized."
"As a parent, this is horrific. It's difficult to resist the urge to think of the children."
"This distressing incident serves as a reminder of the importance of vigilance and caution when it comes to interactions between young children and pets."
"Safety is paramount, holding your hand is non-negotiable."
"That child should not have died, it was preventable."
"We are thankful Daphne is safe and no longer being held by her father. It is especially gratifying to be able to tell her mom that Daphne is free."
"Anything can happen in a matter of seconds. Your child could be gone."
"Parents everywhere grew more cautious after the disappearance of the Beaumont children, realizing danger could be anywhere."
"It's always a red flag when the parent of a child is not the one who reports them missing."
"Being a parent means being responsible both online and offline."
"We will spare no resource in fighting so that every American child can grow up free from violence and fear."
"It takes unfortunate things to happen to these children before anybody wakes up right before mik staer happened with the with the H situation right nobody really knew this was a big deal a couple people were talking about it."
"Did you see the video where they teach children how not to take candy from strangers? That's traumatizing, but unlike the scary mask one, there's a lesson involved."
"When harm is done to children it hits differently. There's something almost inhuman about it because it's so unnatural, so avoidable."
"We've had five indictments... five arrests as a result of Operation Not Forgotten."
"The safety of our kids depends on whether this man is re-elected."
"When kids are involved, you have got to do better, you've got to take every precaution."
"A child dying is not a lesson that needs to be learned, a child dying is a crime that should be prevented."
"Whether they're metal detectors or not like these kids shouldn't even have access to guns like that."
"Experts at the Good Housekeeping Institute discovered that branded and knockoff fidget spinners contained parts that could potentially harm children if broken off."
"The Austin Magic Pistol was surely one of the coolest toys on the planet for most kids, but that doesn't mean it was safe. In fact, it definitely wasn't."
"It's often considered to be one of the most dangerous toys in the world. There's just something about the idea of a kid bouncing up and rebounding off the ceiling that could give any parent a headache."
"It's just so hard when it's an innocent child, you know?"
"One in five children will be sexually solicited before they turn 18 in this country."
"I think we're literally down to the last thing that we can all agree on... kids shouldn't be kidnapped."
"Your life literally leaves your body when you lose your kid, even for just 10 seconds."
"Child safety is a top priority for the Walt Disney Company."
"The scariest thing about this is not the zombie. It's actually how fast the kid transformed after being bitten."
"They were harming children and they're wrong."
"Parents, please keep an eye out... notice red flags."
"Trust the experts, guys, especially small children who are screaming at you about how we need to destroy the inside."
"Children should never die at the hands of the people who are meant to protect them."
"You want to do whatever you can to safely get the kids back to school."
"There should be no safer place for a child in our community than in his or her home."
"If we can't trust parents to protect their own children, we are so far gone."
"I probably would have laughed at the idea of grooming a child too because it's so absurd."
"Adults should never be asking kids to keep things a secret."
"Imagine your kid comes off the bus and it's like, 'Mommy, my bus driver invited me to his youth group event on Friday.'"
"At least he's not a child molester, which is so nuts."
"Y'all talk to your children make sure your children feel comfortable enough coming to you if if they have an issue with an adult especially if it's an adult that they know that you love."
"No child should be drugged and killed no matter the circumstance."
"As parents, the safety and happiness of our children is our top priority."
"Children who go missing will be approached by a human trafficker within the first 48 hours."
"Camille was let down by the adults in her life."
"Protect the children, you know what I'm saying? Protect the children, protect the children."
"That's an evil perspective I think the one thing we should be able to agree on as fellow Americans that we are all opposed to the murder of children."
"I think it's very accurate. You have to be careful as a parent what kind of step parent you bring into your child's life."
"The automated systems align with what Commissioner Rebecca Slaughter called a 'technological backstop,' an automated system to identify undesignated child-directed content."
"She literally endangered the life of a child twice."
"Be careful with children when doing Deliverance. We need to use extreme caution and be delicate and be kind with children. They don't understand."
"She knew that a little kid was being kidnapped in this moment."
"Kendall realized that her kids aren't going to open the basement door and has an idea."
"It's refreshing to see a governor see a horrible thing happen to children... and saying enough is enough."
"Parental rights are under attack, our children have never been in this much danger from inside the house."
"140 may not sound like a lot in the grand scheme of things but it's the equivalent of four or five classrooms of children massacred all at once, horrific."
"Imagine your nine-year-old son going missing and it seems like the police aren't willing to do anything to help."
"No ordeal is more horrifying for a family than to have a child taken."
"I just don't know how many people, how many children have to die before politicians stop caring as much about their political careers as they do about their constituents."
"We don't teach children that their neighbors or their friends might one day kill them—it would be too terrifying to do that."
"Make sure your kids always have the buddy system in place, whether they're walking home from school or going home from a movie, never really alone."
"Removing child exploitation is my number one priority."
"We know that children can be infected, we know that they tend to have mild disease but they can die from this infection so it's important that we protect them."
"Guns are the number one cause of death among children in the United States, yet we don't have the will to stop it."
"Is the punishment adequate for child predators? If we increase the severity, are we able to combat this seemingly epidemic?"
"There's not enough done to protect children... it's a scary world, man."
"Life in prison for child predators: a necessary punishment."
"All of us are flawed but this is a rough topic because it involves uh the raping of children and it's happening at the highest levels of government."
"This is about an internal investigation revealing what has been a long-standing pattern of behavior of child sexual assault and a long-standing precedent of no prosecution no charges no convictions."
"Just love your kid... Try to limit the exposure your child has to social media."
"She was too young to remember that particular incident, but very recently, a woman tried to get her into her car to help her find her lost puppy, and the first thing she did was come tell me."
"I do think that what you were promoting... is potentially endangering other kids if other parents are following this advice."
"Lego heads have a hole on top for safety, designed to prevent choking hazards."
"What do we do about this mess? You have to protect your kids."
"The agony of having your child taken is a fear of every parent... It is the worst type of violation that can occur."
"He had a fantasy of kidnapping a young girl, having his way with her, and then killing her."
"It's become a very difficult thing to realize that indeed there are people in our world who prey upon children."
"Most children that are abducted we either never find them or we find them and they've been killed."
"It's really sad we have more security in airports than we do for our children's school."
"I should not be approaching minors under any circumstances. And that's my fault. That's why I said, 'You know what? No, this is not okay.'"
"If that child's body temperature wasn't what it was, we would never have been able to save her."
"Protecting children wins votes because who wants to be against protecting children."
"If the child isn't found within the first six hours... the chances of finding them alive are halved."
"You can't help but think like, what if that was my child being abused that way."
"Children under the age of 17 were not allowed out alone... it wasn't supposed to be out of the house."
"Yes, the cops arrived and the entitled mother of the kids found her severely dehydrated children on the floor unconscious."
"I want you to promise me that you will do everything possible to prevent this from ever happening to another child."
"Innocent children are involved... it's extremely important that we are constantly on alert."
"Sometimes kids don't come home, and they don't mean to not come home. They just get taken by some evil person."
"Grooming is when someone tries to build a trusting relationship with a child with the goal of sexually abusing that child."
"Anyone who tells kids 'don't tell your parents' is the bad guy."
"There's never been a safer time to be a child."
"Pretending that sex is completely malleable is evil, and to subject children to this sort of activity is risky at best and harmful at worst."
"They opened up the latch, pulled open the door and to their surprise out of the refrigerator tumbled a little girl."
"Every time my kids age five and seven walk out the door these days, I am scared to death for their safety."
"No one should have to find their own child. We are creating this foundation to give resources and guidance on bringing their children home."
"You don't gain access to children by being this horrible nasty person right you gain access by putting yourself in position of power for vulnerable children."
"I'm honestly just grateful that my kid is no longer being abused or neglected."
"Kiki's actions showed how incredible a cat could be, they had just the same emotional range as humans and could show compassion when it mattered."
"The murder and desperation of children's lives is that the most heinous crime of all."
"There's kids six years old on social media and get and it's like a scientific fact that getting text messages or likes on a photo or whatever all that induces dopamine."
"I can understand how it happens in the adult brain, but when a kid's involved and you have to... and someone's taking a kid out who doesn't know anything different from just being a kid... then he's wrong. He's... yeah, absolutely."
"If you gave a [ __ ] about any of the people involved you would be concerned about the child trafficking gang member rapist gang members."
"Any religion that leads to the destruction and sexualization of children is satanic."
"Some of this stuff is real, there is a massive child trafficking issue in the world."
"The YouTube kids app doesn't have any cursing."
"That's not normal to have to tell a child that guns are not toys."
"There's also these groups that are doing things that kind of bypass safety nets for kids."
"And then they don't have to deal with an investigation."
"The last known picture of JJ is of him sitting on the couch eating yogurt."
"I know exactly where JJ is, he's perfectly fine and safe and happy."
"Since the police are reluctant to help find their missing children, parents must help themselves."
"The role of the parents is to become that safety net."
"During this pandemic, masks are an effective strategy for preventing the spread of infection, especially for kids who are younger, especially for kids who are not vaccinated."
"Protecting the vast number of children that play and enjoy that game is very important."
"Parent's greatest fear is losing their child."
"If you genuinely believe these people are a danger towards children, then you really would have gone to the police by now."
"Talk to an adult about it. You must, the moment it starts. Don't wait. Tell everybody you possibly can."
"Your child is gaining protection, you have to have more peanut to cause a reaction."
"For children without a serious medical condition, the danger of severe COVID is so low as to be difficult to quantify."
"Our children are straight up under attack, y'all. Snap out of it."
"These are children. They need massive amounts of protection."
"It's just giving kids good advice and also giving kids advice that helps them not get groomed or sexually assaulted."
"It is a fact that when children have been taught consent and general sex ed so they have an idea of their Anatomy that that actually reduces their likelihood of being assaulted."
"This could have been anybody's child anybody's sister anybody's daughter."
"It was a watershed because it changed the way police and society looked at child abduction."
"Teaching kids about consent warns them that there are predators who might treat them badly and they need to have the voice and the words to know how to say stop and then get help."
"Getting a rear-facing child seat in the Lexus ES is pretty easy."
"Gun violence is the number one killer of children and teens."
"How can you say something like that? Imagine if your child were to be kidnapped."
"When a three-year-old goes missing, alarm bells go off immediately."
"We'd rather trust our children, our most valuable possession on the planet, with somebody from within our community with no experience over somebody with vast amounts of experience."
"You are putting your child at risk I know that sounds like a lot of pressure but when you become a parent you are accepting that pressure you are signing a life-binding contract."
"I'm not joking about the disappearance of my baby daughter."
"Anything could be happening to her at any moment."
"Secure the children first, no matter how bad it's between the two of you."
"Without Reddit, this baby would have been kidnapped."
"The question on every Canadian parent's mind, why aren't there seat belts on Canada's school buses?"
"School bus seat belts prevent injuries and save lives."
"We've got to come together, save our children."
"This game does not have pay to win stuff which for the video is not good but in general it's good to protect children's wallets."
"Whatever you can do right now to protect as many kids as possible, do it."
"Even one child being horrifically mutilated is too many."
"A society must put the health and safety of our children first."
"Let's start looking at these games seriously: Roblox might be worse than Fortnite."
"This is territory that's affecting children and needs to be brought to light."
"I have a big heart, and I will destroy somebody if I see anybody hurt the children."
"Inappropriate sex talk before children isn't just improper; it can lead to very dangerous things."
"There is no child that should have duct tape on its face when it dies."
"Ukrainian children are born in bomb shelters."
"Politicians, celebrities are involved with trafficking children, they use businesses such as nurseries as fronts."
"The only way that you're ever going to stop the tide of child sexual abuse is to tell the children."