
Abortion Quotes

There are 579 quotes

"Abortion is the end of a lot of other problems. There's a lot of things before then, so I would love if for us as a society, focus on providing a better life for everyone."
"We are in war right now. 50% of black deaths are abortion. We kill ourselves; that's psychological warfare."
"Abortion shouldn't be political anymore. It should have been done and dusted 50 years ago."
"Legalizing abortion makes society better because if you don't, people who don't want to have children will have children, which is very expensive and time-consuming."
"Roe vs. Wade and Planned Parenthood vs. Casey haunt our country. They have no basis in the constitution. They've damaged the democratic process, they poison the law, they've choked off compromise for 50 years."
"The New York Times knows its base of support, so they would never [__] concern troll around abortion in this exact same way."
"Most people in the country...are cool with [abortion] less than 20 weeks."
"Abortion is a medical decision between a patient and their doctor, full stop."
"It's a basic human right to have an abortion, to have a choice."
"The majority of people seeking abortions are already parents. They know what's right for their families."
"Not once does the movie ever consider the moral quandary of an abortion that is necessary to save a woman's life."
"Well, that's a faith-based argument, and if you want our society to restrict access to abortions on that basis, what you're really doing is forcing people to hold to your religious values."
"If you wanted fewer abortions, you would promote comprehensive sex education and easy access to contraceptives because that's all that has ever reliably lowered abortion rates in any country."
"The most dangerous place for an African-American to be is in the womb of their African-American mother."
"To understand what the agenda was behind the legalization of abortion, all you need to do is look at the statistics from the U.S. Government."
"The Constitution does not confer a right to abortion; Roe and Casey are overruled, and the authority to regulate abortion is returned to the people and their elected representatives."
"Abortion is a valid choice for any pregnant person for any reason."
"I don't believe that potential life has the same value as actual life."
"A fetus at 30 weeks has a developed nervous system, but that's past the point where I'd consider abortion to be okay."
"I think most women don't even want to terminate their pregnancy but because we're kind of indoctrinated in this feminist gynocentric Society, I think we have a feminist leaning."
"There was nothing doctrinally or specific about abortion in sacred texts... nor was there anything that prohibited women from having control of their lives and their bodies."
"Unborn children aren't people... I don't know what an unborn child is. I know what a fetus is."
"Abortion is a fundamental principle that in violation of human dignity that the Catholic Church, that he professes, stands strongly against. There's no room for disagreement there."
"I believe that abortion is a form of Health Care and that every woman should have access to it if she needs it."
"The greatest example that comes to mind is abortion. It was such an insane thing to do, and yet places like Kentucky...overwhelmingly voted in favor of codifying and protecting abortions."
"So Roe v. Wade was the 1973 decision that effectively legalized abortion up to a certain point."
"If men could get pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament."
"Deciding to have an abortion is actually a choice of power and courage."
"It's never an easy decision for anyone to decide to abort a fetus at any stage."
"The idea that we have created a society of human sacrifice...abortion can often act as a form of human sacrifice."
"There is a constitutional right to an abortion up until the point at which the fetus becomes viable."
"Abortion is health care and we will fight this."
"Writer and essayist Eleanor Penny once said 'Where a reason is needed for criminalizing abortions, a reason will be found.'"
"Roe v. Wade has been reversed. How do you feel about abortion? Is what you feel about abortion important?"
"The majority of Americans do not want Roe v. Wade overturned. The majority of Americans want abortion to be safe, legal, and accessible."
"If abortion doesn't kill human beings, no justification is necessary; however, if it does kill human beings, no justification is adequate."
"Women in the United States no longer have a constitutional guaranteed right to an abortion."
"The right of privacy, whether it be founded in the 14th Amendment's concept of personal liberty and restrictions upon state action, as we feel it is, or as the district court determined in the Ninth Amendment's preservation of rights to the people, is broad enough to encompass a woman's decision whether or not to terminate her pregnancy."
"Regardless of your position on abortion rights, it is important that we condemn all acts of violence regardless of who is the ultimate target."
"Women have been getting abortions for millennials as long as we have lived, so they will not stop people getting abortions."
"Seventy percent of voters support access to safe and legal abortions."
"Getting an abortion is not easy. Making that decision is not easy. It's not something people do lightly."
"In considering the issue of abortion, we consider and must continue to consider some of the most fundamental questions of our first principles and of our constitution."
"The majority of people who get abortions are white... criminalize abortion, ensure a future majority white working class."
"Well, I'm personally, I'm pro-choice of it. I personally would never have an abortion; but I can't tell anyone else."
"Most Americans, 70 percent, believe that abortion should only be permitted in the first trimester or in cases of rape and incest."
"Abortion to me is not a political issue. It's a human rights issue."
"The pro-life issue does not have to be a partisan issue."
"There's no such thing as pro-choice after you have sex."
"Abortion is the killing of the innocent on a mass scale."
"Even the 15-week debate to me is a relevant debate to have."
"You're basically saying the baby is healthy and capable of surviving on its own, viable, but you can kill it if the mother is sick."
"When something like abortion is legalized and normalized you do see a breakdown of the family."
"Most people feel rather lukewarm or have mixed feelings about abortion...it's a much more nuanced take."
"If you want them to not have abortions then incentivizing them to have the baby is a really good way to reduce abortions."
"Abortion isn't a 50/50 issue anymore." - Politico article excerpt
"Almost all Americans will say there does come a point where you've got to protect that unborn human life because it is a human."
"Leftism is the worship of self through abortion."
"It actually leads to abortion rights being written into federal law."
"There's a pattern here... people need to pay attention and not listen to anybody who says Donald Trump has softened his position on abortion." - Former US Senator
"Yesterday women and men Republicans Independence Democrats woke up to a situation in which the Arizona Supreme Court reimposed this 1864 ban... it's insane, it's egregious, it's an affront to our freedom." - Arizona Attorney General
"My view is now that we have abortion where everybody wanted it from a legal standpoint, the states will determine by Vote or legislation or perhaps both, and whatever they decide must be the law of the land." - Former President Trump
"I think that every abortion is is the horrific ending of of a human life right but I almost I almost view abortion in a sense in the way that I view racism."
"I think we need to talk directly and aggressively and a lot about abortion as both in and of itself and also illustrative of what Republican governance can be."
"Abortion is a euphemism. What's done isn't an abortion, the only proper word is murder."
"Abortion rights is a universal right for all women in America."
"If abortion doesn't kill human beings then no justification is necessary however if it does kill human beings no justification is adequate."
"Thank you for aborting your kids, you're making the future better."
"Abortion may be the slavery issue of our generation."
"Abortion is life-saving, it's life-altering."
"The most restrictive abortion ban in America passed by the Oklahoma legislature."
"Developed in France in 1980, under the name RU468, medical abortions are less invasive, safer, and more private than surgical abortions."
"So what we wanted to do was to use pills instead of a surgical procedure to end a pregnancy."
"The abortion issue triggers deep emotions for good reason."
"Abortion is one of the most, if not the most mobilizing factors in the 2022 election."
"Abortion is not just a woman's issue, it takes two to make a baby."
"Make abortion unthinkable... make abortion illegal and unthinkable."
"There are more people working full-time to kill babies than there are working full-time to save them."
"Abortion bans just make abortions less safe."
"Abortion is going to continue... there's a difference between a country where evil is done and a country that establishes that evil as a right."
"Abortion's not illegal... it's going to be harder if you live in one of those states, but we are not going back to a time where it was impossible to get an abortion."
"Georgia's highly restrictive abortion law was signed by Governor Brian Kemp on May 7."
"This took an important issue like abortion out of the hands of nine unelected justices and put it back in the hands of elected officials at the state level."
"Let's just call it abortion and that helps to begin to destigmatize it."
"Our only chance to protect a woman's right to an abortion."
"The least popular stance is 'illegal in all cases,' only 13%. That's like lower than defund the police level of support."
"Virtually every Democrat candidate has declared their unlimited support for extreme late-term abortion."
"Is abortion murder? The Bible is clear... You shall not murder."
"Abortion is going to be legal, and in the states where it is legal, that will be because the voters there want it to be legal."
"The most dangerous place for a black person's in their mother's womb."
"We're so this is Jesus and people like us are deciding when abortions can happen and we're out here."
"If you really believe that life begins at fertilization, there is a genocide happening every day."
"We have no decision on abortion, we are only sending this back to the people and the people's representatives."
"The number one leading cause of death among children is abortion."
"We all know that abortion is absolutely part of healthcare."
"These laws are insane that are being passed including you know we're gonna start to criminalize miscarriages and we're gonna criminalize getting abortion drugs."
"Most of you who follow me and many of you disagree with me know that I am actually pro-choice."
"How do they get to where the American people are on abortion, which is basically the acknowledgement of a constitutional right?"
"All humans deserve equal rights, but we'd have to give the baby in the womb equal rights."
"The reality of abortion: 'I've done something evil, and I'm not even allowed to mourn it.'"
"Abortion politics have been a total electoral disaster for Republicans wherever you stand on the issue."
"Normalizing self-medicated abortion is just normalizing legal abortion."
"My position on abortion is clear: I am pro-life with exceptions for life of the mother."
"The Supreme Court heard arguments in the Dobbs vs. Jackson Women's Health Organization case, potentially overturning Roe v. Wade."
"Everybody who is for abortion has already been born, it's almost like they have already gone up the ladder and they're happy to kick the ladder out for someone else."
"Abortion is health care and no one should have to leave their communities or travel hundreds or thousands of miles to get what is basic healthcare."
"Abortion is as evil as slavery, it truly is."
"Yesterday the Democrats... voted down a bill that would have prevented abortion except in cases where the mother of the life..."
"Abortion is so sacred to them it is such a sacrosanct issue to them that they are literally willing to say that it is better for a baby to be killed in the womb than to be given up to a happy family for adoption."
"What is up with all of these new abortion laws that are cropping up mainly in the America South?"
"Abortion restrictions exist to control us, not to protect us."
"The abortion debate is very important because what underpins it is not the legalese of the thing right whether it's constitutionally legal not who gives a [__] that's not the question being asked."
"There's a lot of like quote unquote Christians that like aren't super practicing that would probably be more likely to be a pro-choice right."
"My body my choice... the state should stay out of things like abortion."
"The baby didn't do anything wrong. So why are you punishing the baby? If you believe it's a life and it is ending a life, you're ending the life of the innocent baby."
"Abortion is central to a person's ability to make economic choices for themselves and their families."
"You can't connect them to God has nothing to do with snatching a baby and crushing him. Because that's what abortion is."
"Viability is a dog [__] argument for abortion too."
"This is an attack on women to try and convince women that their sole political power is anchored on their ability to kill their children."
"I cannot support a pro-abortion politician because he builds social housing and because of the relative good I would have to accept the absolute evil." - Cardinal Gerhard Müller
"The majority position has been the world's position, which is that abortion should be available as long as they don't believe there is a formed fetus present."
"Abortion is a constitutional right; it's that right that I protect."
"Overturning Roe vs. Wade would be absolutely wrong, not to mention catastrophic."
"People that get abortions aren't literally trying to have children. You're just... You're forcing them to have children."
"If abortion is murdering a child, then there can never be a situation where it is okay to do."
"We do need to expand the court which is why we do need to codify Roe v. Wade and ensure access to abortion for all people."
"We need to abolish the filibuster so we need to codify Roe v. Wade pass the Women's Health Protection Act we need to abolish the filibuster we need to expand the impact of these policies."
"Abortion is health care plain and simple, and oftentimes it's needed to save lives."
"Abortion is one thing but this really boils down to us being able to make our own health care decisions."
"Abortion, and choosing an abortion has a lot to do with having control over your body."
"I've come to see this very much as a neutral, abortion is not good, abortion is not bad. It just is, just is."
"So effectively, as you can see when I described this, this makes abortion illegal in Texas under every circumstance, except a very clear life-threatening circumstance."
"The laws on the books right now restricting abortion are very clear about what is being banned and restricted."
"We've killed 63 million kids since Roe v Wade."
"I would say it is wrong to intentionally kill an innocent human life. Abortion intentionally kills an innocent human life. Therefore abortion is wrong."
"Personally, I don't necessarily agree with using the language of killing babies because that's like the darkest day in some of these ladies' lives."
"What I'm saying is that there's no reason to make that exception because unborn human life is still human life."
"We say on the one hand, 'I'm a devout,' and on the other hand, 'I'm in favor of abortion.' Well, the two are mutually exclusive."
"You're deceiving yourself if you say you can kill your baby and it'd be good for you. That's just deception. That's not true. It doesn't register with reality."
"Congress must pass legislation that codifies Roe v. Wade as the law of the land in this country now."
"Overturning Roe v. Wade is tantamount to saying that the constitution doesn't guarantee a right to privacy."
"I'm sorry, it's your opinion on abortion is not as valid as somebody who is willing to have some skin in the game."
"Nobody has made a compelling case for why abortion should be considered immoral."
"There's no such thing as a safe abortion. It is inherently unsafe."
"Abortion is the foundation of everything they've torn down."
"The best case scenario is abortion essentially remains legal and a battle."
"Abortion policymaking should rest with the elected legislators and governors."
"If the government can deny you the right to an abortion, is there any reason they couldn't also force you to have an abortion?"
"Abortion is a choice for a woman, yeah, and we should also underline like Crystal Walker, by his own admission."
"The truth is this is a serious issue and people out there are actually questioning whether or not they should do abortion."
"The ending of abortion will be a litmus test for our time concerning revival."
"It's impossible for darkness to dominate light."
"I saw justice coming concerning the issue of abortion in America."
"The current laws of abortion will be overturned."
"The fact that they overstepped their boundaries on abortion, yeah, that backfired on them in a dramatic way."
"Abortion is not a racial justice issue. It's a racial injustice issue."
"As a pro-choice pastor, I've always believed that a patient's room is way too small for a woman, her doctor, and the United States government."
"The baby has a right to life, and that right is not taken away by the fact that he's the product of rape."
"Abortion is the high sacrament of the religion of secular possession."
"There's a deep correlation between sex outside of marriage and abortion."
"Abortion, particularly here in America, if you go look at the percentage of how many black babies are being destroyed in the womb, you're actually co-signing your genocide and death."
"Abortion really makes me uncomfortable because it really feels like we just killed a baby, and they seem to want to kill black babies the most."
"Abortion is the intentional taking of human life."
"A woman having the right to choose is not infanticide."
"Their position on abortion has literally never had majority support."
"There are two victims in every abortion: the obvious victim of the child, and often, the birth mother, who is really a victim herself."
"So when did this evangelical protestant christian right decide that it wanted to care about abortion all of a sudden?"
"The number one justification for people getting abortions is financial need."
"Life begins at conception... it's a Slaughter in our country."
"This thou shalt not kill stretches to killing babies."
"Republicans are showing us exactly what a post Roe v Wade America they want."
"Anyone who's at all interested in women's liberation should be pushing for the decriminalization of abortion."
"It's not about whether abortion is right or wrong it's about whether or not women shall have control over their bodies."
"Allowing women to access abortion not just in terms of their individual autonomy but from a societal point of view it massively cuts crime."
"Abortion is really just, on the numbers, the greatest mass killing."
"Right now, support for legal abortion is at 64%. That is nearly 10 points higher than it was just over a decade ago."
"Injustice anywhere is injustice everywhere. It's just faux outrage and virtue signaling. That's all Royce, on this... I think there's a point you want to make connecting some of this to abortion."
"It's the attempt to draw lines at all. Now, like, I think it's fine for the law to say in general, you know, late-term abortions should be in relatively rare circumstances."
"The majority of the pro-abortion left comprises these groups."
"Most women who keep the baby after seeking an abortion are glad that it happened in the end."
"Abortion is not something that was ever voted on by the American people."
"Abortion does not preserve your ability to fulfill your goals."
"Now we have an 81-year-old Catholic guy as president who's never been a personal fan of abortion but opened his State of the Union by promising to stake his political capital on guaranteeing access to abortion Nationwide."
"Our 81-year-old Catholic President used the first five minutes of his State of the Union to call for passing a law to restore Roe."
"An abortion is a choice. It is your body and it is your choice."
"Nobody supports abortion, but I support a woman's right to choose."
"I have respect for Republicans for pushing as hard as they do on abortion because they believe it like it's a genuine belief of what's good and bad and it's well intentioned."
"Abortion should absolutely remain legal, at least in the first trimester."
"Abortion: it's not your body, it's not your choice."
"I've had it with all of these governments banning abortion, getting into Women's Health Care."
"If an abortion happens but the baby survives, can you kill it? And he already said no."
"Mississippi is more liberal than France about abortion. Roe v. Wade was right."
"For most people who consider themselves pro-life, abortion is abstract. But for me, abortion is real."
"The largest marginalized group in the world can be found here in the United States. They are the unborn."
"How can the dream survive if we murder the children? Every aborted baby is like a slave in the womb of his or her mother." - Martin Luther King Jr.
"Republicans have a major problem on their hands when it comes to abortion which they can see clearly and which is why they are throwing a ton of spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks."
"Women will still get abortions if they're illegal, but they will be unsafe."
"Some people need abortions because they were either raped... it means that they are being considerate to not only that child but to their bodies and their mental health."
"People see the reality of what abortion is and they just don't like it."
"There's a healthy percentage, if not 50%, who disagree strongly with her perspective on the so-called right to terminate her pregnancy."