
Human Limits Quotes

There are 95 quotes

"We're human, we can't do everything and anything in one day."
"If it's infeasible that a human being can do it within their natural life, then even though on a theoretical sense it is possible, it is practically impossible."
"I never thought it was humanly possible to do what I did."
"There are some things humans are not meant to witness. Things our mind cannot fathom, that defy all reason."
"Every time 220 is loaded in a snatch, this is a way that for decades was debated, will any human ever do it?"
"Over the next 48 hours, we will push the limits of the human body."
"The truth is, if we had to hold our breath for another two-and-a-half to three minutes, most of us, unfortunately, would be dead."
"How far are you willing to go down this transhumanist road before you are not a human being anymore?"
"Every people on earth are like a rubber band. They can only take so much mistreatment before they snap."
"Once in a while an athlete comes along who is so perfect to what they do they redefine the limits of human ability."
"Monet is essentially a near perfect being, all of her physical and mental skills are greater than the natural physical limits of peak humans."
"Pushing the limits of what's humanly possible in cinema."
"A human being can only put so many hours into any project."
"They've gone almost impossibly quickly for normal people."
"The simple act of driving a car deliberately into a tree at 50 miles an hour without breaking is something many people would find very difficult to do."
"How far can we all be pushed before we start making those decisions?"
"Understanding your limits as a human is very, very important."
"Unlimited possibilities are not suited to man, if they existed his life would only dissolve in the boundless. To become strong, a man's life needs limitation ordained by duty and voluntarily accepted."
"You're only human man, you can only do so much, I'm only human."
"When it comes to power, mother nature holds an extraordinary amount far more than us humans can even comprehend."
"It takes the human condition and pushes it to the absolute breaking point and beyond."
"The futility of the attempt to attain the infinite through finite means."
"There's only so much aggression a human being can absorb."
"You're never going to be at your best 100 of the time."
"The weather will always be the boss, no matter how tough you are."
"The limit for humans reacting to a visual stimulus is about 200 to 250 milliseconds."
"There was only so much to human endurance that one could contend with."
"There are some things that humans just weren't built to survive."
"This man is pushing the absolute limits of what a human is able to do as far as the bench press. I mean, there's no one... I don't even think there's anyone coming close to these kind of numbers right now."
"Grace begins where human ability ends."
"He's a guy, he's got limits to what he can bear, and he's got rage..."
"...Blaine was determined to show the entire world how far the human body could be pushed."
"Sometimes you have to hit a wall to realize you're still human."
"You sent him to a mental level that no human being has ever been to before."
"No man and no army is invincible."
"The game is like no human body was designed to go around as quickly as this."
"What if only robots were going to be doing these missions to Mars? Well, the entire reason why the author thinks that this space station is essential is because we are going to get medical knowledge about the limits of human capacities to live in spacecraft."
"Humans like us were never meant to tamper with such powers. The moment we start meddling, we're punished."
"David was a man on a mission, his purpose was to see where the human body and the mind could be taken to."
"You've now reached the absolute extremes of human survival."
"You can go three minutes without breathing, three days without water."
"We are not robots; we can't work 24/7. We have to take breaks, we have to do things to take care of ourselves."
"There's a fascinating thing about what the human body can do, you know, what can it endure."
"The bottom line is, you only have two hands and two feet, and it's going to be the same in 10 years and 20 years, two hands and two feet."
"If you are born on the moon in one-sixth G, you can never stand up on the earth."
"Cameron Beaubier do things that don't seem human sometimes."
"We're only limited by our imagination."
"Everything in a way is connected, but we can't sense this due to the limits of the human mind."
"There are insurmountable limits to visual perception and memory that are imposed by our biological nature."
"The notion that quarks would become too powerful for the human body to handle is by no means a far-fetched theory."
"You're only human; you can only do so much, and you've got to put yourself ahead sometimes."
"We're not machines, but it is going to be pretty much every time, and you're going to love the results."
"I'm an athlete, but you know, we've all got our limits."
"A race that provides the ultimate test of human endurance."
"I believed I was superhuman; I could cope with this, I cope with everything, and I couldn't."
"When two people have a one-on-one fistfight, you know the limits of human endurance and physicality vaguely, so you understand the rules."
"Can we, human beings, with our three-pound brains, access ultimate reality?"
"Shows people that he's not that invincible."
"It's not humanly possible to be at 100% efficiency if you're working with no rest."
"I feel like I faced and challenged God with what the human body could take."
"Every man has his breaking point, and these, in the fulfillment of their duties as soldiers, were forced beyond the limit of human endurance."
"I can only do so much as a human being."
"We are all of us but mortal; we cannot defy the gods."
"Space is an inherently hostile environment for humans."
"Not illegal, just a man doing something that humans aren't supposed to do against other professional athletes."
"In the remote mountains of northern Mexico, a little-known tribe is redefining the limits of human endurance."
"It's just human performance to the absolute limit."
"Human is not a machine; people have limits."
"It's amazing to test the human body and see what you can do."
"His research helped establish the limits of human tolerance to high g environments."
"Superhumans are beings that surpass human limitations."
"Imagine if there's like colors that we've never seen and nobody knows exists. What if all humans are colorblind to certain colors?"
"Human bodies aren't designed to be at such a high altitude."
"Man is finite; he can comprehend anything with definable limits, but beyond such limits is an incomprehensible universe."
"I'm only human, I'm not a machine. A body can only take that much of intense training like that, physically and mentally."
"The science knows the human body should not be doing what the NBA players are being asked to do on a night in, night out basis."
"We are neither omniscient nor omnipotent. We all live with regrets."
"Humans can't really run themselves to death; we have evolutionary mechanisms in place that basically make that impossible."
"You can only ask so much of a human being."
"No matter how strong a person is, he will always have his limits."
"Can you imagine holding your breath for six minutes? That's crazy."
"We're talking about a power that's beyond human ability."
"Everybody, even the guys at the top of the Apex, have a Breaking Point, and nobody's beyond tapping out."
"He can do things that we can't even really comprehend as human beings."
"He went past the normal limit of the human body."
"We're human beings, we can't be running at 100% every single day."