
Community Strength Quotes

There are 300 quotes

"So many of us in America...we've all had our struggles, we've all had our fights, and we emerge okay."
"The Two Wild Nation, the Two Wild crew is stronger than ever, man, and I want to say you guys thank you so much from the bottom of my heart."
"The strength of the black community and its allies was shown to be truly formidable."
"The strength of a community is measured by the courage of its members."
"Grieving, the hurting, and the healing; there's no telling how long that will last, but that community is a family and they are strong."
"As long as we stick together, we're seeing that we can survive."
"We are stronger, our schools are stronger, our communities are stronger, our country is stronger when we have spaces that reflect all of the diversity of this country."
"I think communities are becoming stronger... being reminded that localized living is the key."
"Diversity is our source of strength and pride, but with diversity needs to come inclusion."
"We're very proud of our diversity, it's our source of strength and pride, but with diversity needs to come inclusion."
"For me, that symbolizes how powerful we are as a community that people have to use hacks to try to beat us."
"Our cities are strong because our people make them strong. Our economy will come back because our small businesses will bring it back."
"We are Maui strong; we will get through this."
"This community is so powerful, and it wants what's best for Manchester United."
"It's nice to see that we have come together; we have the strongest hold."
"We're going to get through this, and I think we're doing better than you know."
"Toronto's motto is 'Diversity as our strength.'"
"The strength of the Church lies in the efforts and ever-growing testimonies of its members. Testimonies are best cultivated in the home."
"The stronger the black community becomes, the stronger the greater community becomes."
"Courage is always stronger than fear, and when you are fighting for common values, you shouldn't be afraid of the enemy, because the enemy retreats when he fears force."
"In the aftermath of the tragedy, Nova Scotia stood strong."
"They underestimate the power and strength of this community."
"As long as we're in solidarity with each other, our odds are a whole heck of a lot better."
"All I'm saying is that as good as the music is and the food is that we can have communities that are as strong and as vibrant as that energy is if you put a different type of leader in place."
"I can't be more happy because I know the strength of that fan base along with our fans who are in some ways, you know, they're just as strong."
"The whole next 10, 20, 30 years is going to be about the strength of our communities."
"It shows the strength of the community, that in spite of what we endure, we basically aspire to maintain and to move forward."
"Together equal strong. The decentralization of this community, letting the expert step onto the soapbox keeps us strong."
"Society can come together as one now, I reckon they can."
"It's like community is not just the fuel but it could be the jet fuel that keeps all this together."
"Our community is already strong but is stronger still when we stand together united against those who are real enemies."
"X Muslims are rising in numbers and in strength, standing up against tyranny justified in the name of any God."
"Recognize how strong we are through our shared community and love."
"You want the black American community to represent strength."
"We're stronger together. Please don't leave."
"Beware when you say the um is weak, the umah has never actually been weak."
"We will come out the other side of this a stronger, more represented and more supported Community."
"That's what I'm talking about with the rest of us. Together, we're so much more."
"This pandemic was the first time I saw that the values of Sikhism give strength to people who had every reason to be really scared."
"Thanks so much for having a good chat without getting deeply offended because you're all made of glass, you champions hung in there."
"The resilience of this community has been remarkable."
"Every reasonable metric you can track is very strong in the Cardano community."
"Stop letting white folks tell you what being black AF is supposed to mean."
"Being black AF is about building strength in your community."
"We may never know why he did what he did but what we can say for certain is that the small community living in Hungerford refused to be beaten by his cruelty or haunted by the nightmare of Michael Ryan's deranged killing spree."
"Communities that work together had the greatest survival rates."
"True virtue I've only seen through the example of the Prophet saws and his companions."
"We have to change the narrative. We have to show powerful black men."
"We really gotta do that to make sure our communities are strong."
"We are the strongest community of people on the planet. We're also the smartest crypto community on the planet."
"As a community, that is what is beautiful about this movement. We all recognize that there is an actual issue with the system, the free market that exists, and people are coming together to make it happen."
"Tough times don't last, but tough people do. And we have the toughest people in the world right here in Ontario."
"If you call out the bad actors in your group, it only makes your group stronger."
"New Yorkers are tough and strong and brave. New Jersey heights are tough and strong and brave."
"What we were seeing was cultural resilience. It's New York City at its finest."
"The community is only as hurt as we allow ourselves to be."
"The power in the MGTOW community comes from two places: our freedom of speech and our anonymity."
"This tragedy is not going to define us, it is going to show our resiliency."
"This country is extraordinarily resilient, and so are our people."
"Solana has proven... a very strong community."
"Salana is just leagues above... because of the tech and community."
"Stronger families. Stronger communities. A stronger America."
"They had capable men, strong families, and resilient communities that our nation was born from."
"The more members we get, the stronger we become as a group."
"We are New York tough. We are smart. We are disciplined. We are unified, and we are loving."
"Stronger together. Thank you for your submissions."
"It's a very strong community already just after two months."
"Our community is very strong, very passionate, and very supportive."
"The human spirit is just amazing... I'm blown away by the resilience of the people of New Orleans."
"It shows how strong the community is and people are willing to help."
"We are very close-knit, we will come together, and we will survive."
"Didja bat was one of the best performing tokens in 2017 and has one of the strongest communities I've ever seen."
"We are not powerless, black family. We are in our finest hour."
"There's almost like a systematized piece as well to like, 'Don't let them come together because united, look at what they could do.'"
"I want our little pocket of black people to literally be so powerful, so well informed, so intelligent, so strategic, so capable that when we step in the room, we will dominate any form of white supremacy."
"What we're up against is bigger than any one of us, but it's not bigger than all of us."
"This was pure evil, by one individual, and I know that this community is going to come together, stronger than ever."
"In the face of adversity, we rise: Our strength lies in unity."
"You have to stick together and you have to stay the course."
"Floridians are so resilient; you guys just rebuild better."
"They trying it but we here and we're here to stay."
"Do you have you amended your training level to adapt for the king's move?"
"Working together as a community, we can overcome this crisis."
"Four girls lost their lives but yet in spite of all of that the church is still thriving today."
"There is something powerful about unity and community."
"All of us have these different things but when we come together like it just feels like we're something that can't be messed with."
"Integration is meant to perpetuate the idea that we're stronger together."
"Janet said yes she said absolutely you have my permission that is my girl and let's also make take heed for everyone listening there is power in numbers and people."
"We cannot become a strong people unless we become a disciplined people."
"Resilience, pure and simple, is the strength we draw from each other."
"The power of the community that we've built that opens the doors for these opportunities and I'll be eternally grateful for that."
"Don't come for the Disney community. They're a scary community to [__] with."
"We have to have strong Black institutions because I am tired of Black people talking about us surviving when we should be having thriving conversations."
"We are stronger together than we all thought. Kindness has a ripple effect."
"Building a brotherhood that is so tight... anything that comes our way it will not break us."
"But the community is strong... love you all."
"While one HBCU is strong, all HBCUs are stronger."
"I've met with them twice, they are wonderful courageous strong people and I'll tell you they're going to need all the courage and strength they can as we go through this process."
"Do not underestimate a strong community in the state of crypto this year."
"BTS and Army: A perfect yin-yang relationship of support and strength."
"It's surreal to me, the fanbase. The Browncoats. They're like, you have a... it's probably one of the strongest fan bases."
"The Beverly Hall family is strong, man, shout out to the Beverly Hall family right now."
"I love how we stand together and pick each other up when we're down."
"We're going to get through this, and we will be the better for it."
"When we come together, there ain't nothing we can't do."
"Despite the darkness of this tragedy, the strength and the unity of the community offer a glimmer of hope and resilience in the face of adversity."
"The goal is just to show that the past couple years in Pokemon have been very crazy with its ups and downs and just to show the world that you know Pokemon is an amazing brand and that the community itself is full of such incredibly amazing people."
"Shows like the strength of the community, oh I love every minute of it."
"But when we face these problems, we come together."
"The word talks about us needing each other and how much stronger we are when there are two or three gathered."
"We are a strong people. We don't agree all the time but when disaster comes knocking on our door we work together."
"A hundred people who organize together and trust each other are far more powerful than 10,000 people who are isolated individuals."
"Trust in God for the incredible spirit of my people and for the resoluteness with which I decided not to bow down beneath the yoke."
"We need to link up together and strengthen ourselves as a nation."
"All these elements work together in harmony. That's the biggest strength Halo has."
"I think it proves that yet again the MCU's biggest strength is the fan base that Kevin Feige has built."
"No matter how dark the circumstances there are always people out there strong and determined enough to persevere and to try to make the world a better place."
"We're stronger together than we are separated."
"Your tribe is only as strong as your weakest link."
"No damn virus is going to stop the church of Jesus Christ."
"Unity has the greatest strength, and that unity becomes stronger and stronger when each individual helps others to cultivate their own individual strength and purpose."
"even without a black panther, black people, we gonna be all right"
"It's okay to be afraid. You're not alone here. You've got your grandma and me, your mom and dad, and all the strength of our people behind you."
"No man is an island. We must draw our strength from others."
"Detroit is a tough City, a resilient City, where we take a lot of pride."
"In the face of adversity, the strength of our community shines through."
"Queer people have thrived in spite of efforts to crush us."
"Good teams need to find ways that when your best players get shut down, you find another way."
"In Israel, deep political division doesn't erode the sense of community."
"The things that bond us together are greater than those that separate us."
"Every time people despair, there are enough people who want to fight."
"Strength lies in sharing ideas and routines."
"Progression, innovation, that's what Jackson's strong is all about."
"Honestly, I think it's almost as strong if not stronger than the Halo 3 days at this point."
"Beyond the mechanics of the game, the biggest strength Counter-Strike has is the community."
"Strength in numbers, my friends, that is the power of the hodlers."
"Strong families are the key to strong communities."
"When you have three million people doing things, thinking things, building things through a constructive collaborative process, that's an army that no one in the world has."
"I appreciate with people like Lala and Carrie is that we all want the other to succeed and that's really rare."
"Rural communities are the backbone of our country, home to creative, hardworking Americans."
"You're the stars of the show, you drive the channel, nobody else, that's the way it should be, that's what real fan content should be about."
"Without you we are nothing, with you we are unstoppable."
"Strong children who feel like they're worthy create strong communities."
"Communities can be a lot more resilient than the individual."
"We go further as a team rather than trying to do everything alone."
"What's more, they're different in the sense that their strength comes from each and every disciple."
"We discount the strength of community in our journey to Jesus."
"Don't let anyone divide you because the more they sow distrust, the more they sow division."
"We need ourselves for the Yoruba land's sake, with this unity I've seen so far, this is one voice somehow we have managed to put that through, and I love it."
"The ape community came back very, very, very strong."
"They're just strong [ __ ] people and they have so much [ __ ] love and care for each other."
"People in this region may well be the strongest ones I've ever met; they love Chukotka with all their hearts in spite of its harsh environment, both in terms of weather and social conditions."
"We need everybody to stay strong and continue fostering."
"The pushback is strong enough that even these big businesses cannot withstand it."
"The community is still strong, again I'm not arguing that one bit."
"We are stronger and more vibrant because of our immigrant communities."
"Community, the stronger our community, the more we can do."
"There's strength in numbers, and people need to be able to connect with large numbers of like-minded people."
"We went through that struggle all together and we came out a stronger community, a more loving community."
"The fans never went away, like Brian said. It is just a constant flow, and it's awesome."
"Leftism is about collectivizing our strength, not individual gain."
"It's incredible. I've never seen anything like it, the way the people have pulled together, the unity of this country."
"No Society can function without that diversity. Every entire Civic Community needs this diversity of talent, diversity of strength, diversity of skills, diversity of even economic levels."
"Not everybody is strong, but the ones who are strong help those who help others be strong."
"Remember that this clan is so strong because we've learned to cooperate. All you collect and harvest can be turned into a contribution for our clan."
"Respect woman in the chat gives him strength."
"We are the strongest family on YouTube and that's a fact."
"Community, that community that we get our strength from."
"We are seventy-three plus million strong and Counting."
"And with your support and your efforts and your prayers, I know we're going to make Minnesota and America stronger than ever before."
"How resilient people are, how much they are coming together."
"Apes together strong my friends, that's what it's all about."
"This is it. There are no do-overs in this election. We have to believe that our communities are stronger than the challenges we face."
"It's beautiful to actually see that... they have the strength to fight against these drugs."
"We all got to get better together, we got to be a strong community and we got to be ready to fight and defend ourselves, defend our family and our community."
"Though life could be difficult, the challenges they faced simply to survive in this environment made their people strong, proud and resilient, able to greatly influence events across Westeros when united in common cause."
"Acting with compassion and love, we will emerge stronger than ever before."
"We need to all support each other and we need to unite."
"The church in Ukraine has been, I don't think it has been as united as it is now. It's so united and prayer is going on around the clock."
"There's a whole lot more people awake than there was the first time this whole lockdown situation."
"Don't stay silent. If we're silent, we'll be on the wrong side spiritually. We have strength with each other, primarily in Allah and His Messenger."
"We meet tonight in an America that has lived through two of the hardest years this nation has ever faced."
"The enemy wants to get you by yourself because he knows when you walk in dominion and agreement with the right people, anything is possible."
"Nobody did what we did. We fought down dogs, we built alliances, we have a rich history."
"That is part of the power of community, that is part of the power of tribe: having other people that really have your backs."
"It's overwhelming sometimes, I get very emotional cuz you guys really ride the Broski Nation tanks."
"We are only as strong as our belief in each other."
"Our community is resilient and we are stronger together."
"We're black, we're proud, and we're very strong in numbers."
"The lone wolf mentality doesn't work. People throughout history have coalesced together in groups for strength."
"Racism cannot define us. We are a community of overcomers."
"Nobody's going to fight for black people more than black people fight for themselves. Black power."
"Support I call it love and I can't love you less you've shown me the other side of what people can do when they are together."
"Who is lifting your arms and whose arms are you lifting?"
"Our unity is stronger than an atomic bomb. When black folk get together and we begin to unify, we are unstoppable."
"The best thing we can all do is stay united."
"We are not a monolith, but we are a very, very strong voting bloc."
"Imagine if we did only keep the black dollar within the black community, how rich and wealthy and more structured we would be as a people."
"It was a powerful image to see the three people standing against Bev: the doctor, the Muslim sheriff, and the school teacher who is religious but more open-minded."
"...it is in the boma grove community center so close to Stepney green where this Jewish heart continues to draw its strength and vigor from the traditions and memories of the villages of Stepney."