
Cultural Identity Quotes

There are 1934 quotes

"Part of keeping it great is making sure that we tell these stories and we tell our past so that we can understand our present and our future."
"It's important to get this truth out here; we're not giving our achievements away."
"A pluralistic society in which all ethnic and racial minorities try to contribute to the mainstream and still retain their cultural identity is often advocated as a desirable goal for our country."
"I happen to be one of those who believes that although we have not progressed as we should have, still I believe that it is possible to work within the system and to retain my own cultural identity."
"Africa needs an African model, and for us to have an African model, we must not just be borrowing from Eurocentric models."
"It doesn't mean everyone is Christian; that doesn't mean everything is only Western. It means that's the overarching arc and narrative of who we are as a people and what we value."
"Canadian Healthcare isn't just a public policy; it's a symbol, a legend, a political debate, and a cultural identity."
"That's what Miami is. Miami is the capital of Latin America."
"Identifying with the romanticized plight of the Hebrew Israelites granted African Americans access to sympathy and a respect for their humanity."
"What even is American culture? It's just a big ball of different cultures with no set value."
"If one word makes Egypt stand out, you can bet it's mystery."
"We have to divide ourselves from that period. We have to divide from people who want to separate us from our culture."
"There's a sense of loss there that some Black Americans cover with derision toward that culture, partially because we know they have something we can never have."
"If we don't control and own our media, we can't control our images and how we're produced and depicted and distributed around the world."
"Our food is our story, it's our cultural DNA. So, to know our people, you have to know our food first."
"If you're gonna appropriate my culture, you better do it right."
"Being true to your culture doesn't mean isolating from others, but integrating the best parts."
"We have to look at Latinos not as Latinos, but as Cuban Americans, Venezuelans, Puerto Ricans... You can't just simply assume everybody is the same."
"Being born in a certain culture is like always wearing a pair of pink glasses."
"We have to start accepting ourselves first. If we say that's our music, that means we recognize and own our cultural contributions."
"Black Americans, culturally, are as American as you can get. They've been here literally since before the beginning."
"Kurds and Persians are both Iranian, but Kurds are not Persian, just like Scots and English are both British, but Scots are not English."
"We are not tacos. Our heritage as Latinos is shaped by a variety of diasporas, cultures, and food traditions and should not be reduced to a stereotype."
"The Maasai are known for their distinctive red clothing, intricate beadwork, and close relationship with cattle."
"The Exodus in Jewish tradition, it's that which defines Israel as a people. God brought them out, made them His own, entered into a covenant relationship with them on Mount Sinai."
"Once you're in, you're effectively out of China."
"What is being white even mean now? If you ask me about heritage or ancestry, there's a lot to be proud of."
"We're not African-American, we're not Jamaican. We are the Israelites according to the Holy Bible."
"You can take the girl out of Scotland, but you can't take Scotland out of the girl."
"If we do not find that within us, the openness of spirit, the generosity of spirit accompanied by the intellectual rigor of what is it of true Hinduism, we will continue to be a third world has-been."
"Am I Japanese, or am I American, or am I Japanese American? None of those labels ever seemed to fit me."
"They are tribes and factions defined a lot more by differences in identity and culture than the politics of left and right per se."
"Imagine just as an example if you were a psychologist or friends with the metaphorical black community which was coming out of centuries of oppression and trauma, you would never tell it to build its entire identity around victimhood."
"Teddy Roosevelt found the uniqueness of our culture to be symbiotically tied to the uniqueness of our land, and to destroy one is to destroy the other."
"I'm gonna start a campaign to get my fellow Americans to rename American footballers gridiron ball so soccer can be restored to football. Wish me luck."
"I feel like I can connect to many different cultures a lot easier being racially ambiguous."
"My accent will not tell you, but I am a Brit. I was born here, born in Edinburgh."
"It's a story that helped define England, her sense of herself, her language, her role in the world."
"So Dorne has a proud history of independence and defiance – the Martell words are 'Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken'."
"One grandpa was Joe, the other one was Bob. My parents couldn't decide who to name me after, and so they compromised and yelled a hillbilly Alabama backwoods name on a brown guy."
"All people have a culture. There's no such thing as not having a culture. Anything that people do, the character of it, is what we describe as their culture."
"You should be proud of your traditions and you should be proud of your beliefs."
"Ann Ordain Model One Plum: artisanal approach to minimalism."
"Telling our own stories and shaping our own narratives must be our top priority."
"Nikki Butt's DNA of United is very different to Ollie's DNA."
"Harley-Davidson straddles both sides of an interesting cultural divide in America."
"Tick Tock is just America, it's as America as it gets."
"For more than 70 years, the national anthem of this country has been 'God Save the Queen.' It will now become 'God Save the King.'"
"The only way a country can last is if the nation believes it has a common history, culture, and language."
"A lot of whites have been browbeaten into thinking that they can't stand up for American exceptionalism because that's somehow unwoke."
"Non-Jews respect Jews who respect themselves."
"What was the rabbi's response to anti-Semitism? Pro-Semitism."
"Everyone loves pizza. If you don't love pizza, you're probably not from New Jersey like I am."
"I mean, you know, it's interesting the first that comes to mind is all the people who have said things like this isn't America, this isn't who we are."
"Embrace your melanin and wear it with pride."
"He's kind of the contemporary embodiment of that old American populist tendency."
"Religion was the vehicle by which they individually and collectively expressed their voice."
"Could they have helped to form the very identity of the civilization that later inherited them?"
"The vajrai earned the moniker of the spirit clan."
"I'm becoming a hippie, I swear I'm becoming a hippie."
"You need to quit waiting for white validation and you need to stand up in righteousness and validate yourself."
"Texans are no stranger to being put under pressure, to having to stand up for what we believe in, and this is our moment."
"He was also probably the most English king that the realm had had since the Norman conquest."
"Our country will have the opportunity to see a more complete version of our history."
"Putin is openly against this, he's differentiating between Slavic civilization and European civilization."
"Foundation of black Americans, man, we are so [expletive] unique and so exceptional."
"Why would god allow man to bring sin into the world?"
"People are always called to be different by God. It was God's standard for Israel to be different from the nations around them, but they had not obeyed."
"Chicago: birthplace of the skyscraper and home to the deep-dish pizza pie."
"Finnish language belongs to the Finno-Ugric language group."
"Quit elevating white thoughts, white ideas over your own. You the mothers and fathers of civilization." - Vikki Dillard
"Hong Kong mustn't just become another Chinese city."
"We are one body and stand to fight as modern-day Maccabees."
"Red hair is also found amongst the Ashkenazi Jewish populations. That's what I am."
"16, 15-year-old me if you had come and told me I was black I'm going to be like black how first of all look at me I'm not I mean okay this is a coincidence I promise this is the coincidence I'm going to be like black how I'm not black I'm Nigerian."
"James Baldwin's Blackness and gayness played in his life."
"Support your own, period. Stop deriving your self-esteem and your self-worth from your oppressors' brands."
"The progressive left is trying to make America into a grievance culture when in fact we've always stood on the foundation of greatness."
"Black hair and how it's tied to the importance of who we are as people."
"We are comfortable in our culture, we are proud of our culture."
"Suddenly I'm like, 'Oh wait... black people were kings.'"
"It means you're pursuing life, liberty, and happiness right? That's uniquely American."
"Why do you think after all these years, after being the front runner of cannabis, and representing such a free place... why would they want to go backwards in cannabis?"
"Being Indian is not a role. Being Indian means who you are, the very essence of your soul, the roots that you come from."
"But yeah, this is Zuni. So glad you were able to come out here and get a little bit of input from us."
"Blackness to me means so many different things."
"Writing is more French than wine and cheese."
"It'll be so exciting to see these kids that are half American, half English, and growing up in the royal family."
"History is much more than a collection of facts; history and our understanding of it tells us who we are as a people."
"Americans are culturally confident, self-reliant, patriotic, procreative, religious, democratic, constitutional rednecks who believe in national sovereignty rather than ineffectual poser multilateralism."
"If you take out Lincoln and all the founding fathers, you've basically taken out the ability of an American to feel pride in the past."
"People who are deeply connected to something that cannot be bought or sold - their own ancestry, their own cultural heritage, that's what we need to make children into."
"White America to me is white people who have their own culture and the only way you'd be accepted by white America is if you adapt to their culture."
"We don't have a collective cultural mission. It's so weird."
"We better understand our history, who we are, and how thorough they've always learned from us."
"Let's make a power move. That's how you make a power move."
"In the Philippines, everyone is family at the end. You don't have to be related to anyone to call it."
"Esther is willing to expose her Jewishness and act as an agent for her people."
"Esther's story is an encouragement to be true to your faith even in a foreign land."
"We have to ingrain our Islamic personality in our children."
"Always their dress declares their identity as the Amish."
"In Afrofuturism, there’s only one. Obey your spirit."
"There is no good argument against transracialism from the left-wing perspective."
"Be religious to hold onto your truths and your stories. Because when you start diluting from that, you start beginning the process of you becoming irrelevant."
"Black pride is more than February; pride is an actionable thing that I must and will do if I believe in myself."
"Hip hop is just an extension of who we really are anyway."
"I feel like hip-hop belonged to you in a special way back in the day."
"We are shaped by the beauty, bounty, and wildness of our continent."
"I think if you grow up with hip-hop into your 13 then you really are a part of it."
"Hip-hop became our way of self-knowledge, our own culture. So now we have a language, we have a look, we have a pole, we have a way of understanding each other."
"We create a lane for folks to get over here, Foundation of black Americans we create that lane."
"Defining someone's culture by their race is racism."
"Black history is American history. Black history is American history. Black history is American history."
"How do we generate that sense of rootedness, that sense of pride? Temple control and universities are key reforms that are needed."
"I tell people all the time, if I've learned anything by living in Africa, it's that I'm not an African."
"They realized they were not in the part of America that they hoped to be."
"Hipsters take their music collections very, very seriously."
"Give Indigenous land back to Indigenous people. It's a part of their identity woven into ceremonies and traditions that date back much further than the ink on the lease that the oil and gas companies signed."
"When you arrive here, you can immediately see that you are in an Osmanian flat."
"He was unapologetically black... whether he was in a boardroom or on a stock exchange."
"I'm super proud to be Australian. When I think of an Australian, I think of someone that's just like outgoing, gonna try something crazy."
"I'm a Hindu shooter. I'm very happy. I'm a proud Hindu."
"In House Indoril, to join the Templars is to join Indoril."
"House Indoril: intertwined with the Tribunal's rise to godhood."
"Johnny Cash had this homespun kind of Americanism to him, yes, that everybody understood."
"We want to make sure that our grandkids live in America that we can recognize."
"How can your depiction or your description of a story be considered anti-semitic when you're a part of the Semitic group? We're part of the Semitic group."
"We're living through the creation of shame for our identity, divorcing people from their roots."
"We are the culture. Foundation of black Americans, we are the culture." - Tariq Nasheed
"That identity crisis will not be solved by becoming more and more woke."
"We are not to wrap the gospel in an American flag."
"Every person is more familiar with his own ethnicity, his own people."
"So, it's a matter of re-establishing this identity, you know what I'm saying? I think that there needs to be a young generation that says, 'Yo, this is New York sound.'"
"Africans belong to Africa. You can spend 20, 30 years in Europe, you'll never be a European."
"Often it can feel like the culture that helped mold us through our childhood slips away from us as we grow older."
"I hope you don't mind me saying it here...America at least at one time really was built on the judeo-christian thought process."
"If you're American, stick to the freedom Eagle hamburger Imperial option."
"South Africa: often referred to as the rainbow nation."
"Things are looking up for the great welsh nation."
"If you grow up with cultural values that are British, well these are cultural values that have been inherited and developed."
"An individual is not always a part of solely one group, and it cannot be assumed that an individual would only reflect the culture or identity of one group." - CJ Chandra chur
"Europe is not a place, Europe is an idea, Europe is a fantasy."
"Call on the ancestors, but honor their power by taking action in our lives."
"We are African people, robbed of our names, our languages, our cultures, our religions."
"Our weapon is the truth. If we don't stand upon the truth, who are we without our ancestors, who are we without the truth?"
"We're not anti-anything, it's we have to be problack love, you know."
"Africa has a different culture. Let's create our own democracy, using our culture, wisdom, and respect."
"A new generation of young British Muslims are now trying to forge their own British Islamic identity."
"She looked at the news this morning and felt proud of being a Chinese-American, so that actually makes all of this worthwhile."
"We are the culture, man. We've created damn near everything over here. Everything that is American culture is seeped in foundational Black American culture."
"I don't want black culture to be solely centered around suffering."
"So no there's no such thing as white pride in part because there is no white culture."
"African American, you have to be from Africa. The only African American I know is Elon Musk."
"It's hot sauce, it's hot sauce, it's their thing."
"There is no taking away from them their sense of identity, their sense of needing to live in a democracy, their sense of being European."
"Their history and sense of identity was too deep to be erased."
"I don't care about ethnic Judaism I care about actual practicing Judaism."
"We need to educate our young people to know who they are and respect the struggle that they came from."
"It's almost American exceptionalism, isn't it?"
"The worst thing that you can do to a people is to rob them of the memory of themselves."
"Stop letting white folks tell you what being black AF is supposed to mean."
"Being black AF is about building strength in your community."
"Oh, absolutely... I think there are one limitation is their ideology, their fact, their diasporatic status, the fact that they're... They feel like strangers in a Strange Land."
"Referring to UK cities or London as non-English is the key Point here. Britishness is not determined by the color of our skin. I am British. I'm not less British than John Cleese because I'm black."
"I think there's power in where we come from in the stories that we need to tell."
"I did know that I was Norwegian though my grandma is like all about being Norwegian."
"It's not just the language, it's the culture too."
"The city's cultural and historical legacy is more Greek than anything."
"I think the most important achievement of mine would just be giving the city an identity at a time where nobody was really proud to be from here"
"I turned into a quote-unquote pasty Englishman."
"My heart breaks for the people of Hong Kong because they know freedom."
"So long as you're American and abide by the values we have in this country as a culture."
"Brazil has a fascinating history, in large part because its success looked unlikely from the very start."
"The issue is that the histories of our people in Africa are complex."
"We have a deeply rooted and embedded culture that other groups don't have."
"Call a spade a spade, call racism racism, call blackness blackness."
"Tyler made me feel more comfortable as a black dude to be myself."
"You can't erase it from the hearts of Outworld."
"I am happy here. I feel a sense of alignment, I feel a sense of fulfillment, I think just as a Black American coming to Ghana, it is a return home."
"There's nothing wrong with being proud of where you're from."
"And it was mind-boggling, I thought that I would be the only Latino Muslim in the world, but it's not the case, Alhamdulillah."
"For those of you who observe from the outside looking in, there is this... American swagger."
"There is no culture without the spiritual aspect."
"No nation can long thrive that loses faith in its own values, history, and heroes."
"I think it's important to know your heritage and where you're from."
"The fact of the jewishness of the state of Israel though it is crucial to Israelis and to zionists is certainly not what matters to Palestinians."
"Black men's success is rooted in our ability to respect traditional values."
"Jacob Balon, whose parents are from the Philippines, moved to Hawaii when he was a kid."
"I did at my spin because it's a series called ital fake Italian dishes made like an Italian so for me macaroni is not a pasta that we find in Italy easily."
"Real Italians know why their anthem is special."
"It's amazing how indigenous people are so connected. Food was survival, but it was also cultural identity, you know? It's something really... it's the core of us."
"Choice if we can especially if we can get out of the Common Core can allow for parents to pick the kind of school that suits their child that suits their values."
"Rules are just saying hey, don't do this, don't do that, and they're going to be broken. Values and power values say this is Who We Are, this is what we do, this is how we're going to do it."
"We don't have to take our history and put it somewhere else. There's so much greatness here."
"We are indigenous to the United States. There was no United States until we built it. That makes us indigenous to the United States."
"Joey, you definitely got my support. Keep that gritty, grimy New York feel to your music."
"The industry isn't just looking to relive the glory of the old days But is pushing ahead, in search of new identities"
"Beneficiary hindu consolidation because now there's a cultural assertion of identity."
"It's okay to be colorful, your dreads and all of that, but don't forget the foundation that was set for you to have the platform that you on today, which is lyricism and different things."