
True Love Quotes

There are 518 quotes

"True love is unconditional, it is all-encompassing, it is embracing the whole for what it is in every moment and doing the best with what is there."
"Butterflies fade, looks fade, money situations can change in an instant. All of that won't matter in the long run when you're with someone that you intellectually pair with and you can get along with and laugh with and talk with. That's the treasure."
"Being around someone who makes you feel like a princess or a superhero, without even trying, is what true love is about."
"True love ain't something that you buy yourself; true love finally happens when you buy yourself."
"I want to show everyone in the world that true love is out there."
"Love true love will find you and it will awaken your soul."
"Virgos are very choosy about love because for them, true love matters."
"True love does exist, and healthy relationships are indeed achievable."
"True love will make you work on yourself, your relationship, your communication style, your tone."
"True love is showing up as well. This is the romance of a lifetime."
"This love feeling that they're having is true love; it's built on a solid foundation."
"True love. The connection between you is genuine and true."
"They see you as their true love, the one they really, truly want to be with."
"You are this person's true love, and they really feel that you are the complete package."
"The right person waits until I am ready, meaning you're not going to miss out on the right person."
"It's not about their looks, their money, it's about loving them for who they are."
"Soul mates are about true love relationships meant for growth."
"Snow White dies, at least in the story, until the handsome prince comes, gives her true love's kiss, and brings her back to life, eventually leading her away into his glowing kingdom surrounded by clouds."
"True love and genuine romantic feelings in this connection."
"Real love feels like coming home, feels safe, authentic."
"I feel passion, I'm feeling love between the two of you, and I'm feeling this is a true love situation."
"True love comes without expectation, without condition."
"They are proof that when you find the right person they will love and accept you for who you are flaws and all."
"True love is the most powerful magic of all, I know in my heart that our love will conquer any storm."
"You feel like you've found the one for sure, and you know the one you've always been looking for, your mirror reflection."
"This is true love, this is the romance of a lifetime."
"True love isn't built on expensive gifts, it's made up of little things like this."
"For those who truly love and truly know you, they want you to be happy."
"Despite some betrayal along the way, overall the movie's message is about the triumph of true love and the importance of loyalty, friendship, inventiveness, persistence, and family."
"Nothing could push away true love. What God put together, no man could part."
"Eventually, if this is true love, you know this isn't going to die out anytime soon."
"I believe in true love, in people digging down and finding their best selves."
"True love doesn't happen fast, and sometimes true love is a man who at first glance looks like a fancy grandmother."
"Charlotte's optimistic belief in true love ultimately allows her to evolve and find a fulfilling relationship."
"It was under the stars in Botswana. It was all terribly romantic that I think he really fell in love with her."
"I agree women are only with me for all those things, but that does not mean their love is not true."
"You're entering a period of serenity, satisfaction, happiness, love, true love, you're enjoying a very calm love."
"No magic could overcome the power of true love."
"He sees true love in you. If there are problems in between, they're usually resolved. This is the union which is meant to be."
"The entire thing is built around true love and its power... Despite the silliness and despite the camp, I think they do a great job." - Cucumber
"True love... is enduring, and even when there's a setback, even when there's a betrayal, there's always hope."
"Nothing was stronger than true love, the real strength in all of us was love."
"True love, the romance of a lifetime, it's happening very organically."
"If they truly love you, they'll still be there, they'll respect you, they'll understand you."
"True love is once you can get to a point where even if the chemistry is not there in a given moment, you will still be there and do everything for your partner as if they're your own blood."
"It would be nice if I was in a relationship, but only if it's pure love and it is actual love and not abusive love."
"This is a story about faith, miracles, and what true love means even in the face of the most difficult times."
"This could be the one. Both of you see each other as destiny."
"True love and making the effort, this is the romance of a lifetime, great love is worth taking the steps you're guided to take."
"You have my heart and make me feel whole. You are my one and only true love."
"Your true love is already part of your life, your person is realizing that you are the one."
"When you meet this person, you're just gonna know. It's gonna strike you like a hallelujah feeling."
"Despite how they're showing up for you, if they... I feel like they're really making this harder than it needs to be, in their heart of hearts, this is true love and they recognize that."
"When it comes to true love, you don't necessarily get to control who you love. You can't control who you fall in love with."
"They see you as a true love option. Like, if you guys aren't able to be together right now, if you're both free and available and things were aligning between you two, there's like nothing that would stop them."
"That's a sign of true love is doing what's right for somebody that you love instead of what's you know what's best for you."
"This is true love, the romance of a lifetime."
"What matters is being a real person, finding real love based on being real."
"To love someone is not to try to control their life, not to call someone derogatory names, and not to isolate them from their friends. That's not love."
"When you find your true soul mates, you don't feel this like intensity craziness. You just feel so calm and peaceful and genuinely happy."
"They're very guarded and protective of themselves, but their love is pure, true, and deep. It takes time to know the true depths of their emotional wealth."
"True love resides in that ability to handle the tough stuff."
"I just knew deep in the back of my head that he was the one."
"I am so thankful to be able to have experienced love like true love, like movie love, unconditional love."
"Your connection represents true love... magnetizes you through all the obstacles... into oneness."
"Real love comes from appreciation, not from reverse psychology."
"True love is transcending yourself, getting beyond your ego and self-interest."
"Their love for you is true... their feelings for you are real and true."
"True love... they feel this true love because you are twin flames."
"Eventually there will be a reconciliation because your connection is true love."
"Love in its truest form is the Cornerstone upon which the pillars of a strong and enduring relationship are built."
"Your souls connect in a way that they never felt with anyone else."
"They feel true love and they feel like you are their person."
"True love can only be developed if quality time is spent together irrespective of her beauty."
"True love feels like coming home. It feels like safety."
"It's not about having the baddest girl, it's really about finding love, man."
"True love is to say, 'I love you enough to allow you to choose your journey yourself.'"
"It's like marked on your soul that you've met the one, you just know it."
"Trusting in their heart, this is a true love connection."
"True love does not exist unless it is loyal."
"This is part of your soul contract to have met this person, to be with this person, it is true love and it is really amazing, it's really going to be moving forward like never before this month."
"True love, this is a romance of a lifetime. Just know it's real and it's on the way."
"Love is real it ain't memorex you understand that."
"Any man who loves you enough to tell you the truth is a man who really loves you."
"You're coming into true love, whether romantically involved or not."
"Your person truly believes that you are their one true love. They feel like there is nobody else other than you that can really fit them."
"But the prince didn't care about that at all because his love for Cinderella was real. That's what I keep telling you; you may judge someone by their coveralls at first, but you fall in love because of their great inner qualities."
"Real love is selfless, it is sacrifice, it is beautiful, it is patient, it is kind, there are no strings attached ever and it will transform you."
"If you enjoy spending time with your partner then you know it's real."
"This is a true love. You're right in doing that. This is a very satisfying and emotionally fulfilling connection."
"Second go-around, true-blue real love connection."
"You're awakening to the fact that this person is your soulmate. You should be with them."
"True love came out, this is a romance of a lifetime."
"Real love is totally worth waiting for. You don't need to bide your time with mediocre bozos."
"When you're in love with someone's faults, that's when you know."
"Love also can discern true love in others like a radar."
"That recognition of their feelings for you... beautiful genuine true loving feelings here."
"This connection is true love. The attraction here is so strong that you just cannot deny it."
"This is definitely a soulmate, a true love for you guys."
"You will learn who really loves you when you have nothing but yourself to offer."
"Real love is caring about another person as much or more as yourself."
"The true love is when two people put the equal amount of effort and time and energy into making something work."
"You only know if you truly love something if you stick with it even in times of trial."
"I feel like there is true love coming in for you."
"Your connection is true love, nothing like the social matrix version of love."
"Your true love is already a part of your life, they are here now."
"This is potent, this is true love, this is real love."
"I love these stormy, hectic love stories. I think it's like if you get through the storm and you're still standing still, then it's love."
"Definitely a heart connection here. True love like we saw, no doubt about it."
"True love is that oneness, there's no opposite to true love, it's the love that's beyond this earth plane."
"This is true love, this is a deep soul connection."
"Mr. Good Enough turns out in the end to be your Mr. Perfect."
"Surround yourself with people who love the inner you more than the outer you."
"True love will find you and it will awaken your soul."
"True love marriage, y'all going to get married to this person."
"True love isn't about riches. I will choose Ben any day in any situation. It's not about money, it is about true love."
"This is definitely true love that is going to get into a commitment."
"They feel this is real love, this is true, this is that infinite love."
"Don't settle for conditional love or material things. True love is forever, prioritize emotional fulfillment."
"Living in your authenticity... will lead you to the person who loves you for you."
"I still look back and it's like I have so much confidence that we're supposed to be together and I have so much confidence that we are like super uniquely gifted to like really love each other."
"I know you're my person, I know you're my true love."
"Your person feels like this connection is true love, the romance of a lifetime."
"You guys are soul mates, the love is real, you guys open up each other's heart chakras."
"Just because you guys are looking and you know this looks like what this feels like love, anything that's karmic in my book ain't love."
"They want real love, the real honest, open sharing, caring, and nurturing love."
"True love is coming your way... you're being blessed spiritually and materialistically."
"True love cannot be stolen; nobody can steal a man or a woman that is destined for you away from them."
"If you truly love them from your heart, then you should follow your heart and be happy."
"Your true love is already part of your life. Patience. Everything will unfold in divine timing."
"Find you a woman that really loves you, don't stop searching till you find that woman."
"This true love of yours is going to make you very happy."
"True love is found in the fullness of yourself."
"You have a reason to celebrate because you have met someone, and it's definitely true love."
"This person does have really true strong love in their heart."
"This is true love, it's true love."
"Real love doesn't make you suffer. How could it? It doesn't suddenly turn into hate, nor does real joy turn into pain."
"Your intuition will tell you that your future spouse is the one."
"Love is not pain, and beautiful love, healthy love, happy love, it's out here, it's real."
"This is real love you're learning that, and you're not making the same mistakes that you did in the past."
"To find true love, one must first learn to love oneself."
"An act of true love will thaw a frozen heart."
"True love is coming in very soon, and this is going to be a romance of a lifetime."
"True love's kiss could awaken her."
"I didn't believe in true love until I met you... you helped me wake up."
"True love, when you meet your soulmate, when you meet the one, it should feel calm and easy."
"We define true love; we haven't met, we haven't held each other, we haven't done anything together yet we love each other more than anything."
"True love... a time when two people just are a hundred percent sure of their love and devotion for each other, there's no denying The Vibes."
"You want this person to offer you true love. I see you. I see you. You want them to offer you true love."
"True love is seeing your offspring resemble you. You don't even find your own complexion worthy enough to pass it down."
"This person may feel like you are a true love of theirs, their true love."
"I know that you are my true love."
"This person, I'm telling you, they intend to step forward later, they just think that like whatever you guys have, it's not going away and they think it's true love."
"If you have true love, nothing is impossible; you can conquer the world."
"True love judges according to God's standard."
"True love calls the wicked to repent."
"Your person feels out of place in their current lives right now. It doesn't feel authentic once you are awakened to true love, once you are awakened to your true self and your true authenticity, anything else just doesn't align."
"If two people can love each other without expecting anything, that's true love."
"They are very romantic, they believe in true love."
"True love can still exist no matter how irrational the culture around romance."
"True love is like a tattoo, it never dies, it never fades."
"This feels like true love between you, powerful energies."
"True love is voluntary self-sacrifice for each other, able to cross the boundaries of life and death."
"You are the true love of my life. I love you."
"True love fights and lasts through the good and the bad."
"The Love Story between Carl and Ellie makes you believe in true love."
"I feel like society places way too much emphasis on finding our one true love."
"Any curse can be broken by true love's kiss."
"What true love really is then grab your popcorn and get ready for my review."
"True love is a sense of serenity, warmth, and safety."
"I just believe anything that's meant to be will be, and if I really did connect with someone to the point where like I felt like I was going to be like it was just I just do believe in true love."
"It's an indication that this is really your true love, where you feel like things are finally working out in my life."
"True love and this says this is a romance of a lifetime. I think true love is worth the wait 100%."
"You're going to emerge victorious, it's true love."
"Suffering for the one you love is the truest form of love."
"True love's first kiss baby we are back in Shrek rules I feel like it's been so long since we've been in anything resembling Shrek rules but true love's kiss is here and it is here to stay."
"True love is the balance of understanding God's love in the scriptures. God demonstrated his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us."
"That's true love. That's true love."
"This is supposed to mean that I am destined for great things and that I will find the one true love of my life."
"This person feels like you're their soul mate and that you're their true love because you actually made like you actually behaved as an equal to them."
"This is a real true love, which sounds really numby pamby but there's this true love strong emotional feel towards you."
"I'd be happy enough to Stephen with the first one, just to have found true love."
"It may not always go in your favor, but if it's true love, you have to fight for it."
"True love requires some degree of sacrifice, and that even in the darkest moments there can also be hope and joy."
"There is still true love here, and good fortune is coming."
"When seeking true love, it's important to look beyond physical attraction or an immediate emotional connection. Seek deeper and lasting qualities such as integrity, compassion, and resilience."
"They may have lost the legendary Midas's necklace which could give them fame and wealth, but they got true love."
"You're gonna feel like you're true love and your future spouse exudes a lot of love when you look at them."
"It's gonna feel otherworldly meeting your true love and your future spouse."
"On the day where you meet your true love in your future spells, you're gonna be head over heels in love with a new song."
"I kind of believe in true love, but there might be a prince charming out there for me. God, I wish my life was a movie sometimes."
"Death cannot stop true love. Oh yeah. All you can do is delay it for a while. Oh no, no please."
"And giving heart-shaped blossoms to their true loves to show that even though it's not always easy, true love will always find a way."
"True love can endure the test of time."
"This is a true love connection, a once in a lifetime type of relationship."
"Your journey to meeting your true love."
"There's no better feeling than being loved for who you are rather than what you're worth."
"Love is love when it's the right one. It's such a beautiful thing. Don't force it."
"True love is different. You just love that one person and nothing and nobody else matters."
"Block the outside noise and you go for it. Don't give up, because like I said, at the end of the day, when everyone is out of your life, everyone, there's one person that will be by your side, and that's your true love."