
Intelligence Agencies Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"I was a CIA director. We lied, we cheated, we stole."
"CNN, a news ostensible news network, is literally nothing more than an extension of the American intelligence community."
"The CIA, the NSA, the FBI are not these patriotic institutions that merit reverence; to the contrary, they're actually deeply corrupt, threats to democracy."
"The war on terror is now the war on America, and it's the intelligence agencies waging it against American citizens."
"CIA agents are like cats, FBI agents are like dogs."
"This is an investigation by the most powerful parts of the intelligence apparatus under one administration into the rival political candidate running in the next election from the other party."
"CIA is pro Pride. CIA usually hides in closets and under beds and does all sorts of secret spy stuff, well they've come out of the closet."
"I'm not fully convinced that this New York Times story...is this damning indictment of the FBI or the CIA."
"At many of these International conferences spy agencies from around the globe are often very active."
"Julian Assange's case gives a window into the criminal and corrupt activities of intelligence agencies."
"The largest employer of mathematicians...is actually the NSA."
"Epstein's mysterious life that Jeffrey Epstein was a part of our intelligence agencies right that he was actually operating a blackmail ring."
"The OSS had time to consolidate and rebuild and it was around 1947 that the CIA was born."
"It turned out that the capability to collect data, information and connections about basically any of us and all of us is exactly what we've been hearing through revelations and leaks about Western intelligence agencies."
"It's the kind of operation that the CIA and other covert parts of the US government do carry out rather routinely."
"We’ve had presidents raise questions before but never openly challenge the product of our intelligence agencies."
"I want to take the CIA and shatter it into a thousand pieces and Scatter it to the wind."
"The CIA culture is such that they encourage CIA romances because you're both cleared so you can talk about you know [ ] at night when you're laying in bed and you're not violating your secrecy agreement."
"Research into causer of mirrors has been completely ignored by everyone except the CIA."
"Facebook is basically a front for military intelligence at this point."
"The corona relief bill... directs the Director of National Intelligence... to disclose what they know about UFOs within 180 days."
"If we understand when Kennedy removed Dulles back then, that's the first move that's significant against the CIA."
"Twitter posts might not reflect public opinion, but they shape it. CIA and FBI use it to shape opinions."
"You shouldn't hire somebody like John Brennan or James Clapper you should hire somebody competent."
"You cannot trust these intelligence agencies whether it's in the UK the U.S Germany you know they they've really uh proven multiple times that they not only infiltrate the groups um they even end up leading them."
"It's amazing how they would dare to do that when you have this history of incredible endless intelligence failures by the CIA."
"The CIA's existence in the '50s and '60s... was possible only with the indulgence of the press."
"Drugs, guns, and sketchy criminal terrorist organizations are enough to cause some to allege that the CIA is playing 4D chess here."
"I think you're crazier if you aren't suspicious of the invisible role the CIA is playing than if you are."
"Undetectable spies, the best example of that is a KGB or Russian spy."
"The CIA and the intelligence apparatus are drunk on their own power."
"My feeling was that the information was interesting enough for it to be passed to the CIA to be vetted and validated."
"He merely wanted to pass along the information... let the CIA and the FBI validate the information and take whatever steps they want."
"It could be the death now for institutions like the CIA, the Deep State mentality."
"Epstein was a mechanism of the intelligence agencies, absolutely."
"The bureau and other intelligence agencies are very good at conspiracies they're very good at setting people up to be killed they are very good at making innuendos so the person will be killed."
"The 1981 HIV and AIDS epidemic was also credited by the CIA."
"They took her in a wheelchair to a questioner in Langley, Virginia, home of CIA."
"this isn't speculation we're now in a world where UFOs exist and U.S intelligence agencies are preparing our report to Congress on what."
"The CIA was founded in a period of great uncertainty and anxiety in the US."
"In the aftermath of these court cases, it was clear to the monitoring community that the coded transmissions they'd been hearing did indeed come from a whole array of intelligence agencies and were destined for spies and agents out in the field."
"Was Jeffrey Epstein known to be attached to any intelligence agency anywhere in the world?"
"I was learning everything about those agencies and projects for the first time."
"Some of Mossad's and the CIA's biggest successes have actually happened when the two agencies work together."
"The work we did at Stanford Research Institute investigating psychic abilities... we did that for the CIA, Defense Intelligence Agency, NASA, and many other intelligence agencies."
"What would have happened even in 1980 if the CIA and other agencies had been less obstructive and more forthcoming about what they knew?"
"The last time the US reigned in its intelligence agencies, this guy was president."
"We need to demand accountability from our intelligence agencies."
"These elusive individuals have left a legacy of unsolved mysteries and intrigue, perplexing intelligence agencies on a global scale."
"We have proof from multiple intelligence agencies that Russia has been spreading disinformation."