
Downfall Quotes

There are 956 quotes

"It is ironic that he desired to stand on top of heaven, reaching heights that not even gods could fathom, but instead he is banished like Lucifer to the lowest realm of reality."
"Any man who tries to be good all the time is bound to come to ruin among the great number who are not good."
"Their Fall From Grace has been nothing short of spectacular."
"Pride cometh before the fall, and there were none more prideful than the Phoenician and his sons."
"Be wary. Triumphant pride precipitates a dizzying fall."
"The fall of Msscribe happened the way you fall asleep: Slowly and then all at once."
"Their mutual downfall is forgetting to enjoy the present."
"Hitler's cover story was that he wanted to make the Glorious Third Reich and elevate the Germans to the highest possible status for the longest possible period of time. But the outcome was that Hitler shot himself through the head after he married his wife who died from poison the same day in a bunker underneath Berlin while Europe was inflamed."
"It was only a matter of time before the Third Reich collapsed."
"Once the Allied Forces were across the Rhine, it was only a matter of time before the Third Reich collapsed."
"Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before the fall."
"The only thing that could bring down the empire of Numenor is Numenoreans."
"Austin McBroom is the perfect example of someone who let greed destroy their life."
"The downfall of Austin McBroom and in turn the Ace Family is disheartening."
"Rue is going to hit rock bottom or even lower."
"Cream undeterred continued his Killing Spree but his luck would soon run out."
"The time of grace for the wicked has thinned out, and one after the other shall fall down suddenly."
"Toyota's desperate need to cling on to what they've always been doing, no change, it's going to be their ultimate downfall."
"Look in another Direction, this guy's going down."
"Catastrophic success has the roots of its own destruction."
"It's how far someone can fall when they get into the public spotlight."
"Remember what I told you about Andrew Tate months ago? His downfall will come from his narcissism."
"Sauron's transition from Farazon's prisoner to his servant to his counselor to his puppet master to the source of his utter ruin."
"Apparently there's a video on me, the downfall of McJuggerNuggets."
"I take great Glee at the fall of these websites."
"Hopkins abusive techniques and his cavalier attitude to the law would be his undoing."
"He is swirling the drain... dripping desperation... weak."
"What caused his downfall in the end was his cowardice and blabber mouth."
"His brutality and ruthlessness would in the end prove to be his undoing."
"The man who helped build the Spurs empire ended up being the one to tear it down with his own hubris."
"Allen Iverson seemingly lost it all despite his skills on the courts."
"The stupidity of Michael Hammond was that he actually has caused his own downfall."
"The start of Jesse's own demise was his interview with Robin Roberts."
"You think you were the greatest in the world and you were at the height of everything. You're absolutely not a god and you're going to be cast down to the underworld."
"I love Kazuya's ending in Tekken 5 because it shows just how far the man has fallen."
"To defeat someone with such a powerful iron fist over an entire society, there must be something catastrophic that results in their downfall."
"The Love of Money was greed and hubris that led to the fall."
"After a dramatic web of corruption and scandal, it's remarkable to think that Ike was once thought of as one of the richest businessmen in the world."
"Rich, brilliant, idealistic - this is the story of how one privileged kid from small town New York created a digital empire only to see all his good intentions collapse into dust."
"Every single element of Larry's life has come crashing down."
"At this point it was clear... fascist leader had to go."
"And in recent years his pride and joy, Young Living, is now beginning to crumble for scheming and deceiving its supporters."
"Major U.S. and EU institutions have become corrupted, and corruption leads to downfalls."
"Looking at the ruins of leafies channel today it's hard to believe that this was once one of the most powerful empires in YouTube history."
"Pride is one of the key ingredients for a crash in destiny."
"How did he come from America's sweetheart to tarnishing his legacy in such a dark way?"
"She financially supported them...until it became her downfall."
"They control by [ __ ] and they'll let their whole Kingdom fall over [ __ ]."
"I always wanted to see the CCP fall, unfortunately it's the people they make fall."
"The events surrounding Bonham would unfortunately prove to be the undoing of Led Zeppelin."
"Jobin found himself caught up in his obsession of escaping his own impending fall that he lost sight of his zen."
"He essentially is your classical Icarus story of a man who flew too close to the sun and got burnt."
"It tells the story of the scandal around and subsequent downfall of Spiro Agnew."
"Love had brought Henry and Anne together, but what would tear them apart?"
"John DeLorean's reputation just as his father's had been destroyed by drugs."
"Misplaced belief in a powerful person’s ‘inner goodness’ leading to an even more spectacular downfall was also a large part of the end of the Girlboss era."
"All the glory and pomp went down the drain in the ensuing anarchy."
"Only Use Me Blade has had one of the saddest downfalls in content creator history."
"Arrogance is always the downfall every single time."
"Viewing all other people as pawns and servants leads to a tyrannical, dictator-like state, and ironically pushes people to consider turning on him, most notably Claire."
"Many long-standing denominations are going to end up being brought down."
"Your faith in your friends will be your downfall."
"Ken Jones had tried to create an image of himself as a community leader, but his greed led to murder."
"I will be happy to leave this place behind me and watch it crumble shortly thereafter."
"Their tower of power shall surely be struck at its foundation, for judgment is now upon them."
"His story is one of unlikely success, an amazing peak, and ultimately total destruction."
"The bigger Putin's miscalculations, the faster he ushers in the defeat of the Russian military and his own downfall."
"Decades of enormous power, wealth, connections, and it all came crumbling down."
"They did something to you, someone was very malicious, something was superficial, someone was stealing something, someone got betrayed, they hit rock bottom."
"Let the descent into Madness begin." - Mad King
"Even the biggest bad guys are touchable. They can be taken down."
"The collapse of the entitled is going to be so so beautiful."
"I think he wanted to be this god figure and he was that for a while oh how the mighty have fallen."
"This film shows Aronofsky's built a career on telling stories about people whose passions and addictions eventually come to ruin them."
"The egg swallow was the moment that spelled Griffith's downfall."
"Griffith's greatest weakness was brought upon by his petty human nature."
"Deep down, this masculine feels like this person is their downfall."
"Mark Bishop, first while film producer and all-around piece-of-shit, catches a fast ticket to Quentin Stanton."
"Arthas's story is nothing less than tragic, wanting to do right by his people only to unexpectedly trip and fall into the depths of pure darkness."
"History will remember you as the tyrant brought down by the very race you sought to extinguish."
"Once you become the dictator, the only way is down. And that's the tea, my friends, that's the [ __ ] tea."
"Music producer and content creator Patrice Wilson... effectively destroyed his mental health, his finances, his business, his career, and his livelihood..."
"At the height of his power he was raking in over a million dollars a day, yet in the end, he was forced to live as a fugitive in the Colombian jungle."
"His was a fall from grace of epic proportion."
"The problem with being at the top is that there's only one way left to go down."
"Refusing to change his mind also leads to his undoing."
"Everybody that was at the top in the early 2000s and the people that came to the top in a selfish way, they're coming down like one by one."
"Valyria, the doomed city falling like Pompeii to ruin."
"His exploits earned wealth and women, but also a global notoriety that would eventually lead to his downfall."
"Their human weaknesses led to their inevitable defeat."
"Lucifer, once the epitome of perfection, fell due to pride and desire to be like God."
"The Third Reich, which Hitler had proclaimed would last a thousand years, now lay buried within the devastated Germany."
"Hercules believed himself a God but was left to rot in the gutter."
"Her relationship with Blake was a key in her downfall."
"Seeing him fall from grace in some way puts a smile on your face."
"Michael Jackson basically felt untouchable until they cuffed him up and mug shot at him."
"Your enemies have pursued you, they thought they were Unstoppable Force, so arrogant, so egotistical, they're leading themselves right into their and right into their destruction riding to their fall."
"Ronda Rousey, when she was active, I mean she was a gold mine. Any coach would have done great with her, but she went to the coach with the least skill set, only boxing, and that did her in."
"When America is taken down, it is over for the entire world."
"He let his ego blind him and as a result he went down with his own creation."
"A kingdom divided against itself shall fall."
"Bill Cosby was on his perch made out of white people... white people will put you on that perch and they will knock your ass off."
"He's setting things up for change, for people to fall, for people to be vindicated."
"It will be a ruin that they collectively brought upon themselves."
"Dark Lord Rebellion embodies the theme of falling from grace, with its destructive effect."
"Bill Cosby's reign will soon come to an end by 2024."
"Falling from grace, not being celebrated, feeling judgmental."
"For the proud shall be taken, the mighty will fall, yet those seeking truth will heed the call."
"Pride is the downfall of a lot of people."
"The only thing that people love more than rooting for a hero or waiting for the hero to fall is a comeback story."
"You really got a feel for someone whose game went from pretty much perfect to down the drain in the space of a single afternoon."
"The sons of Priam would fall one by one, eventually the city of Troy would succumb before the courage of the sons of Hellas."
"That is the apocalypse, the downfall of civilization."
"Babylon the Great is falling; God shall all her towers overthrow."
"Chris was Chris until alcohol got involved."
"...a grim reminder that as mankind attempts to build this tower to a better self it ends up crumbling at the hands of the people who are building it."
"The man who believed he would become the next Father of the Arabs and leader of the developing world, had died in a gutter, killed by a teenage boy."
"The true downfall of GoT didn’t begin in season 8, or in season 7 for that matter. It began well before that."
"The hubris of Chatty patties has been the downfall of man since the beginning of time."
"How can a reign be so short and yet so hated? In just 128 days, Germaine de Randamie went from fans really not having too much to say about her either way to being called one of the most disgraceful champions the sport has ever seen."
"Fall From Grace would be harder than anybody we would know in Hip Hop."
"But when his heart became arrogant and hardened with pride, he was deposed from his royal throne and stripped of his glory."
"He will pitch his royal tents between the seas at the beautiful holy mountain, yet he will come to his end, and no one will help him."
"Everything's been smooth, everything's smooth sailing, and then greed gets the best of him."
And he cried mightily with a strong voice saying, "Babylon the greatest fallen is fallen and has become the habitation of devils and the hold of every foul spirit and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird."
"I beheld Satan fall from Heaven as lightning."
"When people start telling you how smart you are, at some point you start believing them, and that's always the path to ruin."
"A house divided against itself falls."
"It was your cunning that was to bring you undone"
"The fate of the Romanovs was destined to get worse after November 1917, when the Bolsheviks under Lenin overthrew the Provisional Government."
"I'm assuming that he died from being grabbed by that fish thing. Yeah, I'm assuming that this was his downfall, which definitely was not expecting that to happen, so that was a cool little surprise."
"Living a life built on lies and deceit will eventually lead to a downfall because in the end you might find yourself in a place where there's more ice than lies."
"Once you start saying like, 'Oh, I got money, so I could do this, this, and that,' that's where it went wrong."
"My life was almost perfect but things started going downhill quickly after that."
"It's a culture based on pride. Pride never got anyone anywhere good."
"Defeated and stripped of her delusions of grandeur, Azula succumbed to a torrent of anguish and despair."
"I've never been more satisfied to watch someone's downfall."
"This right here is the moment when it all went South for the crooked lawyers."
"In the end, her own hate and intolerance were what brought her down."
"Nothing I love more than someone's downfall. I really love it. It's crazy."
"Light lost because he trusted another man besides himself."
"A city and an empire built to last until the end of time. It didn't."
"If Drac were a full-on villain, he could certainly cause a ruckus, but from what we’ve seen so far he’d almost certainly get himself taken down by a mere slip of the tongue."
"The last Dragon Kings wielded like a pic and shat himself. So easy."
"Despite Ursula's intelligent traits, she is extremely arrogant as she underestimates her opponents which eventually led to her painful yet deserved death at the hands of Eric."
"Akainu is set up to be the first of the big three baddies to go down in the final Saga."
"The downfall of the Jedi is a key part of the story."
"King's Landing fell in less than half a day."
"The hunter is losing their status because it was built on lies."
"As almost as soon as the Battle of Endor ended, the Empire’s security and stability crumbled in a matter of days."
"The arrogance and the pride of self-deception."
"We're going from one nation under God to One Nation that's gone under."
"For in one hour so great riches has come to naught."
"the great pillars of evil and cruelty in the world will eventually crumble under their own weight"
"Gabby Hanna has chosen to ruin her own career."
"According to the legends, Atlantis became so powerful and had waged war on so many of its neighboring cultures that Zeus himself decided to sink the nation to make the Atlantians pay for their hubris."
"His rapid ascent to superstardom was followed by a swift downturn."
"Once you engage in ignorance, if you don't notice that ignorance, that could actually be a [__] downfall."
"The biggest downfall is judging others and showing unconditional love. What do you..."
"This whole business could be going down because of it."
"An empire, one of the most dominant forces in racing, has fallen."
"The downfall of all villains: monologuing."
"For fans of Down Home with the Nees, the abrupt and utter disintegration of Pat and Gina's apparently ideal lives came as a shock."
"Ultimately, his manipulative habits paradoxically became the cause of his own doom."
"His compassion for Vader will be his undoing."
"Metallo's downfall consistently came about because of his all too human flaws."
"Despite being envisaged as the ultimate Superman killing machine, Metallo's downfall consistently came about because of his all too human flaws."
"His own actions directly led to his own demise."
"Someone's going to go bankrupt because of what they did here trying to take you down."
"A barbarian general deposed the child emperor Romulus Augustulus."
"They thought nothing would ever go wrong for them."
"...the man of sin opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshipped so that he sits as God in the temple of God showing himself that He is God."
"Henry VI was murdered, and that was the end of the House of Lancaster."
"Stitch's downfall... I can get all the credit that's why it matters."
"Pride is the deadliest sin of them all."
"Charlie said the death of most people is liquor, leverage, and ladies."
"She never expected that her downfall would come from her own daughters."
"What killed the ZR1? The answer was the LT1 Corvette."
"You know really the downfall I mean the final nail on the coffin was just that you know suddenly you know in the beginning you've got unity and over time it it develops into clicks and groups of people."
"She literally caused her own house of cards to crumble."
"Hubris folks, hubris made malls die."
"In the golden blaze of the Gilded Age, wealth was not just accumulated but flamboyantly paraded with fortunes so vast they seemed beyond the reach of downfall."
"These fraught and difficult accounts come together to paint a picture of what happened to bring South America's largest empire crashing down."
"The strategy of Satan: he looks for the strongest and brings them down."
"But regardless of whether you see him as a callous killer or simply a product of his environment, there is no doubt that the once powerful crime lord was brought low by a tiny bacterium."
"I was living a good life so I thought I was on top of the world and it all came crashing down over this mistake I made, a bad choice."
"Arrogance and disrespect will eventually destroy yourself."
"...it's always a man's downfall is dealing with women so when we look at it you look and go damn for 30 years."
"This is the story of a man who created one of the most fascinating car companies in the world only to lose it all."
"Numerous lies that were shared not just by Elizabeth Holmes but by a whole host of investors, employees, and even journalists throughout the company's 15-year existence."
"How on earth do you destroy a $100 billion company in a matter of months?"
"Rome may have been built in a day, but it took only a trumpet to bring down the walls."
"Disney's broken mentality of we're too big to fail is costing them something chronic."
"Perhaps a lack of understanding of the little force of this endeavor contributed to the downfall of the Atlanteans."
"The dark side took a hold of his desire for combat and warped this young Jedi into something terrible, leading him down an extremely dark path."
"It's a story of manipulation, of blindness, of a total fall from grace."
"Well, we've learned that life can be cruel. One day you're a happily married sporting hero, the next you're a lonely potato-throwing cheat with no future."
"...the Jedi Order wanted to maintain it was the Jedi hubris and arrogance that led to their downfall in the prequel era."
"Once people felt that, that's when things started to collapse for the capital."
"His insistence on ruling New York became his downfall, his love for Vanessa once again proves to be the death of his Empire."