
Border Security Quotes

There are 339 quotes

"Despite the controversy, Governor Abbott remains resolute in his commitment to securing the border."
"The border will be secure when people on both sides of it can make a living where they are and can live in dignity and safety."
"In recent years, the issue of border security has become a topic of intense debate and controversy in the United States."
"At the center of this battle stands Governor Greg Abbott, a man determined to protect his state from the influx of unauthorized immigrants."
"The establishment of a permanent base represents a more long-term and proactive strategy."
"We as Democrats can talk about strong border security and still be respectful of immigrant rights."
"Americans do agree at least that we have to secure our border."
"The border is secure, but we also have a broken immigration system... it needs to be fixed."
"If you don't have a secure border, you don't have safety, you don't have security, and you don't have sovereignty."
"Lukashenko says that at Putin's request, he closed the border with Russia to prevent the gunmen from fleeing through Belarus."
"Let's treat people in a humane manner. We want to have secure borders, but we want to have intelligent borders."
"Violation of borders is generally a bad thing."
"Border control is the reasonable stance; it is possible to have border control without being a white nationalist."
"Zero dollars going to be spent on the border." - Pat
"Democrats do not care very much about border security."
"Illegal immigrants should not come in. We should fund ICE and give them all the tools and resources they need to secure the borders."
"President Trump is correct on securing the border."
"We're not going to have open borders, you're going to have to come in legally."
"We need Congress to fund and build the wall, give us the resources to deal with this crisis, and terminate the Flores agreement."
"It's a big problem... border wall not gonna help that problem at all."
"You've correctly identified the problem—you're right to want more money for a wall, you're right to want a merit-based immigration system."
"Fewer Americans would be dying of fentanyl poisoning if the Border was as secure as it was at the start of this Administration."
"Fewer people would be suffering through the horror of human trafficking if the Border was as secure as it was at the start of this Administration."
"We can't have a president that will impose a secure border."
"A secure border is compatible with compassion."
"The results speak for themselves: as the wall goes up, illegal crossings and crime go down."
"The first thing you do is establish strong border with borders around it and an armed man takes power in a place where you say that you shouldn't have firearms or weapons."
"If the Republicans lose the House, there will be no wall, end of story."
"Texas has every right to protect its citizens and their property, and Joe Biden should be ashamed of himself."
"We cannot sacrifice our values, our ideals as a nation for border security."
"A border patrol facility is no place for a child."
"I support the wall. Trump supports the wall, that's one point."
"At the border, he stood together with soldiers on duty."
"Thanks to our tireless efforts to secure the border, we have reduced illegal border crossings by a staggering 75 percent since last spring."
"But you know what they say now? Okay, he's building the wall but Mexico's not paying for it. Yes, they are. They are. They are paying for it."
"Building this barrier is more than just a campaign promise. It's a common-sense first step to really securing our porous border."
"Texas governor Greg Abbott announced Thursday a range of measures to deal with the Border crisis, including a new task force."
"Having an open border and not enforcing it is supremely immoral."
"This is a huge step forward in the fight to secure our border at a key moment in our nation's history."
"The failed Biden border policy has made technology even more important to keep our American communities safe."
"I call on Congress to send me a funding bill to secure the border, build a barrier, and help end this horrific assault on innocent life."
"Not to mention the drugs, not to mention the gangs and the criminals."
"Every inch of wall that we put up is vital, and we're putting up miles and miles. We can, by next year, at the end of the year, have anywhere between 400 and 500 miles of wall built."
"A country without borders is not a country at all."
"We have a crisis at the border, we have to respond to it."
"The fentanyl pills are coming across the Mexican border for the most part they're manufactured in Mexico and then they'll smuggle them across the border so this is a recent seizure."
"I will shut down the government for border security."
"I want a country that cares more about our borders than the borders of a foreign country."
"We are experiencing the worst border crisis in American history."
"We want to support helping secure our border. This is a national crisis, every state is a border state."
"Over twenty thousand, sir. Here over twenty, so we've had 270-002-8000 twenty-five thousand Mexican soldiers on our border."
"Every single mile of new wall system that is put in, from every single mile, illegal entries in that particular area, drug smuggling in that particular area, border crime in that particular area, has decreased."
"All while the administration talks about unwinding title 42 and not worrying about what's happening at our southern border."
"We stopped finishing the wall, now they want to finish the wall."
"A nation without laws without following its laws without borders isn't a nation at all."
"The last thing we need to do is have an unsecured border."
"Build the wall, it's the last hope they have."
"Enough is enough, enough of open borders, enough of disorderly chaos led by Coyotes, Smugglers, and traffickers." - Texas Commissioner of the General Land Office
"We're going to spend as much as it takes to build as much wall as we possibly can." - Governor Abbott
"Under our administration, we built hundreds of miles of border wall."
"We don't need it. We can still have border security, but treat people with common sense and compassion, instead of this damned cruelty."
"If they can't control what's happening at our border, we have to control what's happening at our border."
"If not, then this crisis is going to amount to a lot of people crossing the border illegally and staying in the United States with us out without us knowing what exactly they're doing here. I'm pretty amazing, all right."
"Pat thinks it was total extremism and racism for Trump to want a paltry 5 billion to build his border wall."
"President Trump suspended his wide-ranging threat to deport millions of undocumented immigrants... demanding that Democrats and Republicans forge a plan to stem the record flows of asylum-seeking families across the southern border."
"We can either have a free society or we can have a biomedical security state. And I can tell you Florida, we're a free state."
"Why don't you do your job? If you're saying I'm not doing my job, how about you do your job like secure the southern border instead of shipping people with COVID into communities like McAllen, Texas? Why don't you get this border secure?"
"There's a new sheriff in town and that border is going to be secured."
"If you don't have a border and you don't control it, you don't have a country."
"It's a deal that's gonna result in achieving real gains on border security."
"If you want strong borders, if you want crime to stop, then you must go out and get the Democrats the hell out of office."
"Borders, border security, having control over one's own borders - a net benefit to the population."
"Without being able to secure our borders, we do not have a country."
"We're gonna build the wall, we have to build the wall, and the Democrats are holding it back."
"If you secured the border, then you would be able to pass a pathway to citizenship."
"What we're asking the men and women of the border patrol to do is inhumane." - Lindsey Graham
"We're fighting every day to secure our nation's borders and to achieve an immigration system that prioritizes American families..."
"We were so close to taking that first step of having secure borders."
"When you have the paddle, the anti-climb paddle, it's very hard for them to get across."
"The crisis at the southern border is a humanitarian crisis, it's also a drug crisis, it's a fentanyl crisis."
"We can do both: build our wall and continue support to Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan."
"Fentanyl got into this country and... it wasn't an overdose."
"This is a game changer... It makes them safer because the community safer and allows us to make that apprehension here in the border zone." - Border Patrol Agent
"The success is going to be when the wall's built... Nobody's coming through this here." - President Trump
"Let's fix our borders and let's secure our communities and stop American lives from being claimed by these fentanyl poisons and Other Drugs."
"We are now building a wall... This is a very serious wall."
"Lithuania has completed the first sections of a wall against migrants crossing from Belarus."
"What is happening at the border is a crisis."
"Sovereign countries must define and defend their borders."
"We can be compassionate and provide a secure border at the same time."
"We're building the wall, Mexico's paying for the wall."
"I don't know what he's talking about the Border I don't know yeah the Border just yeah we got to do it we got to do it things were good."
"The violence on the border opened the door to various potential multilateral actions." - Senator Marco Rubio
"I will shut down the government for border security... I will take the mantle of shutting down."
"I believe in strong borders to keep people safe, steady population control."
"If Trump wants to secure the border, secure the dollar, bring jobs back, put fentanyl dealers on death row, I mean, if Trump wants to do that, that's great."
"We want strong borders, they want to have open borders."
"Walls work, our agents know it, and the data shows it everywhere."
"We want strong borders with people able to come in through merit, through a legal process."
"We're building 10 miles of wall a week. We're up to about 330 miles and we'll have it finished very soon. And it's having a tremendous impact on drugs, it's having a tremendous impact on all of the different things."
"We've reduced illegal border crossings for eight straight months in a row."
"We've done more to secure the border than any Administration in the history of our country."
"Chad Wolf, former acting secretary of DHS, is calling what's happening at the border an unprecedented crisis."
"It's about keeping families together while still having very strong borders."
"You've got all these 50 murderers these 450 rapists that border patrol has caught but you don't want to sit here and discuss the godaways."
"You want to make a four-letter word 'wall' when the president said you can call it whatever you want."
"A nation without borders is not a nation at all."
"Border security measures shouldn't come at the expense of ecological well-being."
"Congress allocated $1.6 billion for Border projects in March 2018."
"The first job of a government is to keep their borders safe."
"Your border patrol and customs and border protection professionals will tell you they could secure the border if you would enforce the tools and the laws that you have. You're not doing it."
"The actions that the Lone Star State has taken to secure the southern border are absolutely just and vital to protect Texans."
"The president's already laid out a proposal that closes the legal loopholes and provides the resources to secure our border."
"We will build the wall. We've already started."
"My border policy is the strongest border policy that this country has ever seen."
"President Biden's failed border policy is not just a humanitarian crisis, it is a public safety threat."
"We're taking action to bring legislation to secure our border."
"The wall is having a tremendous impact on drugs coming into our country."
"But you know what would fix it the most? If we didn't have a wide open border."
"The wall is going up. We have 276 miles of wall, and it's having a tremendous impact on drugs coming into our country."
"The numbers are insane... it's a real border crisis."
"The women and children at the border are not a security threat, they are a humanitarian challenge."
"We're going to put more troops in the border."
"I want a wall and I want all the illegal immigrants out."
"France and Poland telling Ukraine, 'we'll protect your borders while you send the guys you previously had there to go fight Russia.'"
"Texas is taking unprecedented action to build a wall on the border to secure and preserve the sovereignty of the United States and Texas." - Governor Greg Abbott
"...weaken our borders, and replace your freedom with government controls."
"It's like why are we worried about a big-ass wall?"
"Under my leadership, we achieved the most secure border in United States history."
"We're going to defend our borders, they don't want to have what is called open borders."
"We achieved the most secure border in U.S. history. We have now built over 400 miles of wall."
"Build the wall! Why do we not have our lands protected?"
"You're hiring 87,000 IRS agents, not one border patrol agent."
"There has been more illegal border crossing under Joe Biden."
"President Biden and Vice President Harris have presided over the greatest series of border security blunders."
"Life Force is one insane movie... and I love every lunatic second of it."
"Games can have complete and total confidence that under this plan, the borders will finally be fully and totally secure."
"We're setting records on not allowing all of these I mean some really bad when you look at the traffickers they traffic in women and drugs and other things."
"We achieved the most secure border in American history."
"Donald Trump diverting $3.6 billion today that was already designated for U.S. military construction projects in order to do things that he can argue will amount to wall."
"Most narcotics entering the U.S. are driven hidden in vehicles."
"Traffickers are making 14 million dollars a day." - Former Tucson Border Patrol Chief Roy Villareal
"The more long-range Western systems are being delivered to Ukraine, the farther we will be forced to move the threat from our borders."
"The ultimate way to end the clogged border is for President Biden to do his job and to secure the border."
"We need a strong border. We need to build the wall."
"Mayor Salinas's plea echoes the frustration of many enforcing existing immigration law, yet the Biden administration's soft stance on border security exposes an alarming disregard for the rule of law."
"You can believe in a border without being a racist... you can believe in the country without being a racist."
"The border is secure but our immigration system is what's broken."
"Without a border, there's no such thing as a country."
"My big concern is what are the next new variants gonna be coming in across the border in such large volume."
"If Donald Trump builds the wall, no matter what, he'll be reelected."
"What's happening at the border right now can't continue. It just can't."
"There are terrorists and people on the terrorist watch list who seek to cross the border all the time."
"Honor the Constitution, secure our borders... uphold the Constitution."
"Trump has gotten some positive results out of this that he's leveraged the Mexican government to help him out on the border."
"By and large, the border crisis is the big kahuna."
"We have cartel leaders, gang leaders, violent criminals who are evading arrests in their own countries fleeing to the United States."
"They don't care, they're not scared of you. They don't care if you got guns, they don't care about none of that. This is literally an assault on our borders. Your leadership is so incompetent that they genuinely don't care."
"Big win for border security and the rule of law." - Donald Trump
"If our border was as secure as the wall they built around Lahaina, illegal immigration would shut down immediately."
"It's a glaring Spotlight on the Biden administration's mishandling of the Border crisis."
"Trump's return in 2024 isn't just a political aspiration; it's becoming a necessity for many who yearn for a secure and well-managed Border."
"Joe biden has done more to secure the border than donald trump like like that is I actually wonder if the reporters in the press briefing move back a few feet."
"This is absolutely stunning and I want to go through it in detail because it definitely shows just how open Joe Biden has left the border."
"Is the Biden administration just out of touch with the crisis at our southern border?"
"April had the highest ever illegal crossings - over 178,000 encounters on our southern border."
"A nation without borders is no nation... charity begins at home."
"Russia's security policy for 400 years: 'As long as your external borders are flat and open, you're not safe.'"
"I've done more than any governor in the history of the United States of America to secure the border."
"People will be driven out to surrounding lands, weaponized military will make it impossible to cross borders."
"It's very important that we have great border security I think it's going to be over with sooner than people think but I will do whatever we have to do if we have to stay out for a very long period of time we're going to do that."
"Securing the border is the federal government's responsibility. Texas will not sit idly by as this crisis grows."
"We're going to confront the national security crisis or on our southern border, and we're gonna do it one way the other."
"Immigration, the highest number of illegal border crossings in history."
"If you're gonna have drugs pouring across the border, if you're gonna have human traffickers pouring across the border..."
"There has never been a time on our southern border like what is happening now, but more importantly, what is about to happen."
"It's not that the border is porous, it doesn't exist anymore."
"Texas is going to build its own wall... Texas is a state may have added more border wall than the Trump Administration did for the United States of America during his four years in office."
"We will restore and secure America's borders just like we had them before, best ever."
"We need to secure that border unapologetically."
"It's no longer a border crisis, it's a nation crisis."
"Rather than turning the border patrol into the Welcome Wagon, why don't we let them do their jobs?"
"The people of Texas are getting fed up. The southern border counties are all voting Republican because they're demanding help to stop the crisis."
"Joe Biden would rather shut down the government than secure the Border."
"Turkey is reinforcing its border with Iran to stop an influx of Afghans fleeing Taliban rule."
"Our border has never been more secure, inspected border wall under construction now up to 200 miles. Illegal immigration is down 84% from this time last year."
"To surrender control of migration and drugs to criminal cartels is dangerous."
"This is the United States of America and we need to begin to act like it and it starts with securing the border."
"In a matter of moments, Greg Abbott could deploy the national guard, the Texas national guard to shut off the southern border completely, protect his state and the rest of the country. He's refused to do that."
"I will seal the border and will begin the largest domestic deportation operation."
"If we don't have a border, we don't have a nation. If we don't have a nation, we don't have rules, and we don't have any sovereignty in the world."
"Donald Trump has for better or worse created a narrative around bad people coming over the southern border."
"The actual way to stop illegal immigration is to say, 'Hey, the U.S. government has a responsibility to U.S. citizens and to U.S. workers and we're not going to tolerate you pouring across our border.'"
"Troops at border does what stops the trafficking."
"Nobody's highlighted the border security issue like my friend Jim Jordan."
"We would have to focus on the border zones and the northern border states."
"If you don't like the fentanyl coming through the Mexican drug cartels into the United States, you don't go to war with China, you close the border."
"Trump's entire campaign promise was based on strengthening the border and preventing illegal immigration."
"I dude when I was on the border we were making arrests damn near every single day. Most federal agents and agencies might make a criminal arrest once every five years dude we're arresting people every day."