
Intent Quotes

There are 569 quotes

"Data is being used smartly, and technology works wonders, all it actually comes down to is what's your intent behind using technology."
"It's not about the mechanics; it's more about the intent behind the way that you execute stuff."
"There is always an infinite amount of energy and information present to create whatever is desired through focused intent."
"The underlying intent with which you approach an activity will directly impact the outcome."
"It's your intent on how you're using it. I think there's a difference."
"My genuine intent in having this conversation with you, and pretty much every conversation that I have on the Internet or even off the Internet for that matter, especially on topical subjects, is to stay as close to the substance as possible."
"You have to make your intent super clear, and that's what I'm saying with comedy."
"Art generally gets a pass as long as the intent is not something that's incredibly malicious."
"What makes a practice Christian or not Christian isn't its source; it's its intent."
"We want to make this a meaningful thing and not just a thing."
"Mojito genuinely just wants humans to suffer as much as possible."
"If your intent is harmful, if you're trying to control others through voodoo or something like that for an evil purpose."
"It is dark and brutal and it's hard to read but I think it's intentional."
"If your intent is to not possess an unregistered SBR, you're not committing a crime."
"The creator of the website obviously knows what it's used for."
"Keyword research in this day and age it's not just about the keyword it's about the search intent behind the keyword."
"Jake is very serious he is stoic he's an angry young man he wants to hurt people"
"But I think that the missing piece of the equation here is intent."
"We want to do it, you know what I mean? Sooner rather than later."
"Success is not super by accident, and I think more than ever, your intent to the audience is a huge variable of where things are going to go."
"Magic is always approached with an intention, a reason to perform it."
"A lie is misinformation or information misrepresented with deliberate intent to deceive."
"There are some people who just want to fight but don't want to win."
"I'm gonna kill him. Let's go. I'm gonna go get him."
"Cousins did not want to leave a witness... because he fully intended to kill her."
"They definitely want to communicate with you."
"The attempt intent behind these lies seemed clear and it is deeply troubling."
"It really is just we've got so we've again I've been I hope occasionally light and funny and whatever but I'm being deadly serious in this."
"I'm gonna make our intent scary just, just the word scary because I've seen people do paranormal before and they've had scary things happen."
"Deception through disinformation is intentional, misleading, and deceptive." - Ron Matsen
"Harmony is based on the pure intent of wishing good for others."
"They're only doing this simply because they want to."
"I was kind of joking the whole time so this video, I'm gonna be entirely as serious as I possibly can."
"The book's author, Victoria Foyt, I don't think she wrote this to be hateful or derogatory."
"Making a movie unsatisfying just for the sake of being unsatisfying is... surprisingly pretty unsatisfying."
"Every blink, every recall, every bullet in your gun needs to be used with intent to have impact."
"Language is about the past: what words were chosen, which tense was used, and all of that will play into what is the speaker trying to tell you."
"It's not the word that's offensive, it's the sentiment behind why it's being said."
"Bold and direct with intent means that your words have meaning."
"Most did not come here to cause trouble. Most came here to protest in the manner that I've advocated for years."
"There's no doubt people came here on January 6 to cause trouble."
"Hopefully, you get the gist of what I was trying to put across."
"The insane, unjust, wholly indefensible notion that intent doesn't matter in human communication."
"The intentional act was designed to be racist."
"It's the intent to commit the crime that counts."
"Intent is what matters, you know. If I dress up in blackface, I'm in trouble."
"When you keep repeating something and people are telling you what you're doing, that sure as hell feels like intent to me."
"That's like saying a drunk driver didn't intend to hit you with their car, so they're off the hook."
"Asha doesn't seem to me like the kind of girl who's just gonna be like 'let's go on an adventure tonight and see where where the road takes us.' She had to have had a destination in mind."
"It's an attempt. If I'm going to understand you correctly, you're an equal opportunity offender."
"The only thing that differentiates a research facility from a bioweapon facility is intent."
"If you choose to take something on, it is a message. So what is it? What do you want me to know?"
"A lot of people believe that Brian was indeed on the plan, but he wasn't in on the plan in a malicious way."
"I definitely meant to kill her. If I had a chance to do it again, I would."
"Every single element in Devil Daggers is designed with intent."
"When he kills somebody he's giving them to God."
"There's no debate that in your own words you killed them on purpose. You are evil. You did this."
"Apologizing when you hurt someone is good, no matter what your intent may be."
"This is unprecedented. If it's a crime, it requires what's called mens rea, specific Criminal Intent."
"You cannot commit a crime without intent. It's a requirement."
"You cannot be guilty of a crime that you have acted in a manner that is by mistake or without intent."
"Someone knows something. The author of this letter clearly wants to get something off their chest."
"It's the quality of the thought that counts."
"Intent is shaped by what you're in relationship with."
"Harassment comes from a place of punishment, criticism from wanting things to be better."
"Intentionally giving them the right information."
"All she wanted to do was teach him a lesson."
"Intent as the cornerstone of artistic production." - Emphasizing meaning and purpose in art creation.
"What this call and two people now who have overheard this really shows us is Donald Trump’s intent."
"He asserts that murder was never his intention but simply the result of momentary panic and confusion."
"I was so impressed that these officers took 75 minutes, really wanted to do the right thing."
"There's a difference between someone sharing something they're proud of and someone trying to make you feel a certain way."
"I think we can all agree this was no accident."
"Magic should never be petty, magic should be intentional."
"The biggest disclosure that we have learned that moves the question on intent."
"Matt had around 10 conversations about ending Annie's life."
"There's no doubt in my mind that his intention was to kill."
"This case is so shocking and the intent to kill so clear."
"Harris's failure to clear data from his devices raises questions about intent."
"Your intent was to really to harm as many people as you can and main intent was to spread fear resentment and hatred throughout this country."
"He was already planning the second act of his ruthless spree."
"I only hold positive thoughts, my actions are pure intent."
"He doesn't want to kill you, he wants to kill what's killing you."
"If I'm not trying to offend you, I am gonna say it because it's the truth."
"You have to take that into consideration when you're determining whether someone had a corrupt intent."
"These were not accidental or random incidents but were deliberate acts by Lucy aiming to make them appear as chance events."
"All content has intent, and if you're not careful when you're looking at content, you'll miss the intent."
"Anger was coming in then, and so when I hit him, it was with the intent to disable him and eliminate his ability to fight."
"It's all about intent and how words are used."
"Virtually nothing large scale and good would get done in the world if good could only be done by people acting with good intent."
"It's weird how when you have nothing but positive intent in your heart you're trying to get ready to calm down how people attack that."
"This was an act of violence. This wasn't an act of, 'Hey lady, give me your purse, I'm gonna steal your truck.' It wasn't anything like that. This was an act that was done clearly to kill Julie."
"If your motive and intent is pure... it just works out."
"A lie is not determined solely by the truth value of the statement being made; it's the combination of that and whether or not the person making the statement knew the statement to be false."
"Your message for the next 48 hours is the power of intent."
"If you do not know the original intent of the manufacturer, you will abuse the product."
"This shows intent, premeditation, and knowledge."
"This is conspiracy all of them conspiracy with intent."
"This was by Design. This was on purpose, and this is what narcissists do."
"His intention was still to kill, it was murder either way."
"Every word that I shared in the beginning of this video, I meant it."
"I didn't want to come over here and just blast on, I'm just trying to tell the truth."
"I just wanna, I guess, preface with that so you understand."
"That wasn't accidentally racist. That was on purpose racist."
"When NATO kills civilians, it's always an accident. NATO always means well."
"Words and actions have meaning and impact, even if your intent is not to be harmful, hurtful, or cause harm."
"They're thinking about reaching out and communicating with you."
"If the ghost is saying yes or no do you mean his harm or not."
"Mishandling classified material only becomes a crime when there is intent from the person to knowingly store it improperly."
"Anytime you're aiming a weapon at somebody... there's an intention to shoot them."
"At which point do we call these things a con? At what point do they slide past ineptitude and into malicious intent?"
"Behavior is the only indicator of motive and is the only indicator of intent."
"He's dead but I didn't intend to do that, so can you give me a break? No."
"Matthew intended to change it, Matthew meant to change it."
"I believe that this was entirely done on purpose um to elicit this type of response."
"I want to kill everyone, I get that because I'm evil."
"He knew exactly what he was doing. That wasn't a dog whistle, that was a foghorn."
"I don't think the goal of his content was ever to be hurtful or damaging, he was just trying to entertain."
"You actually broadcast an energy of intent to the cellular portions of your body which are divine, and this signal is sent to them that activates an energy that you don't even know you have."
"Using the body to move in a way that's associated with what you want to express."
"The first time is a mistake, the second time is on purpose, and the third time is just spiteful."
"I am genuinely trying to communicate something."
"Intent versus impact. No, intent does not equal impact, obviously. But it does matter."
"Fight you? No, I'm planning to kill you."
"Intent is everything with me, from the beginning to the end."
"He was clearly intent on causing serious bodily injury."
"My intent is still there, so no matter how much I change a spell for me, it still always works."
"It's quite a statement, isn't it? A statement of intent, very possibly."
"Some people want to make quality movies; some people just want to make movies."
"It's a testament to how one's own perception can warp them towards a villainous intent."
"When law enforcement is engaged in an altercation, that intent must be established in order to call it a homicide."
"The problem is not the lack of intent; it's the super abundance of evidence of genocidal intent which makes us raise the standard and that becomes another way of looking away."
"It's incredibly disappointing, and I just think we have to be free to make mistakes. We have to be free to kind of... you know, the spirit of what I'm saying and the spirit of my meaning matters more than the actual words I use."
"...because the elevator's not going to the top floor so we can't prove intent, while at the same time Biden goes out there at the White House and says, 'Well, you know, he just blatantly lies.'"
"I knew the difference between confused nonsense and deliberate malicious intent."
"When a person's intent merges with Universal intent or command, his or her Assemblage point can then go to somewhere they intend."
"I think there's still a line of comedy that PC culture shouldn't touch because it's not coming from a place of malicious intent."
"...the intent behind the organization is to breed people who are capable of giving Hisoka a thrill."
"The intent is that the Bible reveals to me the lordship of Christ"
"The intent of trying to raise money for a good cause has more value than anything we can do with nuts and bolts over here."
"A word is just a word; it's the intent behind it that matters."
"In my mind, we have intent, and the intent was to go in there and shoot and kill the threat. Given the facts that we have here, there is no justified reason for her killing and taking his life. That is murder."
"Not to go out looking to meet women, but to go out with the intent of creating a great social life for yourself."
"AI-generated artworks don’t have intent behind them in the way human-made art does."
"There are words on a piece of paper and there are words in that Constitution someone wrote them and when you're looking at a statute you want to know what that person had in mind."
"The intent of the keyword should dictate your content strategy."
"Tarot as divination is indisputably being used against the original intent of the cards."
"They are genuinely thinking of you with real intent, and I think there is a genuine desire to make a commitment with you."
"You don't get to decide as a viewer or a writer or a reviewer what the person's intent was who wrote and performed that joke."
"I would much rather have a person with intent than talent because if we're running our systems correctly and they're checking the box, they can grow to get the competency."
"The Senate was what the founding fathers had intended."
"The real challenge for the government was always showing evidence of intent."
"You put the intent out there to God to be helpful, and he will."
"It's about contributing and assuming positive intent."
"I have not commanded you to come up hither that you should fear me... but fearing God which is Benjamin's intent."
"But it's like when you take the context of what's actually being done and what they're trying to show you and what they're actually making fun of, none of it is directed against a specific group or anything like that."
"Your thought and your intent is as strong as a beam of laser."
"...but I think for me both teams have got an intent to one to play."
"Creating a payment intent is just you telling Stripe I have a customer that is intending to purchase something at a specific price."
"It's impossible to prove intent, but one thing you can certainly disprove is ignorance."
"There was no ill intent there that's why it was a soft warning not a hard warning."
"Would Robert Bardo's attorney be able to convince the judge that his client was so mentally ill that he could not possess the intent to plan and commit murder?"
"Understand user intent is a really important part of answering questions."
"It is my absolute passion to tell these stories, I mean no harm or disrespect when I do so."
"She isn't attacking us. Why? The 'why' doesn't matter. She's already proven her ill intent."
"If evil intent sows the seeds of its own destruction, does good intent sow the seeds of its own success?"
"Above all, you must be intent on cutting the enemy in the way you grip the sword."
"like it's training it's like it brings on the intent you know like those guys"
"Crafting with intent infuses objects with more power and magic. Hold your intent while creating."
"There's no winners here, in fact, there were articles online saying online ticket sites could see Madame web purchases being refunded in real time."
"...the evidence around Colton was so overwhelming that there was no doubt he killed Jennifer with malicious intent."
"Get confidence in your intent to serve."
"Evil requires purpose for malevolence, it needs intent," said Drew.
"If your true intent, Ariel, with your big balls and all your courage was to celebrate the 10 million that he got, you would have done that 3 months ago when it was announced."
"I did not kiss you with malicious intent."
"...the prosecution argued that Sasha had fired with intent, targeting a location on the other side of the door where she knew Martell to be standing."
"Dating has an intent, and that intent has to lead to marriage."
"I made the assumption that everyone, once they were done, was going to have a conversation with me, see my intent, see my character and say, 'Great let's be in business together.'"
"Age is somewhat irrelevant; intent is far more important."
"I feel like there are these discrete magical effects that get put together in different ways depending on the planet, depending on The Shard, depending on maybe the intent of said Shard."
"The court can assess intent based on the actions of both the defendant and the executives of Littlefinger's incorporated."
"The intent of the heart determines where you are."
"The moment I have to go 'okay, here's where we need to go,' I'm 20 seconds later thinking to myself, 'okay, I'm not doing a good job of explaining the intent here.'"
"As a fully grown adult I'm fully aware that impact is more important than intent."
"I purposely wanted to upset people."
"You know everything you do, if you do it with intent and purpose, you could get somewhere with it."
"This was not a knife that one keeps in one's kitchen drawer. This was a knife whose only purpose and only intent was to maim or to kill someone."
"Should I do it directly because I know better than the system I'm interacting with or should I use the button knowing that it expresses my intent, even if the results are currently underwhelming?"
"If we were looking at configuration based on intent, I think we could do a lot better."
"To me and the sense I got from the rest of my jurors was that his acts were deliberate, not necessarily planned, but definitely he knew what he was doing."
"I didn't do it with the express purpose of being offensive."
"It's not about content, it's about satisfying intent."
"Our intent is first to have a representative Campus of the state or of a diverse Society."
"...everybody can see how they would this is not a hard question moving that far away from the intent would have moved them to a publisher."
"It doesn't matter what my intent are like if I'm hurting people I'm hurting people."
"We aim to uncover the Divine set apart messages in their purest form, faithfully aligned with their original intent."
"Qigong really is fantastic for training intent."
"These people knew just what they were doing."
"It's always his intent to take us from glory to glory."
"I'm just saying there was no malice in it, that it wasn't meant for you to feel deflated and sad and miserable. That's not my intent."