
Youth Guidance Quotes

There are 102 quotes

"As a society, we have literally put blinders on young people... We've told them that university and college is the only thing that matters."
"Kids need guidance until they're fully developed in order to make especially life-altering decisions."
"As parents, we're highly influential... believe it or not, young people want to hear from us."
"I did 13 years myself, so I know how that goes. It's about keeping them out of the streets, out of trouble."
"It's easy for kids to go astray if they're not taught the right things, if they're not exposed to the right things."
"Seriously, I don't want to see any of your head asses in prison, especially you slouching in your little chair."
"My advice to the young people of the world would be it has to start with individuals."
"One of those is you should always focus on a young person should find something that they're passionate about to do."
"You gotta, even though you're young, you gotta understand, you don't have to have all the answers, but I do have a responsibility, 'cause you have people that are looking at you and you have people that you are gonna be responsible to lead."
"The United States has no cohesive message. We don't tell our children this is our mission so when they grow up they all are just, 'Hey man, it doesn't matter what happens to this country, I'll extract from it whatever I can.'"
"The root of the problem is telling kids who have no idea what they want to do with their lives to make the biggest financial decision of their future before they have any real world experience."
"So, that's my final message to young people as First Lady. It is simple."
"You guys are better than that, fuck peer pressure!"
"We have to start them early by building community and guiding them through rites of passage."
"Life is about the choices that you make. Make a choice, you get one spine. Stay in school, kids. Don't do drugs. You get one spine."
"Don't ever steal, guys. That's bad." - El Gablino
"Life is precious, and there's so much more to life than your block or your ops."
"My message to the youth off top is to be yourself try to love yourself you know I'm not gonna say love yourself I'm gonna say try to love yourself because I know it's difficult um keep pushing forward do not give up."
"You know you gotta present yourself in a better light bro. You can't do this. These rappers are lying to you."
"Stay in school, Officer Christopher Walker, man. You heard it right here. Stay in school. Be cool. Don't do drugs."
"I wish that I had a video like this or somebody to talk to me about this kind of stuff when I was your age."
"So now it's important for me to give them some game, right? It's kind of hard to do this."
"Positively show these kids like look man you know they're you don't have to do this and you can you can kind of avoid this and be successful."
"Teach kids about safe sex is not promoting sex, it's just saying we know you're doing it, this is how you do it."
"My focus is on the youth... If the youth can see me as someone they can trust with their religion, then let's start by fortifying our understanding of the religion."
"You can have a boyfriend, but don't skip school over it, you can't just go to McDonald's."
"He was the dad figure for teenagers who couldn't go to dads."
"What advice would you give someone in his early 20s? Make a side hustle of some sort."
"I think this is a book that every young man should read because almost every young man you know struggles with pornography and with sexual sin."
"I don't think that's the answer to a young person as their career right."
"I always try to put myself in the shoes of a 13 year old...and hopefully it's anything that I've learned and that gives them such a bigger and a clearer way to move forward."
"What advice you would give to a 16 year old kid in the United States right now who feels like opportunities kind of slipping away whatever community they're in what would you say to them to inspire them to greatness."
"The proper message for young people is to say: 'Well, no you don't understand you want to take on responsibility.'"
"Too many people are not speaking the truth, too many people are not telling these young folks out here to be careful. It's not about victim blaming, okay? It's about being careful and not letting your guard down."
"Kids, if you have your heart set on being a celebrity in sports or YouTube, always have a plan B."
"If you're below the age of 25 and you're trying to optimize your future, remember you're pouring into those five buckets at all times."
"Men have to turn off games and have to turn off porn."
"A mentor and a guiding force for the youth in the community."
"This is definitely risky, so don't try this at home, kids."
"It's cool to be smart, it's not cool to get in trouble."
"The one thing that's the most satisfying is the one that cost me the least in terms of cash and that's mentoring kids."
"Honestly, get in. If you're, if you're right, take this advice. If you're like 13, 14, 15, you're trying to figure out what to do in the rest of your life, figure out how to do coding."
"Stay off of Tick Tock and touch grass, kids."
"Hey guys, are you a junior and wondering what you can do to prepare for college and be totally ready and get into the most awesome College possible? If so, this video is for you."
"What are we telling our young people about cheating lying stealing?"
"Even some of the things that I'm talking about... that's things that youth need to hear - absolutely."
"How do you convey to a teenager the core difference between the left and the right?"
"It's less about the relationship between the sexes and more about guiding teenagers into adulthood."
"Jordan Peterson's message to find purpose is exactly what young people need."
"One of the things that we were really, really strong on is not telling the boys what to think but teach them how to think."
"We're adults now and we have life experience. We can help the youth, assist these guys out because they make a lot of stupid decisions."
"Jewelry's overrated. If there's any kids watching this right now or younger [ __ ] or whatever you, you get your first check, bro. Don't buy no jewelry."
"We just need more mentorship, more people talking about this stuff."
"Just know that the knife isn't the way forward."
"I swear, these kids would be lost without me here to parent their asses."
"Go work out, don't tell kids they need surgery for being overweight."
"My advice to young people is to be progressive, like I am. Be progressive. Think outside the box."
"YouTube is the worst place for a teenager to go get their theology."
"I'm all for helping young people navigate social media and the internet better."
"We gotta start raising our young people to know the stakes are high. Death happens. People get killed. It's very real."
"Trust me, I'm nothing like you, but one day you'll thank us for keeping you off the streets."
"He was never too busy to give good advice and encouragement to young people."
"If you're in your teens and 20s right now, I think the most important thing is to figure out how you yourself are wired."
"Now, you know, like Josh was saying, we're kind of living that old American dream. And now, you know, Josh and I feel like the new American dream is really living a debt-free life. And what we want to do is help these kids start off their life the right way."
"yeah I was real vocal about it to talk to kids to say look I've been through what you've been through or might be going through and you know and I can understand"
"What you're giving to these young people is a sense of values."
"I want to make this point young guys, you know we've all made mistakes, alhamdulillah we're here to be vulnerable enough to mention some of them."
"He knew what it took to straighten up a young person."
"I hope kids can hear this and understand that this life isn't a game."
"Pacific Islander youth are sometimes attracted to the gang lifestyle just as many other youth are, and it can be hard to steer them on the right path, but we must try."
"Whatever you tell these young people, they need to know that you're going to follow it up."
"Young men are not evil; young men are in need of guidance and support."
"I spend a lot of time with kids, try to be a mentor, a sounding board for these kids that need guidance."
"The circle works with the objective of providing opportunity and guidance to interested youth."
"That's more advice than 16-year-old young boys who don't have a dad are getting."
"We're teaching our youth on Sundays to stand for truth and righteousness, to be with, to mourn with those that mourn, to bear one another's burdens."
"I think we could help literally millions of kids to direct them in a positive way of life rather than a negative part of a way of life."
"I warn younger people in these videos, these videos I took my time to do, take my time out of my day to make these videos to talk about young people trying to help young people have a better understanding of the communities that we live in."
"I think you'll do a really great job. You can tell the kids from personal experience what could happen if they don't do what their parents tell them to."
"You really do drop a lot of gems and you speak about morals and principles which I feel a lot of kids nowadays don't know anything about."
"Don't tell young people how bad they are; show them how good Jesus is."
"We're gonna try to keep on reaching them and teaching them, keep some of these young kings and queens out of the penitentiary."
"You put faith in the older kids to help out with the younger kids."
"We want to train up girls in the way in which they should go."
"Word to the wise for all those young folks out there: if you're a guy, be a guy worth dating."
"...we need to tell our young people that there is something so rare and ancient and beautiful and precious and sacred about the human body that it's worth preserving."
"I just tell the truth and I try to make it practical for young people so they have it easier and they don't have as tough of a life as I did."
"Say no to drugs and alcohol, and until next time, we'll see you guys later."
"The reason I started what I did when I got out is because I saw too many kids coming there and they're messed up."
"She was so passionate about getting these kids on the right track."
"Saving Larry and boys and girls like him from making a wrong start is about one of the most important things that we grown-ups can do."
"General advice for 15-year-olds: don't do anything stupid. If you're not sure if something is stupid, it's probably stupid."
"It's an honor and a privilege to get up in front of young people and guide them through their educational experience."
"Sometimes it's difficult for younger people to realize there's a difference between being big and being important."