
Military Intervention Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"For democracy to thrive, it is not that you just have to oppose any intervention from the military; that Democratic setup also has to work for the people."
"The president sitting in the Oval Office and considering bringing in active duty troops...you will have blood on the streets of Washington, D.C."
"My hallmark as US President is to make sure no parent has to bury their sons and daughters in wars that do not advance American interests."
"I have long maintained, as many other libertarian personality types, even some conservatives and many democrats have always said, it was a disaster to be in there in the first place."
"US military intervention in other countries is not about freedom and democracy; it's about empire and the procurement of resources."
"In many ways, the intervention in Ukraine by Russia was in reflection of the observation that the West was perceived as weaker."
"The idea that we're going to send in offensive equipment and have planes and tanks and trains going in with American pilots and American crews...that's called World War III."
"If a city or state refuses to take the actions necessary to defend life and property, then I will deploy the United States military."
"Under no circumstance can there be an Israeli invasion into Gaza. It's going to be a bloodbath."
"Silent majority polls show American voters support use of military National Guard in riots."
"Can anybody tell me any war we've been in since 9/11 that has a positive outcome?"
"The United States had to be involved in the world but sometimes it would just be a long-term holding pattern. It wasn't going to be the transformation of Afghanistan into a thriving democracy or the transformation of Iraq into a thriving democracy."
"Bombing Syria before the investigation is a lot worse."
"George Bush invaded the Middle East and kept telling us 'because they hate our freedom, we got to keep killing people' and it just bastardized and twisted the definition of the word freedom."
"If he moves into NATO countries, he will be involved. We will be involved."
"America has indulged itself in sacrificial Wars of democratization, sacrificing American lives for unclear objectives."
"The attack on civilians from regime forces has become so great that they have to go in protect the people."
"I do not support a no-fly zone. I want us to stop using that phrase. I want you to start using the phrase declaration of war."
"The military mission in Libya was clear and focused: protecting the Libyan people from Gaddafi's forces."
"You have to be very, very careful in making that jump from 'oh this is a good cause' to 'oh therefore we have to make war to do something about it.'"
"If there was some sort of military conflict between China and Taiwan, the U.S would have to step in."
"How many wars do we need to be in, at what point do Americans say enough is enough, bring these people home, get out of Somalia, get out of Syria, get out of Ukraine."
"He's saying the Biden administration is reintroducing wars, okay, you know bombing Syria was bad or whatever and I think that's like a consistent take."
"Most examples of projecting U.S. power in war have ended in failures."
"When asked if he would be willing to use force to make sure that Iran does not get a nuclear weapon, the president says yes but only as a last resort."
"Bush Jr.’s biggest mistake was Operation Iraqi Freedom."
"We don't want to go to war, we don't want to send troops over there on the border with Ukraine, but he's got to let him know he means business." - Democratic congresswoman Dina Titus
"Democrats just bring in the military and lock everything down."
"Russia realized the situation was unacceptable and sent a peacekeeping force to push Ukraine to stop."
"The U.S. remade Afghan society into something that it wasn't."
"Congressman Adam Kinzinger has introduced a joint resolution authorizing the use of US armed forces to defend Ukraine."
"The only way this is going to change for Ukraine is if the US or NATO intervene directly."
"If we're no longer dependent on that tiny island nation then I will not send our sons and daughters to die over somebody else's nationalistic dispute."
"The invasion of Iran... a classic example of regime change."
"I don't want foreign forces in Afghanistan. They shouldn't have been there in the first place."
"The Ukrainian Army stepped in, things changed drastically once the Ukrainian Army arrived."
"Only a lunatic would want American troops to be in a shooting war with Russia."
"It's likely that the US would be welcomed as liberators across much of Iran."
"NATO is no longer going to be able to go and pick off nations and destroy them and remove their leaders from power."
"Most people do not want war with Iran, most people do not want the US to get bogged down in another Mid Eastern War because we did it for over two decades and we didn't appear to have accomplished very much at the end of it."
"How many more generations of America's daughters and sons would you have me send to fight in Afghanistan's civil war?"
"If Russia decides to move troops into Ukraine... that move would be met with swift and severe action by the United States and its allies." - U.S Secretary of State
"Isn't the reality that the US has no stomach to get into another proxy war right now?"
"Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Libya, and Somalia are the seven countries we are currently dropping bombs at."
"I was totally Hook Line and Sinker guys. Let's go in there post 911, let's take down that evil Iraq."
"Now that we've left whatever we half accomplished in those 20 years we were there has been thrown away."
"The US has militarily overthrown democratically elected governments and supports 73% of all the world's dictatorships."
"It's a great humanitarian disaster, but it has also been an unsuccessful military campaign."
"Nothing else was going to get us out of Afghanistan."
"The hand, a terrorist organization, plans attacks as revenge following U.S. military intervention in Yemen."
"The violence finally stopped when Union soldiers rushed into the city, those soldiers were fresh off the battlefield at Gettysburg."
"Not to see the use of American force abroad as always negative."
"I always thought it was absurd... to go into Afghanistan and I fully endorsed the necessity going to Afghanistan to eliminate al-Qaeda."
"When Libya dared to challenge such projects, the forces of imperialism came in and started using military conspiracies, military bombings, economic warfare and so forth."
"Until we have better ways of creating a less risky globe through our military actions... we should draw the conclusion that these wars should be ceased."
"It's the crossroads of the world's economy; to protect it, America has gone to war."
"Humanity on the brink of extinction... a mysterious military group known as the Hakanan appear out of nowhere to try and save the refugees."