
Monarchy Quotes

There are 2056 quotes

"Violence breeding violence...is a plea to King James not to become a violent king."
"The late Queen's motto was 'never complain, never explain.' There may be furor, frenzy, and fabrication, but the monarchy should maintain a position of dignity and stoicism that befits its status and stability above the fray."
"As the future queen of England and the mother of the future king, Kate is illustrating how the monarchy plans to update itself to remain influential while holding on to its essence."
"Everyone loved the late Queen, apart from her favorite Doctor Who. Even Republicans had a soft spot for her."
"Ruler of every single monarchy has been sledding around with a harem, every single one of them."
"When asked about whether the monarchy was fit for purpose, Jeremy Corbyn said 'room for improvement' and actually got some applause for that."
"Royal advisors need to be aware of the dangers ahead. Wise counsel would advise the new king and other members of the royal family that financial prudence, a strong work ethic, and focusing on the people will be the basis of a popular modern monarchy."
"What monarchies do, and really is critical, is that they provide continuity."
"You have to work to keep it and I feel like that's what Catherine and William are doing. They're trying to make the monarchy and themselves and their family something people want."
"Approaching 80, the Queen is admired throughout the world for her lifelong dedication to duty."
"The thing about all of this, we talk about Royal protocol as if it's set in stone, but really, Royal protocol is what the monarch of the day decides."
"The question remains: who will the public want as their next King, William or Charles?"
"10 hereditary monarchies survive in Europe today."
"The Queen decided she had to be seen to believe. This is always what she's believed."
"William is the new face of the monarchy for the 21st century."
"Monarchists understand that their role has changed. They are servants of the people."
"Monarchy is about profundity. It's about service."
"The purpose of the monarchy is to provide continuity and stability regardless of what's happening in politics."
"There's only one Sovereign, and the Sovereign is King Charles, and the public have given him an awful lot of goodwill since he became king."
"All eyes were on William rather than Tom Cruise; it was... a sign of the level of celebrity there is around William and Katherine as a couple."
"It's interesting... we haven't had a monarch receiving this kind of treatment since the days of King George the 6th."
"The issue of Regency is bound to crop up because if Charles is to become incapacitated, then things will have to pass to William, and they'll have to pass rapidly."
"She's the fate and future of the royal family."
"Actually, it's rather apt for King Charles the Third to call himself King Charles because it shows a monarch who could overcome these terrible disasters and catastrophes."
"Both Her Majesty the Queen and now King Charles III will sit on this throne that dates back to Edward II in 1296."
"It was an enormously moving, just so hugely sacred a moment... You could not help but feel that at last this woman who gave her whole life to the nation's service is finally relieved of that lonely burden."
"She inherited this burden with no choice of her own. She said when she was crowned... 'I am willing.' Just those words, the simplicity of those words. She was willing every day of her life, every day of her 70 years."
"This is an incredibly important time for the British public to say goodbye to the monarch themselves, that moment when they get some closure, when they get to say thank you."
"Even if she wasn't really family, everyone here in the United Kingdom still felt that because she was ever present, she was a part of everyone's family and everyone's grandmother."
"People feeling so moved by a queen who they've known for their entire lives. This reigning monarch for 70 years and the people we've been speaking to have been telling us that they wanted to celebrate her life well-lived."
"After a near 70-year long reign, Queen Elizabeth II seems to have carried the weight of the world on her shoulders, or at least the weight of her family's world."
"The Last Emperor of Korea, Sunjong, was forced to abdicate the throne, living the rest of his life under a luxurious but tightly controlled house arrest."
"In the short term, the Queen will keep calm and carry on. She will do what she's done best, which is to serve, to put her duty before everything else."
"I think the palace is clearly very keen to show that he's still in charge."
"Sultan Abdulaziz, who ordered the rifles to be purchased in the first place, was actually deposed by his ministers in 1876."
"The Queen emerges very much as the decisive leader."
"The monarchy has taken a knock, but I think she (the Queen) has behaved perfectly."
"She became Queen when Harry Truman was in the White House. Now that is ancient history to most Americans."
"My country, the Dominion of Canada, is 155 years old, and she was Queen for 70 of those years, which is virtually half the entire history of the country."
"She was a beauty inside and out, and that's what made the British people, and people around the world, fall in love with her."
"The conflict has become a numbers game; in a war started by monarchs and aristocrats, ordinary men have become sacrificial pawns."
"The monarchy only exists at the behest of the people."
"Victoria was determined to succeed as monarch. Writing in her diary, 'I shall do my utmost to fulfill my duty towards my country. I am very young and perhaps in many, although not all, things inexperienced, but I am sure that very few have more real goodwill and more real desire to do what is fit and right than I have.'"
"At the time of her golden jubilee, Victoria wrote, 'From my heart, I thank my beloved people. May God bless them.'"
"Victoria never believed that she, as a woman, was the best person to be Monarch. Yet, by the time of her Diamond Jubilee in 1897, she had proved that a woman was more than capable of being the Monarch."
"Your highness, my sympathies for your loss. Even after all these years, I sometimes forget that my own mother will never be coming back."
"The monarchy represents stability in an ever-changing world."
"The monarchy exists not in the interests of the monarch but in the interest of the people."
"A 300-year-old monarchy can too come to an end."
"Queen Mary, wife of King George V and grandmother of our current queen, may have been largely forgotten, but her influence on Britain has been huge."
"What the monarchy needs to do is serve the people, and I think that's what they're doing well."
"Although Charles isn't as popular, people respect the crown, we respect the sovereignty that it represents."
"Fickle politicians tear strips of each other and survive by dividing us, but the monarchy is a constant, reassuring above the fray."
"The queen has played and the monarchy has played an incredibly important role in society."
"It is a day of great loss, but Queen Elizabeth II leaves a great legacy. Today, the crown passes, as it has done for more than a thousand years, to our new monarch, our new head of state, His Majesty King Charles III."
"With the King's family, we mourn the loss of his mother, and as we mourn, we must come together as a people to support him, to help him bear the awesome responsibility that he now carries for us all."
"She needed to serve the British people, she needed to respect the institution, and she needed to honor the monarchy."
"An overtly political king will be death for the monarchy."
"When you have vastly more wealth than most of your subjects, their love is never guaranteed, especially when taxpayers spend $18 million a year to keep you in style."
"There are very few moments that could be described as truly historic, but the death of Britain's longest reigning monarch is, of course, definitely historic."
"In a more egalitarian society, Kate has the natural connection with ordinary people that may well prove to be both the salvation and preservation of the monarchy."
"Kate has every bit in her character and behavior the virtues of monarchy all around the world at its very best."
"The queen has been part of everybody's life for a very long time... a fixed point in people's lives will have disappeared."
"It's been amazing in the past couple of years to see how...the younger generation...have totally reconsidered the view of the monarchy."
"The monarchy is the one common point, above our politics, above suspicion."
"These monarchies survive primarily on the good grace of their people."
"There's no point in having a monarchy unless your public can relate to you and actually can love you."
"They have to have the right person leading. If they make a bad choice, then that will be the end of the monarchy."
"Monarchy is about service; you're a civil servant in a tiara."
"The Kingdom of Israel was established in the 10th Century before Christ, with the rule of King Saul, followed by King David and King Solomon."
"One thing I love about this is the fact that this is a dispute about raising the pension age to 64. The king is 74 and still working full-time."
"Charles II's reign is the birth of modern times."
"Life will change drastically with the return of the king... a new age of liberty and even debauchery took hold."
"The King is two days shy of completing his first year as our Monarch. He's done a fabulous job."
"The Vatican City State is classified as a Sacerdotal Monarchical state."
"She reigned 70 years, just had her Platinum Jubilee, and was a very beloved figure."
"As a birthright of the revolution, I shouldn't have to care about the monarchy... but I do feel... that I should appreciate the value of constancy and tradition that is represented in the monarchy."
"It's not the loss of a woman, not simply the loss of a queen, but the loss of a generation."
"The monarchy basically deals with all of that. It puts all in one box... it insists that it has value. It would not survive without its value."
"In Muscovy, the monarch selects the nobles. In Poland, the nobles select the monarch. And that's a very, very different kind of setup."
"By ancient tradition, only a Grail Knight can serve as King of Bretonnia, selected by a conclave of such Knights upon the death of the previous Royarch."
"The royal family relies on the consent of the people for them to exist."
"Sometimes you need those little injections... for the British public to remind them why the royals are rather lovely to have around."
"We could be seeing the beginning of the end of what is the traditional royal family."
"Egypt's monarchs ruled during its turbulent times."
"Memories can make it hard to let go, even when you know you should."
"Princess Elizabeth was born when few predicted she would one day rule Britain as its monarch."
"The British monarchy is widely recognized as one of the world's most influential organizations."
"There's nothing stopping Charles from becoming king."
"A related rumor is that the queen has simply declared that she will skip Charles."
"Buckingham Palace continues to be the center of administration for the British Monarchy."
"The public fell in love with their new queen."
"Will King Charles III or George VII mean the end of the monarchy?"
"The Queen Mother is one of the main reasons why Great Britain still has a monarchy."
"Queen Elizabeth II owned over 30 corgis from her Ascension to the throne in 1952 until her recent death in 2022."
"She held the record for the longest reigning monarch in Britain's history."
"She was the one constant we had in all our lives which we no longer have."
"For more than 70 years, the national anthem of this country has been 'God Save the Queen.' It will now become 'God Save the King.'"
"News that everyone knew would come and yet no one was really prepared for the death of the only monarch most Britons ever knew."
"Henry had won the battle of Bosworth, and with it, the crown of England."
"I think that the queen made sure in her reign that there was room always for reinvention, for reinspection of the past, and for finding a route effortlessly by just being there as head." - Commentator
"You have been there for us for these seventy years."
"Because she reigned for so long, we will find the tentacles of her contribution to public life."
"Queen Elizabeth saw 15 Prime Ministers during her remarkable reign."
"She made a promise when she was 21 that she would serve her country and the Commonwealth for as long as she lived and she delivered on that promise."
"Perseus did what new Antigonid kings always had to, immediately reaffirming old friendships and building new ones."
"The Queen's Diamond Jubilee celebrates how years on the throne and the resurgence of popularity that the monarchy enjoys today."
"There's almost a necessity of a monarchical rule in the church."
"Through his paternal grandmother Tafari was descended from the Solomonic line of kings who had ruled this part of Africa since the 13th century."
"The restoration of the Solomonic Dynasty and Emperor Haile Selassie to power."
"Finally, on the 12th of September 1974, forty-four years after he first became emperor, and nearly six decades since his accession to a position of pre-eminence in Ethiopian politics, the Derg deposed Emperor Haile Selassie."
"Even the queen, the pieces will be picked up put back together and monarchy will continue total survivors."
"Asian monarchs are symbols of continuity, living connections to the past that are often loved and loathed in equal measure."
"Nepal's monarchy may be no more, but they're still national heroes to its people."
"He saw his responsibility as king of Nepal to provide strong leadership and stability for his country."
"As head of the English Church, Henry could grant himself a divorce from Catherine."
"Not even a direct hit on the palace could bring down the monarchy."
"He was also probably the most English king that the realm had had since the Norman conquest."
"The process of centralizing the monarchy would take centuries."
"The line of the Carolingians had ended, and the way was open for the Capetians to rule."
"The power of the British Monarchy is derived from imperialism and colonialism."
"I stand in front of you as the only King who hasn't died. That proves my value."
"The queen did exactly the right thing that week."
"The monarchy is still going from strength to strength."
"She's going to be the great star of the reign that is now beginning."
"In an era of unprecedented change for the monarchy, the future for royal pets remains assured."
"She was just the best ruler this country has ever had, there's no question about it."
"Elizabeth glorifies herself by making her own image bigger, brighter, and shinier than anything that's gone before."
"Elizabeth took what her sister Mary had started and made it her own."
"Why does the UK still have a monarchy? The quick answer to that is because when we try to be a republic it didn't work very well."
"You've got to be willing to sacrifice right now for a better future."
"Louis XIV is widely considered today to be one of the most important and controversial kings in the history of France and Europe as a whole."
"Without them, you don't get Victoria, you don't get Elizabeth II, you would always have that idea that a woman would be lesser than a man when it came to the monarchy."
"The sultan has survived for over four decades on the throne, many can't imagine a day when he won't be around."
"A King was such by the grace of the Pope, and the Pope had ultimate authority over his right to reign."
"The king will always be special to Bhutanese people because we love the king."
"While there is no shortage of people who love the royal family, there are many who believe the monarchy is outdated."
"The indelible link between religion and the monarchy was a key part in Bhutan's history and the story of the kings."
"It'll be the younger royals who perhaps have a bigger role in moving the monarchy forward."
"He had been set on unifying his two nations the kingdoms were on the same island after all and now they had the same ruler."
"Queen Victoria ruled for 63 years, remembered as one of the most influential monarchs."
"Modern monarchies survive on the goodwill of their people and taxpayers."
"Whatever the unease, one thing is certain: when the time comes, Camilla will be closest to the new king, and with that comes influence."
"The reign of Henry VII brought to an end a period of massive political instability."
"Elizabeth Woodville played a crucial role in hatching the plot to secure the crown for Henry Tudor, thus ending the Wars of the Roses and establishing the Tudor dynasty."
"Alfonso XII's reign is known to history as el pacificador, the peacemaker."
"The Abolitionist movement gained momentum throughout George’s reign."
"Victoria broke the record with her 64-year reign."
"Elizabeth's reign has seen the British Empire come into the modern era."
"The most well-advised decisions can be made in a monarchical system."
"The last Nord King was forced out of the region."
"Edward forever tarnished himself as the possible traitor king."
"That's the idea of the ancient king, you know? It's the evolution of the young prince into the old king."
"The Queen's Guard: Stoic protectors of British royalty."
"The entire point of that series was to show off how letting someone be in charge just because they were born into the right family is both stupid and unjust..."
"The first ten years of Henry’s reign clearly reflected his ambitious pursuit of glory, fame, and virtue."
"Henry’s life and reign was a fascinating mixture of both the best and the worst of Kingly behavior."
"Next to his daughter Elizabeth, Henry VIII remains England’s most iconic monarch."
"Creating this dichotomy of a saintly Monarch or heir and their sinner sibling serves the firm well as the monarchy only survives because of continued support from the public."
"By the mid-1520s, the situation became more strained, Henry was no longer the popular teenage king."
"The abdication crisis that nearly toppled the British Monarchy probably saved it by opening the door to George VI."
"He did believe in the Divine Right of Kings, he believed he was placed there by God through history."
"The Duke of Buckingham got into terrible quarrels with a Spanish equivalent, and so Prince Charles had to negotiate for himself, hardly fitting for a future king."
"In 1625 James dies. He's been ailing for quite a long time, he chronically unwell because of the way in which he serve wastes away."
"Part of it is a tribute to the Queen for her guidance to the nation during this very difficult time."
"The only person who should be king or queen is the person who doesn't want to be king or queen."
"The Queen is dealing with each new problem via direct action like a monarch."
"Being the boss is no fun either- as we’ve seen, no one in this film is sadder than the Queen."
"I don't think mad is the right word, what's the right word? The Daft, deluded, the doted King."
"She wasn't born to be Queen, but she died as one of the most quietly influential monarchs this country has ever known."
"He persuaded the Roman people that one person ruled could work."
"This is the problem of having a monarchy and an aristocracy in place... they're going to jump ship."
"It is going to be a real defining moment for the monarchy today."
"This was the first time that we've seen younger members of the family taking on what is a key part of her constitutional role."
"Korea today is very different than how it used to be... Korea technically still has an imperial royal family but they have no power and no formal title."
"People say, you know, could the monarchy come to a crunching standstill because of some of the stories that have been around recently? My answer is categorically not."
"It's been over a year since the UK's longest serving Monarch Queen Elizabeth II passed away after a remarkable 70 years on the throne."
"By the time of his jubilee celebrations in 1935, the old king was a very sick man."
"She ruled over two nations... France is a monarchy again."
"The Queen has always understood that the monarchy is there only with the consent of the people."
"The monarchy is also Britain's symbol of continuity and stability."
"What if tomorrow the monarchy ended? Your nation's identity is gone because the royal family and its principles are embedded within the fabric of British culture."
"The monarchy exists because it is the country's moral compass, identity. The family is there as the nation's living breathing reminder of its morality and ethics."
"He would change the monarchy from absolute rulers to a constitutional monarchy and so bring democracy to his people."
"I think the essence of Bhutanese monarchy itself will not change because it's the relationship between the king and the people."
"For Bhutan to continue its survival, the new king will have to demonstrate his political acumen and farsightedness much like his predecessors."
"Games with monarch are just fun games. They're better, they're faster, more stuff happens."
"Under pressure from a powerful faction, King Harold of Norway has agreed to increase the power of the council."
"The incarnation of God was the coming of a king."
"Life under a new monarch could certainly lead to changes."
"I think William's got it in him to be a good king."
"Diana's legacy has to be the way that she changed the monarchy."
"The people of Britain want William as their monarch, sooner rather than later."
"It was a masterstroke and cemented William's place as the successor to his mother's position as the people's royal."
"William couldn't do much to rectify the mistake, even if he wanted to."
"For most of us, this will be the only monarch we've ever known. She's reigned for 70 years, the longest reigning UK monarch."
"She's modernizing the royal family one step at a time."
"For a time, Magor as King was said to be ruled by three queens."
"For the first time in her reign the queen put family before duty."