
Empire Quotes

There are 1101 quotes

"The empire would be known to everyone as the Nilfgaardian Empire."
"I hate cynicism. I want to build an empire on good."
"Avatar is great at showing the length of cruelty that Empire can create and how it attempts to breed ideas of inferiority by removing cultural knowledge and skills."
"Empire is about the denial of the subjectivity of others. It's about monopolizing agency."
"The Imperium of Man, the eternal domain of the God-Emperor, who for ten thousand years has sat immortal and unmoving upon the Golden Throne of Holy Terra."
"It is a galaxy-spanning empire, a realm of a million worlds and quadrillions of citizens, toiling within its gargantuan magnitude."
"The collapse of an empire is not such a simple event, look at the collapse of Rome for example."
"In some ways, he was one of the greatest heroes of our empire."
"Empires in decay embrace and almost willful suicide, blinded by their hubris and unable to face the reality of their diminishing power."
"Cyrus founded an empire that during his day stretched from the Aegean Sea to the mountains and steppes of Afghanistan and Central Asia. His successors expanded the Achaemenid realm far into Egypt and southeastern Europe, making it the first world empire to encompass parts of three continents."
"Sargon of Akkad... built the world's first dynastic empire."
"Chandragupta Maurya... rose from humble beginnings, destroyed his oppressors, established the first Indian empire to rule a vast majority of India."
"Geography has long been a tool wielded by empires. Knowledge about strategic locations, mineral resources, locations of political power, and even how we talk about and describe cultures and people guide the leaders and rulers of the world."
"The Empire did nothing wrong, they're just trying to create order in the galaxy."
"With any state in Western history ever compared to the Roman Empire, it controlled a full quarter of mankind and ruled an area stretching from Britain to Libya and from Spain to Iraq."
"It's ironic, given those tremendous problems in Britain, for some people the loss of empire and that sort of nostalgia feeds into a lot of the threads we're talking about today."
"The Empire from the original movies was actually quite dangerous and pretty good at what they did. You can see why they dominated the Galaxy."
"Zemo: An Empire toppled by its enemies can rise again, but one that crumbles from within, that's that. Forever."
"Once you've got an empire, what do you do with it?"
"For the first time in thousands of years, a Sith Empire operated openly once more within the galaxy."
"The villains are a generic evil empire centered around the most destructive of the four elements."
"The British controlled the largest empire in history."
"His empire, the greatest and largest that would be seen in Western Europe for quite some time."
"We were taking on the empire and succeeded." - Patrick Moore
"From nomadic horse societies to the largest land empire in history."
"Italy has been returned to the fold, long live the empire!"
"Blanco's criminal Empire produced an incredible $80 million every month."
"A new Rome was born. The Roman Empire wasn't over when they moved to Constantinople. It had just regrouped and moved to a stronger position."
"His Empire was a very safe place for anyone."
"Maybe it's time to have a kingdom and not have an empire"
"At its peak Alexander the Great's Empire spanned three continents"
"There's nothing more threatening to a dying Empire than a successful example."
"To believe that you could keep the British Empire going forever was a tremendous mistake."
"The United States Empire would fall in a day if it could not control the narrative."
"There is no example in history of an empire being formed and then having good relations with its former colonies."
"Atlantis was a vast island Empire located outside the Mediterranean far into the Atlantic Ocean."
"The iron will of one man bringing to heel an empire larger than that of the Romans."
"We are by the grace of God Victoria... and soon, dare I say, the Empire."
"The American Empire is in a downward trajectory."
"The Tibetan Empire was standing on the precipice of a golden age."
"Empire means that all that competition is going to be suppressed and homogenized."
"Every Empire falls, and in history, Empires fall due to resistance against them."
"We're going to build empires that simply cannot be penetrated by anybody and we ain't gonna be scared of nothing."
"The difference between the symbols of the nation and the symbols of the empire."
"Facing down one of the world’s greatest empires, the small Iberian kingdom had waged decades of unceasing warfare."
"Truly, truly, this has been my favorite Empire to play."
"The Empire of Cyrodiil predates the Aldmeri Dominion by over 3,000 years."
"The Empire is gravely wounded and only High Rock and Cyrodiil remain under their total control."
"All empires eventually collapse, is that what we're seeing right now?"
"Absolutely hating everyone else, thinking they're not worthy of your empire."
"With his death the empire starts breaking apart."
"His decision to attack Russia signed the death warrant of his own dreams of empire."
"Things are finally looking up for the Empire."
"Micro militarism... when dying empires lash out."
"It was really game over it was the very last very brutal moment of a Dying Empire."
"Even at their weakest point, these Huns were capable of trouncing the armies of a settled empire."
"The Empire had a heavy investment in research and development, consistently inventing new technologies."
"The sheer production capability and military assets available to the Empire are unprecedented."
"The Chatlantian Empire continues its expansion."
"The United States is collapsing internally and this is this of course replicates the dying days of any Empire the tragedy is that as we go down we're bringing so many people with us"
"America could not be an Empire abroad and continue to be a democracy."
"History is clear: no great nation, no great Empire lasts forever."
"Emperor Doomhammer expressed plans to expand the Empire to the Badlands of the eastern rim."
"At the end of any empire, there are always a handful of chroniclers who see clearly the looming disintegration of empire." - Chris Hedges
"Empires cling to the past even when the signs clearly indicate that there's no way to resuscitate the past." - Andrew Bacevich
"Their main inspiration is the Byzantine Empire, although they do seem to pull here and there from earlier periods in Roman history."
"Ultramar was known throughout the Galaxy as the 500 worlds effectively an Empire within an Empire a beacon too many of what the Imperium was and could one day be."
"Abramovich's collection of possessions is so vast that the Wall Street Journal once dubbed it Roman Empire."
"If you want to save the Republic, you got to kill the empire."
"The Ottoman Empire was known as the sick man for good reason."
"The Mughal Empire controlled almost all of India."
"Every empire in history... when it gets to the universal stage... thinks that it's eternal."
"The Romans took over most of the known world; victory brought problems as well as glory."
"The empire of the Parthians would continue to have conflict with Rome."
"These are the core worlds of a super bird Empire."
"Britain at that point... said Empire is over and they did."
"This Empire was too skilled, too large, and too powerful to be taken out by just Rylothens."
"An empire lasts about 250 years... six ages defined the lifespan of an empire."
"Dan is falling apart, yeah this is the end of the American overseas Empire."
"We have accomplished our goal of forming the true hang of an empire."
"Venus was as much about passion and empire-building than love."
"I will have my own Kingdom. It'll become an empire."
"It was not the end for Rome, not yet, but it was the beginning of the end."
"The Ottoman Empire at its height was enormous... bursting with arts and literature... but by the 1600s started losing their power over Europe."
"Her Majesty has turned to the stars in a bid to establish a new galactic British Empire."
"Though the Republic had won the Clone Wars, it took less than twenty-five years for the Empire that took its place to fall."
"A country that doesn't have a clear understanding and grasp on the truth despite all of these officials coming forward and saying this is a problem is an empire that's dead on arrival."
"If you look at his empire shown in the back, it's just slices of land."
"At the outbreak of war, the British Empire was the greatest that the world had ever seen."
"We're building an empire, right? So not only are we lovers, we're partners, we have children."
"Look at this Chad, it means 'lake.' There's an empire there, right in the middle of Africa!"
"The great Empire of the dawn's story is actually nothing less than the story of the long-lost people who built a shine by the shadow, the people who likely tamed dragons before the Valyrians did."
"Ethiopia would expand their empire from their homeland in the north to the borders of Kenya in the south."
"The British would remain until their debts had been repaid and this in practice meant that Egypt was now in the British Empire."
"The 5/4 are very old, older than the golden Empire itself, some claim they were raised by the Pearl Emperor during the morning of the great Empire to keep the Lion of night and his demons from the realms of man."
"Emperors ruled their slice of territory without ever even going to Rome."
"Religion was fundamental for the success of the Empire and the Romans made sure their gratitude was on full display."
"...Christianity was initially slow to take off but when it did it exploited the very network of communications that linked the Roman Empire."
"The Viking raids against the great empire of Charlemagne in 799 turned into invasions 40 years later when his grandsons began a bloody civil war, leaving the empire's coastline undefended."
"Catherine's reforms began with a complete reorganization of the Empire."
"The Shi’ar are an extremely powerful empire."
"The Allagan Empire was now fully corrupt, spoiled by its own glory."
"A man made for war, Sübe’etei played a key role in the establishment of history’s largest contiguous land empire."
"While Dune depicts the rise of an empire, Messiah explores its downfall in very unexpected ways."
"This is the story of the rise of the definitive sports entertainment empire."
"It could be the start of an empire."
"The Romans had the largest Empire that the Western world has really ever known."
"He'd begun to regain territory overseas which had been lost, to reestablish Egypt as the great power in the region."
"The Aztecs created an elaborate system of tribute states."
"In the course of just over 10 years, he conquered the largest Empire the world had yet seen."
"The Mughal became the most prosperous empire of the 16th century."
"Genghis Khan's empire was a melting pot of different cultures, languages, and traditions."
"Genghis Khan's death in 1227 marked the end of an era and created a significant void in the Mongol Empire."
"The Arabs created an Empire that most people don't refer to, don't talk about, that's basically been deleted from history."
"The Arabs began making their empire in 633... and by 7-Eleven the Arab Empire became the largest Empire on the planet to that date."
"Many historians consider it the first Empire in South America."
"They stand as a symbol of the empire that never truly died but lives on today, ingrained in the fabric of the cultures of both East and West, Europe and Asia, Christian and Muslim."
"Everything on this continent belongs to the Empire."
"The war was long, so bloody and protracted that the scars ran deep across the Empire."
"This remarkable discovery gives a glimpse into how one small state created a vast empire, perhaps foreshadowing the rise of a super power today: modern China."
"The history of the old Russian state was at an end; the history of a new Russian Empire was beginning."
"What I remember about the rise of the Empire is how quiet it was."
"The British Empire was just getting into second gear and it wouldn't be until the 19th century that the British Empire really became the powerful force in the world that it was."
"The Visigoths had been one of several so-called barbarian peoples to arrive in the territory of the crumbling Roman Empire."
"Genghis laid the foundations for the greatest empire in world history."
"We're watching the preliminary collapsing of an empire"
"Is it the ending now? He was the emperor of an Empire, while he restrained the demons, he was also responsible for stabilizing the Imperial power and protecting the people of the Empire."
"And the reason why the Empire is being so effective and why it's been able to bridge gaps and is because the Emperor is back."
"A city and an empire built to last until the end of time. It didn't."
"...and just like that a republic was transformed into an Empire."
"Everything in the Empire is designed to be very angular and rigid."
"The movie ends with Sidious overseeing the clone army, hinting at the rise of the Empire."
"As almost as soon as the Battle of Endor ended, the Empire’s security and stability crumbled in a matter of days."
"He controlled several territories overseas and marched deep into Russia."
"For this Empire, war is not a cruel choice but simply one means of politics."
"An empire, one of the most dominant forces in racing, has fallen."
"China is the greatest economic and cultural empire in the world."
"A barbarian general deposed the child emperor Romulus Augustulus."
"Arno oversees his massive luxury empire LVMH with dozens of the world's top fashion and alcohol brands like Louis Vuitton, Dior, and Moët."
"...the Ukrainian people were at the forefront of a wave of revolutions which rocked the entire Empire."
"It's truly one of the most unsettling things we've seen in the Star Wars Galaxy and the most realistic interpretation of what an egotistical power hungry Empire would impose."
"Candy won Wars, built Empires, and for nearly a century, it all came from Chicago."
"Forest Mars's relentless drive transformed the family business into a global empire."
"In the island of Atlantis, there was a great and wonderful Empire which had rule over the whole island and several others as well as over parts of the continent."
"A job with the Empire is a really big deal, especially in the aftermath of the Clone Wars."
"Ancient Persia created the first great empire... it founded much more of Western Civilization than is normally understood."
"You know what to do, long live the Empire."
"Long live the Empire, after killing the pilots."
"Hammurabi and his Coalition had defeated the sukama as well as taken over much of the land once belonging to ashnuna."
"The Incas ruled over the largest empire since the Romans."
"The reign of the great king Pachakuti saw the kingdom of Cusco reorganized into an entity known as Tawantin Suyu, meaning the realm of the four parts or the land of the four quarters."
"They were the creators of a vast empire. They were citizens of the wealthiest, most enlightened nation in the world."
"The Empire had changed its form, of course."
"She has just about everything under the sun. She has really turned her name and her own brand into an Empire."
"What does the Empire do with Force-sensitive children? Where do they go?"
"...Philip II was hence the ruler of Portuguese colonies as well such as the ones in the Americas East Indies and India."
"In the coming years, the Empire started flourishing more than ever. It resolved all of its internal and external affairs."
"The unraveling of Peter Rogan's deceitful empire."
"Her Reign was indeed one of a reign where the Sun never set."
"Victoria found herself at the head of the greatest Empire the world had ever seen."
"What ship do you think could have made the greatest difference in preserving the Empire?"
"For 20 years, the Tarkin Doctrine drove the Empire."
"We're building an empire, a sand empire."
"This Christ is not able to be co-opted by Empire nearly as easily."
"Elend's Empire was now disintegrating before his very eyes."
"This is our chance to finally have power to create an empire unlike any other."
"The future of the TOA Empire's conquests remains uncertain, but one thing is sure: their actions will always be guided by the principles of unity, progress, and of the pursuit of a better future for all under the banner of the greater good."
"The empire over which Cyrus ruled was the largest the ancient world had ever seen and may be, to this day, the largest empire ever."
"You can't hate on either. What am I supposed to do? [ __ ] hate people that literally created [ __ ] empires that run the world? Amazon runs this country. Amazon has become Amazon, dude. It's like the word [ __ ]. It's a verb, it's a noun, it's a proper noun, it's an adjective."
"Airships would fly across the world, removing the barriers of distance and permanently linking the Empire and its people together."
"If systems begin to revolt as they did with the Republic, that will threaten his new empire."
"The Ottomans also understand that their empire needs to be seen as more than just conquerors and fighters. They appreciate the finer things in life."
"Grisha vowed to destroy Marley and restore the Eldian empire."
"The Roman Empire was divided between the NorthShore of the Mediterranean and the Southshore of the Mediterranean."
"The British Empire saw the greatest stories of human achievement and triumph."
"The Turkic incursions into the traditionally Greek Anatolia would, centuries later, blossom into the mighty Ottoman Empire."
"The average lifespan of an empire in Earth's history is only about 250 years."
"Great Zimbabwe had once been the trading and religious capital of a great black African Empire."
"We need people to function as part of the Vite Empire."
"You built it into the Corcoran group, a whole media Empire."
"In early 323 BC, Alexander the Great is 32 years old and he's forged one of the largest empires the world had yet seen."
"Established over 400 years ago, the East India Company from its headquarters on Leadenhall Street would rise from humble beginnings as a trading company for voyages to India to effectively becoming the de facto state government of the entire subcontinent."
"Over the coming decades, a series of mysterious events would lead to a Templar Empire that would grow from Europe into the Holy Lands."
"The Germans were masters of a gigantic European empire, overlords in a sense."
"He allowed free practice of any and all religions within his growing empire."
"Britain ruled over the largest Empire the world had yet seen."
"Madrid was once the capital of the mightiest empire on earth."
"As the empire fell apart from every corner of the Mediterranean sea, it would take a Herculean effort to restore its integrity."
"Loss of territory? The British Empire disintegrated under the rule of Elizabeth II and many people loved her."
"It's an Empire where Visions get inspired, you know what I'm saying?"
"That's why all these big rappers don't do interviews, yeah, 'cause they know they could very easily look like a goofy and that could be the end of an Empire."
"She basically saves the entire empire with this one act."
"Every empire comes to an end and one day the sun will set on yours too. It's a tough pill to swallow but nothing worth having is easy to keep."
"At the height of his power, Napoleon Bonaparte presided over an empire that spanned much of Europe and influenced nations across the world."
"He conquered an empire of 2 million square miles."
"Cano the Great: Fulfilling his father's legacy with the North Sea Empire."
"The grip of paganism was broken over one of the largest empires known to the world at that time."
"Rice is the go-to option. I don't care about any of those. Okay, you got me at 'Empire.' You got me. I build an Empire."
"Everything indicates that it was Sir Francis Bacon's dream that the enlarging of the bounds of human Empire should be instituted on our own continent."
"Restoration of this dead thus royalty endures in the greatest empire ever known."