
Domination Quotes

There are 342 quotes

"Samsung Galaxy only give up one tower in this entire game. They absolutely dominate SK Telecom."
"All human beings can be characterized by their desire to dominate themselves, their environment, and to dominate other people."
"This Village is officially run by the vampires, aka me."
"Domination cannot exist in any social situation where a love ethic prevails."
"This was the equivalent of what Khabib Nurmagomedov does to some of his opponents when he fights in the octagon: just absolute total domination from start to finish."
"Mass culture is a site of both domination and also a site of resistance."
"It's going to be a complete annihilation for Team Spirit."
"Every social relationship between human beings can be understood as a function of domination and compulsion."
"There's this cabal of evil that is trying to take over the world."
"In reality, Atlantis enslaved the rest of the world with its advanced tech and weapons."
"There's only four cities remaining on this planet, and then we've basically got this entire thing in the back."
"Maintaining white supremacy is all about domination."
"The goal of a narcissist is to dominate and be perceived as right at all costs, resorting to provoking, bullying, and intimidating tactics."
"Team Take Profits, we don't compete, we dominate."
"China is effectively taking over the country right now."
"We have won the Premier League here with Fulham, absolutely wiping the floor with the competition!"
"Dragons were supreme overlords over all of Brascia."
"With those National ideas at this starting position and the amazing Mission tree you can go on to dominate the game as this nation."
"Dominate the entirety of the Eastern Europe super region."
"This domination, he destroyed everybody, impressive."
"We officially claimed the entire universe of the bosses."
"The devil is a control freak, wanting to rule and dominate."
"Chelsea have imperialized Tottenham in emphatic fashion."
"500 teams remain but only one will claim world domination."
"Moira on the other hand feels really [__] strong... and it's no wonder she's been dominating so many matches in the beta."
"I will do to you what I did to WCW, what I did to ECW, I will break you down and then I will buy you out." - Vince McMahon
"You're gonna respect me and you're going to worship the ground that I stand on."
"Absolutely dismantling Cloud Nine in that first game of the series."
"Ronda Rousey's last three fights lasted 96 seconds."
"We shall win this battle and then take over the world by destroying every last human alive. Then we shall rule what should be ours!"
"We changed the planet so significantly and so fundamentally that we dominate every ecosystem on earth."
"Total domination of the continent, replacing the factions of men with elves, is enough motivation in itself."
"The Dominion would quickly overwhelm the remaining resistance and fiefdoms and that would be that for the United Federation of Planets."
"The Patriots' goal: influence and take over the world."
"He just merely smirks; now his hair starts to glow with a bluish flash, and yeah, Frost gets totally dominated."
"That is simply domination from Atlanta Phase."
"We did have a fun game and dominated the old world pretty much."
"He came into an arc he hasn't even been involved in at all, one shot every character and then took the lackeys as his waiters."
"Aren't most quests for total domination doomed to fail eventually?"
"It's aqua and noah riley. They're gonna dominate people."
"That is three nil, what a domination in this game!"
"It's the nice thing about domination sometimes is when you do a lot of pillaging a lot of conquering."
"Exploitation and domination will at some point breed resistance."
"The Earth is conquered, for lack of better words."
"IG, the defending world champions, absolutely dominating."
"The Borg had taken an enormous section of space, destroying or assimilating all major powers, until no rivals remained in the area."
"We had destroyed it, absolutely crushed him!"
"It's not six-three, it's not six-two, it's not six-one, it's an absolute annihilation."
"What is expected of you in the Object 279E is nothing short of domination."
"Simon Bolivar is so good at domination that it puts him in his own tier above every other domination civ."
"As long as I'm in there, I'm present, I go out there and I dominate everyone."
"Melkor desired in the beginning to create life of his own, but not for the sake of bringing life into the world, but to dominate his creations and lord over them as their master."
"It feels good to just overwhelm your enemies with the pure strength of will and strength in numbers."
"It's no longer a truth ascertaining exercise to debate. It's a power struggle, a struggle session to humiliate and to dominate."
"Valentina Shevchenko dominated that fight, she really did."
"Just keep dominating the game, you know what I mean?"
"As long as such domination exists, the world will still be the victim of power politics."
"The black-owned black criminal is an ally of white domination."
"Whoever conquers the Indian Ocean will dominate the whole of Asia."
"It all stems from me completely dominating those queen side squares."
"The purpose of the hole was to humiliate them, dominate them, and make them feel small and worthless."
"He needs to dominate this, dominate this bitch with authority."
"Your base is mine now. Ready? More loot, more loot."
"We destabilize your country, install our own puppet government, and then take over your industrial base."
"We've reached the snowball moment. Nothing can reasonably stand in my way."
"One solo kill or one really good trade is all it takes to kick-start your domination over the game."
"Blackbeard's goal is much more direct into keeping them down, much more violence, much more, you know, like I'm gonna rule the world kind of thing."
"Just imagine the destruction. That's a power move."
"Sorry we took over the comic book industry. Boy, sorry not sorry, not sorry at all."
"You can completely take over a mid game just by playing really aggressive on mid."
"If the enemy outnumbers you, seek their weakness and exploit it. If you outnumber the enemy, seek unequivocal domination and crush them."
"It was like watching a cat toy with a mouse, it was embarrassing."
"I truly believe that when you merge our spiritual strength with our intellectual strength, we just dominate."
"If you wish to dominate, then you must strive to serve."
"I mean I think he just has the raw talent to dominate."
"Give this man the Heisman already, he is dominating."
"Once you impose your will, you got their number."
"You've taken the guy's will, you've taken his spirit, you've humiliated him. What other thing do you want?"
"Our unique ingenuity has given humanity total domination over life on Earth."
"The world is theirs now, the Eternal Darkness has begun."
"I want to rule the whole world, all of it, not some of it, not just Iceland or Fiji."
"Colonialism is the practice of acquiring territories and settling there to exert political, economic, and social control over the area."
"He dominated you. I made you quit. I made you tap. It was humiliating. It was embarrassing."
"Intellects vast, cool, and unsympathetic, regarded this Earth with envious eyes, and slowly and surely drew their plans against us."
"It's the anti-life equation. Finding it, then using it to dominate the stars has always been Dark Side's one goal."
"Imperialism is the idea of coming in and imposing your religion and your language on a group of people."
"When I say move, I mean move... your life don't belong to you, your life belong to me, your mind belong to me, everything."
"You want to operate on this territory because if you're capable of doing this, you will dominate the game."
"If you try to dominate people, you're already defeated."
"Any form of authority and domination requires justification, or it should be dismantled and replaced by something more free and just."
"An onslaught on the bowling of Shane Warne."
"We go to war, we have violence, we go for domination, we try for power."
"These humans will have no idea what hit them and we will be the rulers of earth."
"Sin causes evil to overpower us, dominates the mind, the will, and the affections."
"This religious and Military machine was now poised to be Unleashed upon a world stage."
"I will remake the Multiverse in my image. Everything is power, and I am everything."
"...casually dominated the space Punisher himself."
"Lucille rubs his powerlessness in his face."
"The remaining horsewomen reunite to dominate. Bailey, Becky, and Charlotte could even recruit other fed-up veterans to their cause before colliding with the likes of Bianca Belair, Rhea Ripley, Morgan, and J Cargill."
"Quiet copters are dominating both film sets and battlefields simultaneously."
"To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of your women. That is good."
"This is the beginning of a new era. The Hounds of Justice are united, and they're taking over."
"Black Adam utters the magic word and regains his powers in order to establish his dominance."
"The weak are dominated by their ego. The wise dominate their ego, and the intelligent are in constant battle with their ego."
"Palpatine's goal was not to control just one planet or one faction of individuals but it was to reign supreme over the entire galaxy."
"Man's conquest of nature means the rule of a few hundreds of men over billions upon billions of men."
"The Jezebel spirit is a spirit of false prophecy. And if you tolerate, they will dominate."
"They feel like you guys could dominate the world or your industry or I don't know your finances."
"Offer's domination of Kent during the late 780s."
"Dominate each game, changes the complexion of just how people view you."
"What made him such an amazing Captain? Blessed with a side that featured the best of the best he took the Wendy's to Total world domination."
"I renounce reality. I renounce the truth. My game is: you are my vastly inferior slaves. You are my obedient disciples. Obedient and admiring, you must accept me as I am."
"I'm still kicking your ass no sex no sex involved but you cry then here's a little move when I grab you by your neck and you start annoying me trying to resistance."
"One by one, all who oppose me will die, by fire or steel."
"You tasted Dominion for a brief moment."
"as long as they're executing turnaround times and people are happy, they're going to dominate for quite a long time."
"I'm going to open up the door to OnlyFans and I'm going to take over."
"I want to rule the entire Multiverse."
"So great was Morgoth’s dominance, that Orcs had lost almost all possibility of resisting his will."
"Power was given to them over a fourth of the earth to kill with sword with Hunger with death and by the beasts of the Earth."
"...yeah it uh, but then about that time that's when Vince Jr started saying he was going to take over the world."
"Is there a tag team in the world that can stop the bloodline?"
"...they felt more like prophecies premonitions of the Glorious Horrors took to come great a red sky billions dead and billions more enslaved a dark silhouette on the horizon their tentacled God holding dominion over all."
"Wicked was completely dominating North America."
"They're not playing with him. They are lighting him up."
"The Earth was dominated by anoxic waters during certain periods."
"All Ships advance towards Earth. These primitive humans will offer no resistance. We will crush them swiftly and claim their world for the glory of the thoron Empire."
"I can't even talk to you because the spirit is not dominating you."
"This group of people seeks to dominate the world."
"We dominate ourselves and oftentimes we dominate ourselves in a willful selfish, overly controlling way."
"My sizler is going to the women's New South Wales Ro women's for getting the W up there at bmore on yesterday. They won which is they to they dominated really well."
"First place, dude, first place, you dominated."
"Asadama 149 Lam Yan 0: 'The outcome of the match was indeed baffling with Asadama scoring an astonishing 149 goals.'"
"Probably the most organized attempt yet by children to dominate the world."
"I just feel like when you go like super hard on the track like like you embarrass people like bad that [ __ ] right there really like [ __ ] people up."
"It is an old trick of colonial power to communicate facts of social domination as facts of cultural difference."
"In the pre-Carboniferous, tabulate corals and stromatoperoids reigned."
"You're are mine and you always have been. We are going to cleanse this planet."
"Flipping Chin Godzilla would [__] all over Europe crying the whole time."
"Pick a slice of the market and dominate it."
"They took this championship, absolutely took it in every sense of the word, every phase of the game."
"The fight rapidly turned into a one-sided slaughter of daemons."
"The weapon of the enemy has been found. Sauron will have dominion over all life on this Earth."
"That is domination, when you feel confident enough to give it to your running backs 51 times."
"Denver dominated from start to finish."
"If you don't have that total victory, annihilate your enemy, at some point they're going to fight back."
"The Sith had risen to lead the galaxy."
"Annihilation rules over a land called Amoth which is basically like a really dark world that's out there in some other dimension."
"It was also implied he would end life across the entire multiverse which would also imply he's the strongest in all the multiverse."
"We both Saturday and Sunday owned that place."
"The machine means for him, meant for him the wrong solution, the attempt to actualize our desires, like our desire to fly. It meant coercion domination for him the great enemy coercion of other minds and other wills -- this is tyranny."
"Together you and I can rule the galaxy."
"All he wants from every single empire and race is their warriors."
"Freddie, at Live Aid, probably the best domination of an audience I've ever seen."
"Devils are embodiments of tyranny hailing from the nine Hells of Bator led by Asmodeus they seek to dominate The Cosmos."
"Take the gold nuggets where you hear them and apply them in your case and go dominate your deposition."
"That was just straight up domination from run one to run three peaked at the right time."
"Complete Game complete domination."
"Mewtwo wants to use the army of clone Pokemon that Mewtwo has created to rule the world as Mewtwo views them as being superior."
"Total Domination so far for Shields."
"Total domination by the unbeaten Brazilian Juliana Velasquez."
"Pacquiao just wore him out, just punched him and just wore him down."
"The area was dominated by a planter aristocracy."
"I'm just gonna go out there and dominate, that's it, I'm gonna go dominate."
"That's a mouth that's ready to Devour the world."
"We could easily take over Tik Tok if we just put this in its full extent out there for the world to see."
"I shall rule together. Freedom soon regained. Mistress of the universe."
"Dragon, yeah, yeah, yeah. Hello to you too, dragon. From now on, you belong to me. I command you to take me home right now!"
"Once we're at Wembley, we take over."
"It's just about power. It's about conquest."
"Wanda completely dominated this movie bro."
"Anrakyr's quest shall not end until the galaxy is once again dominated by the true rulers of the stars."
"This night may very well be the night that the faction takes hold of everything here in ovw."
"The Hellcat was now firmly in the fight and using its great speed and Firepower was quickly dominating the Skies over the Pacific."
"I want revenge. I want to grind their cities to dust beneath my boots and make them regret the day they defied me."
"The devil moves into your head like a wicked tyrant, dominating, crushing, and subjugating you with his lies."
"The British East India Company built its first fortified port near the coastal town of Pulicat, marking the beginning of colonial domination."
"Blow the minds of our adversaries with power that you are activating."
"dividing and conquering, if you will"
"He just ground and pounds his way to another victory."
"Is it better when you win when you don't have anybody challenging you the whole race and you're just dominating?"
"We literally ran the ball down people's faces."
"The strong rule, the weak are made to serve. This is the way it must be."
"The Lions dominated in the first half."
"Financial domination is all about figuring out what that person wants to hear and see and giving it to them."
"...he's just spanked these guys. He's brought some really, really fast laps in the key part of the race."
"Utilize weapons of mass destruction to take over Nuka World and usher in an era of Mega slavery."
"If you define yourself by your power to take life, your desire to dominate, to possess, then you have nothing."
"I don't play to win. I play to pulverize."
"In a winner-take-all regular season finale for the NFC East championship, New York dominated from start to finish."
"I am like a driven person. I want to do things and I want to... you know, when somebody says, 'What's your goal?' I'll be like, 'Take over the world.'"
"Manchester United have routed the enemy tonight."
"Rome is not really content to be Italy; it wants to take over and run everything. That's basically what an Empire is, a tyrant-type idea."
"...he firmly believes that the Viltrum Empire is designed to become the absolute force of the universe..."
"There's no kill quite like Overkill."
"If you define yourself by your power to take life, desire to dominate, to possess, you will have nothing."
"When you have the Rams by the throat, you better lean in on it."
"He literally dominated and humiliated everyone that he's fought."
"Symbolic violence is where coercion is aided through consent of the dominated to domination."
"The sun remained. This world is mine. It bends to my will."