
Etiquette Quotes

There are 1906 quotes

"You can't interrupt your brother while he's gaming. Unplugging people's stuff is rude."
"Most of us have internalized that you don't talk in theaters, double-dip at parties, or break the social contract implied in picking someone up from the airport."
"For a formal situation, you might say, 'I'm sorry, but I have to disagree.'"
"There's just a level of disrespect to me by taking your shoes off on an airplane. It's not your [__] living room."
"Proper dinner etiquette will take you a long way."
"When you're in mixed company, you tone down your language a bit... It's about respect and awareness of the crowd you're in."
"There was no guidance as well. There's no class on how to speak, how to cross your legs, how to be royal."
"At a cigar lounge, you never start with politics. You start with church and faith, and that builds a bridge."
"It's not about you, it's about all the other people, thank you very much, have a nice day."
"Table manners help you so you don't embarrass yourself or otherwise draw any kind of negative attention to you."
"Proper table manners always help you and never hurt you."
"There is no etiquette for Tourette's, there's only etiquette for the person because everyone's condition affects them differently."
"The most important etiquette rule of receiving the gift is showing appreciation."
"It's visually it's dreadful. You know, you can't come to someone's kitchen, my private room, and start putting things where you want them when it's my house."
"A gentleman often endeavors to make sure that his handwriting is as clear and beautiful as the ideas he's attempting to put on the page."
"Etiquette is not only about what kind of bag to wear and how to hold it, but it's also a lot about hygiene."
"So make sure you keep your look proper, clean, and tidy, and that includes your bag as well."
"Marge was sent to Camp lander man to learn etiquette and how to behave like a proper young lady."
"Please use utensils and not your hand, potato salad."
"Don't ruin a perfectly good candy for the rest of us, you know?"
"Manners are designed to help put other people at ease."
"The number one rule of etiquette is if you're in the know, you never want to shame someone for not knowing this information."
"I hope that this gave you a taste of the fascinating world of etiquette."
"If you insist on being vulgar at least spell the words correctly."
"This is why you should always tip your bartenders, servers, anyone who waits on you or provides a service for you."
"There's a cost to these things. The cost of higher inflation, higher mortgage rates."
"Hey Arnie, are you sure it's okay to take pictures here?"
"Erasmus brings to his time the courtesy he wants for boys to have."
"He bows to the king but the king tells him to raise his head."
"YouTube is a platform for everybody, don't be a dick."
"When you're sitting on a billion dollars, you better learn how to have some goddamn decorum, fool."
"A white tie event means you should actually be wearing a proper dress shirt."
"Please remember to be kind to everybody everywhere, especially in the comments section down below."
"Walking off like that is not right on the very basic level," stresses Mark.
"Etiquette is about being respectful of those around you."
"Isn't it nice to have a little guidance about how to be considerate and polite? No, it's creepy."
"Never ask a woman if she's pregnant. Even if she is actively in labor, don't ask her until you see the baby."
"It's still not considered acceptable to ask someone what their religion is."
"Chewing with your mouth open is definitely a big, no, no."
"Let your speech always be gracious seasoned with salt."
"Don't be a jerk; there's real people on the other side of the keyboard."
"Making fun of people with medical conditions that make them lose their hair is incredibly bad taste."
"If you've got any class or any style, you have to give bad news well."
"Those kids are right. They're not saving the seat. It belongs to someone who went to the concession stand."
"Compliments on a woman's appearance that some men, including me, might have once incorrectly thought Roque are never okay, not then and certainly not today."
"Put the mask over your [ __ ] nose like Rand Paul."
"Alright, I would hate to move you to your end step for you. That'd be rude."
"To sit directly next to someone when you don't have to is obviously creepy and weird."
"You don't need to tag the author in your one-star review."
"Talking stupid loud while you're on the phone and they're like close to you having the whole conversation, they're being straight-up disrespectful."
"Holding the door is very important. It doesn't matter what your gender is, if you're a woman or a man, make sure that you hold the door for the person that is coming after you."
"Don't make personal attacks or use hostile language."
"If you act like a spoiled tourist, locals will not like you."
"It's kind of a d move, at least be a gentleman about it."
"What's your biggest pet peeve? When people make noises with their mouths and they're like, you know that doesn't bug me like what you're eating."
"What about being selfless and actually replying to the eight people, you just posted an hour ago?"
"Please be respectful of others and use your indoor voices. Thank you."
"You gotta show up there, you gotta play nice, you gotta just play some music."
"How about you mute your mic, maybe?" (Repeated for emphasis)
"Questions are really good as long as you're not being a dick."
"Stop putting your filthy hands on other people's mouth holes. It's never okay."
"Anyone who tells you Medicare for all is unpopular is an unmitigated liar."
"You don't go to somebody else's home court and start attacking them."
"Telling another grown adult to shut up unprovoked isn't just politically incorrect, it's just straight up rude."
"You can't be separating your guests into tiers. That's such a faux pas."
"You must not say that unless you're married."
"Am I the jerk for making a scene when my son refused to dance with me?"
"If you're going to email somebody, don't be a dick. It's a reflection on you."
"It is also not a right of entry into the conversation. I try to get to them, I try to bring them up in a manner that's not interrupting of the discussion or distracting, but I don't get all of them."
"Even if you have nothing good to say, can't you stay quiet?"
"If you don't want people to bring up your mother, don't bring her on the show."
"Stop bringing Bluetooth speakers on hikes. No one came to the woods to hear you listen to Katy Perry."
"Please is a polite phrase used when you want something from someone else."
"Manners are a huge thing in the south, whether you're a little kid or you're an old man. You need to have your manners when you're here."
"I hope you don't mind I took the liberty of letting myself in."
"Don't be a creep. Try to be a nice, understanding, and respectful person."
"Don't waste time harassing someone who plays the game or someone who has said they won't."
"Virtual communication should be governed by the same restraint we exercise in the real world."
"It's considered very bad manners to reveal a spoiler without giving warning first."
"The worst thing you can do is come over to somebody's house and tell them how to cook."
"Don't speak on that man after he's gone if it's not in a good light."
"It is so selfish, it is so disrespectful of the other people at the table."
"Yes, I put the cart back. Yes, if you don't put the cart back you're part of the problem."
"More about productivity than being busy all the damn time."
"Gentlemen, polite DM's online, keep it together, be a good representative."
"It's always nice to have good manners when you're playing Hearthstone."
"Fondue etiquette: Tips for a smooth and enjoyable experience."
"Don't call people names, treat them the way you would like to be treated."
"You should have sat there and ate your damn food."
"Guests always they overstay their welcome they become unwelcome."
"Every good Terraria player smashes their chests after they've looted them. You don't leave them for someone else to find. That's a dick move in the Terraria world."
"It's just too much, isn't it? Don't mess around with other people's food."
"Being a well-dressed man with manners is what takes you from a handsome dude to a classy and sexy mofo."
"If you get nothing to say, nothing nice to say, just don't say it."
"When you give a gift to someone, there's no take backs. You don't get to dictate what they do with it."
"I researched this with Miss Manners to argue with my mother when I was a teen about why I didn't have to send thank you notes."
"Would you be upset if one of your guests livestreams your like wedding without your permission?"
"A queen is never late, everyone else is just simply early."
"I love that in hockey, it's like a gentlemanly thing. They decide before the fight that they're going to fight."
"Be casual, be polite when your ex reaches out."
"Rude behavior is irritating and unattractive. So how do you deal with rudeness when you encounter it? Take the high road. Smile at the offender and keep your voice very calm and level."
"I think he gets donkey of the day and the reason I'm going to say that is number one when you're sitting on a plane and somebody's right next to you I never had my phone with somebody could be my text messages especially if I'm talking about you."
"Don't put your chopsticks vertically in your bowl of rice, it can be seen as an offering to the deceased."
"I think if you wouldn't say it to someone in real life, you probably shouldn't be saying it to them on the Internet."
"Interrupting a compliment is the worst thing that can happen on planet Earth."
"What if someone thinks that is polite but you find extremely uncomfortable?"
"Don't freaking cut in line without asking. I think it is so rude when people just proclaim they are going to do it."
"Do not take away from the experience that everybody around you is having."
"Excessive effervescence wasn't very cool, so these cups helped."
"Japanese etiquette is embedded with numerous table manners, from saying 'itadakimasu' before a meal to handling chopsticks with care."
"A society that has legalized dueling could be more polite. You put your shopping carts back or I could challenge you to a duel."
"What this simple proverb does is extol the virtues of good manners."
"Always be gracious, always be cordial, always be apologetic."
"Try to be more of a gentleman. It goes a long way."
"Please just, if you are doing this, be respectful of employees. Be respectful to the people around you."
"Think like an American and never be rude or nervous in any situation."
"Be a gentleman by opening doors for her, picking her up from her place, etc."
"There's a difference between asking 'Can I try some?' versus 'Can I have the rest of that?'"
"Respectfully asking for a tip is acceptable but abusing or harassing someone is never acceptable."
"Soldiers don't get to disrespect you you don't have to be mean to them right."
"There's people that know how to ask it and there's people that know how to go about it without it coming off rude."
"Tipping is defined as a small present of money given directly to someone for performing a service. As with most gifts given someone, they're not mandatory."
"Be nice, follow the cultural norms of the place."
"Stop [] in the [] shower if you can't clean up after yourself."
"Being rude to waiters obviously is horrendous, yeah that's immediately a sign that they're not a nice person in general."
"Welcome to Sushi Tushy sushi, do not disrespect sushi like that." - Defending the honor of sushi.
"This is like one of those unwritten rules in social media influencer communities: you just don't flag people's stuff."
"Never be rude to customer service/retail workers."
"It costs zero dollars to not step on our gowns."
"I don't think it's crazy... to say I don't want my photo taken... it's really rude to do it anyways."
"Accepting a compliment gracefully is very valuable."
"Please step away from the keyboard because we do not like keyboard gangsters in toddlers tears chat room."
"It's disrespectful to keep your mouth open while yawning."
"Lady, it's not a dog park, it's a public trail."
"A polite reminder not to go into your local game store and yell at the employee behind the Shelf if these are indeed being asked for a high price."
"Don't be a dick and take it online, that's not what the video is about."
"Should we be bowing? I feel like we should be bowing."
"Please, if you find us in a game, the ultimate way not to show that you're a fan is to harass us the whole time."
"You don't talk to a GM like that after being told, it's just that you know."
"Being a lady means being a good neighbor, being aware of yourself and of the potential damage you are doing to others."
"You attend a ceremony, you dress accordingly."
"That's just common knowledge, that's just, you know, common courtesy."
"A gentleman does not poach someone else's recruits."
"Restaurant etiquette is so weird because your friend that will literally eat a carrot off the floor goes into a building and then wants to know exactly what kind of oil is used to fry their burger."
"Covid or not, hopefully people can just be a bit more respectful."
"Salute to the wreck mob, you know the M Rec room etiquette like button."
"Public transportation is a very important part of daily life in South Korea. Following the proper rules and etiquette is really important so that everyone has a pleasant commute."
"This is why you don't go into a kitchen and touch other people's things without asking."
"Just say hello to your friends, I tell them to come to this stream, make sure you say hello to your friends, don't be rude to them."
"Dude says insults the wait staff yeah, don't do that they're just doing the job."
"Use social media in a good way and absolutely use it to get hired because you can and plenty of people do just you know don't be annoying."
"Imagine there was a card, during conversation, you sneak it to the person and it says, 'You smell bad, please take care.'"
"Always treat someone with respect, champ, and they will respect you as well."
"You can be honest, wrong, and opinionated without being rude, crass, and controversial."
"Should I ask, or just keep calling by colleague name?"
"Ask permission before fursuiting in a public space."
"Just don't be dicks of course, don't be dicks."
"Don't interrupt people who are trying to help you."
"Being classy is more about respecting yourself, respecting other people, and respecting the occasion."
"Everyone's very respectful, nobody takes pictures."
"Dressing appropriately for the occasion is a necessary skill."
"Dear Sir or Madam should tell you that this is a formal message."
"A gentleman should not leave the house without a collar, without some leather shoes, and combed hair, and be respectful."
"You have to have to have to start off with at least a business card and a thank you card."
"The Book of Manners... covers all kinds of manners."
"Thanks to Stuart, I won't be committing a social faux pas."
"Always refuse with your left hand and embrace with your right."
"Mastering Japanese customs reveals a passageway to unraveling this captivating culture."
"Remove your shoes gracefully upon entering homes, temples or traditional restaurants and museums."
"Politeness is something that most people try to instill in their children from a very young age."
"If you don't have nothing nice to say, then don't say it at all."
"Keep your distance, be respectful of somebody's personal space."
"You can't even disagree politely with someone publicly."
"Excitement is one thing, but rudeness is another."
"Those paper toilet seat covers aren't meant to be used the way many do."
"Your corrections must be preceded with the phrase 'Um, actually...'"
"Nobody is ever crazy for not letting your guest bring a plus one, especially if you're the one paying for it."
"If you're loud talking someone in public, it's ratchet."
"Tucking in your shirt... sends this message that you know how to be put together."
"Never ask a woman her age, a man his salary, or her husband to use the drink carts."
"In prison, you got to be kind; you've got to say excuse me if you bump into somebody."
"Afternoon tea is such a beautiful treat and one that we should all enjoy without worrying too much about the rules."
"I hate to talk about women on an empty stomach."
"It's okay to say hi, how you doing, nice to meet you, goodbye."
"You can't let someone into your society unless they're the kind of person to put their shopping cart back."
"Never ask a woman her age, a man his salary, or Jack to hurry up about the new Pop-Up Pirate video."
"Catherine plays it cool, trying her best to leave a good impression on the Maris."
"You might want to reach back and get your feet off my seat."
"It's just kind of an unwritten rule out of respect."
"I'm not kissing anyone in front of Taylor Swift, in front of the queen."
"I have learned that nobody wants to eat the last piece, so you might as well be the person that eats the last piece."
"My date was on his phone all night, it was so rude!"
"Manners are really a thing here in London even in a big city like this."
"My language when you are in my Palace, she said speak English when you're talking to me."
"Mind your p's and q's means to mind your manners."
"I tried to pass as I was on a diet as usual but Andrew claimed that refusing the would be improper etiquette."
"That is why the 'stupidest' things we do in disc golf is shaking hands on the 18th. It's created for guys like that because you're not going to get a handshake from that guy after you tap out on 18."
"You don't touch nobody's verse. You don't touch the verse. If you don't like it, let me know. Either I'll change it or you just don't use it. That's etiquette."
"On a first date for drinks, is the person you invite out entitled to order an entire tray of food, or should they just get drinks, get to know you, and go?"
"Wearing bonnets in public is ghetto as hell."