
Legislative Process Quotes

There are 263 quotes

"Impeachment is just one step. The Senate must pass House Republicans' Secure the Border Act, the strongest border security bill in history."
"It's a question of accountability of the 48 of us that have been chosen to serve on this committee."
"Senator Josh Hawley and Bernie Sanders, speaking just moments ago, let's listen to President, 'I ask unanimous consent that the Senate proceed to the immediate consideration of my bill.'"
"This shouldn't be so hard. We all know how to pass bills in the Senate with bipartisan buy-in and bipartisan support."
"The most that the Democrats could hope for is that they win over a few Republicans to their side, but given that they need a two-thirds majority, that's quite a few to win over, and it's not honestly, it's the chances of it happening are very slim."
"Politics is downstream of culture. The only time that you can create legislation like this is if the culture asks for it."
"But if there is an enduring image that will stick with us forever from this moment in American history... it is probably this: These images of a Black Georgia state legislator simply knocking on the door of the room where Georgia's governor was signing the bill into law."
"The Fulton County, Georgia, District Attorney announced yesterday that the arrested legislator, Georgia State Representative Park Cannon, will not be charged with any crime."
"You do not need the Constitution to keep things up to date; all you need is a legislature and a ballot box."
"Republicans are holding that aid hostage with their political gimmicks and games."
"Every single member of this body will have at least 72 hours to review each bill."
"We've been living in a 50-50 Senate the last two years where any one person can and has stopped the majority from moving forward on something."
"It only takes a simple majority to confirm a Supreme Court justice."
"Getting rid of the filibuster means this: it means that you turn one razor thin majority imposing its will on the American people and on legislation into a pendulum swinging another razor thin majority 24 months later."
"We spent God like the past 24 hours literally going through every single aspect of this bill."
"Congress is a place where you cut deals, and that is the reality of the situation."
"We have done regular order, we have had open amendments, and every single member of this chamber has the right, the ability, and the opportunity to be heard on the floor."
"The Cruz's idea is a fantastic idea because now instead of voting yea or nay on throwing out votes, they're voting yea or nay on whether or not to have a simple commission to simply investigate."
"Once you break the seal here, there will be no impeachment trials ever again."
"It's important for appropriate next steps in the house to be taken."
"Democrats control the house bill could get passed."
"Freedom and liberties are protected by process, by the Constitution, and by the 60-vote rule."
"Mississippi's plan to get rid of the individual income tax is heading to the Senate."
"Republicans need to start making criminal referrals to the capital police."
"I actually believe you should come to the floor, come here to debate, have Solutions."
"A new and even tougher federal child pornography bill has reached house senate conference."
"We were told that you would never get the House to vote."
"Parliament is two things: holding the government to account and the central means of government."
"If the Congress allows them to, they will testify before the house."
"The filibuster isn't behaving the way the founders designed."
"The Senate has always been a place where the structure and rules permit fast-moving partisan agendas to be slowed down."
"The nuclear option would eviscerate the Senate and turn it into the House of Representatives."
"This is their attempt to create law without actually having to ever write a law."
"Now the I believe widely held expectation is that the House will open an impeachment inquiry into the President."
"At a certain point, it goes to Congress. You know that well."
"I hadn't noticed that there had been a lack of debates. There's plenty of debate going on in the House of Commons."
"We don't have to wait for the laws to be dictated by the court, we have another branch of government, the Congress, they are called lawmakers."
"It's a vision to see that there was a pathway possible for a bipartisan piece of legislation."
"President Trump made a major mistake by saying that he didn't need to issue the declaration of emergency and could have used the regular legislative process."
"Speaker Pelosi's house just gave in to a temptation that every other house in our history has managed to resist."
"That's what democracy is about. That's what our job is: to vote these things up or down. Let's get that vote."
"We saw all sorts of disgusting ridiculous pork in the bill."
"Several of the bills are technically alive and editable, but we feel confident they will not be heard."
"We keep talking about King and Fannie Lou Hamer and all those folks, but you can't ignore Clarence Mitchell, who was walking the halls of the Senate and the House pushing for bills." - Roland Martin
"Big exciting news is Republicans make final revisions on their second stimulus package which they'll introduce next."
"They cannot actually go and have a reasonable debate on legislation because they are co-opted by the extremists in their party who threatened to primary them and have this just disgusting extremist strain and hold them hostage."
"At its core, the filibuster's not about stopping a nominee or a bill. It's about compromise and moderation. That's why the founders put unlimited debate in. That's what it's about."
"The legislative filibuster is essential not only to the functioning of the Senate but to the country."
"Let us hope that we join together, as so many of these bills were overwhelmingly bipartisan."
"Who wants Mitch McConnell blocking legislation for the next two to four years? Not me."
"We can get something done... significantly smaller than what folks were worried about."
"And they'll be able to have these differences. But this holds the promise that after the fights are over, we'll be able to find principled compromises on those areas, as well."
"Great news because it makes the recon easier to write, easier to call the vote on and easier to pass."
"Disney capitulated, this bill does not get signed today unless Disney bends over and lays down."
"When Congress lets the president write his own laws, he's not a president, he's a prince."
"This confirmation process has become a national disgrace. The Constitution gives the Senate an important role in the confirmation process, but you have replaced advice and consent with search and destroy."
"Washington must change, we have to get back on a better course, and Mr. Speaker I don't know how this vote's going to go, but I am sure that we've made the right argument."
"So by mid-January, we'll have the vote. By the way, I had to have the vote in January and not in December because a bunch of Republicans had left."
"In a matter of days, the Senate can quickly process relevant amendments and pass this bill."
"The speed with which they were able to pass this in the House of Representatives is unbelievable."
"Our preoccupation with the filibuster is totally legitimate."
"This is a vote to proceed on the 3.5 trillion dollar stimulus package but if you've been watching the channel and following along you'll know this was actually a very important vote."
"It's basically a miracle if a bill becomes a law."
"Bipartisanship is basically out the window. Democrats are moving forward full steam without Republican support."
"Our responsibility is to fully oversee the facts, report the facts, and legislate in a way that protects the country going forward."
"So as you see right now 102 Democrats have voted for you have 97 Republicans who have voted nay right now is 103 to 97 and of course it's 10 minutes 10 more minutes for them to vote they will."
"There's nobody making the case against the deal from a position where they're going to vote against it."
"Stopping online gun sales both of those will require acts of Congress though not executive order."
"There has to be some goodwill, let them vote on the infrastructure bill."
"We ended up with 56 Republicans saying no... only two Democrats actually voted against this."
"Congress has oversight and there's no reason not to have a 9/11 type commission."
"There's an alternate universe on Capitol Hill where the Senate voted 67-32 to advance the bipartisan infrastructure framework."
"The purpose of competition. The first thing I'll say is this: political behavior, Democrats just screaming and yelling. I saw this and I'm like, I don't care what the bill is, what is wrong with you?"
"Democratic policymaking has been affected. Congress is in session, and the gap between productivity in the House and the Senate is widening."
"And then you see what happens and then you're allowed to go back and adjust your laws later on it's possible that certain states that are currently..."
"Our current system may no longer be tenable... We have to have term limits... We have to have single-issue bill voting."
"For people watching, reach out to your congressmen and women and ask that they remind the ATF that they are not a legislative body."
"I am more than glad to go down on to the floor and debate and discuss any of our policies against any of my colleagues on the other side of the aisle."
"President Biden is totally on board with using reconciliation."
"The January 6 House Select Committee is an investigative body... their job is really to gather information for a law writing perspective."
"The United States Senate agreed to carve out exceptions to the filibuster."
"Okay, let's see how this plays out. Basically, this thing is dead on arrival in the Senate."
"Conservative Republicans do not have enough votes to get what they want in Congress."
"That's the legislative process... but we get things done."
"And to the surprise of exactly no one, Trump's already vowed to put forward a nominee and McConnell's already vowed to bring that nominee up for a vote in the Senate."
"So they shouldn’t let their little legislative inquiry get in the way of the real investigation."
"It is shocking that not a single Republican would vote to even hear a bill that does things like make voter registration easier."
"Let the people vote on each state's if it's better than the lawmakers which is only a few handful of people let the people vote."
"A bipartisan bill would be good for America and help fix our broken immigration system."
"Many Senate Republicans who've been working hard to get an agreement are displeased with Trump's pressure campaign."
"The power of Congress is not just to vote on stuff, it's our power to convene around serious issues."
"This was going to be the last piece of legislation for this administration more than likely."
"They're not gonna do that hey why don't you pass Medicare for all Nancy Pelosi you know that they're gonna kill it in the Senate the Republicans."
"Let us demand that Mitch McConnell have the guts, have the courage to at least put legislation on the floor of the Senate."
"He did the right thing here," - Kyle Kulinski.
"My Democratic colleagues are saying if you don't support that I will blow up the Senate."
"At the end of the day, if there's a Republican president and a Republican Senate, House majority and the Republicans want to like cut taxes or something, is Vance gonna go against him on that?"
"If you're gonna set tariffs, that should be happening at the Congressional level, not unilaterally at the presidential level."
"Nixon did not have the votes to avoid a conviction by the necessary two-thirds majority in the Senate."
"Americans will always do the right thing when they've exhausted all other options."
"We are arguing tonight whether or not we're going to pass something tomorrow so that old people can get a hearing aid."
"It could get to the Senate next year which that may be perfect timing actually."
"I used to argue with certain people about the filibuster."
"I am not interested in moving at a snail's pace. I am not interested in a watered-down bill that mandates nothing."
"It's time to put the political stunts aside and come together as Democrats and Republicans."
"But I think, I'm gonna get in there and make so much noise and actually run effective hearings, and like, I think I really do know what to do with these companies like Josh Holly's."
"They're supposed to make hard decisions. They're not supposed to read a bill that's 500 pages long in two hours and vote on it and not ever even read it or look at it."
"If you're not going to fight now and if we're going to preemptively surrender, don't even take the vote."
"It's time to return to it. Let's have this vote up or down, let the Democrats and Republicans express their will on behalf of the families in this country."
"But we did it without all but a few Republicans being able to come across and vote for it."
"Every time, hundreds of letters from you, so much work from Katrina's team and the sponsor Assemblymember Garcia's office, and you can't help but feel like it's all going to waste. But we chip away, one letter, one law, one cat GIF at a time."
"It would require a constitutional amendment to basically say, you know, you could delay a bill but you can't stop it for example."
"We have to do it through legislation, through unity."
"If a congressman or senator gets a certain number of constituent calls, they hear about it and it does matter."
"Speech and debate are at the center of what it means to be a member of Congress."
"This is what I think. None of it will pass the house."
"The John Amendment needs to be got before Congress. To do that, we need powerful allies."
"If they can do that, they will be voting with the motion to proceed which again it's just the motion to proceed but it's actually a very very big vote." - Explanation of the voting process
"Saying Christians shouldn't make theocratic laws is not the same as saying they shouldn't have a place in politics."
"Despite being such a prevalent feature... how the senate works."
"The budget resolution is the key to unlocking the 51 vote privilege of the reconciliation path for our transformative Build Back Better bill." - Nancy Pelosi
"People have got to learn to get back to the basics of legislating and negotiating and working together to solve the problems that the people of America demand that we solve."
"Tom Swazi: 'Mr. Roy, the histrionics and the hyperbole are not working. The bottom line is we have to find bipartisan Solutions.'"
"This should be bipartisan, this should be a hundred percent vote."
"Congress working on two-day funding extension hours before government shutdown."
"There's no deadline, so Congress seems to function best on a deadline."
"We are on track again. The vote tonight means we're on track to reach our two-track goal."
"We now have an agreement on the major issues."
"We look forward to moving ahead and having an opportunity to have a healthy debate."
"On Tuesday, Chuck is going to call a vote to decide the date in which discussion of the bipartisan ends."
"Members from both sides of the aisle coming together, politics set aside."
"I think the only provision I would amend is the amendment provision."
"Congress is like jazz, it's really about the bills."
"I'm excited to hear because the toast is toasted the butter is buttering and the house will be passing your wonderful recon this week."
"These laws have been building the mechanisms for a totalitarian police state piece by piece."
"We didn't give this entity any Authority we didn't even create this entity let alone the Department of Justice."
"Drag these guys before these committees left and right and just work them over."
"It's a democratic republic operating, and the Congress and the Constitution provide a mechanism for that release valve."
"It is really unusual, I had two Democratic senators who told me they were going to vote with me."
"Let us pledge, whoever is in power, that we never weaponize impeachment."
"The Democrats passed a bill months ago and Republicans refused to negotiate throughout the entire summer."
"Progressives should say time to kill the bill. Let's pass the $3.5 trillion bill and let the GOP plus 2 kill it."
"Wow, now that's huge. Who are these people? They're on the House subcommittee that's responsible for writing stimulus checks. It's called the House Ways and Means Committee. They wrote your third stimulus recon stimulus check that was recon also."
"Your recon has just passed the Senate, next stop the House."
"Just sign the bill in its current state. It's like a little monster wrapped up in 5,500 pages that we do not want to let out."
"We have to get it done, and the majority of members in this President will find a path."
"Read the bill instead of relying on someone to tell you what's in it and you'll be really surprised what you learn when you read the actual wording of a bill."
"I wasn't supporting the government or the opposition, I was supporting Parliament."
"You can have these votes... you can say we're going to nuclear the filibuster... and it would be a simple majority vote."
"The filibuster plays an important role in stabilizing our democracy from the transitory passions of the majority."
"I know what they're doing. I believe in what they're doing. I do believe it's going to eventually pass with compromise, just like all of the other bills passed with compromise."
"Nancy Pelosi has directed the US House of Representatives to begin working on the infrastructure package."
"Each succeeding day hopefully what the House leadership will have building blocks put in place."
"If you can't read a bill, you shouldn't vote on it." - Kat Kamik
"Build Back Better, as it has been presented over the last seven, eight, nine months, that bill no longer will exist."
"Fan channels are responsible for hundreds of thousands or millions of football fans feeling even closer to the Football Club."
"That bill won by an overwhelming majority in the house of 342 to 57. That was not a political easy vote."
"The tax reform bill it has at least 50 votes maybe 51 it depends on what bob Corker decides maybe they get 52."
"Almost everything our government does is attached to money, almost every piece of legislation has some benefit for corporate power."
"A deal is happening, we have a deal on the recon that will have a rubber-stamped vote in just a few days."
"It’s better to have both, and I think Congress is now entitled to have both."
"Just introduce your bill, live and die by it."
"One senator can stop the nomination of the next Supreme Court justice."
"The spectrum of views among members who have signed the amendment."
"You can't stop because that pen is in their hand they're marking up the bill there's a pen on one ink on one side and there's an eraser on the other side."
"This vote could literally happen at 1am, which is insane. It's just gamesmanship to try to get basically all this stuff done." - Kevin (Me Kevin)
"If you want stuff to happen it is all the perfect example is this situation that that that we have today with this stimulus bill this relief bill we are in this situation in part obviously the major uh obstacle here is Mitch McConnell."
"Will this get even into the House of Representatives? We shall see."
"If Joe Manchin and Kirsten Sinema continue to oppose eliminating the filibuster, we're screwed."
"Congress isn't acting fast enough. Nope, not supposed to."
"If Congress is hindered in its ability to employ agencies to fill in the details of its broad mandates, life in the United States could change dramatically."
"This resolution has the support of 22 of my colleagues."
"Any legislation that emerges that creates a framework for crypto and as you say a framework for innovation must be bipartisan."
"You have to hope that Nancy also means the whole recon, not just the procedural recon."
"If he had signed it, it would have went into law so there's still plenty of time here before the midterm elections as they're basically rebranding the buildback better package right now."
"Politics is not a panacea, but you cannot get the policy passed if you do not have radical voices in there in the first place."
"The house of representatives just passed the stimulus bill so now just goes to the president to be signed and that's it and it goes into law."
"When it comes to congress, realistically, if these congress people were representing the American people, then these bills would be getting passed without any problem." - David
"The point: the framework for the government funding bill has been agreed to by top negotiators. It's expected to be done by December 23rd."
"Being a part of the legislative process is important. It is part of our duty as Americans to be politically engaged and to hold those that we elect accountable for their actions."
"They're not advocating for this, that's not in the bill."
"The filibuster allows a minority of senators to block legislation." - Caption Narration
"Tomorrow, a bill will be put to the House of Representatives for $2000 stimulus check."
"We don't want the infrastructure called for a vote in the house until we have the senate vote on the recon with 50 votes."
"Democrats want to do a standalone bill for the check. All you gotta do is get enough Democrats in the House to approve it."
"Chuck Schumer gets his game changer which is the reconciliation tools so I mentioned this yesterday how the Senate Democrats can now officially pass more bills with just 51 votes."
"Think tanks can pass better laws than if elected officials were just Googling or guessing the pros and cons of the bills before them."
"The Olympics are that rarest of events, a coalition of a great variety of nations coming together for a purpose other than killing Iraqis."
"The Council of Ministers has the power to make laws which are binding in this country without any legislative discussion at all." - Michael Foot
"Let's get on with this, there's obviously a lot of things that are not in this bill that were in the original Build Back Better bill."
"The president doesn't believe that he alone can pull the George Floyd Act policing act across the finish line."
"Chairman Gensler, in advance of today's hearing, did you coordinate acceptable responses with Senator Elizabeth Warren?"
"We are a nation of choices. Democratic processes, voting, consensus. When it comes to laws, the people have a say. That's the way we like it and that's the way we keep it."
"This is a moment in which Democrats have to have a backbone and get that bill passed."
"There's also the way that the Affordable Care Act was enacted into law by a shoestring, with no Republican support."
"Congressional oversight is not working well, despite being challenging to define."
"It is absolutely imperative that representatives here are able to do our jobs and scrutinize the legislation given the magnitude of the implications."