
Film Criticism Quotes

There are 1212 quotes

"I feel like the sex scenes in there are tasteful. It shows about their relationship, the connection you know. And you get, I don't know, it adds to their character development."
"Critiques of the practice of queerbaiting lose their weight without the subtextual history of queerness on film."
"The Godfather... one of the very few examples of a film that surpasses its source material while still respecting it."
"If it's intentional, it's one of the best movies ever made."
"I think that might be the perfect movie if they were actually telling good actors to play it badly."
"Despite this film basically cheating the audience for two hours straight, it's one of the best MCU entries that pretty much everybody enjoyed."
"This movie works overtime to make us absolutely loathe these men as much as humanly possible."
"The thing that makes a film great isn't whether it answers a philosophical question but whether it poses one and gets you thinking about it."
"Sometimes critics or viewers or fans do read into stuff that wasn't intentional, but simultaneously, there are some directors who can and do put an incredible amount of thought into every little detail and choice they make."
"There are some terrible films where the logic holds up and some excellent films where it doesn't."
"One of the producers once ducked the political question and said that Forrest Gump is a movie about hope. Really? Hope for who?"
"An audience that was seeking not to learn anything at all about the time period and not even seeking to just be simply entertained... but rather an audience that was seeking to have its preconceived notions of American exceptionalism confirmed."
"One clunky line of dialogue delivered awkwardly, a single poorly lit or poorly framed shot, one subpar visual effect, or a plot hole—all of these things are minor issues."
"I watched 'Don't Look Up' a few days ago and start crying after. Needless to say, I enjoyed the message behind the film despite it sending me into an existential crisis."
"Titanic from 1997 is a film that a lot of people on the internet just love to hate, partially because it was probably so successful."
"Film critic Anne Billson compares the films of Saw to the religious paintings of Hieronymous Bosch and Peter Bruegel the elder."
"Hereditary is the one that stands above to me."
"Bumblebee... it's the only good Transformers movie."
"I suspect I'll be in the minority for praising this film. It will be described as empty, uneventful, meandering. But for some, it will leave a spell. It is a parable, yes, but it is also simply the story of these people and how their lives and existence have suddenly become problematic. We depend on such a superstructure to maintain us that one or two alterations could leave us stranded and wandering through a field, if we are that lucky." - On The Happening
"Is this even a good film at all, or is it simply a bad film that we’ve come to love?"
"Ambiguity without real intent feels incomplete; it's the difference between your movie being a confusing mess and a mesmerizing emotional powerhouse."
"Curse this marketing that poster did so much damage to a film that truly was well made."
"So, did this deserve to be the lowest-grossing movie of 2012? I'd say no. You can tell that the movie was a real labor of love."
"It's probably the best Spider-Man movie ever made."
"I would recommend this film to everybody. It's just the right amount of darkness, a perfect blend of humor for adults and kids, with great action and a lot of great character introspection."
"One of my favorite things to do in film criticism is to re-watch an old movie that I used to have very strong opinions about, to see if I still feel the same way."
"I'm not a film critic... I looked up some basic film knowledge just to get like a simple understanding of what I'm gonna be talking about."
"Starship Troopers... on its surface, it's a big dumb action movie... but the film is actually a lot smarter than most people give it credit for."
"Film criticism is not about objective correctness; it is about how we're using this to build conversation about how we view film and how we view gender."
"Over the past 10 years, we've seen this re-emergence of the horror genre into something prestigious."
"It's a horror movie among other things. One critic said that it was a tapestry woven of many threads, and I thought that was a beautiful, articulate way to describe it."
"All a critic can do is point you to a movie. Ultimately, it's gonna be you deciding that, and you telling your friends."
"I feel like if more people were critical then films would improve."
"Joker 100% falls into token representation in the form of cardboard cutout characters serving mainly as hindrances to the white male lead."
"We coulda had boyfriends who became generals and led the resistance together, and instead we got two buddies who got kinda shoehorned into awkward romantic relationships with women, women who, by the way, coulda had their own plot lines instead."
"Dear Evan Hansen is bad. I don't think anyone here is going to debate me on that especially after watching two hours of me ramble about it."
"Without Jack Sparrow, there is no Pirates. If the filmmakers want Pirates of the Caribbean six to have even a chance of working, they need Jack. Not a second-rate Jack, not an imposter Jack, the real Captain Jack."
"The film is surprisingly well made, with a deliberate artfulness for a movie that still, ultimately - isn't very good."
"I'm not sure if I've really seen a better anti-war movie like than this."
"At the end of the day, it's a decent movie, but it loses out on the message by the end to detour on whatever is going on with the kids and the storytelling DXM."
"Each aspect of this film is strong and confident about what it is it's got interesting and memorable themes and uh yeah I loved it I'll watch it again."
"Your film can grab me by the scruff of the neck and shout me down about how the natural order makes us all equal."
"Tyler Perry's movies including acrimony often generate discussions and debates on social media platforms like Twitter."
"I don't respect her from what I've seen in the trailer and honestly, I'm not... I just... I don't want to watch that movie."
"Some in Hollywood are kind of split on it, but audiences love this movie. I love this movie."
"The DC Universe is worse off for not having either Sasha Kaye or Michael Keaton in future films."
"It could have been a great movie if it only allowed itself to let the actual characters within it be characters."
"This is the difference between emphasizing your characters to the point where plot holes like this happen or having a decent movie."
"The star rating system is unsuited to this film. Is the movie good? Is it bad? Does it matter? It is what it is and occupies a world where the stars don't shine."
"Everybody's like 'Star Wars, what a sexist film.' Princess Leia is the driving force behind the original Star Wars films."
"In a movie you just don't really have enough time to develop two relationships well enough to the point where it's like oh wow I wonder who she'll choose."
"This movie does not know what it wants to be."
"This right here is why Wonder Woman 1984 is the worst superhero movie ever made."
"There's a semblance of talent here. There's a semblance of something good here but this movie did not come anywhere close to reaching its potential."
"John Wick is great. When I first saw it, I didn't get it because I was like, 'Oh, so a dog got killed. That's sad.' But then I watched it again and I was like, 'This is terrific.'"
"As someone who grew up with these prequels, I love these flawed movies."
"I'd snap my fingers and make Phantom Menace great."
"The jokes aren't as numerous or strong in this film but there was a lot of properly communicated emotion."
"This movie is nearly perfect. It's a slow burn for sure, I wanted every single second of it."
"Get Out is not only of its time it's really prescient."
"It's a flawed masterpiece which i know makes absolutely no sense but it's just easily my number one star wars film."
"I can always tell that Kristen Stewart is working hard to perform these sometimes ridiculous lines in a way that makes sense internally for her."
"Space Jam, it's such an outlandish concept and yet it totally worked."
"every list is unique and different and it just kind of reflects the way you as an individual receive those movies"
"One of the most important things in my opinion that a film critic can do is have a connection with his or her audience."
"Underrepresented people, women, go out and become film critics 'cause we need those voices too."
"Nostalgia is real and it affects how we view old films or perceive new films."
"I was really, really glad that they killed Kylo Ren."
"Sally Hardesty, her utilization in this probably the worst utilization I've ever seen for a Legacy character."
"Cinema is subjective, so I'm sure there's someone out there who's like, 'Oh yeah, you know.'"
"This is head and shoulders above that horrible throne room fight scene."
"It just would have been really cool if they made a good movie in there somewhere."
"Every frame, every line, every moment in this story is so measured in its execution. It's just fantastic."
"It's hard to make a movie that's timeless, and Iron Man absolutely is."
"He's without a doubt one of the coolest and most iconic movie characters of all time."
"I understand why most people think that this is a weaker MCU film obviously it's lower on my list but I never really understand the hate that some people toss at it."
"It's about as perfect as a film can get. Everything has been thought out and planned to the point where you're just watching this guy's vision perfectly unfold."
"Money isn't everything, especially when it comes to judging the quality of a film."
"It knows just when to pull back so as to not undercut any dramatic moments"
"Dragonball Evolution reads more like a parody of this stale formula than a sincere attempt to execute on it."
"It's like the movie is actively trying to do as many things to disappoint fans as it possibly can."
"So often we think about Christian movies as being really subpar artistically—this was not that."
"It was massively misleading but I thought it was brilliant."
"Listen all I'm trying to say is that this clearly is not no Snyder cut but hey if it works it works, I don't judge."
"This film is often treated and seen as the black sheep of the MCU, but I honestly think that most of the hate directed at it is misplaced."
"If you're going to make a movie where all you give a crap about is, like, 'oh man this death's so cool,' then why are you adapting Death Note when clearly those are conflicting ideas?"
"Andrew's channel consists of bite-sized discourses on the art and industry of moviemaking from Hollywood to foreign films, from classics to current blockbusters."
"The influence of this film would be seen for a long time because the public loved it, the geeks loved it, everybody came together and said yes."
"It's dense sure I really love thematically everything they're dealing with."
"You're just taking someone else's movie and just redoing it, a cheaper version. How dare you?"
"That's some good Bruce Wayne, as far as I'm concerned." - Praise for Bruce Wayne's portrayal.
"This movie is the harbinger of doom for the future of entertainment."
"He basically critiques every movie as though if the events the movie were not inevitable in the way that they're set up then it's bad writing."
"The Snyder cut is a great superhero movie, honestly, it's not the second coming of expletive Christ, but it's a really, really solid superhero movie."
"It's hard not to appreciate the movie for the marvel and the cinema that it is."
"If a movie bothered you that much, you might want to unpack that."
"Nikki Blonsky does a good job with most of this movie, there are certain moments where I'm like what was that choice but I think a lot of it has to do with direction and the script."
"I think it's entertaining when we have a much different opinion than everybody else on the movie."
"For a movie that was like nine hours long, they set up things so poorly."
"Empire Strikes Back... probably just in the whole grand scheme of things that movie is perfect."
"It's a masterpiece... There is not a low point at all in this movie from start to end."
"I think being a boring movie is worse than being a bad movie."
"It feels like a Netflix movie in the worst way."
"The purpose of this video is not to convince you to like the movie if you don't like it. All film is subjective."
"In her passionate scholarly defense of Coppola, Anna Backman Rogers states..."
"If someone asks me what is the most perfect movie you've ever seen, it would be Joker..."
"Films are now being made for a wider array of perspectives than ever, wouldn't it be nice if those judging the films sort of matched that, at least a little bit?"
"It's because the movie, the story just was not great."
"Why does Kathleen Kennedy keep making Star Wars movies with little to no lightsaber action? It's so weird."
"Raiders of the Lost Ark is one of those perfect movies."
"This movie isn't great or anything, but am I wrong to want a sequel?"
"As annoying or as obnoxious as the film bro can get the main person he's hurting is really himself."
"Say what you will about the Avatar films, man, I'm sure a lot of you can say a lot of stuff, pretty much no one can argue against the fact that Pandora is an exceptionally pretty and vibrant place."
"What a monstrous, horrible thing you've done."
"Tarantino has created a storming hangout movie for the ages: changing times captured remarkably by a film in love with cinema itself."
"Spider-Man... I think it's gonna get shafted."
"No gaping holes in the film's recreation of the book's plot."
"Steven Spielberg has expressed his disappointment with the outcome of the movie, blaming himself for a lack of confidence in the second act."
"You can't truly talk about a year's given movies until you've seen the movies."
"One of the biggest criticisms labeled at fanfallstick is that it's a bleak and joyless experience."
"Maybe this film's biggest flaw is the fact that it's literally going up against one of the greatest opening executions of its industry."
"It's hereditary is a movie that I love so much that it wouldn't be fair to this movie or any movie for me to walk in saying like well you better do it again because that's just not fair."
"I think if you love film, this is worth seeing even if you hate it."
"And not so much overly edgy PG-13 movies we think the MPAA misjudged. Applause"
"Sam Raimi spider-man 3 is messy, but not a bad film, not even close."
"What Joker proves is it doesn't have to be this paint by numbers, no stakes superhero type movie."
"But that ain't it for all Wonder Woman. As if she needed more damage from this cut, Zach decided that her theme should be encompassed by a ghastly [] yodel every goddamn time she does [] anything."
"Joss Whedon's Justice League is terrible. Zack Snyder's is even [ __ ] worse."
"Um, maybe if they'd rip Natalie Portman's clothes off in the movie instead of Chris Hemsworth I'd be more excited to see it. It's just me."
"The overall end result of a film... determine[s] the level of scrutiny moviegoers give that film." - Senor Ashish
"Damn, those reviews are really high. I for one very much enjoyed it myself."
"It just felt like a gigantic misstep... a lot of decisions were made that were... not executed very well."
"The rise of Skywalker is the most base and anti-semitic movie of all time." - Chad Aryan Sith
"This year’s irreverent, jaded, and yes, boring Oscars, sounded like the official death knell for American cinema."
"It's a shorter movie and it's a better movie."
"Nothing's worse than going on Snapchat and then seeing when your dumb friends give their stupid opinions on a movie."
"Understanding how something of such low quality can rise to such prominence relying on nothing but marketing is the central question of our age."
"It's the single best superhero movie to come out of the 2010s."
"The aim of a remake... it has to be able to stand on its own."
"Inside Out was also given the Best Original Screenplay award by the Washington DC area Film Critics Association."
"If you watch the movie, you're like this is boring as [__]."
"If Captain Marvel fails or disappoints or just doesn't do it for the general audiences it won't be because men hate women or women hate men, it will be because everything about Captain Marvel feels manufactured."
"Protesters demonstrate outside UK premiere claiming explicit film glamorizes domestic violence."
"The movie for me was a good conclusion... doesn't really validate anything to do with 8."
"It's okay if the movie's bad but you still want to like it and you still want to talk about it positively."
"It's so funny cuz you look back as obviously let's let's preface we're tearing into this movie a lot cuz it's fun eternity but we would not have any choices in homecoming were it not for the mistakes."
"The core conflict of the entire film is completely broken"
"I really do think that this line right here is up there as one of the worst lines in Star Wars history: 'Somehow Palpatine returned.'"
"A gigantic amount of development goes by off screen and we are left with a measly title crawl to fill in the blanks."
"It's the biggest problem in the movie solely because him being back is what influences every other insane and awful idea this movie throws at us."
"This movie spends most of its time trying to undo the last movie and it doesn't get to be its own movie. Yeah, I know a lot of people don't like The Last Jedi, but I still think it's a smarter choice to take what worked and work off of it."
"I think after credit scenes should be illegal."
"There's a knowledge and appreciation of basic humanity on display here..."
"X-Men Origins Wolverine, that's delicious garbage!"
"If we don't say this is the greatest movie ever made, not the greatest Marvel movie, but the greatest movie ever made, I don't want to hear what you got to say."
"Zack Snyder somehow took Superman, a symbol of hope and optimism, and turned him into a war criminal with no emotions."
"There's something about it where I can feel the voice there, and it's cutting through the bureaucratic machine of superhero movies."
"Well, everybody, it's the time of the night where we discuss and pick which film of three terrible films that we watched as best of the worst."
"Was all that necessary in a space adventure film for all ages? Well, technically yeah, because this is a story that shows how Anakin Skywalker became Darth Vader."
"It's why video essayists are particularly fond of him, because there's always more to discuss about his films."
"Good parodies I think need to be made with love and not with snide derision of the source material."
"With all dead seriousness, Shawshank Redemption is one of the greatest films of all time. It is a perfect movie. How often do you hear me say that Shawshank Redemption is utterly perfect? It is perfection in filmmaking."
"These are the films that could have been a contender but instead turned into a 'cont wonder.'"
"Fast and Furious is fun, and I will die on that hill."
"It's so strange to see a movie of this caliber held down by amateur mistakes."
"The message of the movie could be interpreted as against the sexualization of young girls."
"Team America World Police may have gained notoriety as the movie with puppet fornication or a puking marionette that earned internet meme status but it's much more than that."
"I'm shocked people like his movies honestly."
"It's his weirdest and most challenging thing."
"If you like Transformers 4, you don't have to defend it."
"A film made in another era from another time."
"It's kind of fitting in it now, our man said blockbuster videos don't do them right back."
"Every choice that is made in this film is done so in an intelligent and useful way."
"Even if you hate nearly every aspect of one of these movies, you can't deny that John Williams gave it his all and delivered an absolute masterpiece of a score eight out of nine times."
"For the purposes of this list, it doesn't matter that this is the worst Star Wars movie, if anything, the musical score here is way better than the movie it's attached to."
"I will forever defend people's rights to have like different opinions on movies."
"Let's judge a movie and its value on its own merits not with how it ties into what might come later or what came before let's just do what we should be doing his fans judge it on its own merits and enjoy it or despise it on its own merits right."
"Cinemasins is like enjoyable if you see it as a condensed version of Mystery Science Theater."
"These films might lack artistic value if they have no deeper meaning."
"Arnold Schwarzenegger's follow-up to the incredible success of Terminator 2 Last Action Hero was supposed to be something special, a movie that would add another awesome action spectacle to Schwarzenegger's filmography."
"If the only Marvel movies were Avenger movies it wouldn't have the same meaning."
"Are you saying that this movie didn't quite hit the mark? It didn't."
"We need to be a little uncomfortable because I think when you're done watching this movie you're going to be motivated to act."
"The weakest part is easily Rami Malek's villain."
"The first movie knew what it wanted to be, which is something the others did not."
"Some side characters aren't strong enough to carry their own movie."
"Here we have a movie that shows us how to take a simple 2005 animated short and turn it into a god-awful feature."
"While flawed in many ways, The Quiet Man was at least an attempt to try something new, mature, and different."
"Tokyo Godfather's: a masterpiece from Satoshi Cohn that is as close to a perfect Christmas movie as you can get."
"The Last Black Man in San Francisco may just be the top film of the year."
"I think the way they use him right now in the Marvel Cinematic Universe has been fantastic."
"Breaking News: Zack Snyder’s films have been found to contain gender and oh boy do they ever contain some heckin, gender."
"I can’t watch Wonder Woman be one thing to Patty Jenkins, and then be a completely different character in the rest of the DC Universe."
"I actually thought the way they handled the rose character and fin like the fin and rose characters I didn't think we're handled right those are a couple of the pieces of weaknesses I thought to that movie."
"The Batman is an underrated, hopeful version of The Dark Knight."
"It kind of felt like you were resurrecting something that we had already said goodbye to." - Reflecting on franchise fatigue and the impact of previous film endings.
"That opening like thirty minutes of the movie is basically perfect."
"Wonder Woman 1984 is not a good movie. In fact, it's a bad movie like as bad as my childhood home movies bad."
"It felt like DreamWorks actually cared about being good and endearing and funny. I mean, there's jokes in the movie that genuinely make me laugh a lot, and that's refreshing, honestly."
"This movie is so memorable and distinct primarily because of its visuals but like film is a visual medium man I don't know what to tell you."