
Career Paths Quotes

There are 152 quotes

"We have been lying to young people about their futures, saying you only have one path, and it's college."
"Jobs like Dunkin' Donuts are not meant to be forever jobs for people."
"You don't have to go to college to be the social media intern."
"My entire career is an accident. I am living proof that you don't have to have a plan."
"Engineering is a great segue into entrepreneurship... it's the number one type of career that creates the most millionaires as well as billionaires."
"I think I might have missed my calling in the snack food category."
"There are two paths: You can be on the monotonous path, where you can still become relatively successful, or you can go the creative path, where 99% of people are starving artists."
"Careers are not ladders. Those days are long gone. But jungle gyms don't just move up and down. Don't just look up, look backwards, sideways, around corners."
"Video game and video game music for me had a life-changing effect because I did embrace those dreamers I did become a composer and I ended up on this path meeting loads of people in this industry that had a very similar story."
"There's so many opportunities. You can go any way you want to go with it."
"For any aspiring actors who think that public information films are beneath them, you point out that the giant in the green cross code, the six foot seven chap, he went on to become Darth Vader."
"The internet has gone mainstream and virality, a sort of career choice."
"Most people that make a lot of money in today's world are entrepreneurs."
"If I just went into the treasury, that would just be a very different role."
"The path to leadership should not be through MBA business school situation; it should be work your way up, do useful things." - Elon Musk
"Academy is all X LCS washed-up players, not all of it but majority yes, bro, yes."
"Some of the most successful people in the world are college dropouts."
"Most great programmers I know don't even have a CS degree."
"You can be a lawyer, somebody who defends people's rights, a social justice leader."
"Local journalism is a way that aspiring working-class journalists can get."
"Water energy is really about spirituality, helping others, service - it's that sense of passion and intuition when it comes to career."
"You know everybody move parallel to god damn rap, wrestlers move parallel to movie star rappers only way to be a movie star is the beings in movies."
"Many pure math students go on to do research in academia."
"The affiliate system also is paired with... loans and two-way players as well."
"Builders cup: a ton of mini side missions or one persistent racing career?"
"Labels have the ability to buckle down, take the long road, develop a career, or take the very fast fuse."
"I never thought I was going to go into politics."
"These videos were the in into the entertainment industry."
"Just because you went to medical school, law school, or no school, it doesn't limit you from trying other paths."
"Me never making it as an artist was the greatest thing that ever happened to me."
"Kimberly literally set her career on the same track as Paris Hilton's."
"All three of them are exactly where they should be."
"It's the promise of that job that often cements the path forward to a sustainable life."
"A lot of people get stuck doing the thing that is next to the thing that they want to do."
"Just because one person has success doesn't mean it's the best path."
"You either die a hero, you see yourself become the villain, I guess. So, outside of YouTube, I don't know, maybe a normal job."
"I applied for a job... I didn't know they published comics."
"Nine out of 10 players become bass players from one of two reasons: they either failed as a guitar player or no one needed a guitar player."
"Bernie Mac at the time, when they got done with Kings of Comedy, those other guys were pretty set, but [ __ ] Bernie was here, bro."
"Why compare yourself to Canelo when you're doing everything that Canelo is not doing?"
"Certifications man... the person that doesn't have a degree and got a certification in cybersecurity makes well more than anyone else."
"But most of the people working as show runners now, working as writers in the animation industry, people pushing into independent comics, a lot of them came from that scene."
"Barely Breathing was a one-hit wonder song that helped launch a career in music through wildly different avenues than constantly touring and performing live."
"Trades are making a comeback. Trades are underrated."
"We all can't attack the same road, the same lane. You gotta find your lane at the end of the day."
"Break up with the idea that there's only one path to where you want to be."
"A lot of these awful, awful people tend to fail upwards."
"Graham didn't get into college but he did work his way into an incredibly prestigious real estate firm."
"I Could Have Had It distributed through new line and my career would have been very very different my filmmaking career would have been very very different."
"There's no cookie cutter, no one formula that works for everyone. Everybody's path is different."
"I look at someone who's went about staying true to themselves and yet creating a lane like you have."
"It's all luck. Like trust me if Dave Chappelle hadn't taken off for South Africa uh-huh and Chris Tucker hadn't found Jesus, Kevin Hart may not be working."
"Convinced me to be a math major instead of computer science."
"Technology as an industry is moving so fast that there's people that are going to school and graduating after four years and the job that they went to school for no longer exists."
"Grad school is a trap. Only possible secure academic job if you get a PhD."
"He's had some bumps along the way, same thing with Poirier. They're two blue-collar, hard-working guys that have grinded their way to the top."
"He was always destined, even when I was acting, we were working together on that thing."
"The traditional path makes tremendous sense for a lot of people, just not all people."
"Life is finite and we're stuck, and I think it scared me personally."
"Not everyone's cut out to be a thoracic surgeon, but maybe things would have turned out differently for me if I had a famous dad like if my dad was the president of the United States."
"Different jobs require different paths. Explore vocational training or apprenticeship programs."
"It's rare you can just fall into creative jobs."
"You can play your music in a corner or an old tin box and have a very small life or you can be lead violinist in an international orchestra."
"Scott turned out to be a genius and became the most renowned mathematician in the country... just kidding, he became an athlete duh."
"Trust me, no matter the path you go down, you'll find yourself surprised at what you may need to learn to accomplish your goals."
"What we really need to do is just keep hustling, moving forward, and they'll come back on your path when the timing is right."
"Some of y'all meant to be leaders, even if you're not business owners. You're not a failure in life if you don't work for yourself."
"Wow, so you've seen this? No, I didn't know he got his start with a [ __ ] camera recording."
"Entrepreneurship is the only path in life where you can have full control over your lifestyle."
"People who get business degrees tend to go on to start their own businesses."
"College is meant for definitely a specific amount of people who have a path or career path that you know is meant for them but it's not meant for everyone."
"You can be an employee, self-employed, a business owner, or an investor."
"It's not the end of the world if that's not your path and you could still succeed in your chosen vocation without that."
"College was never a thing I wanted to do... I'm actually cool just like going and having a job and living my life."
"Unknown and previously unconsidered ideas perhaps there's a marketing tool you haven't thought of a connection you haven't tapped or even an entirely different direction that will be more suited to you."
"We normally look at NBA stories where guys end up being NBA superstars, but today we looked at the complete opposite."
"If he doesn't learn to embrace that end of the floor again like the way Dwyane Wade did, and like the way Russell Westbrook did not, then he will go the Russell Westbrook route."
"Charlotte's trajectory would have looked a lot different."
"Develop a robust campaign to promote multiple pathways to good-paying jobs, dispelling the myth that there is only one path to a successful career."
"And actually, in fact like from my time working at Amazon and a few other companies, the best engineer that we have actually didn't have a computer science degree."
"It's the Tumblr crowd mixed with that as well getting journalist jobs."
"Depending on what projects you want to work on and what aspect of those projects you want to work on you will go into certain subfields which can lead to very different career paths."
"You don't have to go to college. That is a lie."
"You don't need a stellar education to become a DJ, to become a rapper."
"A lot of people made it to where they are today in College athletics the same way."
"Overall, INFJs excel in careers and life paths that allow them to use their empathetic and creative abilities to support and inspire others."
"You can be a stop-motion animator, you can be a Motion Graphics designer, you can be trying things out for the first time."
"Every black child would go to trade school. They can go to college after they're done."
"The premise behind this is to pick people in the automotive community, some of high influence like yourself, other people that may just own a garage down the road and pull apart the stories so people can realize there is no like one set path of how they got there."
"I genuinely think he would bypass Manchester United completely and end up at Real Madrid or Barcelona."
"...a third of our children need to go into that part."
"Essentially, we have all these freedom of choices to go and pick any modules that we want, and you have all the different paths that you can go down."
"College is not for everyone, nor is it what everyone needs, and that is valid."
"Austin is definitely a household name because even though he didn't transcend into movies in the way that he probably wanted to, he transcended in a lot of other ways."
"...unless you are already rich and you know you gotta trust fund that's kicking in next month or maybe you know you went to school for fashion design and you're actually a really incredible designer..."
"Sevens can become scientists, researchers, and visionaries, visualizing things others cannot foresee."
"...there's a lot of other roles that you can go into by using the skills that you learned from the information systems degree."
"Technical writing jobs are so different from one to the next."
"There's no prescription or some exact major or something that you can do that's going to say, 'Oh yeah, you're going to be a PM.'"
"This is known as the 18 x-ray option."
"...there's four avenues you can pursue as a photographer..."
"Don't walk away from this thinking you have to pick one role or other. There's a lot of places you can fit in and be super successful."
"Not everyone should be going to college."
"You don't necessarily have to do college anymore."
"Not everyone can or is meant to be an influencer."
"We're at the same thing. It's like when Francis tried to belittle Glenny Balls and he's like 'I went to Harvard,' and Glenny was like 'We have the same job.'"
"College doesn't have to be the path for everybody. There's a path for everyone."
"Everyone's story is different, and there are many ways to end up at Microsoft."
"We've had guys who didn't make it to the NBA and they shine in the three on three format because it is a different game."
"After high school, it's very 50/50 of where you want to go; you can go to college, you can go to trade school, you can go to neither and start your own business or go on another business venture."
"When I was growing up in London, I had three choices: to be a doctor, or lawyer, or a failure."
"There's no one way to become a software engineer or a developer; everyone's journey is different."
"The two paths available to me were paved out by YouTubers that I grew up watching."
"You don't need a degree to become successful."
"There are many paths into the occupation, you can go by certifications, you can go by schools, you can go by experience."
"Whether you decide to go to college or self-teach or go to a boot camp, at the end of the day, you have to know your stuff."
"You don't need to know what you want to do, and some of the most interesting 40-some year olds still don't."
"If you've got young, intelligent, bright men and they're squeezed out from the normal occupations, then they're either going to start some kind of a little business or they would go into criminal endeavors."
"Just because you picked a particular major doesn't mean that you have to stick with that and nothing else for the rest of your life."
"I could easily have become an archaeologist."
"Don't get in the mindset that you have to be a SOC analyst; you can do a lot of different things in cybersecurity based on what you learn in this course."
"Following what you want to do but also choosing to follow in your father's footsteps."
"Most builders fall into two categories: they were either repairing guitars and then they started building guitars, or they were working for someone who was building guitars and they started building their own guitars."
"There is no set path... it's always important for folks to understand a little bit about code."
"Not everybody has to go to college, not everybody needs to go to college."
"You have two champions on two very different career paths."
"There's a lot of different opportunities, but people need to look at all of them, evaluate them, and then pick their lane."
"So today in selecting our panelists, you'll see a little bit of everything to understand how all of those different pivots can happen."
"There are probably a dozen different paths you can choose to in order to become a nurse practitioner."
"Everybody has a different path into web development."
"All these career paths can lead to very rewarding and very profitable careers and jobs."