
Delegation Quotes

There are 1233 quotes

"You can delegate authority, but you cannot delegate responsibility."
"Part of being a brand owner, part of being a boss, is knowing how to delegate."
"In order to run a successful company, you need to stop coding and start delegating."
"Wasson is crushed as Ibuki informs him that Yoi will handle the basic training."
"Automate, delegate, and not participate. I'm always asking myself, is this the highest and best use of my time and energy?"
"A leader doesn't have to know everything. A leader just needs to be able to surround himself with effective people."
"The reason why most CEOs never actually create Leverage: they refuse to give up control."
"Delegate... to get your business to run without you."
"It's all about surrounding yourself with with great people... and delegate that's the key isn't it just keep doing as little as possible."
"Release authority and delegate tasks to others."
"Having said all that, Francesca, take it away!"
"You can't do that for me, I don't want that on my shoulders, go and play it's fine."
"Nobody gave me something to do, and the only reason why he gave it to me to do because I'm the only one understood the assignment."
"Maybe I should have you doing all my live talks from now on."
"What leader can even do this in our times? Every leader needs an entire mini army to micromanage and to delegate, but our Prophet system did not have that."
"I'm giving fake Jacob full control of the rotation."
"Delegate, man. You gotta learn how to delegate."
"Take necessary breaks and delegate when needed. Be kind to yourself."
"You need to hire people who are better at things that you're just not good at."
"You can't delegate something effectively until you understand it."
"With Merkel, when something controversial would pop up, she'd allow someone else to kind of take point."
"You've delegated your cooking and the only time you eat is when Church Cooks."
"Come on, hire someone who's good at their job and then let them do it."
"Even if you think that you can do it all, you don't have to do it all."
"Maximize Joy: hire for things you don't like to do."
"So every one of these did you prepare this list? No, my lawyers did."
"Just because you're best at it doesn't mean you need to do it."
"You will be judged on how you duplicate a certain person that you delegate a task to that you no longer want to do."
"Don't shoulder the weight of the world—allow yourself to rest and delegate."
"He makes you feel like you're a special person in this world. And like honestly, there's a sadness to it because there's so much insecurity and atomization out there."
"Delegation isn't a weakness, it's a skill, and not everybody can do it."
"But you have to have the ability to delegate and to be able to trust people."
"I am once again going to ask Jackie to read the news."
"No worries guys, as long as we leave it to Shuichi, everything will be A-okay."
"Sometimes you have to learn to ask for help or to delegate."
"Paris Hilton said it best: 'Don't do it at all or do it poorly and someone else will do it for you,' you know what I mean?"
"Stop trying to do everything yourself. Bring in people that can do it better."
"Refusing to delegate... understand that you're not unique, it's actually very settling."
"Find good people and let them do their thing."
"If you make a problem someone else's problem, you don't have to fix it. That is a really valuable life lesson."
"Putin's staying away so that real work can get done."
"Everybody did the work for her, she just got everybody did the work for her."
"If someone can do something 80 of what you do, delegate it. They're never gonna 100 care about your business like you're gonna care for your business."
"But like that's fine, you know? I like it, I'm friends with people that are good at guitar, hire people that are better at the thing than you're better at, better at the thing, then you."
"Hire help to grow your business. Don't be afraid to delegate tasks and release control."
"Management is about telling people what to do and delegation."
"Sometimes your only responsibility is to let others take theirs."
"Delegate tasks to focus on what only you can do."
"You don't need to worry about the impossible tasks for I shall take care of them."
"It's a spectrum. I would say I lean more on the side of outsourcing things that you don't need to do yourself."
"Nothing like a good leaf, I'm gonna feel much better when I have idiots to do this for me."
"He'll make it nice and colorful and creative and interesting. I promise you he will do a much better job than you could."
"If you have a learning disability, you become a very good delegator. Because you know what your weaknesses are and you know what your strengths are, and you make sure that you find great people to step in and deal with your weaknesses."
"Delegating and scaling is so important. I wish more people took it seriously."
"The best directors allow everyone else who they've hired to do their job."
"The secret to good management is delegation."
"I'll have someone else running his Twitter while he steps away for a while."
"Power is a tool to empower others. Let them run the whole thing, they can do a better job than you anyhow."
"Somebody has to step in, it has to be somebody that's not me."
"You don't need to do everything. If you want to stay in your soft girl vibes while also building a successful business, you need to learn how to delegate."
"If you've done your job well and hired smart people, then your leadership team is capable of handling the day-to-day problems of the organization."
"Let them do the work, bro. Just ignore them, you don't need to do it. Let them."
"Work smarter, not harder—be willing to delegate, push back, say no."
"Figure out what things you hate doing and buy your time back."
"Delegating saving the world gives him more time to focus on his own happiness."
"Independence is good, but know when to delegate."
"Budgets, like I've gotten to the point I run the company so luckily other people do the budgets and then I look at them and that's not so bad."
"If you are not equipped, hire the people that are equipped to equip you."
"Trusted my team to make their own judgment call."
"Keep your eyes on the big picture, leave the details to others, experience at least a success."
"Manually is not an option. That's why you have virtual assistants do it for you."
"Delegation is a powerful thing, but they should feel your pulse on whatever God has spoken before your life."
"The ultimate goal is outsourcing and delegating to build a team, allowing you to work smarter, not just harder."
"Can't you find something to do for my kingdom?"
"The best way to get a task done is to define the broad parameters of that task and then trust your subordinates to get on with it and get it done."
"F Anna, F this crap, I'm leaving this to you."
"Leave the details to others, focus on the bigger vision."
"I don't want to talk, you want to ask Alex later, right?"
"Delegating is how you get your time back and continue doing what you love."
"Focus on your strengths, outsource your weaknesses, and watch how your life changes."
"My artificial intelligence would go ahead and go in for you."
"You do what only you can do and then task me. Let me help you out with the things that basically anybody else can do."
"You cannot do everything, but you have to do everything in the beginning until you can pay people."
"The power of saying, 'I don't have to do this, I get other people to do it for me.'"
"He hired the best people that he could find and then let them do their thing within reason."
"I already know what you guys are thinking, you're like just please hire someone to do this."
"I found my strength in being a founder. I've really learned how to hire people that are much smarter than me and get out of the way."
"By hiring a video editor, I now have way more time to produce the content and stay within my zone of genius."
"Delegate. Good leaders know when to roll up their sleeves and when to delegate."
"You're getting to the point where you're needing to be able to relinquish control a little bit to be able to allow people in to be able to delegate without being like this person."
"Don't do it all. Delegate. Treat yourself. Momming is hard."
"Letting go of stuff and saying, okay, I'm gonna allow you to run this section was very difficult for me."
"But also I really would rather not do all those things so please just make it so."
"More people will step up and at some point I will be able to do less of this which is what I want."
"Now you're hiring people to do your work. Your capacity to become wealthier increases significantly."
"You can't do all the work, you can't have all the responsibility on your shoulders, so something balances out."
"Delegate, delegate, delegate; you cannot do it all."
"You've made a process of everything that has to get done, and then you can delegate those steps to somebody else."
"My centralization of power was about delegating authority to you while also saddling you with responsibilities, all to fulfill our Grand Mission together."
"You gotta be willing to pass that business on to other people."
"Replace yourself, find other people who can do what you do better"
"Jack runs around telling everybody what to do, he's a master of delegation."
"If I had my way, I'd diagnose, guide, and let someone else do the work."
"Sometimes you don't need to try to do everything, you just need to hire people who can do it better than you."
"I feel like there's a reason he's not doing it himself and he's hiring people instead."
"You need to understand that this is too much for one person to handle, you have a team for a reason, let them help you."
"A good man knows when to delegate and a good man knows when to trust his companions."
"Let other people that do things better than you do them and get out of their way."
"At what point do you get outside help? Depends. You are ready to hire your first sales person when you can say, 'Go out and get me a hundred more customers just like these 12.'"
"I'm learning that it's okay to delegate those tasks."
"I like letting pros run my money."
"It was worth it for me to bring someone in and do all of that work that I'm not comfortable doing myself."
"I choose to believe that when I delegate tasks and make space for growth, I empower others to experience parts of themselves not previously known to them."
"Delegating more can help you increase your earnings."
"There's somebody that can do it better than you, and it's okay to have somebody on your team."
"When you're not that well-versed in one specific thing that you might be diversifying yourself into, you're supposed to hire people that know something about that field."
"Communicate what you want, when you want it, and how you want it done."
"Now I'll leave you guys in charge of her today, okay?"
"If we delegate tasks, we're creating followers, but if we delegate authority, we are creating leaders."
"I want you two to start up the new branch."
"When you are ready, you delegate what doesn't need you."
"If you can afford to delegate this task out to someone whose expertise it is, you will not only be happier, but you will be able to spend the time that you would have spent doing those things on something more important for your organization."
"Take him yourselves and judge him by your own laws."
"Leadership is about creating a stage on which other people can lead."
"He took what everyone does best and he had them do what they do best."
"Or you crowdsource the work so you get multiple other people to do"
"That'll be your job," Styers said. "I'm not good at interrogation."
"Once you've built up that business, like I said before, everything is being done by the websites or the companies that's doing all the work."
"You cannot do it all yourself, that is what brought Vince McMahon down, as far as I'm concerned."
"Just fax me the LPN and my staff will deal with it."
"I know I've done my job as a business owner and a leader of my company if the person below me is way better at me or way better than me at my job."
"I'm very organized, very structured. I know how to delegate and I don't procrastinate. I get things done immediately."
"My hope is that I could actually one day hire somebody to just be like my harvester, you come here, you make bouquets, you harvest flowers, you harvest food."
"If you can hire people to help you, it's the best thing you can do."
"Recognizing he's on his way to manhood and I am incredibly blessed to have a husband who I can trust my son with to really take over the primary training from here."
"Learning to ask for help and to delegate things."
"...if someone can help take a little bit of work off my plate from time to time, well I am all for it."
"Work with people who can fill in your gaps. If there's something you're not good at or there's something you don't have time to do, find those people. Find it through friends, through connections that you've made, through fans who follow your work."
"The company cannot be relying on you that if you went away, the company fails. That's not the type of leadership situation you want to set up."
"It's my time to pass it on. Being in 44 videos a month is just too much for one person."
"You want to be constructed quicker, you send more workers to the work site."
"Let the subordinate commanders do it."
"...two down, solo is the guacamole maker around these parts so I'm gonna leave that to him."
"Bonus tip number two is to delegate and scale once you start making money."
"You don't have to do it all... use the help around you."
"Who's next? I'll let you do the honors, okay?"
"The most important thing for me was letting go of micromanaging."
"Jerry's doing the jobs that, uh, he considers even too kind of ill for us to do."
"I've taken a leap of faith as a content creator and handed my content to be created by someone else."
"My job is to make rules and her job."
"I've learned how to hire out a lot that has been so important figuring out how to develop a team so that I don't have to be all the places I don't have to, you know, do all the things. That has been a very big business lesson for me."
"You don't have to do it alone, if there are certain things within your life that you can actually hand over to people that you trust so that they can help you out, do so."
"Learn to delegate tasks to your bridal party or family members."
"Why him? Because he does what I say. Because I can trust him."
"It ain't gonna track at all so let me get an assistant."
"You're not a boss until you create other bosses."
"Shame on every single one of us if we think that it's pretentious to allow somebody else to do a lower-level task for ourselves. That is how we stay poor."
"...it's outcome Focus so I don't tell anybody on my team what to do I tell them what it looks like when it is done at the highest level and my team's here you can talk to them this is just how I am."
"Sometimes it's finding people you can outsource and sometimes it's recognizing the things that'll be quicker if you do it on your own."
"Without systems and processes, I would not physically be able to be here... I had to learn how to create systems and processes so that the business would run without me."
"I just spent three years chasing my tail when I could have just hired somebody to do a lot of these tasks."
"The whole point of being successful is that you can delegate and get help. That's the whole point of all this."
"Delegate the outcome not the task. Stop telling people what to do, start telling people where we're going."
"...she left the fashion house in good hands..."
"It's okay to ask for help and that it's okay to let other people do some of the things that you're just not able to do."
"Get others to do the work for you...let other people do the work for you, but always take the credit."
"I wanted to really do it myself completely just to save cost, but I had to take a step back and reflect."
"He can't take care of two situations on his own."
"As leader, we hold the 'why'; everybody else owns the 'how'."
"Definitely have to work hard in getting your systems and your staff up to speed on allowing you to be hands off. And it's possible has to do with hiring good employees and having a little faith in the systems you create."
"All of my DMs on Twitter are managed by my EAs."
"I think one thing I felt I was reasonably good out was hiring people who are smarter than me into jobs that they could do better than I am."
"I'm deputizing you. You take Walker back to Los Angeles."
"There's really two schools of thought when you think about when is it time to bring someone in to help with some of these tasks."
"Do not try to do everything on your own... it's just easier and less stressful if you accept some help every now and then."
"I'm not going to micromanage this case."
"Thank y'all for doing all the dirty work for me and coming here and spreading the good news and now I'm I am here to reclaim all the things that are mine sprinkle sprinkle."
"I've replaced Notch Bryce as Whit's right-hand man. He'll listen to me."
"It's much easier when you don't have to do the work."
"...I'm kind of at the situation now where I'm saying, 'Paul's got it.' And I can go, 'Honestly, you've got it.'"
"Sam, can you help me with this? You are my team manager."
"I vowed never to put a guy in a position he wasn't gonna be able to execute."
"Give them ownership as soon as possible."
"We will literally have agents doing business on behalf of us with other agents, a Preston agent and a Jeff agent making a decision that then we can agree or not agree."
"For everything in life, don't do anything you can pay someone to do for you. If the cost is lower than what you're able to earn in that same time."
"For those traders that don't have time to place and monitor trades on their own, then the concept of managed trades is ideal."
"We would take two to three people out of every company... and they would then have the option to deploy the snipers you know how they felt would be best for the company."
"I handed all eight of the hands to my boss."
"Pick the wine, the rest of you know what you have to do."
"He even apparently couldn't trust his lackeys to execute his plan since after the Future 5 threatened the guy's minions with herbal tea yes seriously we see that he was standing nearby to shake their fist at them."
"It was my first lesson in, you know what, you can delegate, you can hand things off to talented people that you trust, and if they work hard and they're talented, it's going to work."
"All power is given unto me, not mine, given to me by the Father in Heaven"
"You can delegate those surround yourself with better people and make it make a massive difference."
"You don't have to know everything as a leader."
"Hiring someone new or getting external help instead of doing it all on your own."
"Never do anything you can order a recruit to do for you."
"I'll handle all the hard decisions, you handle all the easy ones."
"Never do yourself what others can do for you."
"You know you're dealing with heavy equipment so you're not necessarily having to lug around the equipment physically yourself. You've got crane services that come out, help you pick up the equipment and set the new for you."
"I just wanted to leave you to the man I can trust before my death."