
Replayability Quotes

There are 345 quotes

"It's when I think about how much replayability this game's going to have, having played a couple of games of it now, I can honestly say that you're looking at playing quite a few games to get to the vault."
"I feel like the best video games and the most replayable video games of all times are ones where the developers allow mods of their video games."
"So if you're like me, you probably enjoy just starting Power World all over again just because the first part of the game is so absolutely amazing."
"One thing that is regularly touted as a selling point for video games is their replayability."
"You never quite know exactly what's going to happen, and that's given this game a huge amount of replayability."
"TF2 both streamlines and evolves the class-based shooter in significant ways, creating a dynamic and replayable experience across the board."
"The big unknown is the end game loop... How fun is it to play this game for many hours, for many months, for many years?"
"Dark Souls 3, with its considered encounters and striking levels, it's got more replayability in my mind than most of the franchise."
"I am very much looking forward to jumping in and playing these again."
"Many Fallout 4 mods have one or the other, either a cool story that is entertaining or interesting or a cool new feature that you'll get hours of replayability on. This one has both."
"With a deep, open-ended medieval sandbox that provides a huge amount of player choice and replayability, Mount and Blade can provide hundreds of hours of enjoyment."
"The game was built with replayability in mind."
"The game encourages multiple playthroughs of the campaign as Armored Core 6 does feature multiple endings."
"A lot of that doesn't matter if the game itself, the thing you're playing, is really fun and it's replayable and there's lots of options that you can like go back and play through it again and have a totally different experience."
"It's a very compelling digital board game with a huge amount of replayability."
"Make the character you want to make, sort it out in the end. You're going to play through the game multiple times. Bannerlord is built upon the notion that you want to have multiple playthroughs but try different skills, different approaches."
"This seems like there's a lot more potential for replayability."
"A feel-good funny negotiation game with a just one more round feel to it."
"The fact you can buy ammo for any packed gun gives all the Box guns so much longevity and replayability"
"Mods are one of the best ways to add replayability to a game."
"Replayability is actually one of the most important selling points for games these days..."
"Replayability is an independent characteristic."
"I've played Hollow Knight all the way through six times now and it's surprising to me how I'm still not sick of it."
"Permadeath is a nice challenge. I really get a kick out of restarting a game and starting everything fresh."
"The amount of new anomalies and new items added... makes this game so replayable."
"The lore adds replayability and depth to the game."
"The replayability of this game is really high."
"I'd much rather play something that's replayable and offers unique gameplay like Dead Space over [modern games]."
"Ultimate Custom Night has undeniably some of the most fun gameplay and the most replayability."
"It really adds a lot to the replayability of the game."
"It's the type of game that absolutely wrecks you your first time through but incentivizes replays and achieving better mission ranks in order to unlock amazing new costumes, weapons, and characters."
"It’s a game that gets smarter over time - as the consequences of your actions snowball throughout the story, or as you start a new game and see how differently things can play out."
"The atmosphere is the biggest reason why Arkham Asylum is still worth playing or replaying today."
"Your playthroughs are going to be completely different."
"Encounters really help to drive home the amount of times that you could reasonably play Fallout 2 and still have a brand new experience each time."
"Borderlands 2 is one of the most replayable games ever made."
"The combat itself has enough depth to keep you interested throughout multiple playthroughs."
"Pathfinder Wrath of the righteous... an insanely replayable RPG that is hands down one of my favorites."
"A multiple playthrough type game, not a lot of games these days push for that."
"Establishments being built and areas being transformed, which is a fun touch that I thought that Fable 2 lacked. The whole system makes the game a lot more replayable than you might think."
"The point of Sea of Thieves is to create unique adventures every single time that you play and that will never get old."
"Highfleet is ridiculously addictive and easy to come back to over and over again."
"They have found a really cool way to allow people to continue playing after the ending."
"It's very easy to go back to this game and never get bored."
"There are lots of solutions to these problems and that means there is great replay value here."
"It's a damn near perfect action game that I've replayed countless times over the years."
"Dynamic gameplay: you'll never wind up with the same playthrough twice."
"The rewards in the game were roster bound and not character bound or roster based and not character based like I would 100 go back and play again."
"One run is not enough... play the game again and find the true path."
"Total War: Warhammer 2: a must-play game that far exceeds in terms of quality and replayability."
"AI controlled narratives have the potential to offer a virtually unlimited amount of replayability as no two sessions will be exactly alike and the story will never end."
"I've played it for 80 hours and I'm still not yet bored."
"The diversity of biomes and set pieces help the game not get stale."
"This is one of those games that like you have to play through it over and over and over and over and over again to figure out what exactly to do."
"A second playthrough is a completely different experience rather than just a retread of well-worn ground."
"Multiple endings emphasize both narrative and gameplay, increasing the replay value of the game."
"I loved this game so much and I want to keep playing it again and again even after the credits were rolling."
"This is pulsar 2849. I love this game and every time I played, I want to play it more."
"Resident Evil games are very, very replayable."
"It's a roguelike, which means that every single time you play the game when you die you go back from the beginning and start all over again."
"What really refines my punger fruit is not only do you feel responsible now for letting the raiders go, it makes you want to play the game again differently."
"Resident Evil 4 is just one of those games where there are a few like it in terms of its Unique Mechanics and how they're mixing with the game design so once you've gotten accustomed to it it's hard not to keep coming back to it."
"You can play re4 for hours and hours and never get sick of it."
"This is one of those games that I could see myself repeatedly playing."
"With alignment choices and mythic choices, it’s one of THE most replayable RPGs I’ve played."
"If you like the fundamentals, then you could spend countless hours with Ymir."
"The sheer amount of creativity present in this game's mushroom flower and star worlds and the amount of replayability you can get out of the Coin Rush mode is something I will always appreciate about it."
"If you're a guardian that's reached your maximum potential, this becomes a challenge that you can enjoy again and again."
"Depths op parial has an insane replay value which is also worth mentioning."
"It's the fact that it concludes this Saga so masterfully that you'll immediately want to go right back to the start of it to experience it all again."
"It's doing the new game plus I [ __ ] love that Trope."
"Cyberpunk 2077 provides multiple ways to tackle missions, offering replayability."
"The game perfectly marries up some of the tropes of a classic beat em up genre with a modern art style, new play mechanics, and a plethora of reasons to play through the same stages over and over."
"The branching paths will certainly keep you coming back for more."
"Small details like this genuinely make the Fallout series fun to replay over and over again."
"Tetris has been on every single machine known to mankind but it's the one game that I go man that's a really smart made game that you can come back to it over and over."
"It's so cool that it makes you want to replay the whole game with it."
"A skating Heaven that offers endless replayability."
"The ishimura is a far more interesting location to explore which benefits Dead Space greatly over Callisto protocol when it comes to replayability."
"The DS kind of felt like there was more life, the games you would buy for it were games you would come back to."
"Final Fantasy 10 has such a detailed lore, and it often feels like you learn something new every time you play the game."
"It's going to be replayable minimum okay like super replayable like it can't be like one and done I play the campaign unfinished I don't touch this again it's gonna be very replayable that's all I'll say for now."
"And best of all, this probably has the highest replayability out of any of their games, giving it tons of hours of play."
"The main thing that makes this game endlessly replayable are the spells which constantly change pieces, switch gravity strength, and alter strategy."
"It's got enough replay value from its RPG out and I just kept jumping back in game after game to see hey if I tweak my build there if I give myself this ability what's gonna happen so yeah on our preview gives it to art combat in 2012."
"There is so much freedom... makes the game so replayable."
"Mountain Blade is one of my favorite games and what I do return to every once in a while to have another go at it."
"ARPGs are not supposed to be completed and then forgotten immediately. They should promote experimentation and be a source of routine and addicting farming."
"Mission replay—it's like nothing groundbreaking, just the ability to replay missions, which is great."
"Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne is a good game that tested my patience, that made me chuck a few controllers, but after getting through it, I want to play it again to see how I've improved as a player."
"Rome was unique in the ancient world for its inclusive citizenship."
"It definitely sets up to be something that is a very nonlinear story which may set up for some awesome replayability."
"Honestly, I made a Trickster and it's been different enough for my Devastator that I wouldn't mind playing through the campaign once again."
"This is huge, not only just content but just you buy a game especially a VR game you play once probably won't play it again but this there's so much you can do."
"Resident Evil 2 was designed to have a high level of replayability."
"Replayability is a thing... it's okay if you play this game... that was a worthy investment."
"I would play charger over and over again. That was so much fun, that was so great."
"Charger 10 out of 10 run would do it 50,000 more times and I think I will."
"Creating this type of experience for each map would take a lot of time, effort, thought, and resources but the payoff is a game mode that has so much replayability."
"A good example of replayability and world-building."
"Jade Empire is the game... that I come back to primarily because it's so good."
"Replay value insanely good, so many little things that could go differently."
"The level of player choice in everything you do makes the game feel almost infinitely replayable."
"I had so much fun, I wanted to play it again instantly."
"Randomization is going to provide a lot of replayability."
"There's some cool replay value in there too."
"Enter the Gungeon has so much weapon variety in that game that every run does feel a little bit different."
"Blizzard's goal is to make as fun and replayable a game as they possibly can."
"It's one of those games that you could play for hours on end and just not get bored... there's always a way to make it interesting no matter what."
"Replayability kind of allows you to play a game that you know you're going to like with that limited amount of time that you have."
"One of my favorite things about this game is the replayability."
"When fun games dry up, it's because they don't provide enough content replayability. They don't provide enough variety yet familiarity."
"They reset the board, you get to do the whole thing over again."
"The beauty of it is you'll be playing this now, you'll be playing this two months from now, you'll be playing this six months from now, you'll be playing this a year from now because there are so many things to do in this game."
"Allen Wake 2 is a game that you will not only want to play and replay but also decrypt and unpack and consider and discuss."
"A good game you can play and play and play and play."
"Unique passives and actives keep games fresh."
"Endless possibilities, so much replay value, I absolutely love this thing."
"I spent a great 20 hours with this game, and the fact that I want more from it says a lot."
"It's really fun and it's really, really cool, like endless gameplay."
"Final Fantasy creates a situation where you're doing the one piece of content and you're really mastering it in a way that extends the gameplay without repeating the same content over and over again."
"Recompleting Mega Man X4 was just as fun as I remember it being."
"Adding a good deal of replayability and layer strategy to the mix."
"No matter what the genre, we’re playing games to be entertained and hope that by the end of the experience we walk away satisfied, perhaps even so satisfied we want to hop right back in and start all over again."
"Replayability and great stories of neighborhood shenanigans."
"The open world alone just adds so much replayability."
"Repeat play and reactivity were key features, with a focus on choice and consequence."
"It's pretty cool concept that gives the experience a lot of replayability."
"It's satisfying to watch over and over again."
"The faction system is not something that will play a big part in your first playthrough."
"This is a multi-player experience I will continually go back to."
"The story, music, and cutscenes alone compelled me to play through this game yet another time."
"The best video games in my opinion are the ones who can come back to you any day, any time."
"This game has been phenomenal, like I really think this is one of those games not only will I beat, but I'm going to probably wind up playing it long after I've beaten it."
"For the first time in a long time in a game, I really want to go back and see how it went the other way."
"You want replayability more than you want that first time experience."
"One of the most important aspects of portable gaming specifically is replayability, and Mario Party, simply by design, is infinitely replayable."
"I think one of the best things for a first boss... is re-killability matters so much."
"Replayability is pretty high actually because you can use the chapter select to pick any level in the game, play it on any difficulty you want to."
"Ape Escape is a wonderful game that will have you wanting to play it again and again."
"Oh, this is like definitely the most replayable game. Oh yeah, it is. So replayable and there's so many intra. It's so well-written, it's great, yeah."
"A fundamental aspect I look for in Sonic games is their ability to be replayed and mastered by proficient players."
"I like replaying it... but at its core, it's fun."
"The thing I like about the Dishonored series is that they are designed for experimentation and multiple playthroughs, so there's never really one proper way to go through a level or beat a specific thing."
"The real magic of After the Fall is its replayable gameplay loop and seamless cross-platform support."
"The game begs to be replayed, you're going to want to try new things, new builds, new outcomes."
"Breath of the Wild continues to have the most replayability compared to most other games."
"Infinitely replayable games are great because they hold your interest for a lot longer than other games and they're easy to keep coming back to."
"If a game’s narrative is barely worth telling once, it probably won’t be better on the second run, no matter what you do."
"Hard games you can come back to again and again."
"The available choices combined with New Game Plus means it's pretty easy to see everything."
"It adds in a little bit more replayability and I think that something like that is actually just kind of really really nice to bring in a little bit more life to a campaign."
"It was like it had like basically all of the JRPG developer all-stars all coming together for a single project."
"It is fun, it is memorable, and it's worth replaying and/or looking forward to perhaps another addition to a series that it might be part of."
"At this point you've probably played Cyberpunk 2077 and for many of you you've probably beaten this game more than one time."
"Creates a really fun way to experience or really re-experience Cyberpunk 2077."
"Get in and get out, each playthrough will be different than the last."
"This game warrants multiple playthroughs for that feature alone."
"I played this game so much, and I would probably go back and play this again."
"This game just plays out like a movie and it never gets old."
"Without Emerald Kaizo, it would be the Pokémon game I've replayed the most times."
"You will never be able to do everything in one run, that's for sure."
"It basically encourages multiple playthroughs and gives players a different experience every time."
"I mean, it gives the game a whole lot of replayability."
"It gave each level an incredible and deliberate replayability as you searched for different exits and paths throughout the game."
"It's aesthetically gorgeous, mechanically beautiful, and endlessly replayable."
"Contra 3 was developed with the idea that it would have enough content to hold up to multiple playthroughs."
"It's one of the most charming, fun, and replayable games I've played in a long time."
"Minecraft is a timeless masterpiece with unbelievable replayability."
"For people who don't have someone to fight, it gives you something to build up replayability."
"Race for the Galaxy, this one got a lot of plays at local game nights, just played and played and played."
"Pandemic, including Legacy versions of it, because of played Legacy I've played the game a lot."
"Every time you play it, even it's the same map, there are random elements to it that make it so that you can play it again next time and it's different every time."
"The procedural system does lend to replayability."
"There's so much variation in Stellaris that no two games are ever the same."
"Every game of this is going to be different."
"Ali Ali World offers so many different ways to play and return to the same game."
"Unlocking true ending requires multiple playthroughs."
"Dungeons of Dredmor: a roguelike game with tons of replayability."
"There is a lot of content for this replayable content too so I'm genuinely looking forward to it."
"The arcade mode in Tekken 5 is great, tons of replay value because you have a reason to play every character."
"It's a great time to either play it for the first time or revisit the game because yeah it's still awesome."
"Survival aspect of the game... gives you a reason to play it over and over again."
"A huge sandbox map... gives you a reason to play it over and over again."
"All seven are different and all seven are rewatchable."
"Replay value is something that's important to me in games like this and super metroid has it in spades."
"The beats are cloudy the drums are minimal the synths are fun and the way the album goes from light to dark and back again makes it feel infinitely replayable."
"This has been fun, and I think what would be cool would be to do this again with maybe a different cartridge."
"It makes for really great replayability."
"I could play these missions again and again and have different results because I'm picking up different things or reacting different ways."
"This game was so endlessly replayable and so hilarious and so crass and so off-kilter that I loved it."
"There's very few games out there that keep pulling you back over and over again and still manage to make each playthrough different and this is one of them."
"I love every part of Stellaris. It is a game I will come back to and play again and again and again."
"...it really does wonders to the replayability as it keeps things Super Fresh each playthrough."
"It's simple, it's fun to pick up and play, all the games are beyond memorable, and they all have so much replay value."
"That's odd, 'Munch's Odyssey' replayed this game so many times. I still play it to this day. Excellent 3D platformer."
"It truly is one of those games you can play a dozen times over and not have the same experience."
"I would definitely listen to this again."
"It's very portable it's very replayable I highly recommend it."
"this is a very replayable clip I find"