
Self-leadership Quotes

There are 194 quotes

"Leadership begins with self-leadership. If you can't lead yourself, then how are you going to lead other people?"
"None of us know anything. So, you know, let's just be our own leaders."
"It's time for you to take charge of your life with that magician energy and really call the shots in the direction of your life."
"Be a leader. Lead yourself and others around you. Don't wait for others to inspire or motivate you."
"You're the captain of your own ship and the hero of your story."
"You've got the makings of greatness in you, but you've got to take the helm and chart your own course."
"To be the hero of your story, you must answer the call, and the obstacle is the way."
"Self leadership to most people is rulership by the ego. But when we shift this rulership from the personal equation... we then realize that this leadership is always vested finally in the pious part of our own natures."
"You're the CEO of your own life, and what you allow is what will continue."
"Believe in your ability to become the CEO of your own life. It all starts with the choices you make today."
"You are your own hero. You are your own leader, you are your own master."
"If you're not leading yourself, you're lost."
"Leadership takes responsibility - every person must become the leader of their own life."
"I'm going to lead myself to be a better human."
"This is your time, this is your world, you are the boss of your universe."
"It's like being our own coach, being our own team captain, and doing it the right way—encouraging with love."
"When you lead your life and chase your own goals, passions, and desires, you'll never be disappointed at the outcome."
"The worst thing to not have is leadership over oneself."
"The answer is once again being your own boss and moving in your own movement."
"You are in charge... You're in charge of your freedom"
"You run your own race, control the variables that you can control, and you will not go wrong."
"Lead yourself and don't let others dictate how you live your life."
"Trust your own path, trust your own self-leadership, and what you're moving into that you know is correct for you."
"We have to first lead ourselves and that means delivering on the promises we make to ourselves."
"Before you can lead others, you need to lead yourself."
"The only way you can get out of the mud is if you lead yourself out of the mud."
"We have the power. We are the people. We are the leaders we have been waiting for."
"The most important person you're ever gonna lead is yourself."
"Stop being pushed around by the fears in your mind and start being led by the dreams in your heart."
"You are literally the conductor of your life."
"Choose to say, 'I'm no longer willing to be a passenger in my life. I'm going to be The Driver.'"
"The highest level of leadership is self-leadership... If you can't lead yourself in your health, in your Fitness, in your communication and your mindset... how is anyone going to feel like they respect you and they want to be led by you?"
"Lead the way, light your own path. It's almost like you see that light, it's like the light is coming from within."
"You are the conductor of your life and your reality."
"A new queendom is coming when we reign over our own lives."
"Being the hero of your own life means being responsible for your own adventure."
"You're never going to convince people do what you want to do be your own North Star because nobody else is going to lead you."
"If you have the power of choice, you actually have a lot more power because you are the CEO of your own life."
"Lead yourself more effectively... being able to keep commitments to yourself and follow through."
"You gotta just take charge of your own career."
"Right now, you are meant to be your own leader and honor and trust your own feelings."
"Do not be afraid to set the tone for yourself as well."
"Become the king or queen of your own Empire."
"Be the change agent in your life. Show where you stand. That's gonna help you find opportunities."
"Don't let the world lead you. Take the steering wheel."
"Fault and responsibility do not go together. The road to power is in taking responsibility."
"I'm the captain of my own ship, and there's something changed, it's not like life is doing this to you."
"You need a leader in there. I'm Your Leader."
"If you don't star in your own life, who's going to?"
"Your ancestors, your spirit guides want you to know that you have the ability to lead your own self."
"Embrace your masculine energy; make executive decisions."
"Take charge of the situation; don't be afraid to say what you need to say."
"At some point for real you gotta take an initiative. You gotta take ownership."
"I follow my own unique path with courage and strength."
"Now it's time for you to sit in the driver seat of your life."
"You're becoming the leader in your own life and you're not allowing anyone to distract you."
"I'm the new boss of me. Period. I'm the boss of me."
"I feel like you need to take control, set yourself free."
"Pluto in Aquarius is creating almost like a social slash philosophical revision."
"Leadership - take the lead in your own life."
"This planet is like a house of mirrors, consider yourself the boss."
"Step up and lead your own life abundantly and then you will help others do the same."
"At least it gives you a stance to change your situation rather than just following what others say."
"I am the general, I am the leader of this battle that is my life."
"The day you know you are the captain of your ship, you will become a happy human being."
"Let nobody tell you what you can't do. Follow your lead."
"Just make some big ass decisions for yourself and really just kind of lead yourself through, you know?"
"We are the leaders we have been looking for."
"She can't trust you unless you can lead you."
"My greatest leadership challenge is leading me."
"Barnacles only grow in a docked ship. If we're not leading our life, things around us will begin controlling us."
"You're meant to take the lead in your own life, there is a path waiting just for you."
"Lead yourself. Find out if you are divine. Most divine people lead themselves. They don't follow people."
"Most divine people lead themselves. They don't follow people."
"I'm trying to bring more of that self-leadership to the world."
"Executive functioning is about self-leadership. If you can manage yourself and lead yourself, you can win those battles." - Dr. Laura Hannes Webb
"Act like a free agent, act like the CEO of your career."
"The simplification is self-leadership over circumstances. It is the individual charting a course and staying on that course."
"The hardest person we will ever lead is ourselves."
"You must lead yourself to your potential. Those little things matter."
"It's called the eight C's of self-leadership: calm, curious, confident, compassionate, creative, courageous, connectedness, clarity."
"If you can't lead yourself, then it's going to be real hard for her to lead."
"How do I lead myself when I actually don't want to lead nine hundred people? Like, Dave, like that's a moment. Like you'll have moments like that."
"You're someone who leads themselves."
"Leadership cannot be defined by gender. It is defined by your attributes. What makes you better is how you lead yourself; it's not your gender."
"Are you going to let the world compromise your integrity, or be the captain of your own vessel?"
"You have to be the leader of your own destiny."
"I want you to see yourself as a captain of your ship."
"Be the captain of your own ship; it's such a great way to live your life."
"Let this part of you lead the way a little bit in addition to the mature you."
"Always follow yourself, always be your own self, be your own leader."
"Take the lead in your life and make things happen."
"You are the freaking captain of your ship."
"You're the leader of your own life."
"Take the helm, be in control of your own ship."
"The most important person you will ever lead is yourself."
"The most important person that I have to lead is myself."
"You are the boss of your own life, and you can choose the path that you want to take."
"To lead others, you must lead yourself first."
"Be the captain of your own life, take control of your life, take the helm of your ship, and set the direction you want to go."
"You should lead your thoughts instead of your thoughts leading you."
"When we can be self-led, we will heal what divides us from each other."
"The most important leadership task of a leader is leading you."
"Whatever your truth is, you must continue to lead forward with that."
"Be your own mentor, be your own leader."
"Great leaders last because they lead themselves first."
"Effective self-leadership requires brutal honesty with ourselves."
"Self-leadership is a very important skill we should all acquire because without leading ourselves, we can't lead others."
"You are basically the captain of your own ship."
"You have to be a good leader to yourself first."
"Lead with what you want to really be."
"Curiosity, calm, confidence, compassion, creativity, clarity, courage, and connectedness are the eight C's of self-leadership."
"You're the captain of your own ship, and you really have to stay true to your vision."
"That inner child is going to lead you straight to where you need to be; it's not about the head, no books, none of this what we're saying, any of that is going to lead you there. You are going to lead you there."
"I believe in leadership from ourselves and respect from others."
"Leadership: You have to be able to lead yourself."
"You lead yourself; you are your own mental origin point."
"The person that you need to lead is the person in the mirror. You need to lead yourself."
"You are the authority in your own life, you are the leader of your own path."
"Chiron in Aries can also reveal how you're able to stand on your own, the independence, the self-leadership, the ability to do something on your own terms, the courage to go it alone."
"You are the captain of your ship, you're the director of this movie."
"If you can lead yourself, you can definitely do great things."
"Leadership starts with me because if it is to be, it's up to me."
"People forget that they are the CEO of their life."
"When you start to show up in the world as yourself and you operate in self-leadership, you know whether to keep putting in the work or whether the most loving thing to do is to leave the relationship and find someone more aligned."
"Leadership is about leadership; we all get to be leaders in our own life."
"You are the master, you're the captain of the ship. Claim your power, reinterpret your experience."
"We are inside out people, led from the inside, not the outside."
"The most important person you're ever going to lead is yourself."
"You are the CEO of your life, the buck stops with you."
"If I'm not a good leader of myself, I'll never be a good leader of people."
"You're either your own boss, or you're taking charge of your own life."
"You are the captain of your ship; you are the captain."
"Stop allowing others to lead your precious time, strength, intellect, and power. You're capable of much more than you've been led to believe."
"You are the CEO of your life. You are the boss."
"Command that part of you to go to the back of the bus of your life."
"If you let this lead your life, you will never ever ever reach the true happiness that you deserve."
"You're the boss of whiskey, don't let whiskey, bourbon, rum, rye, whatever be the boss of you because it's always a very bad boss."
"The most important thing that you can do as a leader... you must be able to lead yourself first."
"I believe that we all lead, even if the only person that you're leading is yourself."
"The first person you got to be a boss of is yourself."
"You're the captain of your ship; it's not at all about how it looks, it's about how it feels."
"You need to be your own captain to your own ship; you need to make better decisions."
"I'm the boss of my own life because God is by my side."
"You've got to be able to lead yourself before you can lead other people."
"You kept going and kept going after whatever it is you want out of life, kept standing up in your own energy, leading your own life."
"Leadership is not about leading others; it's about leading yourself in a way where you inspire others to follow you."
"You are the conductor of this train."
"You have the final say; you keep waiting for men, in this case, for us black men, to come and lead you to salvation when you must lead yourself."
"You can't lead anybody else if you can't lead yourself."
"We should all be our own leaders."
"You're standing up in your own energy, just leading your own life."
"You're taking a lead and responsibility of your own life, your own future."
"Be a master of your own emotions, be a master of your own life."
"You are about to be super rich because you're going to let your higher self lead the way."
"Leadership starts with yourself; you cannot lead other people unless you are able, capable, willing to lead yourself."
"What could be more motivating and inspiring than leading with your own light, being authentic and true to you?"
"You have to be able to lead your own life, you have to be able to think that you have the ability within you to do something."
"Guiding yourself with your heart."
"Have faith in your dreams, yes, keep working on yourself, take the lead of your own life."
"I'm back in the driver's seat in my life, I'm back in control."
"I am letting my higher self lead the way."
"When you become your own leader, you do not ask people for permission to live happily ever after; you decide what that is for you."
"Walking and living in your authentic self and taking the lead in your life."
"You are the captain of your own ship, you are the hero of your own story."
"You're going to be so happy that you followed your own lead."
"You're going to have to take control, you're in charge of you."
"You're starting to lead your life with how you truly desire."
"Change this energy, step into your power, start living your life for yourself."
"We all kind of have to take the lead in our own life to make things happen."
"The biggest job you'll ever have in your whole life is being a CEO of your life."