
Social Media Behavior Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"Moving forward, I want to stop sub-tweeting others... and if I don't, kick my ass and hold me accountable."
"It leads inexorably to an explosion of victimized outbursts all over social media."
"People that spend hours trying to trick me into saying stupid or unpleasant things to farm Karma... are wasting their time."
"Many people who hate-follow others on social media are predominantly driven by narcissism."
"You don't have to make these giant virtue signaling posts about how you'll miss everyone."
"It's a little bit weird because you've been really kind and reasonable over email but on Instagram you have been literally like engaging in some of the most heinous misrepresentation of my beliefs imaginable."
"Elon Musk not just that tweet he's been liking a number of other tweets throughout the last 24 hours that can be a telling sign as well"
"This is so much cancer that I can feel the tumors growing on my back and it's weighing down heavy on me and it's not okay can you help a nigger out and just stop this please."
"Most of the people down into the chat don't even do this."
"We're just a bunch of dumb [ __ ] on computers yelling at each other online."
"They weaponize their follow and unfollow button as soon as you hold them accountable."
"It's just nice to have one week of hope... and sarcastic retweets, but you know, mostly hope."
"Yes Joy it is nuts and no I'm not referring to the case which I mean yes it is also nuts but I'd also venture to say that uh you know posting over 150 videos on one Topic in less than a couple weeks that's pretty [ __ ] nuts as well."
"Next time you're feeling smug and righteous and you want to write 'who hurt you' in the comments section, be aware you're only embarrassing yourself."
"Stick to music. Do I hate fantano? No, I just think right now and for the last few months he's been acting like a [ __ ] terminally online crybaby 40-Year-Old Virgin."
"They carry themselves on social media with class and dignity."
"Guess what? That's why you see burners comment like, 'Whoa [__]!' and stuff like that."
"Do we really have that ammunition? The answer, for most Reddit and forum comments, is to resort to anecdotes and threats."
"Twitter is the manifestation of who they want to be in real life."
"What fun is Twitter without being able to own the libs?"
"The internet don't lose, man. Everybody tough on the internet."
"Women objectify themselves on Instagram all day every day."
"People are so dumb and comfortable on social media. They think they can just sit there behind them and harass them and nothing's gonna happen."
"Yelling at people on Twitter won't solve anything, there are better avenues for feedback."
"If you have a problem with a person be an adult be direct like these people are adults while they're on social media and while I get everything it's events sometimes it's you can still be an."
"Why does she stay posting? Why does she stay doing interviews talking about the madness?"
"The way we use those apps tends to keep us surrounded by information we’re primed to believe and agree with."
"That's not flexing, bro. It's not flexing as we do doing something you ain't really got it. You can call it purpose and this when you do a sec, this is flexing."
"A reminder to you to be kind always and to think before you post."
"He's a tweeter's tweeter he's a volume Tweeter yeah yeah [ __ ]."
"Y'all just sadly twerking in this gc like it's a freaking club."
"I tweeted out that I was singing happy birthday myself. I did it semi-jokingly but a few people called me a sociopath."
"Elon will spend like a significant portion of his day every day liking or replying to or promoting far-right accounts."
"Everyone's getting salty on Twitter everyone's looking to blame everyone else for their losses just be nice to each other."
"He asked me about you, liking someone's pictures. I'm just a Summer fan, bro."
"Some of y'all, and y'all come whatever you're gonna do, what you're gonna do. Whatever. Okay? You'll be mad at someone else tomorrow. But you are hurting your queen with this nonsense."
"Passive aggressive posts are often the posts that begin with 'don't you hate it when...'"
"if you just post the picture that's one thing if you have to make sure everybody knows oh this is me without anything you're you're telling me something"
"They will do whatever it takes to get those likes on social media so that they can feel validated."
"The internet's way of hanging up on somebody is 'I'm unfollowing you.' But they'll still be there commenting all day."
"It's about being right most of the time, instead of just following the hype like so many people do on crypto Twitter."
"Some of y'all be hiding in the comments, bro."
"When we refer to vlogging, it's usually filming your real life."
"Don't just be a moron on Facebook yelling... educate yourself, right?"
"Trump has turned into that one friend who insists on posting memes that were hot months ago."
"Stop yelling at children on Twitter, you dumb monsters."
"Having an opinion is fine, but to actually go hardcore with harassment or things like that like yo [ __ ] you you piece of [ __ ] you should die because of like go [ __ ] yourself it's never okay to do things like that."
"I never really understand why people click on things that they are obviously going to disagree with."
"Everything that Glitter ain't gold it ain't so often people when their marriage is in shambles when their relationship is in shambles they take to social media and they put on this big front like everything is okay."
"People talk a lot of crap on social media and people reading social media statements generally take these as the opinion of somebody."
"Drew Gooden would never post that. Drew Gooden wouldn't be caught dead posting a just a blank screen Instagram story saying life is sad."
"Something like that who gives a [] [] people have thin skin they don't even realize by the way when they post [__] like this that they're self-owning."
"Don't try me, don't thank me just 'cause I'm online, if you could come and just say anything to me directly."
"It's crazy to me when I hear or see people talking badly about other people on a YouTube video especially people they have never even met or do not personally know. It's classless, ignorant, and well kind of cowardly."
"Some of this internet panhandling that people do is lame as fuck, y'all ain't never see me on my Instagram even when I had two hundred and eighty thousand followers begging people that promote with me."
"Clout chasing ain't it. 6ix9ine already showed that [__]."
"When people are nasty on social media, like they take it so serious."
"People do anything for a few likes and retweets, and 13 almost 14,000 people like that."
"Speak the truth in love when you can. Don't slander, don't dishonor, especially on social media."
"Kanye doesn't really hold back on social media."
"Do girls stock guys on social media? Yeah, absolutely."
"Carson has been making these accidental tweets separate from his main where he kind of makes a tweet and then he deletes it and says 'whoops my bad'."
"I unfollow people that I don't talk to often or at all."
"Finstas aren't supposed to be taken seriously... they have funny or clever usernames."
"I think when you become a YouTuber you start to stop watching every other YouTuber."
"You're a disgusting, spiteful, selfish, self-centered, attention-seeking, victim-playing, vindictive, nasty, egocentric, immature, untalented, unprofessional, insecure little man who does not deserve a place on social media."
"Twitter is full of human beings seeking self-justification."