
Game Quality Quotes

There are 599 quotes

"Don't you want CD Projekt RED to be able to release high-caliber games like Witcher 3 or exciting new titles like Cyberpunk 2077 with more frequency, more efficiency, more finesse, and in a more timely manner?"
"The game is made by Kuro games... so many players think that it has the best gameplay out of every gacha game."
"What makes Tarkov so great are moments where skill, strategy, attention to detail, game sense, and experience shine, where they're not dominated by luck, kneecapped by RNG."
"The game has aged beautifully, and not only that, it's an incredible remaster."
"It's about the games and not about the stores. If a game is good enough and generates enough excitement, it will sell regardless."
"While Dark Forces might not be the best first-person shooter ever made, it is easily one of the best Star Wars games made."
"Regardless, it's clear that Baldur's Gate 3 is a phenomenal game and one of the finest RPGs ever made."
"Gameplay is king. Everything besides gameplay is secondary. If gameplay is bad, the game is bad. If gameplay is good, the game is good. It's literally that simple."
"Metro 2033 getting a Redux version released might lead you to believe that the original was flawed in some way that needed to be fixed, but honestly, it still holds up today."
"This is one of the most demanding games out there. I also think it's one of the most beautiful games."
"The gorgeous visuals, phenomenal soundtrack, Kirby in the Forgotten Land is amazing."
"This is a really well-made, fun RPG with tons of charm and love poured into it."
"It may not be the best Zelda game, but it's a damn good one and the best version of it."
"For every bad AAA game released, 10 great indie games are released."
"This is the difference, this is high quality Overwatch match."
"We've arrived at one of the best franchises in gaming history, and if you don't agree with me, then well, you're either wrong or you haven't played Crona Trigger."
"The best way to make a game good is by being good for the game."
"This game seems pretty damn complete, so that's really promising."
"I would even potentially argue the DLC maps are better."
"They did such a phenomenal job with the atmosphere."
"What really makes Quake special is something much deeper."
"It is one of the best, most polished games to have been released over the last few years."
"In the end, it's a good game that is a little bit buried by the garbage. The core is as good as it has always been, but the surrounding stuff... it's all pretty bad."
"This multiplayer is honestly the closest that Call of Duty has ever gotten to having just a perfect multiplayer."
"This game is as close to a perfect Mario RPG as you could possibly get."
"As long as Immortal Empires is good, it doesn't really matter."
"Dark Souls 3 has an exceptional lineup of bosses, focusing on quality rather than quantity."
"I was just blown away by the way it looks, and I think it's one of the most confident and assured titles that we've seen in a long time."
"Smaller teams does not make the game bad and I don't think there's any proof that it would be."
"Enderal does nearly everything better than Skyrim and not just better, but significantly different enough that it truly feels like an entirely different game."
"That's why I gotta give kudos to something like God of War Ragnarok... the game they released was extremely polished at launch."
"Resident Evil had finally returned to being the benchmark for quality survival horror."
"The replayability of this game is really high."
"This game is just bursting at the seams with content this game is just so unbelievably good."
"We believe this is the only way to deliver the best game experience possible."
"Beautiful game with a great cause, it all goes together."
"Playing no DND at all could be better than playing bad d d."
"Wizards has done a great job of really packing these decks with great statistics for just buying it out of the box and playing it."
"Crafting game, your name does not live up to how awesome you are."
"This might be the best Standalone racing game that I've played."
"Bayonetta's quality not only makes for an amazing video game but something that is truly one-of-a-kind."
"It's rare that you can say that of any game... it's just such a remarkable creation."
"Guilty Gear games usually age like fine wine."
"I just want the game to be solid, fun, balanced as much as possible."
"The music in this game is seriously some of the best in the cyberpunk genre."
"Almost every component of the game is fantastic."
"All it takes is them to make good games for a change, yeah, that's all they need to do."
"Senior talent leaving will affect the quality of games."
"This is like the type of game that would have gotten a six or seven in 2010 but it's 2022 and everything here feels so so dated."
"This game isn't good or bad, it's... oh my god."
"It's right up there in terms of like most of the polish in the game is really wonderful and has shows dedication audio experiences great."
"Destiny 2 has some of the best gunplay still to this day."
"Quality over quantity... Saranaya Wild Hearts is top of the quality food chain."
"Nintendo just makes great games, they just know how to make awesome games still."
"You've got two hours to grab and hold someone's attention, then remain consistently high quality."
"If the future of Final Fantasy is as satisfying as this game is, I think we'll all be in great shape."
"Sound design can take like a mediocre game and make it feel like a really, really good game."
"The level of quality of this game kind of deserves you being uncomfortable and not liking decisions they made and like to see it through because they really proved for so many hours that like yet now this is going to be continually this good."
"DMC 4 honestly puts most games of the past generation to shame."
"Once you mix all that in with the random events, a competent Ai and beautiful visuals, you've got yourself an excellent game."
"I think it's a game that is just that good where it matters the most."
"AFL Evolution 2 is comfortably the most well-rounded footy game so far."
"Nintendo focused on producing not just systems that worked well but vitally good games."
"All of this is in a PSP game, a really polished PSP game at that."
"The Virgil boss fights are always the best ones in their respective games and the one in DMC 5 is the best in the franchise."
"It's pretty close to a perfect fighting game."
"This is so good for the quality of World of Warcraft. It really is."
"This is the Fallout game that we have been waiting for."
"Dead space more than lives up to its own hype and that is a very rare thing in this industry."
"It's weird because it's a very well-made game that clearly came out at the wrong time."
"As I replayed Dead Space, I legitimately thought to myself: 'Do you even need to remake this? It holds up so well.'"
"Tangle Tower delivers incredible writing, amazing visuals, and fully voiced and animated characters."
"Ultimately we want great games whether they're set in World War One, outer space, or somewhere in between. Great games, really, that is what matters most."
"It's a shame we might never get another game as good as these."
"Control freakin’ blew me away from the opening moments."
"It's got no business being a good game but it is."
"From a game of this magnitude, you SHOULD expect and get some value beyond the gameplay itself."
"I really think that this is going to be game of the year... it really do think that this is this is game of the year." - "I really think that this is going to be game of the year... I really do think that this is this is game of the year."
"Sound design is stellar as always in RE games."
"What makes this game worthy of anyone's attention? Well, for starters, the art design is truly memorable."
"Quality over quantity in puzzles, make them engaging and interesting."
"They really do not make games like this anymore."
"It's considered to be a good game. It's not a good game. It's a great game."
"This gameplay is actually pretty damn good now."
"The music absolutely SLAPS, the graphics are respectable, and The Joker isn’t just a sprite to beat up; he really does act like The Joker."
"It's really impressive that this game still has such a huge community active community and it's so old and it just shows how well-made this game is."
"Blasphemous is a flawless game and it's one of the best stories I've seen in recent years."
"Some of their games just aren't very good, some of them are just plain unfinished."
"Final Fantasy 2 is a great game in its own right and raised the bar for 16-bit JRPGs."
"Ultimately, this game is simply going to come down to the fact that my pieces were of just a higher quality."
"While there is that jank, there's also a lot more heart and charm in this game than I've ever seen from a Spiders title."
"Temple of Xian might be the best-ever Tomb Raider level."
"This is some of the best football I've seen Arsenal play in about four years, to be fair."
"Nintendo games are some of the best at polish in the business."
"Since Black Ops 2 was already awesome, I think this game is gonna be a freaking masterpiece, I'm calling it right now."
"Even a Zelda game that's just pretty good is still better than most other games out there."
"Vampir looks pretty damn good even when compared to bigger budget titles."
"I'm just surprised how little people online discuss how bad this game truly is."
"Mediocrity is worse than bad. A bad game is entertaining; a boring game is torture."
"I really have no idea what to expect from the future of little nightmares but if it's anything like what we've already gotten in terms of quality I can't wait to see what they come out with."
"This is one of my main theories of why we don't see as many good games now."
"It's honestly unbelievable how [ __ ] good this game is."
"It's a great example of how far free games have really evolved lately."
"The whole thing is just all around creative and fun and well-made."
"If you think about a video game after you play it then it's a good game."
"Blizzard's name on any game was basically ironclad proof of quality."
"It's exhilarating stuff and the quality of the animations makes every move satisfying to pull off."
"Lost Soul Aside has me sold in more ways than one."
"It's been a cracking game, really enjoyed this game."
"New Super Mario Brothers for the DS is one of the best Mario games Nintendo has ever made."
"No game is perfect but The Last of Us comes pretty close."
"Dread is still one of the best games I've played in the last three or four years."
"The music in this game is really goddamn good."
"This game's early access is better than most games 1.0 releases."
"The game itself remains phenomenal and it would be a money-making machine."
"This game is so unfinished, so rushed, and so broken."
"Horror games: when they're good, they're some of the most emotionally effective and memorable games ever made, and when they're bad, they're some of the most laughable and pathetic attempts of anything you'll ever see."
"The quality of the game may not be as something as huge as a Mario title but it succeeds in areas the Nintendo has never been to before."
"It really is a super impressive version of the game."
"The cancellation of an annualized release for Call of Duty may very well lead to future entries that are significantly better in quality."
"In the end, Shadow of the Tomb Raider is both a great game and a great looking one."
"Good graphics do not make a good game, South Korea is proof of that as are the vast majority of their games."
"I truly do question why this remaster was released in the first place if it didn't meet Rockstar's very high quality standards."
"Melee is not only great, Melee is the [ __ ] standard."
"Mortal Kombat 11 is probably one of the few games that is actually a pretty good game by most objective standards."
"Final Fantasy Tactics was one of the best in this regard and it generated 16 billion yen upon its release."
"It's an amazing experience and one of the best adventure games ever made."
"I think the bugs are not crazy right now. We're not seeing a lot of game-breaking bugs."
"If you've never played Trials of Mana, don't wait for the remake to come out to start it. The original holds up perfectly and deserves to be played as it is."
"I think on all accounts, God of War's a better game."
"Polish is obvious, I mean…Sonic games have notoriously…not been that in history."
"Everybody loves Mario Kart, and for good reason—it's pretty much the perfect kart racer."
"It's probably the best Uncharted game I don't think it's as good as the Last of Us but I but it's like saying like which masterpiece is the best match yeah."
"This game is fantastic it's genuinely great."
"The best set of bosses in the series by some distance."
"It should come as no surprise that for me this game more than delivers."
"So given I think all those impressive reviews were right on the money."
"Sonic Mania may be the greatest Sonic game of all time."
"Cyberpunk 2077 has some of the best side quests I've seen in modern AAA RPGs."
"Streets of Rage 4 might just be the best brawler of all time."
"Dying light is a fucking wonderful game made by incredibly talented people."
"I sincerely believe there was nothing wrong with Evolve at launch."
"The crew too is neither but it sure as hell isn't a masterpiece."
"No Mercy, baby, wicked yes diggity dog, highly regarded as one of the most complete wrestling games of all time."
"I can confidently say that this is the best entry in the series on the GameCube."
"Fallout New Vegas perfected the Fallout formula, I think the setting and the story are perfect."
"Honestly, I'm a bit surprised how well this game holds up to modern standards."
"It's not just the greatest to look up to this point in the series but also the best paced and structured."
"So, with everything I've said in this video you're probably going to assume that I despise this DLC. Well, no... it's well made, incredibly polished."
"MMORPGs from 1999 to 2012 felt different because the subscription fee model incentivized developers to make the best versions of their games."
"It's amazing how these games just kept getting better and better each year."
"This game holds up; it looks like a modern-day game."
"Quality has since dropped, game launches especially really big ones have become increasingly unpolished."
"Combat as a whole is very much pretty solid."
"It'd be a lot easier to dismiss Hogwarts Legacy if it weren't so good."
"Halo Infinite plays so darn well; they made a really great game here."
"In some sense there is a direct correlation between how limited the use of 3d is and how good the game is."
"There's just something magical about it that just kind of takes it past a game that we really liked into a ten out of ten game for me."
"The game at this point just has to kind of speak for itself."
"New Vegas is good in spite of the ground that it's built on."
"The presentation is one of the few games actually worthy of AAA price not to mention the amount of content here too."
"It's aged pretty well, it's just really short for 60 bucks nowadays."
"It’s a satisfying horror game, and a survival game."
"It really showed what a polished story game should be like on Roblox."
"It's cool all that I'm trying to say is that my decision to buy this game or not will depends and only depend on the quality of the game that is ultimately delivered."
"Without a doubt, it's one of the 2020s best games so far."
"MGS3 will prove to be an embarrassment of riches."
"The fact that so many people take it too seriously is the sign of quality in and of itself, because you don't see this kind of player behavior in games that are too simple and unchallenging."
"A good game is a good game. If this game is solid, if this game is fun, if this game is something you enjoy playing with your friends, then I think it should succeed."
"I've always thought that you can have the prettiest game in the world but if the gameplay and story falters then what's the point of them."
"There's never been a more polished early access survival game on day one."
"The gaming industry cannot keep taking our money and deliver unfinished products. This needs to stop."
"Sonic Mania is kind of treated as a big comeback for them. This had gaming journalists ranting and raving about Sonic's big comeback."
"Sonic Forces did not take away from what Sonic Mania contributed. It's still two Sonic games and one of them really is that good."
"This game actually has quite a bit of polish compared to the other games."
"Considered one of the finest games ever made and one of the most expensive."
"It's a testament to how good the game actually is."
"The game is in a much better state than it was when it released."
"You'd have to be crazy to think this team's phoning it in... A ridiculously substantial title."
"I truly believe that Hellblade Senua's Sacrifice is the gold standard for indie games that tackle mental health as a subject and on top of that it's also just a good game."
"Decisions like these aren't easy to make mind you as they take up a lot of the studio's time and resources but if you want to ship the best game possible doing so sometimes becomes a necessity."
"Metro Exodus feels big, dense, and full of surprises."
"What they have here is probably a bona fide Game of the Year Contender."
"We're gonna focus on what actually makes our game good."
"Replaying a game is a sign of its greatness."
"As far as mascot horror games go...this is very good."
"Everybody loves bug snacks... proved to be an amazing game when it was finally released."
"We wanna feel confident that we're delivering a great game, and having fun in the process."
"Persona 5 has a confidence about it... they do it right and it is satisfying."
"Regardless of how you feel about the visuals, it's worth considering how well The Wind Waker stands up as a Zelda game and as a game in general."
"It was about as good as this genre could get."
"They have put out really great games in the past."
"It's definitely one of the more lasting Rosenberg games."
"God of War stands proudly alongside the likes of Horizon Zero Dawn, Uncharted 4, and Gears of War 4."
"The two iOS Nitro Cart games are great games on their own, but it's meaningful that they are also two great Crash Bandicoot games."
"This is one of the most incredibly detailed games I've ever played."
"Is it a quality title worthy of the Half-Life name? Yeah, it's pretty awesome."
"It's both a quality VR title and an outstanding Half-Life game."
"I'll argue why they offer tremendous quality to rival FromSoft's best or at least how their achievements are worth recognition beyond a single romp between fog walls."
"Within a year following its release it would be complemented by Crysis warhead, an expansion in some ways even stronger than the base game itself"