
Documentation Quotes

There are 4088 quotes

"If someone were able to permanently knock out all internet and cable in this country... just think about the levels that that would affect us."
"This is a big document... If you're not making a document like this and trying to defend yourself, something is wrong."
"Operation Paperclip... Believers of this theory will point to historical documents and eyewitness accounts."
"The entrepreneurial method... you find a problem, you learn how to solve it, you document how you solved it online."
"Write down your ideas; your genius. The world needs you."
"You've got to go in there with behaviors—on this date this happened, on this date this happened, on this date this happened—with as much documentation as possible."
"As an urban explorer, we don't steal or vandalize but we only just document history and explore."
"The incident's enduring fascination can be attributed to the involvement of military personnel, the presence of physical evidence, and its status as one of the most well-documented UFO encounters."
"Do something, document what you've done, publish it."
"We want to remember the happy times, and we're often documenting things to remember the good moments in our life."
"It's very important that we write history, control history, and document history."
"Consent has to be well documented, but it also has to be informed, and informed means you have to understand what you're consenting to."
"Well, consent has to be documented, but it also has to be informed, and informed means you have to understand what you're consenting to."
"You need to be documenting all of this stuff that's evolving, that you're learning. This is all going to be valuable to you someday."
"Keep documenting that because, you know why? Because it'll probably, when you pop, you turn it into a book, and then you turn it into a doc."
"But what you will learn and witness in this video is shocking and to the best of my knowledge, has never been documented in science before, especially not on video!"
"As long as you're generating the documentation with each build, there's no problem with outdated documentation or manual efforts anymore."
"Keep your mind open and document it accordingly. The things that you write down... are sacred. They are holy."
"Technology has advanced to a point where now we capture it. What we're seeing right now has been going on for decades."
"Life passes by so quickly; it's so difficult to recall the happy memories unless you've documented them."
"Always good, you can see down there on those wires, there's little labels on each wire. I labeled those when we built the boat. I kept a note in my documents of which each wire goes to, and everything. That is an absolute lifesaver."
"The story of Shanti Devi is among the most amazing documentation of reincarnation, attracting the attention of everyone, including Mahatma Gandhi."
"Each property comes with three documents: the lunar deed, lunar map, and lunar codes, covenants, and restrictions."
"The journal is where Ruby writes everything she did to these children over that six-month span."
"Focus on the mission, which is, you know, how do I focus on trying to live a good life and documenting the journey along the way."
"It's about the UFO cover-up, the biggest story in history. Here's the documentation to prove it."
"Human rights organizations have voluminously documented Israel's use of human shields."
"Documenting the results of this specific strategy... is invaluable information to have in order to optimize your trading strategy and get the most out of it."
"The importance of documentation is sort of unappreciated in the computer science world."
"Write everything down, treat it like your jokes bro."
"Always get your visas, get your paperwork done right."
"This is going to be our accent color, but we can also, in here, we can put in the notes how to use it."
"I decided to keep a record of every single day."
"Just take a step back because part of this discovery meant us getting documents that we otherwise would not have been able to get under the Freedom of Information Act."
"You're on the right path, make sure you're keeping receipts."
"We have to keep documenting this stuff. We're in here heavy tonight."
"It's laid out very detailed, it's posted now."
"But if you're at this point, I compliment you for sticking with our breakdown of these documents."
"They did not reveal all of that, Errow did not reveal all of that. I have to imagine that those people came to us to have that documented and recorded so that if this happened, that their stories would be heard."
"Y'all gotta watch this - the first documentation of a cult that lives in virtual reality."
"But I'm gonna document it all and make y'all feel a part of it. I ain't gonna be stingy with it. I'm gonna show everything."
"There's no question that there are these objects of Unknown Origin whizzing around incredibly well documented."
"Write down your plan because if it's not on paper it doesn't exist."
"Betty sketched a copy of the starmap that she would later describe as a three-dimensional projection."
"Peek is an excellent tool for doing documentation of your projects."
"When ancient man looked to the heavens for guidance from the gods, he noticed star patterns and began to document their movement across the heavens."
"I feel that it is very very very important to document these things from a place of rationality, not from a place of white guilt hysteria."
"This one was amazing, I'm actually gonna put this here."
"It turned out that he was more than keen to go ahead with it and excited to document the process and see the results."
"The earliest documentation of the rules is found in the Talmud."
"Do the research, document everything, and share what you've learned."
"All the links to all the documents and are provided in the video description."
"So what we are doing now is mining the 16 documents and finding the problems that are debated. I just wanted to make that clear from the beginning."
"Many of whom also have shared compelling evidence in the form of Photography, official documentation, and classified oral testimony."
"Proof that Islam is from Allah is abundant and well-documented."
"Every aspect of this document is fascinating."
"I just make this because I like documenting what I understand and I like sharing things that I think I know something about."
"This edition of last week tonight is for some reason actually on its way to the Library of Congress, don't let bicurious manatees fool you."
"But as you know, Tariq, our history shows that we didn't write on pieces of paper, we inscribed on walls."
"Transparency in a document like this would seem to be far more important."
"Document everything, take pictures, take videos, do all of that stuff."
"Start by documenting your process... the whole key is... if you keep doing it, you'll suck less and less and eventually you actually become good."
"Better comments: annotate and document code more efficiently."
"It's a historic day...a once-in-a-lifetime type of document."
"In a world where nearly every moment of our lives is photographed, recorded, and documented, the gaps in the past still beckon us."
"It says Sybil Tame, in other words, it has her name on it."
"It's important to document your life and to be able to look back on these moments."
"I'm just glad everybody got their questions asked, and we got it documented."
"Commander Chad Underwood he's the man that actually filmed the Tic Tac UFO."
"How amazing it is that we came to document an echo of one stage of our evolution and end up recording another."
"The crown flash in the extremely rare column, there's only a couple videos online of these."
"Whenever I'm learning anything, I'm documenting my process while learning it. And that helps me learn better because I know that I'm possibly gonna be teaching this thing a few months or years from now."
"It was a fairly simple case, document-intensive, but you've got to follow what the facts and the evidence are."
"And we have it documented, we have it in Texas, we have it in all sorts of forms."
"A paper trail is going to be ideal...make it a matter of facts."
"I think as time goes on and this all evolves into whatever it will evolve into, I'm really happy to have all of this backlog of footage and story that we can draw from."
"Docs main grid - grid template columns: 1fr, 2fr"
"Charles Fort is an American writer and researcher... documenting scientific anomalies..."
"The table of contents is created as I mentioned in a previous video by typing /toc and it creates the whole table of contents."
"She sat and filmed about her 24-year imprisonment so she had it all on video."
"Documentation is the key difference between a small struggling business and a large successful business."
"Psychology is pretty bizarre coming to think of it but it's well documented."
"Optimally we would have it up here and that's the best way to do it but second best is to be a good note taker, you know, to be able to have some references on the secret guest right?"
"I just want to take everybody on a field trip and record it."
"That's so pretty and the harmony down on paper."
"They're falsifying government documents, which is 10 years imprisonment."
"A dramatic rescue caught on body cam video outside of Atlanta."
"FastAPI automatically generates documentation that also works as kind of like a test script."
"What an amazing rocket to talk about and yes a Delta for heavy also talked about in an upgrade document about possibly implementing uh cross-seat but never did."
"He continually makes entries in his diary, recording the momentous event of waking up."
"This is an article to document the fact that we're living in a world of apostasy."
"My job is always just to document these kind of these moments."
"We have them on file in the aircraft, the photograph and all the details, the latitude and longitude of where it is."
"Each album is essentially a document of what the solutions to those problems at that particular time were."
"If these 15 moments were not filmed, nobody would believe them."
"Words have been added at a later date, a post-production addition."
"Congress must maintain and archive committee records to maintain confidence by the American people. You must follow the rules." - Barry Loudermilk
"Make copies of your passport and email them to a friend or family member."
"On these shelves sit 12 centuries' worth of documents, and unmatched history not just of the Catholic church, but of the world as we know it."
"The amazing thing is you can actually listen to the audio from this disaster and see the progression."
"Full-bodied apparitions, physical attacks, demonic voice recordings, electronic malfunctions, possessions, and thousands more of documented cases."
"Everything and I mean, everything, people have documented. Doors being slammed so close to them where absolutely there's no other explanation."
"This is plagiarism and it's not made any better by the fact the documentary is linked somewhere in a paste bin document."
"FastAPI provides automatic API documentation, making development and testing a breeze."
"No one signed it but it's in our inbox so we're one step closer to starting it."
"It's note-taking. Take notes on quotes you hear, things you learn, lessons you take away from books, articles, courses, conferences."
"The military did not take weapons to Colares, their weapons were cameras, lots of cameras."
"It's as if the legends returned just so history could be captured properly."
"Barry kept thorough records of all his prior business dealings."
"Screenshot everything. Record as much as possible."
"Most things are really living systems living documents they go on and they almost immediately change."
"Style is about aesthetics. Are your variables reasonably named? Is your code well-commented?"
"Their relationship, friendship or otherwise, is respectfully and lovingly documented."
"Absolutely terrifying with his own eyes, a dark shadow figure moving from right to left right behind him, but his GoPro camera captures every creepy detail."
"There's a lot that goes into actually documenting and communicating how the design works."
"This 1907 account that I'm about to share is one that the last hunter records of the species."
"Document it. Learn from the mistakes of our past."
"Miracles people claimed to have caught on tape."
"The photographs found on the digital camera in the backpack show two young travelers on a hike."
"As photographers, we have to document what we see."
"I've started documenting her transition and her victories and the hardships she continues to educate and inspire."
"Now you've written all about it and you'll know."
"That's a banger that Glenn Greenwald promoted we should we should catch up with our Word document we're probably we've only done one oh yes yes of course yes Blair see how this plays out."
"Follow our journey from the very beginning as we document the whole process of creating an off-grid home."
"I narrate these accounts because I want to document experiences that may otherwise become lost simply because they do not fit with our everyday reality."
"Stick to the facts, write it down, and don't speculate."
"There was a plan, the Eastman memo, there's the receipts."
"I hope someone's writing all this down because this is gold."
"Donald Trump's classified document bombshell: he's saying actually it's not just documents, it's testimony."
"This would have been very hard to believe if Brad hadn't filmed it."
"Record what's actually happening so that we have our side of the story to tell."
"We're in court asking for the records, we're being stonewalled in our request for the records."
"The Olympic project cabin is full of stories but at the end of the day it is not the stories that will prove the existence of Sasquatch but rather well-documented facts and evidence."
"All I had to do was give them a copy of this link they completed it I filled it out I mean I'm I paid for this trip so you got all the information everything is there."
"Chairman Nadler says tonight that he has already obtained tens of thousands of pages of documents for his committee’s multiple investigations of the president and his campaign and his administration."
"I filmed a slow zoom into Chase as you were talking, and I really think I got something."
"I'm gonna refer you again to the four corners of charging and I charge Ament."
"The Shag Harbor incident is often cited as one of the most credible and well-documented cases of UFO encounters."
"Recognize, record, take note—your experiences matter."
"Get it in writing anything they tell you that's important to the transaction."
"There can be no evidence like you said unless someone was there someone was there with a Nikon going 'oh oh they're backdating it.'"
"Trey Gowdy didn't even see the documents he claims exonerate the FBI on spy gate."
"So I kind of thought that was interesting so here goes another picture let me pull this back up..."
"Judicial Watch, frankly, is the most important book because we document the coup and we document how it was stopped."
"So, everything we know about Jesus is written down within 15 to 60 years, while the eyewitnesses were still living. Whereas everything we know about Muhammad is written two to three hundred years after the fact."
"I knew about these things before the news released it... it is documented."
"Are you making notes of what you like? That's great."
"Life's about making memories and documenting those moments."
"Put everything on paper in writing... it's not fair to any of y'all."
"It's not about winning, it's about education, historical documentation of current events."
"I felt it was necessary to have this all documented so that Blair's horrible behavior isn't just forgotten about."
"The most important thing that you can do to protect yourself from the nonsense in the workplace is document, document, document."
"Document everything. Keep a little black notebook. Write down everything."
"Everything and Ghanaian tree, document it all."
"Foreign policy under Trump isn't particularly well-documented but it seems that Trump kind of likes it."
"Create a list of moments of media and of learnings."
"A pretty robust program for generating a Word document in any version of Microsoft Office up to version 2013."
"The issue is that the university in Chicago State University have said on oath the certificate of 27 June 1979 is not our certificate."
"We reviewed all of the documents provided by Maricopa County in response to our requests and the answer is that none of the documents that they created meet the requirements."
"The only thing better than doing the right thing is having a paper trail of doing the right thing."
"There's been three documented instances this year of people being pronounced dead and they're not dead."
"You definitely need to focus quite a bit on documentation."
"I'm putting this into the record... so it has to be named that."
"We house over 40 million pages of documents, 6 million photographic images, and nearly 30,000 artifacts related not just to the history of the game, but really every player, coach, and contributor who helped build the game to what it is today."
"Astonishing documentation and after the Sandringham Summit, such a connivance, such preparedness, quite astonishing."
"Everything that comes from the sea is documented and recorded."
"I think it's important to document the moments that you feel most in love with yourself and repeat those moments."
"It's so frustrating the documents only tell us that the sacristy was somewhere on the north side."
"How could they have known about the attack and who sent them to document it? The evidence points to a large intelligence network inside the United States."
"They understood a human suffering, they understood that you can't get proper papers and documents."
"The first was sighted and filmed in Tikul, Yucatan on the 7th of August 2004."
"The device was tested and confirmed safe before being implanted into Greaves to serve as an indisputable, impartial record of what was discovered for council records, in compliance with the o5 edict."
"Himmler quite clearly states, that the Nazi state is actively conducting a genocidal mass murder of Europe’s Jews at camps such as Auschwitz."
"We have documented evidence of widespread systemic bias targeted at conservatives on political grounds censoring them secretly while lying about it."
"I'm just trying to document and share with you what I'm experiencing and seeing."
"The military has the good sensors and recording devices to document these encounters."
"We worked really hard and we are documenting some of the places that no one else is documenting ever."
"I'm Mo Sargent, that's how we do it. I travel the world to seek out haunted and abandoned places to document the unknown."
"You need more before footage than you think because it's so satisfying to get to look back on it."
"Take your dream seriously...record everything because...the dream is speaking to eat in your life."
"The case was laid out by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein."
"The power of this document is that it is effectively authored by the voices of Republicans... who stood up to him."
"React Native documentation provides code samples and is actually really good."
"This is the story of the world record progression."
"Writing it down is the most important thing."
"I have a breakthrough on days 49 and 50 that fully explain all of this."
"Everything you thought they did, they do. But now we have the records of how clearly they did it."
"This is a pretty fancy journal, alright let's continue."
"The police have binders and binders and binders of thousands of pages of evidence."
"The AR KX material is date specific and supported with sources."
"Following the count in that conversation, Papadopoulos continued to correspond with campaign officials."
"The volume of documented evidence that folks like you have gone out on a limb and fought to bring to the public's attention will turn the tide."
"I would say close friends or you can have it just written out and legalized, notarized."
"Reports of alien abductions... have been surprisingly well documented by various researchers."
"The Voynich manuscript, which gets its name from the Polish book dealer who purchased it in 1912..."
"It's a staggering historical document...I find it utterly fascinating."
"They're misrepresenting the points that the people in the not so awesome document were making."
"Just a few clips from each of the festive days to really act as kind of like a memory bank."
"One victory does not win a war, but for those charting the change in military tactics and personnel, Procopius's account shows us the completely different way of war."