
Perspective Sharing Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"I want to share with everyone how this all feels from my perspective, being burdened with this narrative and these responsibilities I've never asked for."
"We're dividing people, and we're rushing. We're not providing places of meeting where we're assuring that we're hearing different perspectives."
"As long as we can discuss and have those conversations and understand each other's perspectives, whether we agree with them or not, it brings us closer to an understanding of each other."
"Heidi's public Facebook post tells a perspective."
"My purpose in doing this is to share my perspective so that anyone who is in a situation like I was a couple of years ago, who is questioning and wondering can have another perspective to lean on."
"Our disagreements are not anywhere near as major as people seem to make them out to be."
"But it's always up to us to have conversations with those we disagree with and it's only then that we can stop looking at the world through black and white."
"I really loved hearing all of these different perspectives from you guys."
"If you don't share quotes, if you summarize their views, people who like them will think you're wrong."
"Instead of being enraged by it we should say how can we learn from each other."
"Can you move away from 'I'm right, they're wrong' into a 'well how is that position helping me grow, how is what they're saying helping me learn'?"
"Handing that perspective to people from different genders can allow us the opportunity to see characters in a way that they want their gender to be represented."
"Sometimes it's important just to get somebody else's perspective."
"It's interesting you bring that up of like the apples to apples comparison. I think you said it so well, Paris, it's like I think we look at these and we just go tick for tat right of like they got that why don't I get this."
"The ultimate goal is just to have conversation with interesting people and to get perspectives."
"So to hear from him, and to hear his first-hand experience, really provided a new perspective."
"Even if you're an atheist or agnostic, I'd really be interested to hear your viewpoint."
"The truth we need to hear, no matter how it is received or perceived initially."
"Books are empathy machines; they let you see through someone else's eyes."
"It's nice to have a second perspective, so if I respond or if you respond, if there's anything that you feel that I've missed out, Nina, or a different viewpoint, you know, please come in with that."
"Having someone else to discuss these types of things with allows us to look at things from different perspectives."
"Showing our friends and family this...seeing it through their eyes...it's just so beautiful up here."
"You want to have a conversation at an honest level where we can really get into why that's why I think it's bad while you think it's good then I'll do it."
"You need to tell your own side of the story."
"I try my best on all the things that I do to just verbalize both sides and then explain where I'm at and explain why I'm at it."
"The goal is to make sure that everyone knows everyone else's perspective."
"Sometimes it's not about just like shaming that person and being like well you're horrible but just kind of explaining other things that maybe they didn't consider."
"It's more about how do we break down barriers from one perspective to another."
"The body of Christ would walk to the other side and say, 'You know what, I see your perspective.'"
"I'm getting to know the perspective of my counterparts to understand the mindset."
"If you could see things through my eyes... would be entertaining."
"I'm here for the long term, always want to provide perspectives."
"By joining with each other, seeing the alternate perspective and then coming to a soft landing."
"You're making a deception, what's your favorite? Most people, but this is why you have me on so I can inject another perspective."
"We learn best from our peers. Reviewing your peers' projects gives you an opportunity to learn from other people's perspective as well."
"We need to take time to listen and learn about other people's perspectives."
"We're gonna hear kind of her perspective on all this and I think this can be a very very uh interesting chat."
"This is what is coming into play for me, this is what I'm seeing, and this is why it's so important to understand what is going on in other people's bathwater."
"Listen to their perspective and listen respectfully and try to understand."
"You both need to look at each other's point of views hangman style."
"Being the taller tree means that you have the experience that they have down there, and so you can still relate to them without crashing down to that level."
"It's important for him to show a diversity of perspectives from the left, the right, and the center."
"Discuss your ideas with your classmates... just use them for a different perspective and a different idea."
"It's a beautiful thing to see people diverse perspectives diverse experiences."
"My hope is that this can kind of bring some perspective to people that you're not alone in a lot of the things that you're feeling."
"If Blue had been here, he would want them to work together, and see things from each other’s point of view."
"Helping each other to see the world in your own unique way, that's what Frost did for me."
"Watch this video until the end so you can get a full picture of perspective."