
Vindication Quotes

There are 735 quotes

"I don't even know where to begin on this Nikki Haley thing, other than to say that I feel vindicated."
"The resurrection...is a powerful vindication of Jesus' message because it has a low probability of occurring, and so that makes it miraculous that God did it."
"The best thing for me is all these guys that have been saying all these things about me and now watching them squirm."
"If the two witnesses symbolize the church, these verses predict the vindication of God's witnessing Church in the resurrection."
"All of those people who were arguing from a position of complete ignorance have been proved completely wrong."
"It's I Told You So time, although we don't use the phrase 'I Told You So' on this program."
"Because people didn't listen, they didn't believe him, and he was right the whole time."
"For the bikers in the crowd, this was vindication."
"This is a rare triumph where those who were portrayed as cranks at the outskirts who were actually correct and had the evidence with them have been in some sense vindicated."
"The preppers were right all along. Even the left-leaning media admits it now."
"It's great when you can clear somebody too, to say, you know what, her story is completely true. And that's a great feeling that you can clear somebody also."
"Neil was right about his De La Roche all along."
"There's a lot of vindication coming back to asking some of these most basic questions."
"We all feel the truth came out. Our entire company team JD."
"Carrie White would be the one to have the last laugh."
"We ask you to set the record straight that he is not the abuser she described and that she is not the heroic survivor she portrayed."
"A lot of people that doubted me, a lot of people that said I was full of [], can shut the [] up right now."
"He will make everyone who looked down on him and despised him regret what he said."
"We uncover the corruption but the fact that we're able to do it is such a wonderful vindication of our way of life here in the United States."
"Have you ever talked about something that’s kind of controversial, and people call you crazy, and then it turns out you were right all along?"
"Our reporting has been vindicated because we allowed the facts to guide us."
"There are those who said this day would never come. What are they to say now?"
"I feel so vindicated, I feel so fucking good."
"There's almost a place in folklore for the individual who is scorned and humiliated by others but turns out to be right."
"Crazy how he was talking about this almost 5 years ago and now in 2023 everything he was talking about is finally coming to light."
"Preppers have been vindicated as a result of this because those who were prepared are in much better shape for these kinds of events than those who aren't."
"I'm vindicated because that's how I felt cuz did I not call that Lyanna Mormont would get slapped through some football goalposts last week and lo and behold."
"And when they offered you that [chance] up, you're gonna let me tell you, you're gonna get vindication Pisces."
"Francis won the fight, Francis won the war, Markell won his own war too, in a big way, enormous vindication, dude. [Expletive] enormous vindication."
"I felt really vindicated, do you know what I mean?"
"The jury gave me my life back. I am absolutely humbled."
"His fate was still on track. He was vindicated. He was justified."
"Good on those guys for being right about a lot of stuff when the rest of us were laughing at them."
"Frankly, we tend to get shown to be right, that people accused end up being the ones who tend to get it right."
"They've just been ridden off as these terrible crazy conspiracy theorist types of people, and then the truth comes out and it's just like I told you so."
"I think his performance so far this season and what he's done here the month of May and IMS is I think it's shut up a lot of people."
"They know she'll be vindicated... so they're going to make the trial itself the punishment."
"It's been one of my life's greatest joys to have proven that they were wrong."
"We gathered even more records to prove them all wrong."
"God says I'll cause my goodness to pass over this country United States and I will bring Vindication"
"Everybody who counted you out, they're gonna have to pay."
"Many of you are going to be receiving like vindication or justice for something."
"Truth, Keem one because the things he said were true."
"Justice will be served and the quiet kid freaking mic drops."
"I was going against the consensus when I said those things last year and well now if you look around though it does seem that lately everyone else is coming around to this truth..."
"Vindictive behavior... is actually worthwhile and justifiable."
"Julian far from being indicted should actually be a hero he's not the first and if they think that punishing him in this vindictive and punitive way is going to change people's attitudes to coming out and telling the truth they're wrong."
"You guys doubted me, you doubted me so much."
"The judge ruled in favor of Jesse Wu to dismiss all these claims."
"All hard work everyone who didn't believe it they don't know."
"I think this is a vindication moment for Dark Viper Au."
"Cleared of all charges Dumbledore walking out there like I did that job done."
"The Green New Deal agenda in its mapping of the relationship between the economic, the social, and the anthropocene as the great challenges of the moment has been crushingly vindicated."
"That's amazing... it proved them all wrong and it's destroying their credibility."
"Guess what? 20 years later she has proved herself right and all of them wrong."
"What an attack in an outrage on our body politic, a vindication for the president but a condemnation of the way our government was run by the deep state."
"You can say I told you so after the fact if you told me so."
"Everybody thought we were nuts and look where we are now."
"They doubted you, but now they're about to see the truth."
"Christine Holgate has been exonerated by the government's own investigation... there is no indication of dishonesty, fraud, corruption, or intentional misuse of Australia Post funds."
"You're going to have people from your past regretting the way they treated you."
"Divine recompense: watching you win in spite of what they did to you."
"The legal system in this case worked, and it's a win for all victims of false allegations."
"Make them regret mocking you and laughing at you for being concerned about what is a real crisis."
"Abundance comes in and you get the last laugh like see I told you."
"Nevertheless, Mike Lindell continues to insist that once the dust settles and all is said and done, 'I will be vindicated.'"
"We looked at the numbers and we started out this cycle real nervous, we ended the cycle tremendously inspired and also feeling really Vindicated."
"'It's made all the difference in the world, Harry. You helped uncover the truth. You saved an innocent man from a terrible fate.'"
"The whole world knows it, and the thing is, all those people that you've been telling for all these years about cryptocurrency and everything, they're finally gonna say you were right."
"My ex-wife lost a custody battle to me and then tried to pull off an elaborate plan to frame me for stealing from her and turn me into the police but it all backfires on her."
"This has been the best car that we bought. I feel vindicated."
"After three years of lies and smears and slander, the Russia hoax is finally dead."
"That's why I did that, was to show this is exactly what happened to me."
"He never even bothered to check the PowerPoint little did he know that I'd already informed our teacher and that teacher gave me his blessings to just present my part and I would be greater than that alone."
"I was right about the elite, I was right about corruption, I was right about questioning power. So I think there's no matter what they do, they can't deal with that. Maximum Alex Jones is right."
"Greece has triumphed; Venicilios has finally been vindicated after all these years."
"Things that I was being called a conspiracy theorist for in 2020 is now the official New York Times opinion."
"Few things have brought me happiness to be like, 'Yeah, take that,' more than this moment."
"Seeing [Bleach] recognized by a company like Disney in many ways feels a bit cathartic."
"I have been vindicated and it feels so good."
"Justice will be yours, there's good karma coming here."
"Let's enjoy the fact that Ronaldo has shut up all these idiots."
"If LSU wins the SEC, the folks who dislike him for non-football related reasons would at that point have to just shut up."
"May Their Fear and pain bring you renewed strength."
"The jury's emphatic favorable verdict on all three defamatory statements alleged in his complaint fully Vindicated Mr Depp and restored his reputation."
"Now is the time. Your prayers have been heard. You will succeed and be vindicated."
"The show must go on, the stop-Trump movement as a proxy war of the establishment."
"Jesus' divine self-understanding was vindicated by his resurrection from the dead."
"When people are finally proven right, it's going to be at the expense of everything we love."
"Who's laughing now? I told you the enforcer was good and no one listened. I bet you look like a real clown right now."
"To all you naysayers who thought that was a silly target to go for, look at me now."
"He finally was able to tell the world his side of the story and this jury believed him. I mean they validated what he's been saying to us for years."
"These two ladies have a perfect right to say 'I told you so.'"
"The targeted individuals aren't crazy after all."
"Lots of people were denying it for a very long time. We were right, you were wrong."
"I take more pleasure in saying I told you so."
"His passion in a lot of [ __ ] that he was sounding mad crazy for in 2013 has come back around."
"This person tried to break your soul, they're gonna have to watch you eat."
"This is a lot of effort but 100% feeling vindicated right now."
"When media slanders are put forward and then deconstructed in real time, sympathy accrues to the victim."
"Important destiny, so you get the last laugh."
"Flexing on people that hated on you feels a lot better than a lot of things in the world."
"Everybody is going to be talking about how wrong I am on the first day, and a few days later they're going to be talking about all the ways that I was actually right."
"I felt a sense of relief and Vindication. It was difficult for me to see my own sister being handcuffed and let away but again I knew I had to make the right choice."
"I think you'll make a great store, and you're going to make her eat her words."
"And now people can see why I shot with a technique that I was teased for years."
"Conspiracy theorists should take a well-deserved bow because this year they've just crushed the storyline."
"I do not seek revenge, only justice and an end to the darkness."
"He's setting things up for change, for people to fall, for people to be vindicated."
"Nothing beats the sensation of getting revenge."
"An innocent person finally got her justice..."
"They called Noah crazy for building an ark and then it started raining."
"The lies are being utterly and completely destroyed."
"The most satisfying part is the 'I told you so'."
"Your kids will eventually see the truth and things will not be how they've been, you will be vindicated."
"I made sure that I would prove them wrong one day."
"It's incredibly meaningful when a jury of peers says you didn't do anything wrong."
"It was great I felt very Vindicated."
"You are receiving your justice, this has been a long hall, a long road, a long cycle, and you're getting everything you deserve."
"May the God of Justice in this season not only vindicate you, but compensate you in the name of Jesus Christ, amen."
"The truth has won, as far as I'm concerned, at long last."
"Look Who's laughing; it's sweet revenge."
"The baby is his. You have been vindicated again, Miss Tillis."
"If the jury had come in with an award of $1, I won it, and I felt vindicated."
"Justice is coming, you will be vindicated like never before."
"God will prepare a table for you in front of your enemies. You are keeping up with your spiritual practice. These people were doing fake news on you."
"Welcome to the team, Selena. I've been on Team Selena for years, and you guys have been dragging me, calling me names, hating on me, but I'm always right. So welcome, anyways."
"You're all eating your words now, and guess what?"
"I almost feel bad that Karen's weekend was ruined, but then I remember how rudely she treated us. I'm just grateful I had documentation to prove she was a liar."
"You're going to be seen as Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. People may have made fun of you back in the day because you're different, but you're getting the last laugh."
"The perfect revenge was to upturn his entire working life to prove him very very wrong."
"It was a moment of vindication for a candidate who had climbed back from a bitter public humiliation."
"They eventually stopped responding to me, and I looked at my statement today to see the charge. It's finally been taken off my account. I know it's not a ton of money, but it's nice to be vindicated a bit on something like this."
"All his hunches had been right, his detractors had been wrong."
"...he made everyone eat their words..."
"I have always known that these claims were false and I never had any doubt this day would come."
"We feel so good about your vindication because you deserve it, bro. Thank you, appreciated that love you man."
"You've been vindicated, you're being supported, you're being chosen."
"Bob will learn how to get good at Smash just to be vindictive and beat me at least one time."
"This guy is just going to go on the ultimate Revenge story arc. Oh my God, and no one deserves vindication more than this guy."
"One thousand million percent, yes. Absolutely. This hurts him. But he also feels vindicated."
"I got the guy that everyone said was an idiot all freaking year shutting up all the doubters if you can't take joy in that if you can't see the beauty the Poetic Justice in that I think that you are cold-hearted"
"When the truth comes out that it's Taurus, he is totally vindicated."
"Finally, a lot of people feel vindicated and feel like they've been heard."
"I feel vindicated because I called it when I saw his butthole and balls."
"Guilt for causing such a significant loss... but also Vindication for standing up against their blatant disregard for the rules."
"Surely I will make your enemies plead with you."
"I want everything to be released because they will confirm the fact that I did nothing wrong."
"I felt a small satisfaction seeing her pompous scheme unraveling."
"Success is the best revenge. It's really sweet when you succeed and all those people that for years are telling you what a [ __ ] you were and how stupid it was and it's never going to work out for you."
"Your name is going to be cleared."
"And, but you gotta go through the middle. And see, you're kind of in the middle right now. You're waiting on God to vindicate you. And so, you cling to that promise that he is your vindicator."
"You're right and they're gonna regret it because you're right there."
"It's obvious that Mark Humphries is the victim of a devilish plot, and he's not a murderer. No, come on, old fellow, let's go to the theater at once and give him the good news."
"Vindication is not the right word, it's the ignorance of others who simply didn't understand what we were trying to do."
"God really has a thing. He loves proving the world wrong."
"You're going to be vindicated, and somebody is manipulating the situation here."
"It may be four years too late, but all of her tweets and all of the battles that she's fought in the trenches of Twitter are being rewarded."
"When Justice and Vindication are served completely, totally, not like, 'Oh, a little bit of karma here.' No, I want full Justice. I want full Vindication. That will be a beautiful day."
"Deep down I know that my comeback, no matter how petty it may have seemed, was definitely worth it."
"There's nothing like that feeling of 'I told you so.'"
"I hate to say I told you so, oh actually wait a minute I'd love to say I told you so."
"... everything that everybody has ever said about me negatively I have been Vindicated for whether it's been publicly or privately so I have no I have no fires or any battles to put out."
"The only time I Told You So feels good is when you're the one who's saying it."
"I told you so only feels good if you're the one who's saying it."
"Oh, I'm so vindicated and justified."
"He wanted to show Dundee Football Club that they'd made a huge mistake, that they should have appointed him, and that he was better than anybody they could have appointed."
"It's a very nice feeling to be right."
"Someone has to eat their words, yes, and that's what makes it all the more satisfying."
"It feels so good when I hear an ex-girl that did me wrong and comes... they come to places, that whole like cheaters revenge kind of thing. It feels so good."
"You're going to get what you deserve, you will be vindicated."
"Disney has been caught lying about the enchanted tiki room. It's a little bit of vindication."
"Vindication is a powerful motivator to prove conclusively that the terrible creatures we horror writers plunder the depths of the human soul to uncover actually exist."
"I tell you what, if you're willing to work until 3 am when your shift normally ends at 9 just for a little bit of vengeance, you must really want to show them that they're wrong."
"We're being vindicated. It's a great day to exist."
"This is when you bless a creator because you say this vindicates comics."
"However, Ha has been vindicated by modern historians for using the tank as best as he could."
"Your enemies shall be found liars unto you."
"It's hard to overstate how brave and commendable these students have been. They will be vindicated by history."
"It felt like there was vindication for me. I don't know why y'all would see me as the guy who, if you know the clip, there is comfort."
"The English mono that is currently available is the best audio presentation of the film that has ever been around."
"It's just astounding that this is on here, and it's been at least a little bit of vindication for me."
"The decision has been vindicated."
"I hate to use the same line, but I think she told you so, right?"
"It felt great to be validated and vindicated for everything I pointed out."
"Vindication. It feels so good. It feels so good."
"You are innocent of the major lies that were told to bring you down."
"Whoever was laughing at you in the past, child, they about to be crying if they aren't already."
"It's my way of moving on, even if nothing comes out of it, I feel vindicated in some small way."
"Was it petty? Yes. Was it satisfying? Hell yes."
"History always vindicates the prophetic."
"God will be just and vindicated in all his righteousness."
"Justice will be served, you will receive Justice, you will receive Vindication and maybe even a little bit quicker if you're manifesting that."
"So, for me, it was really vindicating that I produced this project. It was a labor of love, you know? We were really passionate about it, and it got into Sundance."
"Now I feel a little bit of justice has been served."
"Murray's work has been vindicated by subsequent research."
"Let me be clear, history will vindicate me."
"'...whether she thought that he left the door open for her to do that or not, like she knew he was engaged to a woman that wasn't her so [__]. I knew I had bad vibes about Miss Sarah Anne and I was right, y'all, I was so right!'"
"One of the things I love in life is a great I told you so."
"Columbus received a hero's welcome... it was the genoise sailor's finest hour... it vindicated all he'd said about his voyage across the Atlantic."