
Financial Awareness Quotes

There are 472 quotes

"Businesses exist to make money. I know that seems like really basic information, but I don't know, in this particular climate, there are a lot of people who don't actually know that."
"Money isn't everything, but not having it is."
"The first key to building wealth is awareness."
"I think you'd better step up your education because I think we're in serious financial trouble right now."
"If you don't understand the games being played in money, you are the game being played."
"Knowing that financial success will not solve the problems that you may be facing in your life."
"The most important step in planning for retirement is to start with a clear understanding of your current financial situation."
"You don't realize how quickly you go through money until you lose your job."
"It's about facing the facts and facing the realities of how much money you make and how much money you spend."
"The more money you spend, the more you feed consumerism and the more you stay in debt, and that's how 'the man' keeps everyone in line."
"How do you really feel about your financial future right now, today? Stable or uncertain?"
"Even if you have so little money that you feel like you can't find a penny to save every month, just writing it all out and being super aware of how it's coming in and how it's going out is the first real step to having control over it."
"The reality is, the cash in the bank... is losing value to inflation every single day."
"Know where your money goes and what you support with your hard earned dollars."
"Money can trap you if you don't have perspective."
"Look out for the rich or the one that makes good money."
"You're earning hundred thousand a year because they're not aware of how to earn a hundred thousand a month."
"Every single one of us can benefit from being a little bit more aware in how we invest our money and how it can indirectly or directly affect these big problems that we keep seeing being repeated."
"The markets are in turmoil... if you're not paying attention you're going to get wiped out."
"Champions make adjustments, not excuses. Every time you justify being average, you invite mediocrity."
"The amount of money that you don't even know that you're spending before you spend it is crazy."
"Find where the trap is. Find where the retail trap is."
"As all the moratoriums roll off... you're going to begin to see these job losses really begin to matter a lot."
"You're making conscious decisions about what you're seeing and noticing with your spending."
"The inflation numbers... will make your head spin."
"The market's going to be in for one hell of a rude awakening."
"The 2008 financial crash was a wake-up call for many Western governments."
"If you're scared to check your bank account, your screen time, or what's going on in your body, that is a really good sign that you have to check it right now."
"Fashion brands need to be mindful of people's financial situations before sending promotional messages."
"The scariest part about cryptocurrency is how easily it could be manipulated."
"Money is real, stock market trading is real... If you're investing your money in the market, this is money that you might not get back."
"Think about being 40 years old and owing 30 thousand dollars."
"Just make sure you know the difference between when you're investing and when you're rolling the dice."
"What a waste of a life. And you were not put here to just make $220 or $480 or $720."
"Your tax return is what this system uses to approve you for things like loans... So why are you not paying attention to what your tax return means?"
"It's not just about lumber and supply chain. Did you get a 7% pay raise this year?"
"What we do know is there's going to be recessions, what we do know is there's going to be stock market crashes, what we do know is there's going to be stock market corrections."
"This thing is about money... we haven't wake up and smell the coffee yet."
"They're not going to give you that satisfaction for those of you who were wondering whether or not you were being taken advantage of for your money."
"You can't change what you don't see; the more aware you are of what really drives your spending decisions, the more control you'll have over your finances and therefore your life."
"This was the capitulation that really woke everyone up."
"Be prepared for that because it happens a lot in the bull markets."
"I want a woman who understands we have the money but everything we do doesn't have to have the money part."
"Education is important, but paying hundreds of thousands of dollars for that education is not quite as necessary."
"In the financial collapse of 2008, the world was reintroduced to the concept of companies which are too big to fail."
"The financial system is in real trouble. A lot of people who don't want to be thinking about money need to be thinking about money."
"The value of each dollar that we have, the value each dollar that we save, and the value each dollar that you go to work to earn gets diluted."
"Don't let social media soft girl you into being broke."
"I love making these videos for you guys and I love the fact that you enjoy them."
"This conversation is important not just for xrp holders but for everyone broadly speaking in the crypto digital asset space."
"These contracts are going to get really expensive really quickly though so we still have to be really cognizant of that and not be super crazy in free agency."
"The biggest bubble we'll ever see in our lifetimes."
"Taking stock of where you are financially... is actually a huge empowering step."
"People are going to be screwed worse than they understand because most people have trouble believing such heinous financial crimes."
"I believe a major financial crisis is underway."
"Interest rates, which affect the cost of borrowing for credit cards and mortgages, are now set to hover between 2% and 2.25 percent."
"Sometimes in life it is also important for us to consider the other motivations in life... because sometimes I look at it, I was like, 'Oh my gosh, I spent 100 in the game, I can buy like two weeks of groceries with those money.'"
"Inflation is a massively regressive tax. Never forget it."
"There is tons of money circulating around you."
"In every hyperinflation or economic reset, there's a period of gradually then suddenly."
"There's still this community that think, 'Oh, you can't get under $4, one chain.' Oh, people are just deluded."
"Let's adult together and feel cozy once you know your credit score."
"This isn't some miracle job; chances are it's just gonna put you in debt."
"The most conservative way to look at it is every dollar that you make off of music... you only get to keep 30% of it for yourself."
"Always remember, there's more fake money than real money out there."
"Credit card rates are wild right now $446 of Interest has been stolen from you so far this year."
"India are crowned as champions of ICC Champions Trophy 2013."
"We wanted to know what we were getting ourselves into financially."
"You gotta start being serious about the numbers."
"That's the point of me digging in because a lot of people, they'll have debt and they're like, 'Okay, it's not great but it's not that bad either.' No, it's bad."
"Instead of worrying so much, how much money do you have? It's like how [ __ ] stupid are you?"
"The value of money is weakened by the day due to inflation, eroding buying power over time."
"The biggest thing that really impacted it: now that I'm paying for data, I'm much more mindful of when I use data."
"Know your risk tolerance and financial situation before investing."
"Stay informed on market news and company developments."
"There's no question in my mind that we are in a highly inflationary era."
"Don't decide big repairs in the moment and I see people do this they come in car burns oil they'll immediately say yeah yeah let's fix it six thousand dollars you can't do that."
"If something looks really cheap, your immediate thought should be: what's the catch?"
"Think about that for a moment: if every single one of us spends just three dollars less per day than what we usually spend, that's literally one cup of Starbucks less per day, the United States economy will go into a recession. That's really scary."
"We all can start there being aware of how much you're spent is a good start."
"In your wallet if there's no liquidity to that coin you actually don't have any money."
"You are getting less for your dollar, your dollar purchasing power is going down."
"A market correction like an impending execution focuses the mind when you think about losing your investment capital all of a sudden."
"Understanding that markets have risk and that not everything goes up all the time."
"You're realizing there's a part of you that needs to be worked on, some self-work when it comes to your relationship with money."
"The greatest transfer of wealth in a generation is taking place right in front of you."
"It's time to pay attention because there's a lot of facts in the charts."
"All the indicators are pointing towards recession."
"Don't be a jerk about it. If you're going to go total Deku, do it, but don't make the mistake that we all have to fall in line under that banner just because it's popular."
"Be mindful of the fact that when we spend money there are people in our own families, there are people in our circles, there are people in our communities that are worthy of assistance they need help."
"Just dress good, not too hard with the money."
"If you don't see bitcoin as bullish, then you haven't been paying attention."
"Just know that if you're earning over 523 thousand dollars, this could be a problem."
"Inflation has been at its highest levels in generations."
"The credit card world isn't all butterflies and sunshine."
"Most of us have never experienced a full Market cycle."
"The first point is to understand what you're holding in your portfolio."
"Just enough to let you know you've got to talking about a check."
"How many people have been caught on the wrong side of the market?"
"This is your money we're talking about, guys."
"If people knew what the banking system is up to... there would be a revolution tomorrow morning."
"The next Global financial crisis may be just weeks away."
"Should I be concerned? Yes, you should definitely be concerned."
"You should all feel free to do the things that you want to do and create how you want to create."
"There's a lot of added and hidden costs that you might not think of and we have some of the experience to cover and bring up to you before you hit a brick wall."
"Old Ash has now morphed into New Ash who is a lot more like her husband TJ, because I now see that very clearly the earnings potential that money has."
"Most humans lose money over time in the stock market without questioning their inherent thoughts."
"Buy physical. Understand the difference between what Andy affectionately calls the casino paper gold and silver markets and the actual physical gold and silver markets. They're not the same. Don't be fooled."
"Crypto isn't just Bitcoin. I think a lot of people were coming into the crypto market through Bitcoin initially, and up until a few years ago it really was the only A1 asset there."
"Your dollars are becoming less and less valuable."
"You have to be prepared that whatever income stream you have coming right now could just end."
"Most people think they are middle class but most are not and that's costing them a lot of money."
"Pay attention people, pay attention. Head on a swivel, this is crypto you never know."
"Every dollar counts. Our life costs money naturally."
"It is our lack of attention that's being paid to money that has caused as much of our distress."
"31% of young UK gamers struggle to track their spending on loot boxes."
"Pay attention to the overall Market, pay attention to the fundamentals."
"Something is being revealed to you that's been hidden in plain sight all along involving your money, your money management."
"Smart money has finally taken notice of this sector."
"If you don't know your numbers, you don't know your business." - NetSuite by Oracle
"People are too focused on how much money they don't have and not focused enough on how much they don't know."
"The number one expense for most people is taxes, and yet we don't even see it."
"Nobody is entitled to anything, you should feel lucky that you're in a luxurious lifestyle especially when you can't even afford it."
"Understand yourself before you ever put any dollar into AMC."
"15 years was the last time we had a market crash. That's a long time, 15 years. Oh wait, we haven't had one for a long time, we're overdue."
"For the first time ever, what average Americans owe surpassed 14 trillion dollars." - Rick Sanchez
"Inflation drives everything up, we've gone through a very big inflationary period."
"Life is more expensive; goods are now costing arguably what they should cost."
"It's all fun and games until your money starts getting funny."
"Your savings are losing value...you've got to change the way that you use your money."
"Trading and investing in the mindset of the last decade could be incredibly dangerous going forward."
"Talking finances is such an important conversation to have."
"Without going to the ATM machine, we may never realize that we are bankrupt."
"The real truth is these people, the average investor has been had by the financiers for a very long time."
"It's not just a matter of money, but also a matter of respect."
"MLM car bonus programs are scams. They are scams inside of scams."
"There will be a moment of Reckoning where people realize that the road to retirement may not be paved with stock certificates and mutual funds."
"The Federal Reserve controls the economy and financial markets. We need to know what they're saying and planning next."
"You could be straight up missing out on money that you could be saving."
"Now I hate to point out the obvious here but, um, two trillion dollars is a reasonably large amount."
"The more you physically and mentally avoid the subject of your finances, not looking at your bank account, not making a plan, the more stress you're adding on to your life."
"Knowledge is the first step and acknowledging where you are is the first step that allows you to take better steps towards your financial future."
"Now it's back to reality, and reality is kind of a new reality because most of us never had to deal with inflation like this."
"We are in a very, very precarious place. Nobody is immune."
"You've gotta start to develop the type of consciousness of being someone that can start to actually have money now."
"I instantly thought about everybody out there who gets caught up in that [Payday loan cycle]."
"Inflation is the hidden tax guys; they're actually stealing the value of your time and laboring energy without even coming to your house."
"Your net worth is your life's financial scorecard, your report card for your life effort."
"Unless people see the consequences and they see the pain that these events cause to real people, they are going to believe, 'Hey, when the stock market goes down, it's a great chance to get in.'"
"I mean, you're dealing with a guy... he's worth $200 billion or whatever and he can afford to do this. It won't hurt him. That comes from not really understanding how money works." - Jeremy Boring
"Defend yourself because they're attacking your estate because they don't want you to wake up why because all them bonds around the."
"It's just important to know where your money is invested and not just be like, 'Yeah, John at wealth management who takes a fee.'"
"Just keep trusting and know that yeah everything that's happening within the government within the financial systems within the state of them everything is purpose."
"There is a realization about a certain situation that it's not unfolding when it comes to the certain finances."
"Love is everything, but so is our purpose and our finances. I mean ffs, we are human, right?"
"I can tell you without any distinction with complete certainty that any black person in this room... can actually have a net worth that exceeds the average white family."
"A money leak is a combination of all these different small expenses that we may not be paying attention to but when combined could be making a big dent in our overall Financial wellness."
"I think now it's in the question of, hey is this a good time to buy... people's eyes are starting to wake up to the danger of fiat currency and they know they need to hedge against it."
"On the way up, the stock market may not impact a lot of you, but on the way down, it affects everyone."
"This crisis is a wakeup call, a reminder that our financial system isn't invulnerable. It's a call to action for all of us to become more financially savvy, resilient, and prepared."
"Recognizing where we were financially... actually starting that process of making sacrifices in your life."
"I've got no idea if we're making money right now i'm not gonna lie i i probably should know that."
"90% of people in our culture buy things they can't afford."
"Your dollar is disappearing right in front of your eyes."
"Ignoring your financial situation will never get you anywhere."
"This system is what fixed me and so, you know, I know where my money is."
"I kind of respect the way they're going about business this summer. I think they are very aware that clubs know they've got huge funds and they're just refusing to play ball."
"This may be our last opportunity in 2022, so we're grateful that you've been with us over the years, and over the quarters of the months, helping to keep us aware of big picture items that are happening in the global banking system."
"We think we're in an environment of monetary inflation. This is an environment which is different to what we've seen in the past. Monetary inflation is coming to a High Street near you."
"Are you prepared for this potential pin prick of this everything bubble that we're in?"
"If you're gonna verse college versus paying dues, a four-year degree don't get you okay."
"You got to be decisive guys you can't be indecisive see a lot of us are we see the financial breadcrumbs we know what's happening but we're indecisive."
"The American dream of buying things we don't need with money we don't have is coming to an end."
"Everybody wants a good deal... but as we're seeing interest rates continue to tick up, it's sort of like the baseline understanding of what a property is worth keeps changing."
"They're being subjected to this machine that's operating in the background that's silently siphoning away their purchasing power and they don't even know what's happening."
"You could be wasting hundreds of dollars every single year by not keeping track of your subscriptions."
"Most people are so busy working for money, so busy trying to pay their bills and so busy buying liabilities, they forget their assets."
"Acknowledge them and shift any narratives that we have within our mind around money."
"I want you to take a deeper look at your relationship with money and abundance and I also want you to ask for what it is that you really want."
"You're like a two-year-old and you're just clicking stuff on the iPad and you don't realize it's charging your bank account."
"It's affecting your investments as well just having that broader awareness is really useful."
"Do not start YouTube for money because when I started YouTube, I didn't even know you could make money."
"Some people out there are already seeing this market crash on the horizon."
"It's ways to make money out here, you know how much money it is in the world."
"Ask yourself, where is your money really going?"
"I look at my bank account. That shuts it down. Numbers ain't gonna lie."
"The sooner you're able to identify key indicators that you are living above your means, the quicker you're able to create your plan to start living below your means."
"They kept it simple, they were goal-oriented, they wanted to make money, and they knew that not everybody had a lot of money to spare."
"If you're not aware of how to make the most of your money, those proceeds and those returns are going to other people."
"Try to think back to when you were an employee. Federal income tax, Social Security tax, and Medicare taxes were being withheld from your paycheck."
"Most people are wasting money on cars."
"I don't give a damn if you're a athlete or Entertainer or a regular person a lot of people people especially in our culture aren't financially aware of the importance of taxes."
"Being poor is expensive, and trust me, he knows that."
"The recession has tightened our belts and made us think a lot more about what we're spending on."
"I personally like manually budgeting because when you're manually writing out every single transaction you can really see where you're overspending."
"But when it comes to digital payments here's my take: If you are doing a zero-based budget and you are aware of what you're spending and you've allocated all that, it's okay if you do Apple pay instead of pulling out your debit card."
"Let's normalize having more money."
"You think he's feeling facts you need to get your ass a job talking about money grow on trees boy waste some good ass cereal."
"I remember seeing the money in my account like you know what I'm saying I'm like damn I'm [ __ ] up."
"If you're eating out three meals a day that adds up real quick."