
Baptism Quotes

There are 950 quotes

"Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins."
"Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus."
"He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned."
"I mean to see people getting baptized as artillery shell is overhead and Iranian drones are flying and dropping their payload, the church is baptizing people."
"Holiness believes God is one. Holiness believes there is no flesh and blood in heaven. Holiness believes in the baptism in the name of Jesus Christ."
"The doctrine of baptisms: one water baptism in the name of Jesus Christ, and after that, you must have the baptism of the Holy Ghost."
"In the midst of a pandemic, we baptized over 4,400 souls in one year."
"God is offering you the best robe. This robe comes in the form of water and spirit."
"If you want to escape the flames of hell and have your sins washed away to be right with God, be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ."
"The new birth is not joining a church or getting baptized."
"If that's your condition, I think that I would encourage you to consider baptism."
"Does anybody else here want to get right tonight and be baptized in water in the name of Jesus Christ? Stand on your feet, wonderful, wonderful."
"Repent and be baptized... and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost."
"Can one believe and be baptized without receiving the spirit? Yes."
"He commanded them to be baptized in the name of the Lord."
"Simon himself believed and was baptized," highlighting the conversion of a prominent figure.
"You gotta be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ to get your sins washed away."
"God can baptize you in the power of the Holy Spirit right now."
"You need to baptize in the name of Christ. It doesn't mean that church owns you... it just means that you're associating yourself with Christ through an authentic genuine body of Christ even with flaws."
"Baptized last night in the name of Jesus Christ."
"419 Souls baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus."
"Amen, he ain't get saved until he repented of his sins, that's right, and got baptized in the name of Jesus Christ."
"Receive the baptism of The Healing, in the name of Jesus Christ."
"Repent, Dallas, Texas, and be baptized, every one of you."
"Acts 2 and verse 38, then Peter said unto them, 'Repent and be baptized every one of you all right, in the name of Jesus Christ.'"
"When you get baptized, you're being crucified with Christ."
"Everywhere in the book of Acts where people gave themselves to Jesus, every time they got baptized."
"Baptism in the name of Jesus Christ is essential for salvation."
"Jesus doesn't ask sinners to identify with him first, but through baptism, he identifies himself with us."
"Baptism isn't an obligation, it's an opportunity for overflow."
"Baptism is a Divine Interruption of anything that's going on in your life."
"God can take what's barren and bless it through baptism."
"Baptism is responding in a surrendered way just like Jesus did to save the world."
"Most historians also go further in relatively comfortable saying Jesus was probably baptized by John the Baptist that he definitely gathered disciples to spread his particular message."
"Baptize and baby-make babies and baptize them, it's awesome, great photos, cute little children."
"He who believes and is baptized shall be saved. These are the signs that follow those who believe."
"In virtue of their baptism, all members of the people of God have become missionary disciples."
"Repent, repent, and be baptized, every one of you."
"He commandeth all men that they must repent and be baptized in his name, having perfect faith in the Holy One of Israel."
"Baptism is the only thing where three things occur simultaneously."
"When he baptizes you by his spirit, it's powerful, it's life-changing, you're a new creation."
"I grew up LDS, being Utah... 95% Mormon... at 8 years old is when you get baptized. If you're raised around where 95% of people think the exact same way, I feel like that's too young of an age."
"We baptize into the singular name of Yahshua."
"This water symbolizes baptism that now saves you."
"He commanded them to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ."
"You need to repent, believe, and be baptized. Those are the three things that scripture ties to being saved, to entering a state of justification."
"I wasn't there amen you know what wrong you have done and are doing and this is what God would want you to do then Peter said unto them repent be sorry about your wrong straighten up and be baptized every one of you."
"He does that. So I mean when we think of baptism in the Lutheran church, we don't ever think of it as something we do. We think of this is God's action whereby he reaches out and grabs hold of you and says you are my child."
"Welcome to the family. Saved in Jesus, saved in Jesus, saved in Jesus' precious name."
"Get baptized and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost."
"Water is a portal. We're born through water and we're born again through water baptism, the narrow gate."
"I was completely convinced of Christianity and became a catechumen which is a convert under instruction before baptism."
"My baptism was one of the happiest days of my life."
"Baptism and confession of faith are the only requirements for salvation."
"Anybody here wanna get themselves right with God and be baptized in water in the name of Jesus Christ, stand on your feet."
"Repent and be baptized every one of you, everybody in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins."
"Pray for me as I prepare for this debate on the topic of baptism."
"This water... reminder of your baptism... entryway into the Christian faith."
"Our youngest daughter, who is 13, was baptized. Jehovah has never let us down."
"I'm begging you to repent and be baptized in the water in the name of Jesus Christ, free of charge. You can give this free. So beware of the crooks getting my necessary permits for the temple."
"He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved."
"Why was the Holy Spirit coming down when Jesus was being baptized?"
"Everything got to be sorry about they're wrong and if you want to give your life to Christ the right way you've got to go down in the water."
"If you're not baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, you're not saved. That's right, you've never been saved unless you're baptized right."
"You ain't baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, you ain't never been saved. That's right, never. That's right."
"Explain the sign of the cross and how we do it and why we do it well you know the cross is a symbol for our faith that begins at baptism."
"Baptism is being reborn in the death of the waters and being reborn in Christ and we would absolutely be remiss and honestly I would say bad if we wouldn't want to give that to our child the second that we could negligent."
"Go and make disciples, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit."
"Baptism is a commandment, to be baptized in the name of the Lord."
"Can any man forbid water? And he commanded them, 'Baptize in the name of the Lord.'"
"All of us are called to walk in the Lord all of us are called to be claimed that none of us are our own anymore if we've been baptized and confirmed none of us belong to ourselves anymore we belong to him."
"You're even a step further back, I think it's entirely wonderful and good and appropriate for you to then get baptized for the first time in the name of the true Son of God Jesus Christ."
"We're in a season where many in the body of Christ have received Jesus but not many have been baptized in fire."
"All other virtues we can get by practice but these three, Faith, Hope, and Love, only from the Holy Spirit at Baptism."
"Baptism is absolutely necessary for salvation."
"Unless you are baptized with water and spirit, you cannot enter the kingdom of God."
"Repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins."
"Baptism isn't our way of showing people we are saved, it is that which saves us."
"Baptism itself is what does away with our former life and sin and brings us to a new life in Christ."
"Baptism is a sign of a spiritual birth, an outward symbol of a spiritual birth."
"I believe people can be baptized in the Holy Spirit and just overwhelmed with the love of God."
"I'm born again, you know what I mean? I was baptized."
"Repent and be baptized, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit."
"He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire."
"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit."
"That's right, now, is there anyone else here that wants to be right with God today and be baptized the right way in the name of Jesus Christ?"
"Baptism unites you with Christ's death and resurrection; through baptism, you're clothed with Christ."
"Arise and be baptized and wash away thy sins."
"Baptism is only a beginning, but it is necessary for salvation."
"We believe in believers' baptism."
"The baptism of love... let it come upon everyone."
"Go down in water, in the name of Jesus Christ, that's right."
"Get up, be baptized and wash your sins away, calling on His name."
"Repent, be baptized, you shall receive the Holy Ghost."
"I have baptized it with the name of Dionysus."
"The invitation will still be open while we're here to baptize you in the name of Jesus Christ."
"The 8th of June, the day of my baptism, is also the day I was born. It's a sign from God, a miracle."
"Jesus will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire."
"Go out, get baptized, and make disciples of all nations."
"Baptism is a bath and a burial. It's a goodbye to your old life."
"The sealing power confers a seal of legitimacy upon your baptism for example so that it is recognized here and in heaven."
"I feel like Faith, repentance, baptism, and being born again, a process following that gift of the Holy Ghost, being overshadowed by that, like you said, is a covenant path type process."
"Regeneration is not about water baptism or reformation. It's about being born again spiritually."
"Buried with him in baptism wherein also ye are risen with him through the faith of the operation of God."
"I'm dying to myself and I want to be called Christ or Christian now I'm dying to myself in baptism being baptized into Christ."
"I got baptized, and my life just felt like it had a different meaning."
"You're going to experience the peace of God. If you don't experience the peace of God when you get baptized, something is very wrong with you."
"Immediately he saw the heavens being torn open and the spirit descending on him like a dove, and a voice Came From Heaven, 'You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.'"
"It's not enough to just be baptized with water, you also have to be baptized with fire."
"I encountered the Holy Spirit and at that moment I genuinely genuinely would say I was baptized in the Holy Spirit."
"I knew in that moment that I needed to get baptized full immersion."
"In our baptisms, we are anointed priest, prophet, and King."
"Jesus baptized us in the Holy Spirit."
"Your baptism is your conversion; that is you getting immaculate."
"Holy Spirit baptize us into the gentleness, the patience, the longsuffering, the humility, the kindness of God."
"Stand on your feet if you want to be baptized."
"As he burns, the preacher exclaims, 'I am baptized with fire! I’m the sinner'."
"Repent of her sins and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, that's right, and receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost. 'Cause the Holy Ghost is a humble spirit, that's right, huh, amen."
"Baptisms in Brazil are pretty common, a bit less so in Southern Brazil, which is where I was, but still, like more common than like your European missions, for example."
"When you repent, you're sorry about your wrong. When you're sorry about your wrong, ain't nobody got to fight with you to take you down the water."
"I repented of my sins, was baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, received the baptism of the Holy Ghost speaking in tongue at 11: church is my life."
"We thank God for the seven Souls that were baptized last night for the remission of their sins in the name of Jesus Christ."
"You've got to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ."
"I'm ready. I want to get baptized tomorrow."
"Jesus is introduced to us as the one who will baptize us with the Holy Spirit and fire."
"Frodo carries the burden of all, baptizing us through fire."
"After Jesus was baptized, he came up from the water and behold, the heavens were opened [for him], and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove [and] coming upon him."
"You have a thing called a baptismal, which is a pool of water basically, a big bathtub full of water that somebody's baptized in."
"Are they all just not baptized? Except for the little girl."
"Jesus is still baptizing people with the Holy Spirit. It's not about the denomination you belong to. It's not about your intellect. It's about your willingness to take a step of faith."
"When you get baptized you your life change you become a different person because that just like it says in the Book of Matthew Heaven opens and you can see all your sin has been forgiven you for forgiveness you know you now is a new person."
"Surrender is not an event at baptism; it's a lifelong, daily process where step by step we surrender more and more and more of the heart."
"Every one of you, repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins."
"Baptism is symbolic of our freedom from sin."
"We want to watch people get baptized."
"The baptism of water, without the baptism of fire and the Holy Ghost attending it,"
"Do you just want the experience of being baptised in the Spirit or do you want to walk in the Spirit afterwards, and be led by the Spirit?"
"So, if you're a follower of Jesus, you haven't yet been baptized, you come forward today."
"Worship first, then the word, then the water."
"Paul preached to all his slaves and then when they were ready, he baptized them all in water."
"To be a woman of God, one must repent of their sins, be baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus, and receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost."
"They don't baptize in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit."
"Our covenant connection right there. We know baptism is how you enter into the Covenant, but if we wanted to make it more specific, these are the two primary Commandments in the Covenant: love God and love each other."
"You can always count on the grace of your baptism to guide you home."
"'Brethren, what shall we do?' Peter said to them, 'Repent and each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.'"
"Baptism removes the guilt of original sin but it does not remove the effects of original sin."
"Justification and being in the Messiah are not different systems of thought. Baptism marks out the community of Messiah people whose badge is this faith."
"Here we are, rising then, anticipation, out of the waters of the Jordan, because we are one with Christ, who has risen out of the waters."
"You awake?" "Yeah. Can't sleep." "You nervous about being baptized tomorrow?" "A little. More excited though."
"Baptism is far different than what we typically think of. It's much more than just a renewed vow before the Lord, it's actually the birthing, it's the evidence of a birthing into a great, incredible life in Him."
"What does baptism by water teach and signify? It teaches and signifies that the old Adam in us must die and be buried through daily remorse and repentance. From this process emerges a new and transformed person who lives in righteousness and holiness in God's presence forever."
"So just as Christ was crucified for the sins of all people, Mormons believe that they can baptize others in the place of a real on Earth baptism."
"...as much as the church has said we don't want you guys to submit these names anymore, people still submit them because doctrinally they believe that it's very important that every single person has the opportunity to be baptized in the afterlife."
"spontaneous decision to be baptized"
"Lord, I want to be baptized, you know, be on the team all the way, make a stand just like you."
"In infant baptism, it's impossible for grace to be rejected, not because of a quality of the grace, but because of the infant's inability to rationally reject the good."
"I always say, Well, yes, I have been saved. Because Peter tells us that baptism now saves you."
"I started to see people get baptized and you know started to become successful as a missionary."
"The infused virtues occur when one assumes you're in the state of grace. Once you're baptized, God infuses all of the supernatural moral virtues."
"Jesus baptizes us in the Holy Spirit."
"Jesus wants to baptize you in the Holy Spirit."
"True baptism is actually of the spirit."
"You have an authority in the priesthood, in virtue of your baptism. Use it. Most powerful form of exorcism."
"You must be born of water and the spirit."
"I was baptized in the middle of the night."
"The testimony, the baptism testimony is a miracle. Are you kidding me?"
"Thank you for the baptism of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in another tongue."
"Apollos only knew John's baptism."
"Luther argues that baptism makes all Christians priests, so ordained priests have no more access to God's grace than the average layperson."
"We're having record numbers of people being baptized."
"During this time we recognize our sinfulness but we also are reminded of The Graces that God has given us through our baptism."
"When people are messing with baptism, you need to stop that."
"That's why it is important to baptize in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ."
"If I didn't get baptized in Jesus' name, I would not feel confident to approach God in judgment."
"When we're baptized, we receive healing, deliverance, and a new experience with God."
"Until you repent and get baptized in water in the name of Jesus Christ, you haven't even started."
"Everybody ended up getting baptized at the end, that's good."
"For all these reasons, I think contextually historically, we see that Jesus was referring to baptizing in his name, and that's why the apostles did it that way, and that's why we should do it that way."
"I organized my own baptism service. I had no service, I made it happen."
"In 2020, one person joined the Seventh-day Adventist Church through baptism and profession of faith every 39 seconds, and a new church was organized on average every five hours."
"We had a lot of folks show up, a lot of folks got baptized, the gospel was kind of I would say the Central core."
"...Gordon's there and he's like oh and it's funny cuz it's raining and it's like it's perfect it's like a baptism..."
"I always felt a little weird about that not that mentally ill people shouldn't be allowed the opportunity to meet Jesus or you know whatever baptism entails only that it seemed like it was just a way of manipulating someone into baptism."
"The old man is dead, and I'm gonna be baptized, buried with Christ, and raised again with him."
"I could have my passport in 4 hours, if that happens you're going to baptize me in this storm"
"...our youngest daughter Samantha has asked to be baptized this weekend so praise the Lord for that all right let me grab the camera and we will get up here and take a look inside."
"There's a trust factor that's involved biblically in receiving the baptism in the Holy Spirit and your prayer language."
"The baptism in the Holy Spirit is described in the Bible as an immersion or as an infilling of the Holy Spirit."
"Being baptized was a happy moment 'cause I knew that I was saved at that moment."
"Baptism does not save you, but it does demonstrate your willingness to obey Christ."
"Scripture commands every believer to be baptized and when you obey God and you say God I'm I'm you commanded I'm gonna do it that is profoundly powerful in what it does to your life."
"If you've not been baptized I want to encourage you to get baptized today but no later than the next week."
"Baptism is as important as the Great Commission because it's a part of the Great Commission."
"Baptism is a command, it's not an option."
"Baptism is not something you do when you feel ready, it's something you do when you've been saved."
"Baptism is symbolic of Jesus' death and resurrection."
"The drowning ritual is very much like the idea of baptism, but harsher and more gritty. It's like the baptism idea, but it's stronger, more gritty, and more real."
"Baptism gets its meaning and its importance from the death of Jesus Christ the Son of God for our sins and from his resurrection from the dead."
"When you think about baptism, think big thoughts. Think huge thoughts."
"Baptism is an expression of faith and therefore for believers only."