
Wealth Perception Quotes

There are 170 quotes

"A lot of broke men are actually filthy rich in character, and a lot of rich men are actually flat broke because of their character."
"Once I had an interview with a private jet owner, and he said, 'My jet is so small... I feel so small.' You have to ask yourself, 'When is enough? How much is enough?'"
"If you don't know you're rich, then you're probably rich because you for sure know if you're poor."
"Do rich people understand the economy better than the rest of us? No."
"It's important that we stop idolizing the rich and start seeing them for what they are—kind of a little sad."
"Being richer doesn't make you better, but it also doesn't make you worse."
"I'm tired of the well, relative to everyone else, I didn't have that much money perspective, because relative to the 90% of us, you're doing just fine."
"Instagram made it a hundred times worse; you could see everyday people suddenly becoming rich and famous."
"There are certain things in life... that make you feel wealthy without actually having to be wealthy."
"It's all too easy to imagine that celebrities live a life of constant fame and money."
"What could have possibly happened in these last 100 years to create a condition where millions of working-class people had almost no empathy for a billionaire in despair?"
"Most people talking about [being part of the one percent] are in the one percent globally, and I just don't think a lot of people realize that and feel that sense of gratitude and perspective for where they are."
"The best measure of wealth is what you have minus what you want, and by this measure, some billionaires are broke."
"I think when it comes to this money thing, a lot of times... people tell themselves a story that they feel becoming rich is... unattainable and therefore they tell themselves, 'I don't want it anyway.'"
"Gratitude is the secret to wealth... it doesn't matter how much money you got if you don't have gratitude."
"A resurrected Jason Todd and this reveal right here has had a major influence over the years."
"You don't need to be rich to live a good life and be able to afford things."
"Money is not the root of all evil, it's purely an amplifier of who you are."
"Real rich is like billionaires, billionaires spend money on a level that we cannot fathom."
"It's hard to believe Banks is worth literally hundreds of millions of dollars."
"I feel like rich people always try to convince people who aren't rich that the way they got there is by being frugal."
"I thought all rich people were like that but I was wrong again."
"Once you identify the problem, you can't fix it, and two, once you do, you can mobilize grassroots, you can pressure congressmen and senators, you can do all sorts of things to change policy."
"Jeff Bezos actually epitomizes a middle-class billionaire."
"Being rich is so much better than looking rich."
"The ability to say no to something is, by far, the better feeling and by far makes me feel more rich."
"Wealth is so normalized that we're all just supposed to equate these objectively expensive and hyper consumerist lifestyles as little lives."
"Does that look like $1 million to you? Looks like a few million."
"Three thousand dollars when you're 20 is like game over. You win. Yeah, I'm the richest guy ever."
"I think debt is like, you want to show off ludicrous wealth, but the moment you run into trouble, it's like a fine line. The moment you run into trouble, people drop you like a rock."
"Money at this point is just numbers... it's just a point system."
"Their energy just smells and looks like abundance in money."
"The difference between being rich and poor is all just in your mind."
"When your business is struggling, do you still feel rich? That would be another example of that."
"Being a billionaire probably feels like playing life on creative mode."
"Money like that is honestly impossible to even comprehend."
"There's a big difference between fifty thousand dollars and a million dollars."
"So your family is like rich, quite comfortable? That is exactly what a super-rich person would say."
"Five million, I would be like wow, that's impressive."
"The ultra wealthy, okay, no I know I get it, I'm rich but I'm not like a billionaire or anything like that right, certainly the powerful elites know something we all don't."
"If you believe a lot of money and fame's gonna make you happy, you never had a lot of money and fame."
"You can only become rich by knowing already that you have enough."
"It's not a feeling. Well no one should, it's not a should. Million dollars isn't that much any it doesn't matter, it's not a moral construct."
"We put too much emphasis on material wealth rather than wealth from our head and our hearts."
"I wish everyone was rich so they could realize money isn't everything."
"You're brokest millionaire that I know, like you're a straightup broke millionaire."
"Don't just be a rich fat dude. You'll get girls but they're going to just use you for your money."
"Wealth feels like joy, like inspiration, like freedom."
"It's only a status game. Be careful, because at some point more money becomes just too expensive."
"You are always as rich as you think you are, and the only poverty is of the spirit."
"With all the money that I did not have, with all the debt... I was always a rich man."
"How you look at going to work changes, how you look at cars and homes changes because you know you can literally print money to pay for that car, pay for that home."
"If you're laughing at a millionaire, the joke's on you."
"Once you get 100 million dollars, it just don't matter."
"Individually we might be poor but collectively we are rich."
"The single mindset of trying to look rich before you're actually rich is what keeps so many people broke."
"Once you change the mindset, you'll change the wealth that you see too."
"Having a lot of money or being rich does not make you smart, unfortunately."
"Most people worry about money. They believe that a certain number will make them feel safe. You don't feel safe with money. Those two things are the same, but you're impervious to that type of risk because you know how to make money."
"I treated myself as though I was rich already, you know, the money out there, man, act like I was already rich."
"You must understand that most of the really wealthy people do not work very hard."
"Freedom mindset is just realizing that you're already wealthy right where you are."
"I'm a firm believer in that if you have to ask for a price you can't afford it."
"Feeling rich is about feeling intentional. You have control over things. You're deliberate about things. You have a sense of security. You have a sense of calm. Things have their place, you have your place, and you're grateful for what you have."
"He's not just a black billionaire he's a black black billionaire tell me if you know what I'm saying right cuz there's black billionaires and then there's black black billionaires he's the blackest billionaire I've met so far."
"Do what makes you happy, you don't have to be like 23 years old with the fucking Rolls Royce."
"Dan is only another spoiled trust fund recipient posing as a beneficiary to the fictional American dream."
"A penny saved is just a penny, and nobody gets rich saving pennies."
"How many people do you know with 100k in their bank account? I'm rich."
"Like oh he does he just makes a lot of money oh that's what he does okay so at least the ones I've talked to it's just it's pretty obvious."
"He's a rich man. Show me the money," says Daddy Blogs.
"Life-changing wealth is different for everyone."
"I grew up really poor and like $180,000 is like so much money to me."
"You're wealthier than you think. You've come to Earth wealthy. You just are."
"You are wealthy in a poor situation; change your perspective."
"As you get worth more and more, the only thing that really changes is that your worldview is so much bigger."
"Rich makes us imagine piles of gold coins in a way that 'wealthy' doesn't."
"China is already considered rich so why does it fail to retain its people?"
"Most people who have real wealth don't normally walk around looking like it."
"Don't think everybody's rich; success is a journey."
"Wealth is relative. Gratitude for what you have can cure the endless desire for what you have not."
"You could be a millionaire net worth and still be poor."
"Don't speak unkindly to yourself the idea of being poor if you have food to eat and can go to the dentist you're not poor"
"Being rich and having a rich life is one where it's not based on what anyone else is making or doing."
"I think being rich is also about having a rich life, not just about money."
"What is money if you're not fulfilled inside?"
"There's no magical amount of money where you will suddenly feel safe."
"If I had like all the money that I wanted like I don't think I would be happy just like spending it on stuff."
"There is no amount of money that could be enough..."
"Money doesn't equate happiness. It doesn't equate happiness."
"You feel rich because you're rich in relationship accomplishment—you feel rich when your family doesn't need anything else because it has enough."
"10 million is the greatest retirement fund most people could ever imagine."
"Trump is a poor person's fantasy of what a rich person is like."
"Most the time yes it does but people always seem to do this if I say something they don't like they're like 'oh yeah we do a thing you'll spoil kid you'll rich your parents are rich you went to boarding school' and like okay okay let's unpack this."
"No disrespect man but unless you are wealthy what you have is assets ain't worth a whole lot."
"I am rich but not in money... I am rich in experiences and lifelong knowledge which is way more valuable."
"Feeling rich and living rich are two different things."
"I just acted as if—I walked around like I had money in my pocket, like I showed up like I was a millionaire."
"We are literally in space floating over the earth because if you own this house that's got to be what it feels like to be this successful."
"Anybody that ever said money doesn't buy you happiness never had any."
"Money is the understanding of abundance itself."
"Stop pretending like you're not rich, you are rich."
"Wealth is accessible to anyone. You are wealthy beyond imagination; you're just ungrateful."
"The more you can cultivate that sense of wealth, that sense of abundance in you, the more you can feel that sense of joy."
"The richer you think and feel the more abundant you seem to become."
"When you talk about trillionaires like Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos, I don't think people understand how real that is."
"Somebody living in a tiny house with zero debt with all their bills paid off is wealthy."
"Cardi will be paid she absolutely will i just don't think she cares like she's rich you know."
"Economic disparity creates a sense of injustice, of unfairness, because people do not think the rich are born rich."
"Work on your consciousness, your subconscious thoughts, healing your childhood trauma, and changing your ideas about wealth and money."
"Poor people don't know real money from fake money."
"Being a millionaire is like, it's not that impressive, it's not that interesting."
"Money but fancy. Don't let that distract you from the fact that those aren't even real rich people in LA are getting lazier and lazier."
"Nobody seems to feel rich, not even people who literally are."
"Is Elon Musk truly the richest man in the world or does the richest person not have their name on a piece of paper because they're that rich?"
"Money buys you happiness right? That is happiness right there, they say money can't buy happiness, well, that guy is not rich, he's not rich enough."
"Until you recover from your financial pornography addiction, you will always miss out on what real wealth is."
"Feeling rich, because this is a mind program. Even if a lot of people would disagree, the feeling that you have inside is who or what you can bring into life."
"I never want to be rich, I always want to be regular."
"Poor people stay poor because they trying to look rich and act rich and rich people stay rich because they act poor." - Crimson Q
"When you see someone driving a Lambo, I'm thinking, 'Wow, he knows something which we don't know.'"
"Feeling rich is the difference between what you can spend and what you do spend."
"People assume that you have money... you just seem like you're destined for success."
"You don't have as much money as you think you do, and if you do have as much money as you think you do, trust me when I tell you, that's not a lot of money."
"It creates this illusion for people who don't come from a lot of money who do want to pursue art."
"But now being here, sitting in this position, saying you know what I've made more than a million, it's a different kind of position because it's like you realize as naive as this sounds, a million is actually not a lot of money."
"I have five dollars. I'm 12. That's a lot of money to have when you're 12."
"The wannabe rich looked down on you for not having money, while the real ones just mind their own business."
"Luxury is rich people selling the idea of being rich to poor people."
"...you always hear the people that are successful like, 'Oh, it's not all about the money,' and a person doesn't have it, experienced it, they're like, 'I don't understand that,' and that's okay."
"It's the illusion of wealth people have."
"Many people would rather look rich than be rich."
"I remember when I was about nine, and I got my first five-pound note from my Nana, and I literally thought I was the richest girl in the entire world."
"If you find something that money can't buy, you are automatically rich."
"If I kept my lifestyle the way it is right now and somebody gave me a hundred million dollars, it would be equivalent to having 50 billion."
"Your perception of what constitutes big money has shifted or changed... huge sign wealth is coming your way."
"Everybody making money and you looking around saying, 'Yeah, most rich people are quiet.'"
"The rich wish to be normal, describing their consumption as reasonable and basic and comparing themselves to those who have more than they do, rather than those with less."
"So you want to smell like wealth, you want to smell rich, you want to smell like you have a lot of money."
"It looks like you're worth so much money, it looks so expensive."
"A million to maybe a 14-year-old probably sounds like so much money, but when you become an adult, you realize that a million pounds... it's still a good amount of money, but it doesn't go that far."
"I consider myself rich in a lot of ways; I feel rich in happiness, rich in finances."
"If you act like you got too much money, you ain't got it, babe, you really don't."
"We always start looking at the billionaires differently during pandemics or times of struggle."
"Most people focus on looking rich more than they do on actually getting rich."
"I think people associate fame and money with success, but I don't think there's really a major correlation between the two."
"Wealth is invisible, the stupid wealth is the flash and dash."
"A million dollars is not a lot of money once you have it."
"True wealth is not seen with the eyes, but with the mind."
"It's so difficult to know whether somebody is rich or not because somebody can be so rich but then they drive just a normal car."
"You do not need millions of dollars to be financially free."