
Investment Advice Quotes

There are 1852 quotes

"Every month I put together this top crypto series to focus on the strongest altcoins for that period."
"I've been investing for years. I've been telling these fools about Apple stock for [expletive] years."
"Buy land... There is a fixed amount of land on this planet... Buy land and have your children hold on to it; it'll only increase in value."
"It's very important to do your own analysis before making any investment based on your own personal circumstances."
"You need to invest your money; put it somewhere, even if anything goes wrong today."
"Nobody has crypto advice that's good unless it says don't invest."
"The only way that you'll continuously grow your account is if you can keep your losses smaller than your profits."
"Don't put your life savings into anything. Never, under any circumstances, do that because it is risky."
"Cryptocurrency is actually a good investment or at least it can be a good investment."
"Investment advisor... someone with the heart of a teacher that will sit down with you and start to explain how basic investing, calm, steady, not Bitcoin, just good steady slow boring investments work."
"Maximize your use of tax-advantaged accounts before investing in non-registered accounts."
"Investing early...is super important. You'll see, as I show you examples, why it makes so much sense to invest as early as you can."
"Be fearful when people are greedy and be greedy when people are fearful."
"Most people don't need a financial advisor for investing... The real value a financial advisor brings is in the proactive planning in tax structuring."
"Green is green if you made a profit and you sell your investment for a profit."
"That is your stock market for beginners playbook."
"Focus. The biggest problem that a new investor has is that they get inundated with too much information."
"Always buy good quality tools. Good quality tools will be more expensive than cheap quality tools, but you need good tools."
"If you can afford one and you've got the funds to then pay for the subscription, then honestly, it's such a fantastic investment."
"If you invest the money and lose some, at least you have something. If you spend it, you go from having something to having absolutely nothing."
"Invest your money. The people you're telling us to save the money with aren't doing that at all; they're investing your money."
"Listening to this advice from Charlie Munger helped me grow my own investment portfolio to nearly half a million dollars at 24 years old."
"You should never put more money in than you can afford to lose."
"Don't sell your life-changing wealth to those guys at a discount."
"Don't bet against Bitcoin. If you want to lose money really, really fast, the fastest way to do so is to short Bitcoin."
"Advise based on the fundamentals of the project whether it's good or not."
"The best advice anyone is ever going to get is 'Buy Low and Sell High'. The thing that people are least able to do is buy low and sell high."
"When it comes to investing, the four most dangerous words in investments are 'this time it's different.'"
"If you paid attention to yesterday's video and acted on my non-financial advice, you would be up over 10% on your investment in a single day."
"Multi-family real estate is a get rich guaranteed system over time."
"Start investing in passive income. You need this passive income more than you need earned income."
"With gold likely to go to 2,500 an ounce this year, now is the perfect time to invest."
"What you want to look for now is good investments that are being hurt not because their investment is on the verge of bankruptcy but because the economy is pushing the price of good investments down."
"The one factor that you cannot change is time. None of us can go back in time and start investing at 19 or 20 or 25 years old, but we can get started today."
"If you believe in scenario one, buy the dip. If you think the Fed is too late and we're screwed, then you should probably sell stocks and wait on real estate."
"The boss doesn't make any money; the investor does. Don't be the boss; be the investor."
"Anything that requires you to invest money...is a very bad idea for a beginner."
"Buy Bitcoin, fine, but you have to own gold as your insurance."
"Bitcoin should soon become an essential part of any portfolio... for investors like you and I and for large institutions like hedge funds."
"The right thing to have done during the late nineties was to move away from the new highs into the new lows, and I think the same is true today."
"Don't go and buy Air Canada without doing all of your own research and don't trust a word I say without verifying it for yourself."
"Never ever ever ever ever ever invest more than you can afford to lose."
"Survive the dips, weather the dips, and celebrate the rips, man. It's as simple as it gets."
"We strongly believe that today's investors are best served working in partnership with a conscientious professional financial advisor who understands the risks in play."
"If you have any doubt, don't do it. You know, the best investments are usually very obvious to you."
"Bitcoin is the best asset to hold, especially with what's going on right now."
"If you're mentally ready for it, then you can capitalize on it by essentially taking profits up here, right here during the complacency during the euphoria."
"No matter what you're looking to do or invest in, we always encourage you to do tons of research."
"Buying real estate is a bad investment right now."
"Don't fight the market tooth and nail; let's make some money with it while we can."
"Buy stuff that you're not looking to flip; buy stuff that you value."
"You need to take profits. I preach this to my audience; you need to take profits because what happened to me, I put in $20k, I watched it go up to like $400k... That could have been life-changing money."
"That's why you need to take profits before we go parabolic."
"Diversification just means not putting all your eggs in one basket."
"No trade signal provider on the planet cares more about your money than you care about your money."
"Probably the best investment advice that I never received but that I've lived my whole life around is surround yourself with really good people."
"The difference between a good investor and a bad investor is a good investor knows how to block out the noise and to analyze the fundamentals that match his thesis."
"For most people, the right advice is to buy a low-cost index fund and hold it for 30 years."
"The best thing for new people is just to get positions in Bitcoin and Ethereum."
"Don't invest more than you can afford to lose."
"It's better to buy quality because even if you buy it at the wrong price, you will still be in the money."
"The worst thing that you can do is buy any investment on emotion. If you're gonna buy it on emotion, chances are you're going to hate yourself."
"Senior assisted living, the best investment in real estate."
"No matter which way you slice it, you have to participate in the stock market."
"Bitcoin is arguably the least risky and it's had a pretty high reward."
"Gold's a great opportunity right now. Great hedge against higher interest rates, great hedge against inflation, and great hedge against the recession."
"Smart Americans diversify. They at least want some of your whole."
"If it does not cash flow, just say no." - Kevin O'Leary
"Taking profits is a huge habit that everyone needs to robustly develop themselves in because if you do not take profits, you will not have wealth at the end of the bull run."
"Renewable energy space as a whole will be one of your safest bets."
"Macro-economic environment matters more than anything. Trust me, one of these two or three years of roughness go away, for those of you that have been diligent and put your money away. You're Gonna Be Rich as hell."
"You want to lean into and be betting on Bitcoin."
"If you think the market's too high right now... you are sadly mistaken."
"We're gonna get past this. There's gonna be periods where Bitcoin goes through these iffy periods."
"Just buy as much as you can because ultimately, all three of these are hedges against inflation."
"It's economics: Buy low, sell high, and never listen to a Republican's advice on anything."
"It's really important, when it comes to real estate, to focus on the specifics and make sure you know what you're getting into."
"Hopefully this guy is going to show you how to flip NFTs, how to invest long-term in NFTs, and also the things you should never do."
"Invest in projects that are super established."
"Housing, I think, is a good bet. It's a smart bet today."
"Just start investing, that's literally the hardest part."
"Never invest in anything you do not fully 100% understand."
"Make sure you're not chasing yield and you're looking under the hood to understand what you're buying." - Ron Gross
"When central banks start printing a lot of money, go out and buy stocks, commodities, and gold."
"Trade management is far more important than knowing when you are going to close a trade for a profit."
"Diamond hands, don't fall for this volatility."
"Historically, gold, silver, precious metals have been a great investment over time."
"Do not invest more than you're willing to lose."
"If you're progressive, if you care about the planet at all, it's a perfect place to put your money."
"JPMorgan came out and said, 'Hey, we're telling our investors, don't buy gold anymore, buy bitcoin.'"
"For you guys to stay through all this, if we do go into a bear market, just remember you always get rewarded for sticking it out."
"Protect yourself whatever your risk and reward is before you get into the trade."
"Either way if you want to do your part for collective net worth figures of your economy, you better start investing."
"It's just been a matter of 'buy the dip' when we get some serious dips."
"Never invest more than what you could afford to lose."
"I think we're gonna see an opportunity to buy gold lower...it is a generational opportunity to buy gold." - Eric Townsend
"We're really getting close to a correction that's going to see prices for the housing market go down, good for possible buyers, not good for people who just recently bought."
"Long-term crypto investing has the potential to create generational wealth for you."
"Make sure you are sharing this with other people who are basically losing money every single year by saving it in the bank."
"Don't stop investing... the only one that gets hurt on the roller coaster is the one that jumps off in the middle of the ride."
"Congratulations on selling your first covered call! Take it small, paper trade a lot, manage your risk carefully."
"You'll know the bottom is in after you miss it."
"The safest place to be, the safe haven investment for every second of the last 5,000 years."
"If your thesis is broken, you've got to be a big boy or a big girl and you've got to cut your position."
"Remember, patience is the easiest way to make money in any market."
"Anyone that sold into the panic, shame on you. It's the worst time to sell."
"If you have all your money in one thing, then you're screwed."
"Build your skill before investing in expensive products."
"Now, that does not mean that you should only buy-- or, really, overbuy-- when the market is down."
"Investing over a 20-year time period has never once produced a negative result."
"It's free for us to hold... it costs them an arm and a leg."
"Don't ever buy a cryptocurrency because you think it's cheap. Looking at price alone is a historically tragically terrible investment thesis."
"People are going to be wishing they had bought the dip."
"It's never too late and it's never too early; the earlier the better."
"Real estate should be part of your investment portfolio."
"Consider other cryptocurrencies, Ethereum, easy choice right there, less risk."
"You should seriously consider where you're buying... there's a lot of supply coming."
"I can see there wasn't anything in history as much of a sure bet as gold and silver."
"Never invest more than what you can afford to lose."
"A word of caution if you're investing in this stock, be careful."
"If you're actually interested in investing, just buy a S&P 500 index fund dollar cost average whatever you got left over every month don't look at it like when you retire be happy."
"Long-term investing is a great option for a lot of people."
"Dividend stocks: companies that have been increasing their dividends for over 50 years."
"Choose a brokerage that wants you to succeed and sees it as a long-term partnership."
"Past performance doesn't tell us what's going to happen in the future."
"Remember every time you want to buy the green think about that versus that and don't be the dumb money."
"A huge buying opportunity if it did something like that."
"That should tell you he knows what he's talking about."
"It is always 100% easier in my experience... to make money when the overall direction is in your favor."
"The most important takeaway from that is... don't worry about the drawdowns because drawdowns don't matter if you don't need the capital tomorrow."
"We're about to see Bitcoin explode, there's no question about it. When in doubt, zoom out."
"That's the way to do it just buy something and forget about it."
"Tired of zero percent bank deposit rate?... I wholeheartedly believe this is going to be the new name... a portion of your money... seven to nine percent back on the money... astronomically completely insane."
"The name of the game is patience. The name of the game is hold. The name of the game is diamond hands because that's the only way you make money."
"At the end of the day, you don't want to double dutch the doge, just hold."
"Crypto is traditionally a more risky investment type... it's really important that you do your own research on these coins before buying them."
"Is Disney a buy right now based off of the possibilities of what they can do?"
"I don't want you to buy any NFTs unless you're already a diversified investor."
"It's not financial advice, but I think it would be a mistake to not hold any Bitcoin at least."
"Never bet against cryptocurrency, never bet against young people either. Final Stand, the true channel of the people."
"So like a warning, right? Don't put your entire net worth into crypto. Definitely a cautionary tale."
"Sometimes you have to be humble and honest and say listen I've got losing stocks."
"Imagine Dogefam united. Buy, but wait for the dip. Doge to the moon!"
"Invest what you're willing to lose because it's a wild West Market."
"Both the passive and the active investor can use skin in the game to their advantage by ensuring that people they entrust their money with are sitting in the same boat."
"Invest in things that you know and understand."
"If you have a fairly diversified portfolio and you pick the right cryptos, you're gonna do well."
"I think one that I really, really like is the... 'I think they should believe in themselves.'"
"Gold's gonna soar... forecasted well above $2,000 an ounce."
"Everybody should have some of their money in precious metals. Do not wait until the market drops more to protect your hard-earned savings." - Ben Shapiro
"Focus on quality over quantity and forget about the PDT rule."
"For those of you that are new, if you're intimidated by investing, just replay the plan: long term invest first, then swing trade, then day trade."
"Do your own research, it is very important to do your own analysis before making any investment."
"Gold and silver are not the complete picture, but they're an essential tool."
"It's probably a pretty good time to diversify into an asset like gold."
"In a world of chaos, wouldn't it be a good time to diversify your investments into precious metals?" - Ben Shapiro
"All the five stocks that I shared with you, these are for long term."
"These stocks can be life-changing shares if you invested them and you know have patience and hold for long term."
"If any correction comes in this company and if you're able to buy this stock at any price near 1200 then I would suggest you should of course go and buy this company."
"I shared with you four companies all are good I told you the good the bad the chart the levels everything I shared with you."
"Tesla stock is the biggest bargain in the stock market that I currently know of. Period."
"Growth DeFi is your next cryptocurrency altcoin gems to help you earn sweet passive income."
"If you're looking for a dirty, dirt easy Bitcoin invest and I think that's the place to go."
"If someone's telling you just hold, hold on baby, hold, hold, they're just idiots, right? They're not gonna help you be successful in life."
"If you feel like you haven't got in the game yet, relax, it's not too late."
"I want you to think of two things, is your token close to all-time highs?"
"Remember that time in the market always beats timing the market in the long term."
"Look for projects with backing from reputable companies."
"Cross Network seems like a no-brainer investment to me."
"Don't wait until end August to buy it; start thinking about what's the next narrative."
"The number one storehold of wealth historically has been gold."
"I think if you hold this kind of portfolio for the next 20 weeks you're going to make some life-changing money."
"It's time you guys invested in something real folks, something that really has a chance to help you reach your goals."
"Sell on the way up, but keep a portion diamond no matter what."
"If you buy into this set and forget it for four years, you're gonna walk away very, very happy with the potential of this company."
"Being greedy when others are fearful, and fearful when others are greedy."
"Invest in the future. The future on the stock market side is what's going on with cryptocurrencies, electric cars, charging stations. Tesla is obviously the leader in electric cars."
"I've told people for a long time, buy assets, leave your assets there. If you are younger, if you should be risk-seeking when you are young, that is the time to do it."
"Is this a buy the dip opportunity Bitcoin dipping down as low as 45,000?"
"I think the safe assumption for an investor in this current environment is that over the next 100 years the currency is going to zero." - Charlie Munger
"If you buy these stocks today, you're going to be supremely happy in five years because you've made a tremendous bet."
"The institutional money is pouring into Ethereum. Don't sell your Ethereum."
"Recognize that you can go long and short. You do not have to be bullish all the time."
"Don't let media fud and don't let social media flood drive you out of the market. Usually, you're your own worst enemy."
"Investing should be a line item in your budget. You should if you take a look at the stock market right now and over the last 100 years there hasn't been a 20-year time frame of investing into it that it has not risen."
"Be careful where you put your money peeps because a lot of cryptocurrencies have terrible foundations."
"Set yourself on the right pathway to growing your account."
"Gold is a better spouse than the playboy polo player."
"It's going up forever Laura I'm not sure if you know what that means but that's the famous Michael Saylor talking to Laura Shin okay it's going higher because it is the best store of value and hard asset in a world where fiat currency is debasing."
"Just keep your investments rolling, even Cardano because I see it going to $350, $400."
"Make sure the buy-in price leaves enough room on the upside."
"It feels to me like that's what's coming. So, okay, but you know, arguably you could say be in cash, but from what you're telling me taking your money out of the market and being in cash would be even worse."
"Anything first and foremost, something that's discontinued, rare. Discontinued, that's where you park your money."
"Gold was built for this scenario, gold was built for this moment in time."
"Take possession of metal. Buy gold and silver. Take possession of it. Look at it as wealth. It's not an investment, it's wealth."
"Gold is a hedge against inflation, a hedge against uncertainty and instability."
"Bitcoin is the rock, the foundation of crypto."
"What are you waiting for, get your gold now."
"Netflix and Tesla are two of the greatest Investments of all time."
"Listen to Kathy Wood. She's really become like a rock star with her portfolio management skills."