
Historical Significance Quotes

There are 3110 quotes

"The single most significant event to happen to that chunk of land, possibly...I'm not a historian, but it feels like maybe."
"The reason we build statues to MLK is not because we are enshrining his personal love life...but because MLK was instrumental in ending state-sponsored discrimination in the United States in a unique way that brought Americans together."
"This period of heightened risk... will be one of the most famous times in the whole of human history."
"It makes you realize just how human this thing was — that they sat down and wrote out what they believed and all signed it."
"World War One was a transformative event in human history."
"People in future ages will look back at this particular time as the greatest moment in human history."
"Madam Speaker, today is an important day. In 1862, during the depths of the Civil War, President Lincoln submitted his annual message to Congress, to this body. And in it, he wrote the following: 'Fellow citizens, we cannot escape history.'"
"We may be at an 1890 moment where if we don't get our act together and save this democracy, how many decades will we be in the darkness again, or will we ever get it back at all?"
"This product is history and will mark a new beginning for technology forever."
"January 6 will live in infamy as a moment where Republicans had to make a decision about who each of them are."
"It will go down in history as one of the greatest games ever made."
"Gay inclusive X-rated 'Midnight Cowboy' won the Oscar for Best Picture."
"This dress is important. It is a signifier of a certain period in our political world, in our social world, and in our pop culture world within the United States itself."
"This is absolutely a moon landing. It will be something that, five years from now, ten years from now, this will be one for the history book."
"Concorde is the greatest civilian aircraft ever built; in the aviation Hall of Fame, Concorde stands second only to the Wright brothers' maiden flight."
"We are in the middle of the greatest year of elections in human history, more people will vote this year than in any year in human history."
"The thing that I love the most about Karahan Tepe is the fact that it's still an active archaeological site."
"The New Testament is the most important collection of books in the history of civilization."
"It captures an important part of New York and American history that hasn't really been told before."
"The presumption of innocence...goes all the way back to the Magna Carta."
"What an amazing time in history to wake up, to be part of this transformative work."
"The American Civil War defines American identity along with the Revolution and the Second World War more so than any other conflict."
"I think what some of these companies like SpaceX and Blue Origin are doing is some of the most inspiring engineering and even scientific work ever done in human history."
"How many people do you think even know where Kursk is? It is a matter of profound indifference to the world whether we hold Kursk or not."
"This could be the most remarkable economic experiment ever in the history of mankind, and we are the beneficiaries because we are in early."
"Yesterday's hearing was historic, it was actually very historically noteworthy and important."
"This is the biggest wealth transfer in history, and we're lucky enough to be here and to be here early."
"The importance of this event cannot be overstated, especially since it might have been avoided if not for a simple misunderstanding."
"This is history in the making. I think we have to appreciate the fact that we are witnessing something very special with this man's career, and we're lucky enough to be part of that process."
"A single Range villa would indicate a wealthy man; two ranges suggest a very rich family."
"A picture is worth a thousand words, but an artifact can be worth ten thousand words."
"So important was his work that today, without his descriptions, 500 years of Eastern technological advancement would have been lost."
"He was a part of something bigger, of something that was a moment in our nation's history that will never be forgotten."
"The 2007 Giants never got their credit as one of the great runs of all time."
"With these words, Jesus began the most famous sermon in history somewhere in this region."
"This will go down in history as one of the most important transformations humans have ever been through."
"Lincoln had elevated to the status of the greatest American the world has ever seen."
"Considering the historic weight of this document, there's only one man on the planet qualified to translate it into English."
"Crypto as it starts building out as an ecosystem, you start to realize that this is now the fastest adoption of any technology in all recorded human history."
"The whole landscape of anime, of this form of entertainment which has grown astronomically, is most impacted by him above literally anyone in history."
"The real meaning of Christmas is not Santa Claus... The real meaning of Christmas is God stepped into human history."
"The first third of the library was comprised of the oldest known copies of the Hebrew Bible."
"When the first settlement is established on a planet circling a star, a planet circling a star other than our own, and the people who live there, whoever they are, are writing the history of how that came to be, I would like for my work and my career to be a footnote in that book."
"Never in the history of the United States Supreme Court has there ever been such a coalescing of momentous decisions that go to the heart of our constitutional republic."
"The glove's Disappearance from visibility did not lessen their importance; in fact, it emphasizes how crucial it is to preserve and maintain such unique artifacts for future Generations."
"But the fact remains that this is one of the greatest human feats of construction ever."
"The Dead Sea Scrolls are known to have great historical, religious, and linguistic significance."
"The Exodus story has endured for more than three thousand years, and the power of its message and imagery is undeniable."
"The earliest record of this philosophical teachings is this hymn from the Rigveda, which is the oldest existing religious spiritual text of humanity today."
"In the history of our planet, no other event so clearly advertises the presence of life on Earth."
"This had a profound effect on the pace of collective learning. Unsurprisingly, the modern revolution soon followed."
"Imagine you're standing where Ibrahim (AS) stood, where Muhammad (SAW) stood...it's something amazing."
"This is a decisive moment in history; the future of mankind depends on what you do."
"The First World War changes the course of human history."
"That symbol is the oldest symbol of resurrection known to man."
"This moment I think is electrified. It will be seen as electrifying in human history."
"It is indelible; it will go down in history."
"Nuremberg still stands as a memorial to international justice, a reminder of the devastating consequences caused by unlawful manipulation of constitutional law for political and racial purposes."
"This is the greatest infringement of civil liberties in our history."
"It's been a seismic time in British politics, probably the most seismic time in British politics since 1945."
"I can't explain what happened, but it's shaped ancient Israel's identity, and therefore I can't dismiss it as a fairytale."
"The seafaring heritage of the Carthaginians remains unparalleled."
"These epics are so good, people have bothered to keep them alive for thousands of years."
"For the last 50 years, the Queen's marriage to Prince Philip has been like a golden thread woven into the fabric of her life."
"The Brooklyn Bridge only exists today because of the determination and resolve of one woman."
"The Kingdom of Israel was established in the 10th Century before Christ, with the rule of King Saul, followed by King David and King Solomon."
"As long as the Colosseum stands, Rome will stand. When the Colosseum falls, Rome will fall. And when Rome falls, so will the world."
"Michelangelo's works and frescoes there on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel...in terms of scope and importance, all of these pieces are second to none."
"Whenever you're the first black anything, it's a big deal."
"It's a absolutely pregnant moment of time where something is coming to birth that has never been thought of before, and we've got a text. Boy, it's amazing."
"Alexandria...in its day and for many centuries the greatest city in the Mediterranean world."
"The new emperor is faced with the momentous decision of either expanding or securing the Empire's fragile frontiers. His decision will come to have colossal consequences for the Empire's future."
"The Creator became a Man and dwelt among us. And His appearance is the central event of all history."
"For the first time in history, common people have had the means to actually influence other common people in large numbers and circumvent not just the priesthood of the churches or the media."
"It revitalized an entire industry, brought it back from the brink; it rescued gaming at its most dire."
"The magnificence extends beyond the mansion, with Friedrich Law Olmsted designing the surrounding 125,000 acres of parks, gardens, and landscapes."
"It's a great pleasure to be here, a building and a room full of history, full of wonderful talks about science."
"The greatest war, however, was fought within the Kingdom itself and would decide the very fate of Bretonnia."
"This simple curiosity I came across while hiking turned out to be one of the most important questions ever asked in the history of science."
"Something that's lasted 2,000 years is probably something worth trusting."
"The Greco-Persian Wars are easily one of the most famous in all of history. It's just such a compelling story of how a handful of small city-states were able to fight off the largest empire in the world that made up half of mankind."
"They are considered fine examples of Greek sculptural perfection."
"Thomas Jefferson came next, and he's considered one of the most important presidents in the nation's history."
"We're in a moment that's different... This is the first time in history where cyber warfare is now in full-scale operation."
"The great bell of Big Ben, one of the most powerful symbols of our nation throughout the world and housed within the Elizabeth Tower also named for my mother's diamond jubilee will mark the passage of the late queen's progress."
"Kim Yo-Jong isn't just the most powerful woman in North Korean history. She's the most powerful person ever to not be a supreme leader."
"The Olmecs, remembered as the 'Mother Culture' of Mesoamerica, have left a legacy that challenges our understanding of ancient civilizations."
"The first genocide in history where its victims are broadcasting their own destruction in real time."
"This is one of those defining moments in American history."
"Technological frontiers are moments when innovation allows a human population to make more or do more or grow more than they did before the innovation occurred."
"G2 is incredible. When this team eventually doesn't exist, then you have missed a massive moment in history."
"It has to be good because it's a one-time shot here when you're dealing with history."
"Every launch, I think I speak for our whole team here at Blue Origin, that you feel like you're a little part of history."
"Around three and a half billion years ago, there emerged creatures that were to change the Earth beyond recognition."
"The end-Permian extinction was one of the most important chapters in the story of the evolution of life."
"It's destined that we're going for the belts. It'll go down in history."
"We lose ideas that are specific to cultures when a language dies. We lose records of time periods and people. We lose stories that were important to them at that time and could still have meaning in our lives today."
"Ramesses II is considered the greatest pharaoh in Egyptian history, and his reign was the most prosperous and extensive."
"This discovery is significant because it's the first evidence that the ancient Egyptians created cheese."
"This to me was a really important moment in movie history."
"Ancient Egypt was one of the greatest and most powerful civilizations in the entire history of mankind. This civilization lasted for over 3,000 years."
"This is the land of Jesus, this is where Jesus walked, this is where Jesus was born."
"This is the biggest inflection point in human history."
"The human is really this his letters his letters I think are along with the the four Gospels the most influential the most impactful the most revolutionary writings that have emerged."
"Marshal Georgy Zhukov enjoys a reputation as the most famous Soviet general of the Second World War and as one of the best allied commanders during the war, and General Eisenhower argued that Zhukov deserved the credit for the defeat of the Nazis."
"The significance of this event cannot be understated."
"Oman, the oldest independent state in the Arab world with a long, complicated history."
"It's the modern largest transfer of wealth in recorded human history that's happening right in front of our eyes."
"This is one of the biggest stories in the history of this nation."
"The King James Version has great dignity, power, and beauty in its expression."
"Don Bluth's musicals are key pieces of musical theater history."
"Monza has this unique incredible Soul. It's just the history of the place, the fans, Ferrari - everything. It's a very, very special place."
"This is important because the people born of this event produced the ancestors of almost all Native Americans today."
"Excavations at the site were led by Tom Dillehay back in the 70s and continued for the next few decades."
"I said in a historical context the big moment was coming at 11 o'clock and when people look back on this in 100 years time this is the moment that they will remember and the rest will be seen by history to be detailed but it is very important."
"But there is one castle more important to Braveheart than all others."
"Bitcoin is the fastest adopted technology in all of human history."
"Never before in history has all of that not only been happening but been possible to happen."
"The scale is well beyond anything that has ever happened in time in astronomy."
"This operation changed the world's concept of naval operations. This is a new stage in the history of naval battles."
"This is the first time that a jury has found former president of the United States liable for sexual abuse and battery in this case."
"Voodoo was the primary tool that freed the people from slavery."
"It's kind of a piece of American history... thousands of men died on the field clutching those."
"Either the constitution matters and must be followed... or it is simply a piece of parchment on display."
"Changing your everyday is the only way to make history."
"Love each other, love our democracy, love future generations."
"It's breathless to say these things, first time in the history of this republic."
"In a match often cited as the end of the Attitude Era itself."
"That is the day that chattel slavery in this country ended for our ancestors."
"The Aurora Borealis have inspired our stories and filled our dreams since long before the beginning of recorded history."
"The peaceful transition of power really is an amazing thing to see, especially in such a time of tension."
"This is where Solomon and David had Their Kingdoms."
"He purified it of its idols, he made it the Qibla, and he returned it to the glory that it was."
"NATO is the largest and most powerful alliance in the history of mankind."
"This stunning act of propaganda would be emulated by all subsequent Olympics. It was an operatic production lavish in scale; it really invented Olympic ritual for all time to come."
"Her cultural impact this Fashion Week is impressive and something that will go down in fashion history."
"A carriage procession of heralds travels to the statue of Charles the First at Trafalgar Square to repeat the proclamation."
"This is likely the largest funeral arrangement undertaken in our lifetime, a grand tribute to the longest-reigning monarch in British history."
"The Network to Freedom advances the idea of resistance to slavery."
"I actually think this is one of the most pivotal moments in human history that it's extraordinary time to be alive."
"It's like the biggest Financial scam in human history one of if not the most the biggest."
"There is no calamity on the face of this earth from the time of Adam till Qiyamah greater than the calamity of the Dajjal."
"The citizens of this country have a duty to stand up to people just like this. This was the reason that this [__] was written."
"How did it survive? The evidence suggests it had Divine help."
"The most significant investment in local government in all of history."
"Expositions are the timekeepers of progress. They record the world's advancement." - William McKinley
"The mystical city of Jerusalem: perhaps the most famous city in the history of the world."
"We are witnessing here isn't just a formidable foe; we are fighting what could very well be the main antagonist of the series as an event of historical proportions."
"This is the greatest opportunity in the history of mankind."
"Air conditioning made life better and completely reshaped the 20th century."
"Juneteenth was never about partying, it was always about freedom."
"Rome, may be the most famous and iconic capital in the world."
"More Democrats voted in the last election cycle than in any election cycle in American history."
"Potatoes provided an easy-to-prepare, nutrient-dense food supply for the Industrial Revolution."
"Hip-hop is the greatest thing since the ancient bards."
"The Watergate scandal: one of the largest scandals and leaks in history."
"There are a lot better people here than what makes the headlines."
"Maria Theresa's son Joseph finally became Holy Roman Emperor and ruler of Austria in his own right."
"The significance of this moment cannot be overstated."
"Armor is more than just fighting equipment, it's turning the wearer into this extraordinary work of visual art."
"I would say the u.s. Civil War is one of the biggest ones behind world wars 1 & 2."
"He's lost his family and handed over the keys of his kingdom to his friend Valkyrie, and according to Marvel Studios head Kevin Feige, she's ready to make history."
"Abdullah ibn Sa’d revealed himself to be a veritable sea wolf compared to his feeble reputation on land, crushing Constans II’s navy in the first true Muslim naval triumph and clearing the way for an attack on Constantinople."
"His rule had changed everything and defined an era coupled with the French Revolution that was among the most important ages in history."
"Here we are at the Cambrian moment, let's just enjoy it."
"Apparently, it was considered a landmark achievement in animation at the time, and I would say it holds up today."
"It's almost impossible to quantify just how much of an impact that studio and this series has had on the games we play today."
"Nassau became an overnight pirate haven, with rogues of all kind fleeing unfriendly ports to congregate on one massive, pirate-friendly island."
"Some of the most important in genre defining games came out on this console."
"Atlanta's spirit rose from the ashes of the Civil War and became a beacon for black liberation and culture in America." - Narrator
"The legacy of the battle is that of a huge victory for air forces over a superior naval foe that was also superior in number with his land forces."
"The ensuing battle, one of the most critical in English history, has become known as the Battle of Hastings."
"They were overjoyed by their find and could not believe that they had unearthed an archaeological treasure."
"Despite its shortcomings, this 18th-century palace has established itself as the first residence in France."
"Fascism is a very real danger... There was nothing that occurred like January 6th in the history of the United States."
"It's possible that a discovery has been found that may rival that of the Dead Sea Scrolls." - Katrina Jordan
"This is an awesome time in history as far as I'm concerned."
"Alfred received London, the city would subsequently become the primary city of England."
"This is a time in history to live for the truth, not to die for it."
"Legends Arceus is going to go down in history as a pivotal and impactful moment in the Pokemon franchise."
"Lucian's 'True Story': the earliest known science fiction book."
"This is the greatest political comeback of all time."
"I had no idea that winning a Miss America Title in 1983 would actually be so significant to people that had lived through the civil rights movement."
"History today letting you know that black life does matter."
"Few inventions can claim to have such a resounding impact on our way of life."
"The impact of bringing the car to the masses brought change to infrastructure daily life leisure work everything really."
"We could see a global financial crisis of proportions not seen for many generations."
"If you strip away Churchill, for instance, from British history, you don't really have British history."
"To say that Street Fighter II was a cultural milestone would be putting it lightly."
"We have decided to bring videos on something nobody talks about: the Black Culture, civilization, history, and evidence about how glorious blacks have been."
"In the heart of the Judean desert, only one hour southeast of Jerusalem, a remarkable discovery was made."
"She will be etched in the marble of those capital walls as one of the truly great leaders in American history."
"You will be the shepherd rebuilding a movement that has recently lost a leader as charismatic as Jesus."
"One of the most important moments in the history of Christianity."
"Greenwood was soon labeled the black Wall Street of America..."
"The Proclamation of the Irish Republic is a hugely important document to the history of Ireland and to the Irish people."
"This was the largest budgeted film New Line had ever made."
"For as long as human civilization exists, this will be taught about in history books."
"It's an extraordinary moment in American history."
"World history as we know it is going to end right here."